Read The Flyers Page 2


  The Laboratory


  When I came to, I was in a very strange place. They call it The Lab. Remember what they said about this place. Turns out, it’s a very cold and lifeless place. It smells of medicine. The halls were echoed with the voices of despair and broken lives. It’s a special place for us, freaks.

  It’s like a big factory. With the robots that can kill you and places that will make you get nightmares. A cold place.

  A horrifying place. This is no place for kids.

  When I set foot to see the Lab, its description is just haunting.

  It looks just like a factory prison. It’s so big that its split into four wings.

  The North wing is labs where we are being tested.

  The West wing is the place where we eat and train.

  While the remaining South wing is our cells.

  The East wing is expanded inwards with concrete as our Danger Room.

  A battle zone for us to freely use our powers to fight and train.

  This is no training place. This is a testing place.

  They tested us. Experimented us.

  They had a test range where they trained us. The place was full of concrete. It’s build with high levels and blocks.

  They gave us target practice. They taught us how to use our powers and more importantly, they taught us how to control it.

  Life here is different from being in school. Instead of classes, you get most of your days out and about. Play sports, learn how to use your powers and pretty much sleep. They will have basic education because let’s be honest, they are not monsters. They provide classes of math, science that is relevant to the use of our powers, history which to me does not make sense and English. Days, months and years seemed to melt by since my stay here.

  I was asked to be in a place called the danger room. Where we have our sources to absorb and use to train. The danger room is this huge concrete ring where there is an entrance and a watch tower at the center.

  If you were me, you would try to fire it and cause havoc but the watchtower is amazingly well shielded.

  Shooting it means you’re stupid, you would be brought to a room where you will be pushed till you tire yourself or even die.

  Your powers become your weakness.

  The Danger Room is dark. There was only one spot light, right on top of me. It’s too hard to make out what is in the shadows.

  “I need you to focus if you want to do this.” a voice said. It was a lady’s voice. “Show everything you’ve learned so far to me. No secrets okay?”

  “Mr. Dagger. Mr. Dagger.” I didn’t listen. “HECTOR!”

  I woke up disturbed. “what?” I asked.

  “Show me what am I working with?” the voice spoke.

  Okay. I’ll show her. I placed my focus on a concrete. The costume was horrible. I was wearing an all-white collar shirt and long pants. I blasted a few douse of flames and the concrete figure burned. The fire climbed on the targets but it was going nowhere. Just attached to the surface. I aimed well so far that I began to fuel up and gave a big heat blast. The other remaining targets began to catch fire as it expands like a shock wave.

  “Good. You’re ready!” said the voice. “to do what?” I asked.

  “to become our very own weapon.” she replied. “we will set you free.”

  I’d like that. To be free.

  Knowing I’m not into nicknames I quickly said “Just call me Hector. That will do. I don’t like nicknames.”

  “Hector it is.” said the voice. It has been a week since I was brought here. Some nights we not easy. I had nightmares.

  Dreams of being drowned in fire and that I was helpless to get out.

  I was given even more training every day. They upped the juice and I became stronger and stronger. They checked me up when I am done with my training. To check if I’m still “their” weapon. I know in the back of my mind that I’ve got to get out of here. But I need to be smart about it. For about two or three years, I’ve lost count.

  It’s amazing what years can do to you. I’ve been through a few years without celebrating Christmas, My Birthday. I was hoping for my parents to show up but they never came.

  Some nights, I worried that I won’t get out.

  I’ve been stuck in this place for too long.

  It’s time to get out. It turns out after the events of New York, other governments around the world began set up what they called "The Lab", trying to do what they couldn't in the past, to turn us into weapons. On the outside, they say they are an institute for Convicts in reality, it’s a big factory of freaks with numerous powers. The one I’m in is for Dragonflies.

  In my years in here, I’ve made some friends.

  One of them was Jake Flint. He is a Dragonfly like me. His fire is indigo purple, he’s got spunk. His a really nice guy. He’s like a big brother. He’s been here longer than any of us. This means he is like a senior to us. The color of our fires signifies our inner personality. So far I’ve seen Green, Purple, Blue and even Red itself. They all burn but is only hotter determined by your anger or sometimes other emotions. Example, green which is me signifies the user is neutral person which I am. The doctors suggest that I first used my powers when I was “in-between” with dying and living. Like I will always have my own way on things. Surly enough training was the prove. I did things my own way. This cell only contains all Dragonflies. I was told that there are others. Butterflies, Sand flies, Horseflies and Fireflies. They categorize us based on our powers. So far I’ve only met Dragonflies but I’ve never met anyone else with those other categories but I heard that Sand flies are like rock controllers or something. At least so far that’s all I know.

  “Hector!” Jake called me from a far. I looked up as if I’m signaling him to come over. He marched towards me and sat down on the bench right opposite me.

  He stared at me like as if I know what he wants or something.

  “what?” I asked.

  “they are in!” Jake replied. “who?” I asked.

  “John, Bruce, Blake and uh...Mike is joining as well.”

  “WHAT?!” I whispered a loud. “No way I’m taking a Blue fire. He’s got no guts!”

  Mike was the nerd kind among us. He likes comic books and video games. He discovered his powers when he went out to get snacks and burnt the shop down because of being scared of the cashier asking for the last few cents. Easy to say he is the shy kind who only reveals it when his confidence is up. It’s been years since we’ve been here. No one has ever made it out and we’re going to be the first ones to do it. We are going to break free and get out of here. Tonight.

  “Okay.” I sighed. “but if he screws up, we’ll leave him behind.”

  “deal!” Jake said with a wink. Jake’s fire is indigo because he is more of a peace man. He can only use his powers when relaxed. However, stress in training made him discovered that he could use it when under intense pressure. Like I said. The Fire signifies our inner personality.

  “so how are you holding up?” He asked.

  “been well. You?” I asked. Jake shrugged and moved closer to me.

  “heard they killed another Dragonfly the other day.” Jake’s voice changed from confident to terrified.

  “what?” I whispered out loud.

  “heard is that poor kid, Brandon.” he must have failed The Test.

  The Test is a mental, physical and power stress test.

  Its twice the juice from some of us advanced Dragonflies.

  Its known to have a reputation to kill us Dragonflies.

  Brandon’s death makes it the sixth death.

  The push The Lab has given is getting even more forceful, which is why we need to get out. Most of us are just looking forward to die that way than living in this place. A lot of us either die from all the experiments and tests. But Jake is confident that his plan is going to work.


  The we continued to carry out our training and waited till
the night comes. At 5:00 pm, we had a lecture from our instructor/ warden. Jake was intimating the instructor’s dramatic movements as he began to lecture about dealing with raging hormones. Here, “sex talk” is not like the ones you had with your parents or teachers. They include concerns about your powers as well. After the lecture ended we went to bed. Jake was in the cell opposite mine. He was lying down casually as the guards walked by. There are many things bad about this stink hole. First, the cells. The cells were made of hard metal strengthen by concrete. No bed but a pillow and a small blanket.

  The ground is often hard to sleep on.

  The ground is an undignified spot. It’s hard and its rock solid. Our hands are usually free to move during training but for this case, our hands are well covered by concrete to keep us from using our powers. The hall for our cell is a silent place. Only guards are allowed to enter through here. They have somehow discovered ways to block our powers by only giving us limited amount of fire to absorb. Meaning, the fire we absorb will be just enough for training. Not more is given. In a place like this, you feel like your helpless. It’s very hard to keep your spirit up. But this is our chance. When the guard left.

  Jake stood up in his cell and winked. We’re ready. Jake started to signal the others and the rest began to make their moves. I sat up and took a deep breath and heated up the handcuffs. It melted on the ground cooling off as part of the cell’s floor. Not so tough after all. Good! Now for the bars!

  I pointed my hand to the cell and began firing it.



  I fired again. The fire stuck itself onto the concrete layer slowly melting it off. No sooner after a few more fires the metal bars were exposed, I kept firing like my life depends on it. The fire began melting off the metal bars. Sooner the big concrete and metal cage became broken, creating a big hole. I was free. I walked out and met up with Jake and the others. The room has a lot of space. Perfect for our big boy, Blake to charge out opening a gateway for us. His fire is black. He is said to have it when he was just twelve with his twin brother, Bruce. Jake took out the bars at ease. We sneaked quietly to the end of the cell towards the toilet windows for the inmates.

  “Good. Let’s go!” he nodded. No guards noticed. good. “what about the others?” I asked. “we can’t just leave them.” I was being generous. “We’ll come back for them when we get outta here okay?” Jake said quickly. I hesitated and began running with them. Mike followed us up. He broke his cell by taking down the lock. ‘great, all here.” I said to myself. “that was the easy part. Now to escape, that’s the hard part.” While the others were thinking how to escape Mike noticed a big red button and triggered the alarm that set all the other Dragonflies free. After a split second, the other inmates in their cells began to make and escape and took to the inmate cafeteria.

  “Your idiot!” yelled Jake. “I-I thought we’re all- all- all in this to-to-together.” stammered Mike. The another batch of Dragonflies began to head for the main inmate hall, some to the gym to grab weapons such as dumbbells and dumbbell poles. Some attacked the guard room to steal more weapons. The prison was in chaos! Several inmates got the main cell gate open and began to make their escape. As soon as the main cell gates were open, everyone made a run for it. Jake ordered us to follow another direction to the east side hall.

  Once we reached the east side of the cell hall, Jake began to sprout even more fireballs.



  The wall began to catch purple fire but still not through.



  My heart raced. “This was not part of the plan!” I said. “well you got a better idea? Now’s your chance!” Jake snapped.

  The wall began to give way. KRANGGGG!

  Once the wall was fully breached.

  Jake prepared to jump.

  “Everyone bail! See you on the other side.” I said as I began to sprint. I began to focus. I was heating up. My body got warm and little sparks of fire have begun to light up on my boots and hands. I was ready to fly. Before I even noticed, the fire grew towards my torso and my whole body began burn up. I charged up towards the bared window and the glass shattered. Next was the metal bars. They were forcefully blasted outwards. I ran right pass it all and found myself in the air. Nothing to catch me. But I wasn’t afraid. The fire began to ignite again and I find myself hovering in the air. I started to burn up even more. But before I could make my escape, I was being sighted by the search lights outside the building. A helicopter was hovering a few feet above me.

  “Hector Dagger! Stand down or we will fire!” sound came from the helicopter. “Oh no way!” I scoffed and hovered forward.

  Below me were the other Dragonflies that escaped. They reached to the outside of The Lab. Some were running. Some were attacking the guards. They were attacking them by hand. Before I knew what was going on, the kitchen began to burn up. Several of the escapees ran back in Absorbing all the fire that has been done in the kitchen and shot back the guards. The helicopter above me began to make its move shooting at Jake and the others trying to escape from the hole.

  “Every man for himself!” Jake yelled as he jumped of the hole and flew off. Heavy heart beats were felt among the others. They were terrified.

  I pointed my left arm at the helicopter and fired it. Jake started firing the search lights and hovered down to join the fight. I hovered a bit and took a few more helicopters down. Blake and Bruce, the power twins ran and joined the other side. Using their powers, they brought down a fire rain and took down the east side and bailed. I was in the middle of the fight. I could see if

  We were winning and we were going to make it.

  We are never going back into The Lab.

  At least I’m not. Not ever. Not while I am still breathing.

  I turned towards a few more guards and took them out from above. I then turned to Jake. “do you see that?” his voice betrayed his shock. “how can I not see that? Well, see ya!” he turned towards the forest.

  “what?” I asked. “we had a deal, Flint!”

  “things changed. Time for plan B!” He soared towards the night sky. Vanished.

  I turned back at The Lab and noticed the west side of the Lab burning up letting out a huge black smoke. I got to help fight back.

  It was the kitchen! The fire there was beginning to build up.

  The fight was really intense.

  I hovered towards one of the search lights and started shooting the trees, creating a forest fire. The guards were fighting with this extinguisher device strapped behind their backs and began to fire at some of the other Dragonflies. I used the fire to pull a burnt log out and threw it towards the gate.


  One of the logs landed inside the Lab.


  People ran as the log rolled towards them.

  The gate was forced open and more of the escapades got their powers back and continued to advanced.

  I hovered down into the forest and hovered slightly higher among the tree branches.

  Good thing Jake told us to conserve our fire fuel during training earlier. I saw the fight in the distance and noticed the true power of Bruce and Blake. They created a fire meteorite blazing in the night and sent it down to the Lab.

  The meteorite was about the size of a house and the heat was intense!

  It’s being held at each corners by Bruce and Blake.

  The meteorite spun up rapidly as it makes impact.

  I was watching from a far. This is it!

  The Fire meteorite landed on the earth, thundering the ground!

  A huge heat wave followed like a shock wave after the impact and then,

  Nothing. There was silence.

  No fire, no screaming, no sound. No soul in sight.

  That impact would have killed off anyone in the Lab.

  I assumed that the rest are
dead during the blast.

  I tried not to look back. I was about to cry but at the same time, I’m glad it’s gone. All those nightmarish days. Gone!

  They’ll come for me. I’m sure of it. I have to keep running. I have to keep hiding. I told myself not to think that way, all those inmates. Gone. Dead in an instant. Except for Jake Flint. I’ll find him.

  Helicopters soared and scouted across the forest.

  Spot lights from the helicopter scouted across the forest.

  The pine tree leaves were lid then the light is gone.

  “hey!” guards moved further into the forest.

  “tracks are still fresh.” one guard said.

  They marched towards the path and moved in with caution.

  I was soaking wet. I was covered in mud.

  Got to keep going! I ran to the streets.

  I blasted a blast of fire at them.

  The guards kept running.

  I kept running.

  Finally! After a few miles, I reached a small town. I had no idea where it was but its considered as a safe zone for me.

  I walked into an ally and melted the door knob at the back door.

  Good. It’s a storage room for cloths.

  I took my prison cloths off and changed into a pair of jeans and a worm green collar shirt. I pulled a black coat put it on.

  Its freezing.

  “HECTOR DAGGER!” a voice called.

  Time to move!

  I crouched down and checked out the exits.

  Okay, twenty-seven guards against one Dragonfly.

  I’m almost out of firepower.


  I dared to move out openly.

  “hey!” a guard called. “there he is!”

  The guards fired madly. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

  I ran to a red car and hid behind.

  The glass was shot open. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

  I moved out again. One of the guards fired a grenade against another blue car. I ran further and began absorbing the fire from the exploded blue car. I hid in the next ally and climbed up from the ladder.

  I scouted the guards above and began to leap.

  I kicked my powers and clutched my fist and slammed a huge blast of fire at one of the trucks. The truck exploded.

  I jumped and powered out again and fired a few more blasts of fire and gave a kick against another guard.

  I ran to another car and hid again.


  More shots fired. Out again.

  I tried to find more sources but it seems they learned.

  More guards fired again.


  “We need him alive!” one of the guards said.

  “good luck with that!” I taunted.

  I was worried that I might not make it out alive but being an optimistic person, I brushed that image of dying off my head.

  I crouched and hid behind the guards.

  I sneaked pass a guard and jumped through the cars and began to ran.

  the guard aimed and threw another grenade at me.

  The moment I ran pass the guard.

  The grenade landed in time at my hand but I took a quick absorb towards the grenade with heatwaves shielding it and fired it back at the guards.

  The grenade exploded and gave a big impact at the truck.

  The guards ducked.


  That did it!


  I fired more fire balls and ran to another car.

  Then a solution.

  I jumped up to the sky and powered up again.

  The guards turned up and began to shoot.

  I dogged the bullets and slammed at the center of where they are.

  The ground began to crack and broke off. Green fire broke out and created a hole in the road.

  I stood up and found the rest of the guards fell to the ground.

  The crash almost obliterated the town.

  Lucky there’s no one there.

  No more gun shots.

  No fights.

  One of the guards managed to crawl out from the crash in time.

  He saw me! Fear grew in his eyes after he witnessed the big fire taking down The Lab.

  He pulled out a hand gun and aimed.

  I pushed the gun aside and stared at him.

  My eyes began to glow. I clutch my fists and grabbed him by his uniform.

  I pulled him up and prepared to give him a punch.

  I lighted up the fist

  And gave him a violent pose.

  “consider yourself lucky, but if you call for back up to come after me. I’ll kill you!” I threatened him. He was silent. Face filled with fear. I turned and ran into the darkness.

  I gave out a large sigh and looked up to the sky.

  The stars were shining bright.

  The rain began so subside.

  Time to go.

  I got to get out of here.

  I took a big sprint to the highway.

  By body flamed up and jumped off.

  The flied off to the highway and levitated upwards.

  They’ll be back.