Read The Four as One Page 11

       They decided to pack up and continue on the trail.  They were able to find a few good branches and split the load on the spare horses.  On the west side of the mountain the trail improved, whereas the east side had collected a lot of snow and the trail was hard to find.  The wind had blown much of the snow into huge drifts that had to be maneuver around.

       The next few days of traveling were about the same.  On the fourth day when they crested a mountain, they could see smaller mountains ahead in the distance that were green, not white from the snow.  It took them two additional days before they were out of the cold mountain range and into the warmer air.  Green trees and bushes were now covering the area again.



       It was a lot nicer to be riding on semi-level ground again.  Everyone was hoping to find a town soon to replenish their supplies, get a nice homemade meal, and a good night sleep at an inn.  They had ridden the better part of a day when they spotted a large city off in the distance.  Everyone’s spirits were lifted by the sight.  The trail joined up with a well-used road, which allowed them to make great time.

       They arrived at the gate a couple of hours before sunset.  As they approached, they noticed it was unmanned and locked up tight.  There was no traffic at all in the area, so they decided to ride around and see if they could find another gate to enter through.  It took them about 30 minutes of riding the road around the outer wall to find an opening.  Tammy pointed out a tower in the distance.  All nodded their head in acknowledgment.  They soon came to the guarded city gates.

       The front of this gate was packed with all kinds of people trying to get in.  Once again it was going to be close for the group to make it in before sunset.  When they made it to the front of the queue, the guard said, “It will be two copper pieces per horse and a silver piece per person to enter.”  Jake searched his pocket and gave the guard six silver coins.  The guard inspected the coins, then pocketed them.  He smiled and said, “We don’t give change.  Enjoy your stay in Wenya.”

       This city was larger than all the others combined, they had visited.  They rode down the street in search of a good inn with a stable.  There were several inns, but all of them had a tavern inside or in close proximity.  Noise was the last thing anyone wanted, so they continued deeper into the city.

       As they rode further in, they enter a very nice section of the city.  The inns here looked well-maintained and not welcoming for rowdy, partying people.  They stopped in front of the Queen’s Inn and decided it would fulfill their needs.  Jake and Sara walked in and found it surpassed their expectations.  The inside was lavishly decorated and very clean to say the least.

       The innkeeper looked up at them when they asked for two rooms.  He said with a slight frown, “Its five silver pieces per room, per night.”  Sara pulled two gold pieces and said, “Fine, we will take two of them for two nights.”  The innkeeper looked shocked and said, “Very well,” his frown turning into a smile.  Jake said, “We need to board our horses also.”  The inn keeper said, “It’s a silver pieces per horse.”  Jake took out two gold pieces and placed them in the innkeeper’s hand, smiled and said, “Very well.”  The innkeeper looked at the coin in his hand and back at Jake asking, “How many horses do you have?”  Sara replied, “There are four of us and father said we should each take two horses for our journey.”  The innkeeper smiled and said, “I will have the livery boy take them.  He will bring your belongings to your room.”  He handed Jake 4 silver coins along with the room keys, and gave them directions to the rooms.

       Jake stopped and asked, “Is it possible for us to get two bathtubs in each of the rooms before we dine tonight?”  The innkeeper smiled, “It’s not a problem.  I’ll have the staff bring them up shortly and fill them.”

       Jake and Sara walked out to inform George and Tammy of the arrangements.  Sara looked at Jake and said in her best snooty voice, “I don’t think father would approve of the two of us bathing in the same room together.”  Jake blushed and said, “Really?”  Everyone started laughing.  They removed a few of their items from the horses and went to their rooms.  The bed was twice as big as the last place they stayed and looked to be a lot softer.

       They were getting settled in when a knock came at the door.  When Jake answered it, it was two staff boys carrying the rest of their belongings.  Jake gave each of them a copper and thanked them.  One of young boys said, “We’ll be right up with the tubs.”  A second knock came shortly after and the two were carrying a large full-size tub.  The boys sat it down and then two other boys brought in a second tub.  Then the four boys began hauling bucket after bucket of hot water to each of the rooms until both tubs were three-quarters filled.  Jake gave them each a silver piece.  One boy said, “If you need anything else, mister, just ask and we will get it for you!”

       Sara smiled, and said, “Excuse me, mister, but you need to be in the other room.”  Sara started laughing, then pointed at the door.  Jake walked across the hall, tapping on the door.  George answered it and smiled.  Tammy pushed her way past him saying, “See you guys in a few.” She went into Jake and Sara’s room and locked the door.




       Jake and George were in the tubs just after they had closed and locked their door.  The water was cold by the time they got out.  It was such a great feeling to be clean, just washing their hair made a world of difference to each of them.  They dressed in the clothes that Ralph had given them, then left to check on the girls.

       Jake tapped on the door and a “Who’s there?” came from the other side with a bunch of snickering.  Jake said, “Bob and John.”  The guys could hear more giggling and footsteps heading toward the door.  Sara replied, “Sorry, we don’t know a Bob or John.  Go away or my father will have you strung up!”  The girls were in rare form, laughing so hard Sara had a hard time unlocking the door.

       They were nicely dressed and both looked stunning with their hair hanging loose.  Jake held out his arm for Sara to take.  Jake said, “Would the lady care to go down stairs for a meat surprise dinner?”  Sara laughed taking his arm, “What would Father say?”  Everyone was now laughing and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.

       Downstairs the innkeeper raised an eyebrow at how well they had cleaned up and how well dressed they were.  Jake took a moment to inquire about having their clothing cleaned.  The innkeeper told him that he would have that taken care of immediately.  They proceeded over to the dining area, sitting at one of the empty table.  The waitress greeted them, and stated the evening meal was roast with potatoes, carrots and onions, a half loaf of bread with butter, and light ale.  Jake said, “It sounds wonderful.”

       The meal arrived with the plates filled to overflowing.  The whole thing smelled like a delicious dream.  They took their time savoring every bite.  Tammy commented, “This light ale is a good change from water out of a skin.”  As they finished, the waitress took their plates and said, “We have fresh sweet rolls for desert if you wish.”  Jake said, “Yes, four please.”

       The sweet rolls melted in their mouths.  George said, “I think that’s the best meal I have ever eaten!”  Sara tease, “Well if my cooking’s that bad maybe you can take over that chore.”  She winked at Jake waiting for George to take the bait.  George started sputtering, “I didn’t mean…uh, I mean you are great…uh…uh…Oh, I don’t know what I-.”  Jake and Tammy could contain their laughter any longer.  Sara snickering interrupted his sputtering, “George I was only kidding.”  As the bantering continued they all agreed how great the meal was.

       The waitress cleared the desert plates and asked if they needed anything else.  George asked for four more light ales.  Tammy looked at him and said, “I hope you have a strong bladder.  It’s is a long way to the outhouse in the middle of the night.” 
As the girls started laughing again, it didn’t take long for Jake and Georges to join in.

       The dinner, desert and ale made for a perfect night.  After paying, they headed back to their rooms.  Jake locked the door and lay down on the bed.  Sara snuggled up to him and said, “That was the most perfect dinner date I’ve ever had.”  Jake smiled, “I would have to agree with you on that.”

       The next day they missed breakfast because they had slept well into the lunch hour.  George and Tammy were already seated when Jake and Sara finally made their way downstairs.   After a light lunch they walked the streets, shopping for supplies and a few extras.  Discussing the needs for travelling, they agreed they didn’t need all three horses they had acquired, so they sold two of them.

       During their tour of the city, they drew near to the tower they spotted the day before.  After taking their purchases back to the inn, they decided to pay a visit to the tower and speak with the head wizard. When they arrived, they requested an audience with the head wizard.  They were informed the head wizard doesn’t see anyone, but the apprentice stated he would pass their information along.  They introduced who they were and where they were staying, then departed.

       They continued to walk through the city in search of additional information about the area they were travelling to.  Most of the information they heard were rumors or folk lore and none of it was pertinent to their quest to find the stone of Yatuku.



       A scroll arrived the next morning, informing them the head wizard request their presence the following day.  Jake paid for an additional night at the inn, which no one objected to.  They enjoyed another wonderful dinner, then chose to go listen to a bard that the innkeeper had recommended.  They stayed late into the night enjoying the music and stories.  They returned to the inn and slept into late morning.

       When Sara awoke, she roused Jake and asked what time they were to meet with the head wizard.  Jake was a bit groggy and it took him a few minutes to locate where he had placed the scroll.  After he found it and reread it, he jumped into action.  If they didn’t hurry, they were going to miss their appointment.

       It took George a while to answer the door and Tammy was still fast asleep.  George woke Tammy up and soon after that the four were on their way.  The walk took them a bit longer than they thought.  When they finally arrived at the tower, Jake had forgotten the scroll and had to explain to the apprentice that they had an appointment with the head wizard.  The apprentice they were speaking to wasn’t the one they had met previously.  It took a while to convince him, but he finally passed the information to the head wizard they were waiting for him.  The apprentice finally returned and said, “Master Doars will see you now.”  The head wizard was much younger than any of them had expected.  Jake explained that Master Tornaze had trained them and they were heading north as instructed.  Jake had cautioned everyone not to mention the stone of Yatuku or anything regarding a quest.

       Doars explained about the attacks that were happening in the areas they were heading.  Several villages and small towns have been overrun by hordes of various creatures.  Doars with great wisdom said, “The Stone of Yatuku is rumored to be in the area of the Dwarven Caverns north of here.  You will more than likely run into some of these creatures.”  Shocked at his revelation, no one knew what to say.

       Jake tried to play it off by asking, “The stone of who?”  Doars said, “I am a lot older and wiser than I look.  I know why you are here.  I received word several weeks ago from Master Tornaze to expect your arrival and to let him know that you are safe.”

       They looked from one to another, not sure of what to say or do.  Doars continued, “We have scouts out searching for the location where the portal has moved since you entered this world.”  Tammy asked, “Any luck in finding it yet?”  Doars answered, “No word has reached me as of yet, but when it does I will get word to you.  Rest assure, we will continue to search until it is found.”  The group now had a disappointed look on their faces.  Doars reiterated, “It will be found, rest assured, and when it is, I will let you know.”  After it was said a second time, it seemed to brighten up their mood a little.  Doars said he would check with various friends and send any additional information he had to them at the Queen’s Inn.  After thanking him, they said their farewells.




       As they were returning to the inn, George said, “That went pretty well.  I just hope he can find the location of the portal for us now.”  Jake agreed.  They walked the rest of the way back in silence.  Everyone was now thinking of the journey that still lay ahead and the possibility of the portal being located.  The walk seemed shorter going back than it had coming to the tower.  Lost deep in thought, they were surprised to find they were standing in front of the Queen’s Inn.

        The innkeeper greeted them as they came in.  Acknowledging him, the four went up to Jake and Sara’s room.  They sat on the bed trying to decide what to do next.  Sara said, “Hopefully we find the exact location of the stone before we leave Wenya.  After that, we still have the problem of locating the portal to get back home.”  Tammy interjected, “That, to me, is the biggest problem we have.”

       After eating dinner, they returned to their rooms.  Just before turning in for the night, a knock came at Jake and Sara’s door.  Jake answered.  Standing before him was a young boy holding another scroll.  He handed it to Jake and left without saying another word.  Jake opened the scroll and read it to Sara: “The stone location is possibly known.  Please meet with me here at the tower first thing tomorrow morning.”  Jake walked across the hall to share the information with George and Tammy.




       The next morning they awoke early, departing the inn just after the sun was up.  The streets were just starting to get busy, so the travel time to the tower was shorter than it was the day before.

       When they arrived at the tower, they were immediately escorted to Master Doars’ study.  Doars said, “I believe the stone for Yatuku is deep in the old Dwarves Caverns, but the entire area is full of evil.  We think it is amongst other treasures the hobgoblins have collected over the years.  If it is there, your saving grace is they do not know the value of what they have in their possession.”

       George asked, “And how are we to get in there to retrieve the stone?”  Doars replied, “If it were only a matter of how the stone could be retrieved, we would have acquired it a long time ago.  No one has had the guidance of Yatuku for centuries.  Without that guidance, the stone is virtually impossible to find.  The area you have to go through is a place you must be very careful traversing.  The creatures of the lands to the north are much worse than any you have seen so far.  There are also places where your magic does not work and some of the creatures that use dark magic.  You must not always rely on your magic to get you through every situation.”

       Sara said, “We had a run-in with a mountain troll.  How much worse can it get than one of those?”  Doars said, “That is a very dangerous creature to be fighting with. Some of the ones you can encounter will be just as dangerous, if not worse.  There are areas that are controlled by evil forces that the bravest of warriors will not even venture into.”  Jake said, “Thanks for the pep talk.  So, if they won’t even go in there, how are we to get in and out?”

       Doars thought for a few minutes and said, “You are the group spoken about in the prophecies.  It states that you can do it, not how or when it will be done.  I know that isn’t the answer you were looking for, but it is all I can tell you right now.  He continued, “Now concerning the caves you’re going to, the hobgoblins are in control and are masters of manipulating the other species.  The last we knew, there were ogres, goblins, kobolds, and hobgoblins within those caverns.  I repeat,
that is what we know of.”  Tammy asked, “What’s the difference between a goblin and a hobgoblin?”  Doars asked, “Have you ever seen either of them?”  George replied, “We fought some goblins a few weeks back.”

       Doars said, “Hobgoblins are very different than goblins.  A hobgoblin is nearly the same height as a human with a round, hairless head that sits atop a wide, thick neck.  They have nasty yellow teeth.  They have long, tattered ears that flank a pair of savage orange eyes. Their skin is dull, gray-green that is coarse with basically no hair. Their legs are short and very powerful. They have long muscular arms and they like to wear brightly colored garments over red and black leather.  One strike from a hobgoblin could kill you.

       Jake said, “It sounds like a nasty creature.”  Doars replied, “They are, and with all the other creatures they control, you will have your hands full if they find out you are in their area.  I am going to send four of my wizards to accompany you.”  Tammy said, “The way you make it sound, we are going to need a whole army to go with us.”  Doars replied, “That you may, my dear that you may.”  Sara asked, “If we need an army, where are we going to find one?”  Doars said, “You are not going to be able to get one.”  Sara just looked at him, trying to figure out what to say about that.  Jake asked, “What good are eight people against all those creatures?”  Doars said, “I’m sure you will figure it out, but your group must remain small if you are to have any chance at all.  If you are too many, then you will draw too much unwanted attention to yourselves.”

       Tammy asked, “So how are we going to fight all those creatures?”  Doars said, “You are not.  You need to get into the area where they store the treasure, grab the stone and get out.”  Jake said, “Everyone keeps saying “the stone of Yatuku”, but we have no idea what the stone looks like or anything else about it.”  Looking at each one, Doars said, “The stone is the color of each of your eyes.  It is said to be the green of all the land and trees.”  Doars turned to Jake and said, “You will be able to feel the stone.  You are the one connected to Yatuku.  It will call out to you as you near it.”