Read The Fortunes of Nigel Page 31


  How fares the man on whom good men would look With eyes where scorn and censure combated, But that kind Christian love hath taught the lesson-- That they who merit most contempt and hate, Do most deserve our pity.-- _Old Play_.

  It might have seemed natural that the visit of John Christie should haveentirely diverted Nigel's attention from his slumbering companion, and,for a time, such was the immediate effect of the chain of new ideaswhich the incident introduced; yet, soon after the injured man haddeparted, Lord Glenvarloch began to think it extraordinary that the boyshould have slept so soundly, while they talked loudly in his vicinity.Yet he certainly did not appear to have stirred. Was he well--was heonly feigning sleep? He went close to him to make his observations, andperceived that he had wept, and was still weeping, though his eyes wereclosed. He touched him gently on the shoulder--the boy shrunk from histouch, but did not awake. He pulled him harder, and asked him if he wassleeping.

  "Do they waken folk in your country to know whether they are asleep orno?" said the boy, in a peevish tone.

  "No, my young sir," answered Nigel; "but when they weep in the manneryou do in your sleep, they awaken them to see what ails them."

  "It signifies little to any one what ails me," said the boy.

  "True," replied Lord Glenvarloch; "but you knew before you went tosleep how little I could assist you in your difficulties, and you seemeddisposed, notwithstanding, to put some confidence in me."

  "If I did, I have changed my mind," said the lad.

  "And what may have occasioned this change of mind, I trow?" said LordGlenvarloch. "Some men speak through their sleep--perhaps you have thegift of hearing in it?"

  "No, but the Patriarch Joseph never dreamt truer dreams than I do."

  "Indeed!" said Lord Glenvarloch. "And, pray, what dream have you hadthat has deprived me of your good opinion; for that, I think, seems themoral of the matter?"

  "You shall judge yourself," answered the boy. "I dreamed I was in a wildforest, where there was a cry of hounds, and winding of horns, exactlyas I heard in Greenwich Park."

  "That was because you were in the Park this morning, you simple child,"said Nigel.

  "Stay, my lord," said the youth. "I went on in my dream, till, at thetop of a broad green alley, I saw a noble stag which had fallen into thetoils; and methought I knew that he was the very stag which the wholeparty were hunting, and that if the chase came up, the dogs would tearhim to pieces, or the hunters would cut his throat; and I had pity onthe gallant stag, and though I was of a different kind from him, andthough I was somewhat afraid of him, I thought I would venture somethingto free so stately a creature; and I pulled out my knife, and just as Iwas beginning to cut the meshes of the net, the animal started up in myface in the likeness of a tiger, much larger and fiercer than any youmay have seen in the ward of the wild beasts yonder, and was just aboutto tear me limb from limb, when you awaked me."

  "Methinks," said Nigel, "I deserve more thanks than I have got, forrescuing you from such a danger by waking you. But, my pretty master,methinks all this tale of a tiger and a stag has little to do with yourchange of temper towards me."

  "I know not whether it has or no," said the lad; "but I will not tellyou who I am."

  "You will keep your secret to yourself then, peevish boy," said Nigel,turning from him, and resuming his walk through the room; then stoppingsuddenly, he said--"And yet you shall not escape from me without knowingthat I penetrate your mystery."

  "My mystery!" said the youth, at once alarmed and irritated--"what meanyou, my lord?"

  "Only that I can read your dream without the assistance of a Chaldeaninterpreter, and my exposition is--that my fair companion does not wearthe dress of her sex."

  "And if I do not, my lord," said his companion, hastily starting up, andfolding her cloak tight around her, "my dress, such as it is, covers onewho will not disgrace it."

  "Many would call that speech a fair challenge," said Lord Glenvarloch,looking on her fixedly; "women do not masquerade in men's clothes, tomake use of men's weapons."

  "I have no such purpose," said the seeming boy; "I have other meansof protection, and powerful--but I would first know what is _your_purpose."

  "An honourable and a most respectful one," said Lord Glenvarloch;"whatever you are--whatever motive may have brought you into thisambiguous situation, I am sensible--every look, word, and action ofyours, makes me sensible, that you are no proper subject of importunity,far less of ill usage. What circumstances can have forced you into sodoubtful a situation, I know not; but I feel assured there is, and canbe, nothing in them of premeditated wrong, which should expose you tocold-blooded insult. From me you have nothing to dread."

  "I expected nothing less from your nobleness, my lord," answered thefemale; "my adventure, though I feel it was both desperate and foolish,is not so very foolish, nor my safety here so utterly unprotected, asat first sight--and in this strange dress, it may appear to be. I havesuffered enough, and more than enough, by the degradation of having beenseen in this unfeminine attire, and the comments you must necessarilyhave made on my conduct--but I thank God that I am so far protected,that I could not have been subjected to insult unavenged." When thisextraordinary explanation had proceeded thus far, the warder appeared,to place before Lord Glenvarloch a meal, which, for his presentsituation, might be called comfortable, and which, if not equal tothe cookery of the celebrated Chevalier Beaujeu, was much superior inneatness and cleanliness to that of Alsatia. A warder attended to do thehonours of the table, and made a sign to the disguised female to riseand assist him in his functions. But Nigel, declaring that he knew theyouth's parents, interfered, and caused his companion to eat along withhim. She consented with a sort of embarrassment, which rendered herpretty features yet more interesting. Yet she maintained with a naturalgrace that sort of good-breeding which belongs to the table; andit seemed to Nigel, whether already prejudiced in her favour by theextraordinary circumstances of their meeting, or whether really judgingfrom what was actually the fact, that he had seldom seen a young personcomport herself with more decorous propriety, mixed with ingenuoussimplicity; while the consciousness of the peculiarity of her situationthrew a singular colouring over her whole demeanour, which could beneither said to be formal, nor easy, nor embarrassed, but was compoundedof, and shaded with, an interchange of all these three characteristics.Wine was placed on the table, of which she could not be prevailed onto taste a glass. Their conversation was, of course, limited by thepresence of the warder to the business of the table: but Nigel had, longere the cloth was removed, formed the resolution, if possible, of makinghimself master of this young person's history, the more especially as henow began to think that the tones of her voice and her features were notso strange to him as he had originally supposed. This, however, was aconviction which he adopted slowly, and only as it dawned upon him fromparticular circumstances during the course of the repast.

  At length the prison-meal was finished, and Lord Glenvarloch began tothink how he might most easily enter upon the topic he meditated, whenthe warder announced a visitor.

  "Soh!" said Nigel, something displeased, "I find even a prison does notsave one from importunate visitations."

  He prepared to receive his guest, however, while his alarmed companionflew to the large cradle-shaped chair, which had first served her as aplace of refuge, drew her cloak around her, and disposed herself as muchas she could to avoid observation. She had scarce made her arrangementsfor that purpose when the door opened, and the worthy citizen, GeorgeHeriot, entered the prison-chamber.

  He cast around the apartment his usual sharp, quick glance ofobservation, and, advancing to Nigel, said--"My lord, I wish I could sayI was happy to see you."

  "The sight of those who are unhappy themselves, Master Heriot, seldomproduces happiness to their friends--I, however, am glad to see you."

  He extended his hand, but Heriot bowed with much formal complaisance,instead of
accepting the courtesy, which in those times, when thedistinction of ranks was much guarded by etiquette and ceremony, wasconsidered as a distinguished favour.

  "You are displeased with me, Master Heriot," said Lord Glenvarloch,reddening, for he was not deceived by the worthy citizen's affectationof extreme reverence and respect.

  "By no means, my lord," replied Heriot; "but I have been in France, andhave thought it is well to import, along with other more substantialarticles, a small sample of that good-breeding which the French are sorenowned for."

  "It is not kind of you," said Nigel, "to bestow the first use of it onan old and obliged friend."

  Heriot only answered to this observation with a short dry cough, andthen proceeded.

  "Hem! hem! I say, ahem! My lord, as my French politeness may not carryme far, I would willingly know whether I am to speak as a friend, sinceyour lordship is pleased to term me such; or whether I am, as befitsmy condition, to confine myself to the needful business which must betreated of between us."

  "Speak as a friend by all means, Master Heriot," said Nigel; "I perceiveyou have adopted some of the numerous prejudices against me, if notall of them. Speak out, and frankly--what I cannot deny I will at leastconfess."

  "And I trust, my lord, redress," said Heriot.

  "So far as in my power, certainly," answered Nigel.

  "Ah I my lord," continued Heriot, "that is a melancholy though anecessary restriction; for how lightly may any one do an hundred timesmore than the degree of evil which it may be within his power to repairto the sufferers and to society! But we are not alone here," he said,stopping, and darting his shrewd eye towards the muffled figure of thedisguised maiden, whose utmost efforts had not enabled her so to adjusther position as altogether to escape observation. More anxious toprevent her being discovered than to keep his own affairs private, Nigelhastily answered--"'Tis a page of mine; you may speak freely before him.He is of France, and knows no English."

  "I am then to speak freely," said Heriot, after a second glance at thechair; "perhaps my words may be more free than welcome."

  "Go on, sir," said Nigel, "I have told you I can bear reproof."

  "In one word, then, my lord--why do I find you in this place, andwhelmed with charges which must blacken a name rendered famous by agesof virtue?"

  "Simply, then, you find me here," said Nigel, "because, to begin from myoriginal error, I would be wiser than my father."

  "It was a difficult task, my lord," replied Heriot; "your father wasvoiced generally as the wisest and one of the bravest men of Scotland."

  "He commanded me," continued Nigel, "to avoid all gambling; and I tookupon me to modify this injunction into regulating my play according tomy skill, means, and the course of my luck."

  "Ay, self opinion, acting on a desire of acquisition, my lord--you hopedto touch pitch and not to be defiled," answered Heriot. "Well, mylord, you need not say, for I have heard with much regret, how farthis conduct diminished your reputation. Your next error I may withoutscruple remind you of--My lord, my lord, in whatever degree LordDalgarno may have failed towards you, the son of his father should havebeen sacred from your violence."

  "You speak in cold blood, Master Heriot, and I was smarting under athousand wrongs inflicted on me under the mask of friendship."

  "That is, he gave your lordship bad advice, and you," said Heriot--

  "Was fool enough to follow his counsel," answered Nigel--"But we willpass this, Master Heriot, if you please. Old men and young men, men ofthe sword and men of peaceful occupation, always have thought, alwayswill think, differently on such subjects."

  "I grant," answered Heriot, "the distinction between the old goldsmithand the young nobleman--still you should have had patience for LordHuntinglen's sake, and prudence for your own. Supposing your quarreljust--"

  "I pray you to pass on to some other charge," said Lord Glenvarloch.

  "I am not your accuser, my lord; but I trust in heaven, that your ownheart has already accused you bitterly on the inhospitable wrong whichyour late landlord has sustained at your hand."

  "Had I been guilty of what you allude to," said Lord Glenvarloch,--"hada moment of temptation hurried me away, I had long ere now most bitterlyrepented it. But whoever may have wronged the unhappy woman, it was notI--I never heard of her folly until within this hour."

  "Come, my lord," said Heriot, with some severity, "this sounds too muchlike affectation. I know there is among our modern youth a new creedrespecting adultery as well as homicide--I would rather hear you speakof a revision of the Decalogue, with mitigated penalties in favour ofthe privileged orders--I would rather hear you do this than deny a factin which you have been known to glory."

  "Glory!--I never did, never would have taken honour to myself fromsuch a cause," said Lord Glenvarloch. "I could not prevent other idletongues, and idle brains, from making false inferences."

  "You would have known well enough how to stop their mouths, my lord,"replied Heriot, "had they spoke of you what was unpleasing to yourears, and what the truth did not warrant.--Come, my lord, remember yourpromise to confess; and, indeed, to confess is, in this case, insome slight sort to redress. I will grant you are young--the womanhandsome--and, as I myself have observed, light-headed enough. Let meknow where she is. Her foolish husband has still some compassion forher--will save her from infamy--perhaps, in time, receive her back; forwe are a good-natured generation we traders. Do not, my lord, emulatethose who work mischief merely for the pleasure of doing so--it is thevery devil's worst quality."

  "Your grave remonstrances will drive me mad," said Nigel. "There isa show of sense and reason in what you say; and yet, it is positivelyinsisting on my telling the retreat of a fugitive of whom I know nothingearthly."

  "It is well, my lord," answered Heriot, coldly. "You have a right, suchas it is, to keep your own secrets; but, since my discourse on thesepoints seems so totally unavailing, we had better proceed to business.Yet your father's image rises before me, and seems to plead that Ishould go on."

  "Be it as you will, sir," said Glenvarloch; "he who doubts my word shallhave no additional security for it."

  "Well, my lord.--In the Sanctuary at Whitefriars--a place of refuge sounsuitable to a young man of quality and character--I am told a murderwas committed."

  "And you believe that I did the deed, I suppose?"

  "God forbid, my lord!" said Heriot. "The coroner's inquest hath sat,and it appeared that your lordship, under your assumed name of Grahame,behaved with the utmost bravery."

  "No compliment, I pray you," said Nigel; "I am only too happy to find,that I did not murder, or am not believed to have murdered, the oldman."

  "True, my lord," said Heriot; "but even in this affair there lacksexplanation. Your lordship embarked this morning in a wherry with afemale, and, it is said, an immense sum of money, in specie and othervaluables--but the woman has not since been heard of."

  "I parted with her at Paul's Wharf," said Nigel, "where she went ashorewith her charge. I gave her a letter to that very man, John Christie."

  "Ay, that is the waterman's story; but John Christie denies that heremembers anything of the matter."

  "I am sorry to hear this," said the young nobleman; "I hope in Heavenshe has not been trepanned, for the treasure she had with her."

  "I hope not, my lord," replied Heriot; "but men's minds are muchdisturbed about it. Our national character suffers on all hands. Menremember the fatal case of Lord Sanquhar, hanged for the murder of afencing-master; and exclaim, they will not have their wives whored, andtheir property stolen, by the nobility of Scotland."

  "And all this is laid to my door!" said Nigel; "my exculpation is easy."

  "I trust so, my lord," said Heriot;--"nay, in this particular, I do notdoubt it.--But why did you leave Whitefriars under such circumstances?"

  "Master Reginald Lowestoffe sent a boat for me, with intimation toprovide for my safety."

  "I am sorry to say," replied Heriot, "that he denies all knowledge ofyo
ur lordship's motions, after having dispatched a messenger to you withsome baggage."

  "The watermen told me they were employed by him."

  "Watermen!" said Heriot; "one of these proves to be an idle apprentice,an old acquaintance of mine--the other has escaped; but the fellow whois in custody persists in saying he was employed by your lordship, andyou only."

  "He lies!" said Lord Glenvarloch, hastily;--"He told me MasterLowestoffe had sent him.--I hope that kind-hearted gentleman is atliberty?"

  "He is," answered Heriot; "and has escaped with a rebuke from thebenchers, for interfering in such a matter as your lordship's. The Courtdesire to keep well with the young Templars in these times of commotion,or he had not come off so well."

  "That is the only word of comfort I have heard from you," replied Nigel."But this poor woman,--she and her trunk were committed to the charge oftwo porters."

  "So said the pretended waterman; but none of the fellows who ply at thewharf will acknowledge the employment.--I see the idea makes you uneasy,my lord; but every effort is made to discover the poor woman's placeof retreat--if, indeed, she yet lives.--And now, my lord, my errand isspoken, so far as it relates exclusively to your lordship; what remains,is matter of business of a more formal kind."

  "Let us proceed to it without delay," said Lord Glenvarloch. "I wouldhear of the affairs of any one rather than of my own."

  "You cannot have forgotten, my lord," said Heriot, "the transactionwhich took place some weeks since at Lord Huntinglen's--by which a largesum of money was advanced for the redemption of your lordship's estate?"

  "I remember it perfectly," said Nigel; "and your present austeritycannot make me forget your kindness on the occasion."

  Heriot bowed gravely, and went on.--"That money was advanced under theexpectation and hope that it might be replaced by the contents of agrant to your lordship, under the royal sign-manual, in payment ofcertain monies due by the crown to your father.--I trust your lordshipunderstood the transaction at the time--I trust you now understand myresumption of its import, and hold it to be correct?"

  "Undeniably correct," answered Lord Glenvarloch. "If the sums containedin the warrant cannot be recovered, my lands become the property ofthose who paid off the original holders of the mortgage, and now standin their right."

  "Even so, my lord," said Heriot. "And your lordship's unhappycircumstances having, it would seem, alarmed these creditors, theyare now, I am sorry to say, pressing for one or other of thesealternatives--possession of the land, or payment of their debt."

  "They have a right to one or other," answered Lord Glenvarloch; "and asI cannot do the last in my present condition, I suppose they must enteron possession."

  "Stay, my lord," replied Heriot; "if you have ceased to call me a friendto your person, at least you shall see I am willing to be such to yourfather's house, were it but for the sake of your father's memory. Ifyou will trust me with the warrant under the sign-manual, I believecircumstances do now so stand at Court, that I may be able to recoverthe money for you."

  "I would do so gladly," said Lord Glenvarloch, "but the casket whichcontains it is not in my possession. It was seized when I was arrestedat Greenwich."

  "It will be no longer withheld from you," said Heriot; "for, Iunderstand, my Master's natural good sense, and some information whichhe has procured, I know not how, has induced him to contradict the wholecharge of the attempt on his person. It is entirely hushed up; andyou will only be proceeded against for your violence on Lord Dalgarno,committed within the verge of the Palace--and that you will find heavyenough to answer."

  "I will not shrink under the weight," said Lord Glenvarloch. "But thatis not the present point.--If I had that casket--"

  "Your baggage stood in the little ante-room, as I passed," said thecitizen; "the casket caught my eye. I think you had it of me. It was myold friend Sir Faithful Frugal's. Ay; he, too, had a son--"

  Here he stopped short.

  "A son who, like Lord Glenvarloch's, did no credit to his father.--Wasit not so you would have ended the sentence, Master Heriot?" asked theyoung nobleman.

  "My lord, it was a word spoken rashly," answered Heriot. "God maymend all in his own good time. This, however, I will say, that I havesometimes envied my friends their fair and flourishing families; and yethave I seen such changes when death has removed the head, so many richmen's sons penniless, the heirs of so many knights and nobles acreless,that I think mine own estate and memory, as I shall order it, has a fairchance of outliving those of greater men, though God has given me noheir of my name. But this is from the purpose.--Ho! warder, bring inLord Glenvarloch's baggage." The officer obeyed. Seals had been placedupon the trunk and casket, but were now removed, the warder said, inconsequence of the subsequent orders from Court, and the whole wasplaced at the prisoner's free disposal.

  Desirous to bring this painful visit to a conclusion, Lord Glenvarlochopened the casket, and looked through the papers which it contained,first hastily, and then more slowly and accurately; but it was all invain. The Sovereign's signed warrant had disappeared.

  "I thought and expected nothing better," said George Heriot, bitterly."The beginning of evil is the letting out of water. Here is a fairheritage lost, I dare say, on a foul cast at dice, or a conjuring trickat cards!--My lord, your surprise is well played. I give you full joyof your accomplishments. I have seen many as young brawlers andspendthrifts, but never as young and accomplished a dissembler.--Nay,man, never bend your angry brows on me. I speak in bitterness of heart,from what I remember of your worthy father; and if his son hears of hisdegeneracy from no one else, he shall hear it from the old goldsmith."

  This new suspicion drove Nigel to the very extremity of his patience;yet the motives and zeal of the good old man, as well as thecircumstances of suspicion which created his displeasure, were soexcellent an excuse for it, that they formed an absolute curb on theresentment of Lord Glenvarloch, and constrained him, after two or threehasty exclamations, to observe a proud and sullen silence. At length,Master Heriot resumed his lecture.

  "Hark you, my lord," he said, "it is scarce possible that this mostimportant paper can be absolutely assigned away. Let me know in whatobscure corner, and for what petty sum, it lies pledged--something mayyet be done."

  "Your efforts in my favour are the more generous," said LordGlenvarloch, "as you offer them to one whom you believe you have causeto think hardly of--but they are altogether unavailing. Fortune hastaken the field against me at every point. Even let her win the battle."

  "Zouns!" exclaimed Heriot, impatiently,--"you would make a saint swear!Why, I tell you, if this paper, the loss of which seems to sit solight on you, be not found, farewell to the fair lordship ofGlenvarloch--firth and forest--lea and furrow--lake and stream--all thathas been in the house of Olifaunt since the days of William the Lion!"

  "Farewell to them, then," said Nigel,--"and that moan is soon made."

  "'Sdeath! my lord, you will make more moan for it ere you die," saidHeriot, in the same tone of angry impatience.

  "Not I, my old friend," said Nigel. "If I mourn, Master Heriot, it willbe for having lost the good opinion of a worthy man, and lost it, as Imust say, most undeservedly."

  "Ay, ay, young man," said Heriot, shaking his head, "make me believethat if you can.--To sum the matter up," he said, rising from his seat,and walking towards that occupied by the disguised female, "for ourmatters are now drawn into small compass, you shall as soon make mebelieve that this masquerading mummer, on whom I now lay the hand ofpaternal authority, is a French page, who understands no English."

  So saying, he took hold of the supposed page's cloak, and, not withoutsome gentle degree of violence, led into the middle of the apartment thedisguised fair one, who in vain attempted to cover her face, first withher mantle, and afterwards with her hands; both which impediments MasterHeriot removed something unceremoniously, and gave to view the detecteddaughter of the old chronologist, his own fair god-daughter, MargaretRamsay.

re is goodly gear!" he said; and, as he spoke, he could not preventhimself from giving her a slight shake, for we have elsewhere noticedthat he was a severe disciplinarian.--"How comes it, minion, that Ifind you in so shameless a dress, and so unworthy a situation? Nay, yourmodesty is now mistimed--it should have come sooner. Speak, or I will--"

  "Master Heriot," said Lord Glenvarloch, "whatever right you may haveover this maiden elsewhere, while in my apartment she is under myprotection."

  "Your protection, my lord!--a proper protector!--and how long, mistress,have you been under my lord's protection? Speak out forsooth!"

  "For the matter of two hours, godfather," answered the maiden, with acountenance bent to the ground, and covered with blushes, "but it wasagainst my will."

  "Two hours!" repeated Heriot,--"space enough for mischief.--My lord,this is, I suppose, another victim offered to your character ofgallantry--another adventure to be boasted of at Beaujeu's ordinary?Methinks the roof under which you first met this silly maiden shouldhave secured _her_, at least, from such a fate."

  "On my honour, Master Heriot," said Lord Glenvarloch, "you remind menow, for the first time, that I saw this young lady in your family.Her features are not easily forgotten, and yet I was trying in vain torecollect where I had last looked on them. For your suspicions, they areas false as they are injurious both to her and me. I had but discoveredher disguise as you entered. I am satisfied, from her whole behaviour,that her presence here in this dress was involuntary; and God forbidthat I have been capable of taking advantage of it to her prejudice."

  "It is well mouthed, my lord," said Master Heriot; "but a cunning clerkcan read the Apocrypha as loud as the Scripture. Frankly, my lord, youare come to that pass, where your words will not be received without awarrant."

  "I should not speak, perhaps," said Margaret, the natural vivacity ofwhose temper could never be long suppressed by any situation, howeverdisadvantageous, "but I cannot be silent. Godfather, you do mewrong--and no less wrong to this young nobleman. You say his words wanta warrant. I know where to find a warrant for some of them, and the restI deeply and devoutly believe without one."

  "And I thank you, maiden," replied Nigel, "for the good opinion you haveexpressed. I am at that point, it seems, though how I have been drivento it I know not, where every fair construction of my actions andmotives is refused me. I am the more obliged to her who grants me thatright which the world denies me. For you, lady, were I at liberty, Ihave a sword and arm should know how to guard your reputation."

  "Upon my word, a perfect Amadis and Oriana!" said George Heriot. "Ishould soon get my throat cut betwixt the knight and the princess, Isuppose, but that the beef-eaters are happily within halloo.--Come,come, Lady Light-o'-Love--if you mean to make your way with me, it mustbe by plain facts, not by speeches from romaunts and play-books. How, inHeaven's name, came you here?"

  "Sir," answered Margaret, "since I must speak, I went to Greenwich thismorning with Monna Paula, to present a petition to the king on the partof the Lady Hermione."

  "Mercy-a-gad!" exclaimed Heriot, "is she in the dance, too? Could shenot have waited my return to stir in her affairs? But I suppose theintelligence I sent her had rendered her restless. Ah! woman, woman--hethat goes partner with you, had need of a double share of patience, foryou will bring none into the common stock.--Well, but what on earth hadthis embassy of Monna Paula's to do with your absurd disguise? Speakout."

  "Monna Paula was frightened," answered Margaret, "and did not knowhow to set about the errand, for you know she scarce ever goes out ofdoors--and so--and so--I agreed to go with her to give her courage; and,for the dress, I am sure you remember I wore it at a Christmas mumming,and you thought it not unbeseeming."

  "Yes, for a Christmas parlour," said Heriot, "but not to go a-maskingthrough the country in. I do remember it, minion, and I knew it evennow; that and your little shoe there, linked with a hint I had in themorning from a friend, or one who called himself such, led to yourdetection."--Here Lord Glenvarloch could not help giving a glance at thepretty foot, which even the staid citizen thought worth recollection--itwas but a glance, for he saw how much the least degree of observationadded to Margaret's distress and confusion. "And tell me, maiden,"continued Master Heriot, for what we have observed was by-play,--"didthe Lady Hermione know of this fair work?"

  "I dared not have told her for the world," said Margaret--"she thoughtone of our apprentices went with Monna Paula."

  It may be here noticed, that the words, "our apprentices," seemed tohave in them something of a charm to break the fascination with whichLord Glenvarloch had hitherto listened to the broken, yet interestingdetails of Margaret's history.

  "And wherefore went he not?--he had been a fitter companion for MonnaPaula than you, I wot," said the citizen.

  "He was otherwise employed," said Margaret, in a voice scarce audible.

  Master George darted a hasty glance at Nigel, and when he saw hisfeatures betoken no consciousness, he muttered to himself,--"It must bebetter than I feared.--And so this cursed Spaniard, with her head full,as they all have, of disguises, trap-doors, rope-ladders, and masks,was jade and fool enough to take you with her on this wild gooseerrand?--And how sped you, I pray?"

  "Just as we reached the gate of the Park," replied Margaret, "the cryof treason was raised. I know not what became of Monna, but I ran till Ifell into the arms of a very decent serving-man, called Linklater; and Iwas fain to tell him I was your god-daughter, and so he kept the rest ofthem from me, and got me to speech of his Majesty, as I entreated him todo."

  "It is the only sign you showed in the whole matter that common sensehad not utterly deserted your little skull," said Heriot.

  "His Majesty," continued the damsel, "was so gracious as to receive mealone, though the courtiers cried out against the danger to his person,and would have searched me for arms, God help me, but the king forbadeit. I fancy he had a hint from Linklater how the truth stood with me."

  "Well, maiden, I ask not what passed," said Heriot; "it becomes notme to pry into my Master's secrets. Had you been closeted with hisgrandfather the Red Tod of Saint Andrews, as Davie Lindsay used to callhim, by my faith, I should have had my own thoughts of the matter; butour Master, God bless him, is douce and temperate, and Solomon in everything, save in the chapter of wives and concubines."

  "I know not what you mean, sir," answered Margaret. "His Majesty wasmost kind and compassionate, but said I must be sent hither, and thatthe Lieutenant's lady, the Lady Mansel, would have a charge of me, andsee that I sustained no wrong; and the king promised to send me in atilted barge, and under conduct of a person well known to you; and thusI come to be in the Tower."

  "But how, or why, in this apartment, nymph?" said GeorgeHeriot--"Expound that to me, for I think the riddle needs reading."

  "I cannot explain it, sir, further, than that the Lady Mansel sent mehere, in spite of my earnest prayers, tears, and entreaties. I was notafraid of any thing, for I knew I should be protected. But I could havedied then--could die now--for very shame and confusion!"

  "Well, well, if your tears are genuine," said Heriot, "they may thesooner wash out the memory of your fault--Knows your father aught ofthis escape of yours?"

  "I would not for the world he did," replied she; "he believes me withthe Lady Hermione."

  "Ay, honest Davy can regulate his horologes better than hisfamily.--Come, damsel, now I will escort you back to the Lady Mansel,and pray her, of her kindness, that when she is again trusted with agoose, she will not give it to the fox to keep.--The warders will let uspass to my lady's lodgings, I trust."

  "Stay but one moment," said Lord Glenvarloch. "Whatever hard opinion youmay have formed of me, I forgive you, for time will show that you dome wrong; and you yourself, I think, will be the first to regret theinjustice you have done me. But involve not in your suspicions thisyoung person, for whose purity of thought angels themselves should bevouchers. I have marked every look, every gesture; and whilst I can drawbreath, I shall eve
r think of her with--"

  "Think not at all of her, my lord," answered George Heriot, interruptinghim; "it is, I have a notion, the best favour you can do her;--or thinkof her as the daughter of Davy Ramsay, the clockmaker, no propersubject for fine speeches, romantic adventures, or high-flown Arcadiancompliments. I give you god-den, my lord. I think not altogether soharshly as my speech may have spoken. If I can help--that is, if I sawmy way clearly through this labyrinth--but it avails not talking now. Igive your lordship god-den.--Here, warder! Permit us to pass to theLady Hansel's apartment." The warder said he must have orders from theLieutenant; and as he retired to procure them, the parties remainedstanding near each other, but without speaking, and scarce looking ateach other save by stealth, a situation which, in two of the party atleast, was sufficiently embarrassing. The difference of rank, though inthat age a consideration so serious, could not prevent Lord Glenvarlochfrom seeing that Margaret Ramsay was one of the prettiest young womenhe had ever beheld--from suspecting, he could scarce tell why, that hehimself was not indifferent to her--from feeling assured that he hadbeen the cause of much of her present distress--admiration, self-love,and generosity, acting in favour of the same object; and when the yeomanreturned with permission to his guests to withdraw, Nigel's obeisanceto the beautiful daughter of the mechanic was marked with an expression,which called up in her cheeks as much colour as any incident of theeventful day had hitherto excited. She returned the courtesy timidlyand irresolutely--clung to her godfather's arm, and left the apartment,which, dark as it was, had never yet appeared so obscure to Nigel, aswhen the door closed behind her.