Read The First Night (Book One) Page 5

  The late-night moon was full and bright overhead, watching over them as they played and laughed. Will skillfully summoned smooth notes from his harmonica, but he caught sight of the daze in Alex's drifting stare. When she stood to leave their circle, she only told them she was taking a walk. Her team was a bit confused, but unconcerned with the late hour or even that she took no weapon with her.

  Will, however, was worried. He had seen her down before, but nothing like this. Whatever was bothering her, she was taking it all on by herself, though that didn't surprise him. There wasn't much he would change about her, but her insistence of solitude sometimes got under his skin. Any of them could go to her with any problem, while she believed sharing hers would just be a burden.

  Crossing the field and into the woods, Alex took her casual stroll to the nearby paved road. There were few houses out there, but she remembered passing by a beautiful garden park many times before. She wanted to finally take the time to enjoy it. When she went in, it was like stepping into another world. The grass was trimmed and the shrubs well pruned, with flowers along every border. In the center was a small fountain, left on and beautifully lit up at all hours. Already feeling serene, she sat down on a quaint bench to relax and watch it. Her thoughts were aimless by then, but her view of the arcing jets of water soon had to refocus – a figure was forming beyond the sprays.

  With an echoing heartbeat growing stronger inside him, Zeke quietly made his way over and sat at the other end of the bench.

  "Hey," Alex casually greeted.

  "What have you found out so far?" he asked simply.

  Paused a moment, Alex finally replied, "We took out a nest."

  "We've done the same."

  "I've been workin' at this office building downtown," she went on, "I'm pretty sure Odin's runnin' it behind the scenes. Don't know much more than that, I'm afraid."

  A stark silence ensued and the two of them just watched the fountain. It spun and swayed in performance as a few pale lamps gave a subtle glow. Then, Alex looked up at the night sky.

  "I love the full moon," she said of the brilliant scenery.

  Zeke also steered his eyes above, "Why does it give us these nights of peace?"

  "Nature…?" she supposed, peeking over at him as he stared upward. "The people on your team," she worked up the nerve to ask, "How long have they been fighting together?"

  "Bade has been by my side since we were children," he told her, lingering a moment before he dropped his sight back to the fountain to carry on, "Tess and Fitz joined when the Chimera hunts began. Quin, Lenn and Polk are my newest replacements. Odin used to only use Chimeras as protection. The infestations of the cities have taken a number of my warriors."

  "We've never been able to figure out why Odin started releasing them."

  A soft spring breeze coiled and snaked around their bench, rattling the leaves of the bountiful trees of that little park.

  "Knowing what I am," Zeke lastly asked, "Why do you not fear me?"

  Alex tried to think.

  "I don't know," she admitted, "But you want this war with Odin to end just as much as I do. That's good enough for me."

  Just then, Zeke stood and nearly whispered, "You've been followed."

  When Alex turned to see, Father Koen was just entering the garden. She looked back only to find Zeke had vanished without a sound. She was still baffled by all the suddenness when the priest sat down next to her. She didn't even need to look to know he was worried.

  "Will asked me to check on you," he told her, at least getting a tiny grin out of her, "He really looks up to you. It worries him when you act so distant. Remember what I taught you: as team leader, what affects you affects them all. Don't forget that."

  "I know," she said, "Sorry, Father."

  "Is this about those trench coats Will was asking you about?"

  Alex started to shake her head, but slowed. "I'm not sure. I guess it's just weird to see others out there fighting… like us."

  "Makes the world seem not so big after all, eh?"

  "Yeah," she copied his small laugh, but she felt her guilt teasing to bring her down.

  Alex worked hard to hide it well, knowing Father Koen's intuition was unmatched. When the two got up to make their way back to the church, Alex slipped her arm around his and let her head lean to his shoulder. She could still feel that stabbing heat on her back as they left.

  * * *

  As dusk fell the following night, the masked gang was huddled just outside the perimeter of the fencing rods.

  "They finally pulled out the crews investigating the supposed gas leak," said Eddy, "The latest blogs said a couple of workers on the graveyard shift went missing."

  "Then it's time we finished the job," said Alex, and placed her weapon in the center for the rest of them to follow suit.

  Soon enough, the gang was engaged in battle. Alex felt nothing as she killed. She just went through the motions, trying to avoid the violent sprays of Chimera blood in the process. She wanted to believe she kept everything out of sight, but she could plaster on the biggest smile she could muster and she knew Will would see right through it. Though not surprised, she still felt a little slighted that he didn't say anything.

  Even Alex's co-workers at the office facility noticed she was a bit off. Cleaning the security control room, one of the chubby guards asked if she was feeling well. She quickly perked and smiled with a bubbly apology to tell him she was fine. When the guard went back to work, Alex spied her targeted senior executive on one of the monitors. He was in a restricted wing of the building entering a secure room. Seeing that place had something to hide, Alex felt her tangled thoughts tightening.

  The moment she punched out that day, Alex felt ready for the night's mission. Again, she split the gang in two, giving Will full reign over half the team. She felt it matured him on the field. They covered a new district where the thermal photographs had shown Chimera activity and they cleared it out in just a matter of hours.

  With the mission complete and their diverse weapons leaning on their shoulders in recovery, the crew was just passing the threshold of the fencing rods. That was when they were startled still by echoing roars over the barren buildings. They were miles off, but a few handfuls of beasts were calling to their kin for help.

  "Wonder what's got them all stirred up," said Will.

  "They're too far away to worry about," said Alex, trying not to pay much mind, "You guys get back to the church. I've got work in the morning, so I'm staying at my place tonight."

  Without so much as a goodbye, she took the next intersection to head downtown, leaving Will only baffled by her morose manner. She made sure not to give him any other choice. He could only tell the team to follow orders and they went back to base.

  The washroom of Alex's despicable apartment was rather small. Washing the blood out of her clothes, she was quickly running out of places to hang them. Now at the vanity in a clean cotton t-shirt and shorts, she was still scrubbing the pumice hard on her hands, trying to get off every last trace of her horrific nightlife. She was sure one day she would take her skin right off.

  Suddenly, she froze. She heard a noise and it was right outside.

  Carefully, Alex peeked out from the bathroom and saw someone on her fire escape. Grabbing her staff, she left the blade retracted as she tiptoed her bare feet through the front room. She crept along the wall to the pair of tarnished windows and waited as the intruder opened the first one. Then, she lashed out with a solid blow, only for it to be instantly caught, stunning her still. A hooded head then leaned inside, where Zeke looked back at her with a furrowed brow. Alex nearly dropped to the floor as she sighed with relief.

  "I have a door, ya' know," she resisted the tremor of her voice to point out.

  "I already knew which window was yours," he said.

  Zeke briefly looked around at her pitiful new residence. Her only belongings were her backpack and an old mattress with only a sleeping bag. Alex sat on the edge of her shabb
y bed and put her weapon aside. Though hesitant, Zeke took a seat as well, but with proper posture.

  "That facility definitely belong to Odin," Alex began telling him before he could ask, "They've been receiving large containers from somewhere outside the state. I know they're Chimeras, I just don't know where they're coming from. There's a restricted level underneath the ground floor, but access will be risky. Will thinks knowing it's there is enough and that I don't need to work there anymore – but I'm too close to stop now."

  "Why would your comrade want you to compromise your mission?" asked Zeke.

  "He just worries about me."

  "But… why?"

  "We've been together a long time. I found him running from Chimeras when he was just a little kid." Alex found his sudden interest odd. "He's my best friend."

  Zeke lingered on her last word. It wasn't one he had ever used. He then stood tall.

  "Would you join me outside?" he asked.

  He stepped out onto the fire escape and Alex ignored the brisk wind to follow him.

  "There are remnants of human dwellings around that water tower at the western end of the lower ward," he gestured over the city masses, and then veered towards a few concrete smoke stacks in the distance, "And that abandoned mill at the eastern end. Those are nests. My clan has plans for the mill tomorrow night."

  "Then the other one is as good as gone," said Alex.

  "I assumed as much."

  That same old silence waved over them again and they took in the view of the city lights.

  Zeke was almost monotone, "You are wounded."

  Alex quickly searched and finally noticed a small lesion on her arm.

  "The First can follow the scent of blood from miles away," he told her, "It helps us hunt animals in the woods."

  She looked at him then, her face curiously scrunched in confusion.

  "Humans aren't the only ones we feed on," he explained, and lightly shrugged, "They just… taste better."

  Alex wasn't so sure that was meant to be a compliment, but she had to wonder.

  "So…?" she couldn't believe she was asking, "What do we taste like?"

  The sly glance at her measured her timid interest. "It varies," he said, "Most are salty, degenerates are bitter."

  Feeling the rhythmic pulse echoing within him, he stepped up to stand with perfect balance upon the iron railing. Alex was in awe of his poise.

  "The rarest blood, the righteous, is sweet," he said, "…much like yours."

  Alex instantly felt time slow, almost stopping completely.

  "Good luck," he then said, and launched from the fire escape in a flash.

  The air from Alex's lips teetered on a whisper, "You too."

  She couldn't move. She didn't know how to take in what he had said. Then, she started to smile. She was honored that his mere sense of taste had generously labeled her as righteous.

  Chapter Five

  WHEN THE GANG HEARD about the new lead on a Chimera nest, they were all fired up for the big haul. Stationed along the border of the neighborhood near the old water tower, Eddy scanned the exterior of the large house. The wood siding was littered with deep scratches. Once they were sure all was clear, Alex and Will headed in for the first approach, sneaking with caution up to the impressive archway at the property entrance. Alex motioned for the rest of the team to start falling in and they all moved vigilantly. When the leaders posted to either side of the front door, they just looked at each other with pause. They could tell the house was empty. Not a growl or snarl was heard from inside.

  Then, the air was cut from their lungs as a flood of ghastly roars bellowed across the stale sky, wailing like they had never heard before. Struck by instant fear, the gang spun to see every street, alley, corner and cranny blocked with ominous creatures. They were Chimeras, but they were far different from any they had been fighting for so long. The team looked to their leader and Alex jumped to charge straight at their enemies.

  "Mow through!" she hollered, and opened fire as droves of beasts attacked.

  They were sleeker, faster… smarter.

  Alex led their escape with her heavy firepower forging a path. While Will picked up the rear, hordes swarmed in fast around them. They fought back hard, but only enough to keep running. A mass then suddenly blew right between them, scattering part of the team. Alex could only press onward, trying to get at least three of her comrades to safety. When her ammunition was exhausted, the blade of her staff defended their escape down the streets and alleyways. The four of them were so desperate to reach the perimeter of the fencing rods that they didn't dare to think of those they were forced to leave behind. It was a code they didn't like, but one they had to follow to keep their cause alive.

  Spilling from the narrow passage from the confines of the infected district, Gwen and Eddy hustled by as Alex turned to look for Rick. She was shocked to see he was injured and foolishly standing his ground before the coming beast. With a few curses under her breath, Alex rushed back to help him and they struggled to take the fiend down together. When three more arrived, Alex hauled on Rick to run just as one of them pounced. The slice of flesh and splash of blood then snapped their sights back in awe. As boots landed nimbly to the pavement, the hem of a stitched trench coat fell lightly around Zeke's knees. He kept his gleaming stare on the two charging Chimeras.

  "Go," he sternly said, his bloodied claymore ready for more.

  Without another thought, Alex hurried to help Rick up to run.

  Once they made it back to the church, the mood was only dire. Father Koen treated Rick's wounds while Gwen and Eddy watched Alex pace the concrete floor of the fallout shelter. She couldn't deal with the shame that three of her comrades were still missing, including Will. Against all arguments, she took up her weapon to go out and look for them. She retraced their route and called out their names, over and over. Alas, she spotted Noah next to a dumpster. He was dead.

  Alex fought it back, ignored it with all her might, just so she could carry on.

  "June!" she called loudly, feeling a rain shower was coming soon, "Will!"

  She couldn't help but think the worst as her voice started to crack. Then, she heard her name and whirled around. Her heart warmed to see Will, but his youthful face was somber. He was carrying June's little limp body in his aching arms and his steps stumbled. Alex rushed over and helped him set the girl down. She too was dead.

  Will couldn't even speak. He just stared with welling eyes at the body. Alex felt her spirit sinking deep inside. That was when a few howls tore over them just a few blocks away. Will stood straight up with a clenching growl.

  "Now's not the time," said Alex, seeing her words with no affect, "Will!"

  He finally snapped his glare at her.

  The look she gave back was simply serene, "Help me carry them back."

  He knew she was right. As much as he wanted to, it was not the time for vengeance. Reluctantly, he again scooped up June and they went back for Noah.

  * * *

  Veiled in the thick of a forest, a deep cave was well concealed by an overgrowth of vines and shrubs. Tracking through total darkness, Zeke finally returned to his clan. They were still recovering from the many injuries they had sustained that night.

  "We weren't sure what happened to you," Lenn said when he returned.

  "What of Polk?" Zeke asked, spying the others standing quietly over the unmoved warrior.

  "He lost too much blood," said Bade, checking his temper as he refused to look anywhere but at an empty corner of the cave.

  "Put him outside," Zeke solemnly ordered, "The sun shall take him."

  As their fallen comrade was carried away, Bade just couldn't fend off his anger any longer.

  "Why were they so different from before?" he demanded, leveling his glare with Zeke's, "How did they know we were coming? How did they know anything at all?"

  Zeke was unbelievably calm, "I don't know."

  As the others returned, their faces remained empty as voi
ces were raised.

  "Why don't you tell your clan where you went last night?" Bade then said, finally bringing Zeke to attention, "Why don't you tell them how you've been consorting with humans?"

  Every member of the clan was stunned. Zeke sensed all their gleaming eyes on him.

  "It's true," he confessed, shocking them further, "We've no need to fear them."

  "They're probably the ones who set up that ambush," said Bade.

  "They were attacked too!" Zeke barked back, if only to quiet him, "They lost two of their fighters tonight."

  Zeke scanned his nocturnal sight through the darkness, looking at each in his clan. He could see that they didn't know what to believe.

  "Our mission is to eliminate Odin, first and foremost," he wore his reasons like a crown, "I refuse to let anything get in the way of that… even if it means forming an alliance with humans."

  His clan only remained silent. Finally, Zeke had to walk away. He headed deeper into the cave to find a small inlet where he could hide. With their comrade left outside, the sun soon rose and ignited his body. He burned away as mere ash for a morning breeze to carry it off. Zeke just wanted to spend the long daylight hours in the shadows alone.

  * * *

  Alex had gladly swapped for an evening shift at work, so she was punching in later than usual. With night settling in, she headed in to clean the security office, just as the more pretentious one of the two guards left for a bathroom break.

  "You know, you're much too pretty to be taking out the trash," said the rather portly guard at the video feed console.

  Alex took her cue and slanted her stance with a flirt, "What should I be doing?"

  "Well…" he began, and almost started stuttering as she sauntered toward him, "You could… be a dancer."