Read The Four as One Page 23

       Once they were in the room and the door was closed, George said, “Now tell me what happened.”  Sara started giggling and began, “Mister big over there was told it was a silver per room. He reached in his front pocket and produced a silver coin rather quickly.  He then spent the next ten minutes going from pocket to pocket looking for a second coin.   Once he found it,” Sara starting laughing a bit harder, then continued, “With the most serious look I have ever seen him give someone, he said, ‘don’t want to keep all that wealth in one pocket you know.’”  Sara was now in a total fit of laughter, which caused the other three to start laughing.  After she composed herself, she said, “But the look on the innkeeper’s face was priceless.  It looked like he wanted to say something back to Jake, but felt too sorry for him.”  Sara lost it again.  She had tears in her eyes and was holding her gut by the time she had stopped laughing.

       After they had calmed down, Sara stated, “I’m hungry.”  She got up and headed to the door.  Before she opened the door, she looked at Jake and said, “I dare you to put a silver coin in two different pockets, walk down stairs, then look at the innkeeper and pat the two pockets, with a wink at him.”  George lost it and added, “Jake, you’ve got to do it.”  Jake just shook his head no.  George said, “Oh, we have a big feathered bird here.  Are we… chicken?”  Jake smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll do it.”  Jake started to leave the room when George stopped him.  George said, “Just let us have one favor first.”  Jake said, “If it’s within reason.”  George was grinning from ear to ear and having a hard time saying, “Let us go downstairs first, so we can see you and the innkeeper.”  Sara began to laugh and said, “What a great idea.”  Jake was smiling and agreed, “You guys are not wrapped tight.”

       George, Sara and Tammy went downstairs and sat at a table that would provide the best view.  The waitress greeted them and was asked to give them a couple of minutes, they were waiting on a friend.  After the waitress left, Tammy said, “We are waiting for the show to begin.”  On cue, Jake came walking down the stairs.  Walking down the stairs would be an incorrect statement.  Jake came flamboyantly strutting down the stairs.  Sara had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.  The innkeeper glanced up, then did a double take.  He gave Jake a half smile, half grimace look.  Jake wasted no time in patting his two pockets, the same two he had retrieved the silver coins from.  Jake took it to another level by holding his finger to his lips and winking at the innkeeper.  That was it.  That was all the other three could take.  The laughter erupted like a volcano.  The poor innkeeper didn’t know what to make of it.  Jake kept the straightest face, walked over and sat down.  By the time the waitress had returned to take their order, the laughter had subsided.

       It was the standard inn meal; meat, potatoes, carrots, onions and spices, served in a large bowl.  The meal included a half loaf of fresh baked bread and a mug of light ale.  It was a good meal, not Fontun good, but eatable.  They finished the stew and ordered another ale.  After the second ale, they sat chatting before heading back up to their rooms for the evening.




       The following morning when they came down for breakfast, there were three men talking to the innkeeper.  He pointed toward the teens and said, “You may want to ask them.”  The three men looked up at them.  Jake’s defenses went up, but he maintained his smile.  As the men approached, the oldest looking one asked, “Are you the ones that stabled six horses last night?     Jake replied, “That would be us.”  The man continued, “We would like to know where you got one of the horses from.”  Jake said, “We bought four in Osto and two of them in Malta; why?  He replied, “We think one of them belongs to a friend of ours.”  Jake replied, “All I can tell you is Master Doars of the wizard’s tower sent us to see a man to purchase them.”  He didn’t seem satisfied with Jake’s response.  Before he walked out he stated, “We’re going to go back to the stable and check that horse again.  You had better hope for your sake that isn’t our friend’s horse!”  George went to speak, but Tammy had grabbed his arm and whispered, “Don’t escalate it, just let them go”

       Jake played it cool and walked into the dining room, he pulled Sara’s chair out for her to sit, and then he sat down.  George followed his lead.  Jake made sure he had a good view of the entrance to the inn.  George said, “That was good thinking.”  Jake said, “It may have been good, but I don’t think they were satisfied with my answer.”  Sara asked, “What are we going to do?”  Jake replied, “Nothing.  We’re going to have our breakfast, grab our gear, and ride out.”  They finished their meals and collected their belongings from the rooms.

       When they arrived back at the front desk, Jake asked the innkeeper, “What can you tell me about those men?”  The innkeeper spoke in a low voice, “They are part of a group of, let us say; ‘less desirable’ people of this area.  They come into town every so often for supplies or just to cause trouble, if you ask me.”  Jake glanced around, got a serious look on his face, and asked, “You think they want my wealth?”  He then patted his two pockets.  The innkeeper just looked at him for a minute with his mouth open.  He finally gather himself enough to say, “No sir.  I don’t think so.”  George kept his composure, Sara stood with her mouth open and Tammy was clueless and not paying attention.  Jake said, “Well, that’s good news to hear.” He looked at the others and said, “I say we head home.”  He turned and went toward the door with Sara on his arm.  Sara whispered, “You know you need some serious help.”  Jake’s only reply was, “Yep.”

       Jake was scanning the area as he played the carefree traveler.  Across the street and down a few buildings, he could see from the corner of his eye that the three men from the inn were talking with two others.  The five were closely watching what the teens were doing.  Jake informed the others, “No one look behind us, but there are five guys now.  The three have joined up with two others.  When we get the horses, we need to ride like we didn’t see them.”  Sara said, “Why not just say something to someone here?”  Jake said, “This area is ‘everyone for themselves'’.  I don’t think we will get help from anyone, but I do have a plan.”  Sara asked, “What’s the plan?”  Jake whispered, “The plan is we get our horses and ride out of here.”  Sara slapped him and said, “That’s not a plan, that’s what we were going to do anyways.”  Jake smiled at her and said, “I didn’t say that was all of it; you interrupted me.  So now I’m going to have to start all over from the beginning.”  George shoved him from behind and said, “We have the first part, silly - ride out of here.”  Jake said, “That’s not the beginning.  It began with, get the horses.”  Everyone rolled their eyes at him, but were also laughing about it.

       They arrived at the horses and assisted the livery boy in getting them ready.  When someone would ask Jake the rest of the plan he would say, “Not here; we don’t know who we can trust.  I’ll tell everyone when we get on the trail.”  No one was too happy with that answer, but they weren’t in much of a position to do anything about it.  When the last horse was prepared, Jake said, “Come on, let’s go to grandpa’s house, guys.”  No one caught the meaning of what Jake was trying to say.  They all mounted their horses and started walking them out of town.

       When they were on the edge of town, George said, “Are we going to make a break for it?”  Jake smiled and said, “Nope.  We are going to walk like nothing is wrong.”  “But they will catch up with us in just a few minutes!” Tammy expressed.  “It will be fine,” Jake answered.  Jake had glanced back several times to see what the five guys were up to.  One had collected their horses and they were getting reading to follow.  Sara said, “They’re getting on their horses and going to follow us.  Jake, what are we going to do?”  Jake said, “We are going to ride a little further, and then they will turn back toward town and leave us alone.”  Tammy exclaime
d, “This is your brilliant plan?  Ride a little while and they will just turn around and go back?”  George said, “This time I have to agree with Tammy.  That isn’t much of a plan, Jake.”  Jake looked at Sara and waited for her to say something.  Sara was grinning at him.  She knew he was up to something, just not what, at this point.

       The five guys gave them a few minutes to leave town.  Next, they rode off like they were going another way, but soon cut back to the trail.  It only took them a few minutes to get back to the trail and ride after the teens.  About 15 minutes in, Jake said, “We should have company in a couple of minutes.”  Jake was right.  No more than thirty seconds later they could hear the sound of horses riding hard behind them.  The five were fast approaching when Jake held up both hands like he was being robbed at gunpoint.  “Don’t look back yet,” he muttered to the others.  When the five men were about ten yards behind them, Jake dropped his arms.  The next sound the teens could hear were the whooshing sound of arrows going by, hitting the trees around them with a “thwack!”  The five men stopped dead in their tracks.

       Jake turned his horse slightly and said, “If you know what’s good for you, you need to turn around and leave now.  If you continue to approach us, my friends will take it as a hostile action toward us and you will die!”  Jake then addressed his friends, “Now everyone wave good-bye to the bad guys.”  The four teens turned around and started waving.  It was just too much for one Jake had spoken to at the inn to handle… first arrows from nowhere, and then to be mocked by a bunch of kids.  He took off after them.  His horse only took two steps before the man went flying off it with two arrows sticking out of his chest.  The other four turned and rode off.

      Jake watched as the one guy laid on the ground, not moving.  Tammy said, “Should we help him?”  Jake replied, “It’s too late for him.  He was probably dead before he hit the ground.”  George asked, “How did you know the wardens would be here to help us?”  Jake smiled, “They’ve watched us the whole time since we left their village, why wouldn’t they be watching us now?”

       Ralnor and the other wardens joined up with them a few minutes later.  Ralnor looked at Jake and said, “I see you have made new friends again.”  Jake grinned and said, “Yes.  It is such a friendly town back there.  They gave us some horses the first time and this time they put on a show on for us.  How nice of them.”  Ralnor shook his head and began riding toward Malta.



       They rode for several leagues before they stopped at a creek and watered the horses.  They ate a quick bite and got their fill of water.  They were back on the horses and riding for Malta, only stopping two additional times before they made camp that night.

       Two days later, as they got closer to Malta, George was dumb enough to say to Jake, “I wonder if your friend is still the waitress at the Frog’s Leap?”  That was it, Sara was red-faced and about to blow a gasket.  She exclaimed, “I hope she is.  Matter of fact, if she isn’t, I’ll go fine her!”  “Why would you do that?”  Tammy asked.  Sara gave an evil grin and said, “So I can practice my new fire-making spell on her underwear.”  George and Tammy both busted out laughing.  Jake rode along with his mouth open.  He finally said, “Sara that isn’t a nice thing to say, much less contemplate doing to someone.”  Sara replied, “I know.  But just think how much enjoyment and entertainment she would cause running down the road with her knickers on fire.”  Jake had to smile at the image, but still wasn’t sure if she would do it or not.  He said, “If you’re a good little girl and don’t set the waitress’ knickers on fire, I’ll buy you a sweet roll.”  Sara threw her nose in the air and crossed her arms like a spoiled little brat, “No.  I want two!”  George adding fuel to the fire, “I’ll buy you three, just to see you do it!”  Tammy smacked him and said, “You get no sweet rolls for instigating trouble, little boy.  Just be thankful I don’t make you stand at a tree with your nose against it.”  Jake busted out laughing.  Sara lost her straight face and started laughing too.

       Ralnor and the others were smiling at them.  Ralnor said, “Now that the journey is coming to an end, I have started to understand the humor in what you four are saying.”  George said, “Oh, no.  Now you’re one of us and will get into trouble and have to stand with your nose against a tree.”  The other five wardens started laughing thinking about a full grown man, a warden at that, pouting with his nose against a tree.  Ralnor shot them a look and they started laughing even harder.   Sara said, “I think it would be cute.”  Tammy added, “Me too.”  Ralnor looked at the two of them like they had lost their minds.




       When Malta came into view the groups split and agreed to rejoin two days later.  The teens stayed at the Frog’s Leap again, but the young lady that had been flirting with Jake wasn’t there.  The stay was relaxing.  They were able to take two hot baths and sleep in one morning.  They contemplated only staying one day, but decided they could use the additional time to rest.

       On the evening of the second night, Sara was cuddled up against Jake.  Jake said, “This is going to be very strange when we go back home.”  Sara asked, “How’s that?”  He replied, “Sleeping alone and not being able to see you all the time.”  She moved in a bit closer to him and said, “Tammy and I were saying the same thing the other day.  She told me she and George wanted to elope.”  Jake tried to sit up, but the way Sara was against him, he couldn’t.  He said, “What?  George hasn’t said anything to me about that…why didn’t you tell me earlier?”  Sara said, “It just happened and I figured they were just joking about it until I started thinking about it also.”  “What, you want to elope too?” asked Jake.  Sara slapped him and said, “No.”  Jake said in a very disappointed and dejected voice, “Oh, I see.”  He received another light slap and Sara said, “That’s not what I mean.”  Jake perked up and said, “So you do want to marry me.”  Sara was about to say no, but knew it was all a play on words.  She only said, “Jake.”  Jake said, “What are we going to do? I don’t want to be without you again.”  Sara answered, “I know what we are going to do right this minute, get some sleep.  We can address that issue another time.  As of right now, I have you in my arms and it’s not an issue.”  Jake kissed her on the top of the head and held her tightly against him.




      The next morning the four ate a quiet breakfast.  They rode from Malta with very few words being spoken by anyone.  When they rejoined Ralnor and the others, the silence continued.  By the time they made camp for the evening, Ralnor had had enough.  He said, “You four have not lost a thing.  You are dwelling in the future and are going to miss out on the best part of your lives, which is now!”  Jake looked at him and said, “How do you know what we are thinking all the time.”  Rotan said, “He is old.  Very old.” Ralnor just gave him a sideways glance.  Rotan said, “Well you are.”  Ralnor turned and smiled at Jake.  He said, “This is very true.  I have been here a very long time.  But as for you four, just enjoy today, you are very young and have your whole lives ahead of you.”  This gave the teens something to consider.

       They settled down for the evening with no one talking.  There were a few words here and there, but nothing of a full conversation.  Rotan said he would cover the all watches this evening; this was his assigned ward of responsibility.  No one argued with him and soon were fast asleep.



       A couple of leagues into the next day’s ride, George said, “Hey Jake.  Why don’t you tell everyone the story of big bad Jake and the wolves?”   Jake starting stammering, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, George.”  He then mouthed to him, “Stop.”  Sara and Tammy were snickering and George was laughing.  Jake wasn’t mad; he just didn’t want to look bad in front of the others
, mainly Sara.

       Ralnor began a tale, “We were tracking this guy one time.  He fell asleep during his evening watch and a wolf snuck up on him.  Bloodfang, the wolf leader, told him he would not harm him if he and his friends helped them clear out some goblins from their home.”  Jake looked at Ralnor and said, “You knew Bloodfang was near me and you let him manipulate me like that?”  Ralnor continued, “Well I think there is a bit more to it than you know.”

      Ralnor glanced at Rotan and nodded.  Rotan said, “Bloodfang and I go way back.  He approached me earlier the day he snuck up on you, asking for our help.  Ralnor told him there was a better group for the job than us and sent him to see you.”  Ralnor said, “I wanted to see how you interacted with creatures and test your problem-solving abilities.”  Sara asked, “So we were never in any real danger by them?”  Rotan said, “No.  The wolves have long ago stopped attacking people.  When Bloodfang and his pack have a problem too big to deal with, he seeks me out.”  Jake said, “Oh, so that is why you took the watches last night…the wolves are nearby?”  Rotan grinned, “They are in the area, but not near.  They roam in the evening and will watch our camp while we sleep.”  Sara said, “That’s cool.  I like it a lot better when they’re around.  They see and hear everything from a good distance away and are quick to warn about dangers in the area.”  Rotan nodded, letting Sara know she was correct in her assumption.




       The wizard’s tower of Tumed Osto was the first of the town that could be seen on the horizon, but it took several hours to arrive after they had first spotted the spires.  As they approached, George thought aloud, “I wonder how Franz, Maria and their kids are doing?”  Tammy looked at him and said, “Where did that come from?”  Jake and Sara could see that George was uncomfortable with the question, so they didn’t push it.  Jake said, “It will be nice to see them and Mr. Ralph again too.”