Read The Four as One Page 6


       The forest was soon just a few trees and the flat land gave way to grass-covered, rolling hills.  The hills were covered in various colors from the fresh grass to the brilliant flowers.  The trail was now totally gone.  George asked, “Now what?”  Sara replied, “West.”  Then she pointed north.  Jake shook his head and said, “Remind me when we get back that if we travel somewhere not to let you have the map.”  Sara asked, “And what is that supposed to mean?”  Jake smiled at her and said, “West is that way, dear.”  Rolling her eyes she said, “Well, old wise one, lead on.”  George and Tammy snickered looking at the ground, tried to contain their laughter.  Jake stuck his tongue out at Sara, turned and started walking once again.


       The cool trip in the shadowed forest, now changed into a walk in the direct sunlight.  The sun was beating down on them and the temperature was at least 10 to 15 degrees hotter.  The up-and-down, hill after hill, was starting to get old.  The grass was about a foot high; it didn’t slow them much, but it made their legs more tired for having to battle it.  About three leagues after leaving the forest they caught sight of a road.

       They walked toward it with a bit more vigor than before.  The road was running northwest to south.  Once they got to it, and saw its directions, they had to decide if they should follow it to the northwest or keep heading west through the underbrush.  After a bit of a debate, they decided to follow the road northwest.



       After traveling about a half hour, the road finally turned toward the west.  Other roads started joining in and soon there were a lot of people heading west.  Most of them appeared to be farmers or merchants taking their goods to the city.  The group stayed to themselves and would only wave back if someone waived or said something to them.  They kept their conversations to a minimum and when they did talk, it was in only to themselves in very low tones and away from other people.

       The village that Ralnor had spoken about was now coming into view.  What little they could see of it looked to be a fairly large city, not a village.  It was early evening and the sun was getting lower on the horizon.  An old man that had been walking near them for several miles said, “We should be able to make it to the gate before it closes for the night.”  Without thinking, George said, “When does it close?”  The old man never looked at him and said, “When the sun sets and it will remain closed until first light of day”




       They were still a ways from the entrance, when they noticed the city guards were outside the gate lighting the torches. The old man said, “We may not make it in time.”  Tammy said, “I think I would prefer to sleep in a bed tonight, rather than on the cold hard ground outside the gate.”  Sara replied, “I agree!  Let’s get a move on.”  The group quickened their pace.  Jake looked back to see the old man was unable to keep up and was struggling.  Jake turned to George and said, “Let’s give the gentleman a hand.”

       Both guys turned back and assisted him toward the gate.  No more than 30 seconds after they entered the gate, the guards stopped the people from entering and shut the gate.  The old man turned to the group and said, “Welcome to Tumed Osto.  My wife will be so glad to see me tonight.  I thank you fine gentlemen for helping me make it through in time.  Do you have a place to stay tonight?”  Jake said, “You’re welcome, and we will need to find a place to stay, like an inn.”  The old man said, “My name is Ralph. Tonight you will be my guests and stay at my house.”  Jake replied, “We thank you for the offer, but we don’t want to inconvenience you or your wife.  We should be able to find lodging in town.”  Shaking his head, Ralph replied, “With the midsummer tournaments going on, rooms are hard to find and overpriced.  You young people will stay at my house and I’ll not take no for an answer.”  He smiled at them as they headed deeper into the city.

       This area of the city appeared to be poor and rundown.  The streets were filled with trash and junk was piled all over the place.  Vendors were trying to sell cheap wares and food from makeshift booths.  Most of the people moving amongst the setting, were rough and looked of an unscrupulous nature. After walking about 20 minutes, the group approached a second set of gates.  Ralph greeted the guard and walked right through.  Jake was walking just a few feet behind Ralph.  When Jake tried to follow Ralph through, the guard stepped in front of him and said, “Where do you think you’re going?”  Without looking back Ralph said, “They’re with me.”  The guard moved aside and said. “Sorry, sir.”

       Unlike the previous section, the streets past the gates were well lit and very clean.  The houses were five to ten times the size of the houses in the grimier area.  The teens were in awe as they passed some of the houses.  Jake whispered to Sara, “Just looking at Ralph, I thought he lived in the bad section.”  Ralph said, “Don’t judge a scroll by the color of its outside.  It may contain something valuable inside.”  Jake had barely even whispered and Ralph was a good 20 feet in front and still heard him.

       Ralph walked toward what looked like the biggest house around and went inside, the teens followed.  The butler greeted him with, “Welcome home, Master Stronghold.”  Ralph said, “And good evening to you, Thomas.  We have guests for the evening.”  Ralph nodded back toward the four teens behind him.  Thomas said, “Very well, sir.  Where is your horse Master Stronghold?”  “He broke a leg down the road, and I had to put the old fellow down.” he replied.  Within moments of his arrival they heard a female’s voice coming from upstairs saying, “Ralph, is that you?”  Ralph’s wife came down the stairs looking radiant and graceful as befit a woman of high status.

       She ran over and greeted Ralph with a hug and a kiss.  Ralph began the introductions by saying, “My friends, this is my lovely bride, Emma.”  Emma looked at the group questionably, but greeted them as a gracious hostess would.  Ralph explained to Emma that if it hadn’t been for the kids, he would have been trapped on the outside of the gate.  Emma’s view of them quickly changed and her behavior showed gratitude.

       Emma summonsed a kitchen aide and said, “Please prepare us something to eat.  Ralph joined in, “I know I’m famished, how about you guys?”  George said, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”  Ralph, his wife and several staff members were now frowning and giving him a disgusted look.  Jake saw their reaction and quickly said, “He wouldn’t actually eat a horse.  It’s an expression where we are from.”




       Shortly after the serving girl announced dinner was ready.  Tammy asked, “Is there a bathroom where I can freshen up before dinner?”  Emma said, “You haven’t time for a bath as dinner will be cold.”  Tammy blushed and said, “No, I would just like to wash my hands and face before I eat dinner.”  Emma remarked to Ralph, “Your friends have some very strange sayings.”  Ralph nodded and said, “They come from far away, my dear.”  Jake froze, he was wondering if someone had said something to him about their home.

       The group sat down and had a great meal.  After the meal Ralph escorted them to a sitting room.  Once everyone was seated, Ralph said, “I know you are not from this area.  Where is your home?”  Everyone looked a bit shocked and looked toward Jake to provide an answer.  Ralph looked at Jake.  Jake said, “We come from a place far away?”  Ralph smiled and said, “I know this, and I know you are not part of our world.”  Jake was a bit shocked and said, “True, we came through a mountain on the other side of Alalda Ostar, a couple of days ago.  We were just out exploring in our world, when we found the mountain entrance by accident and started to explore.  We exited out of the mountain, when Ralnor stumbled upon us and took us to Alalda Ostar.  They equipped us and sent us on our way.”  Jake was hoping no one would say they were on a quest.

       Ralph took a minute to digest what was said, then finally r
eplied, “The Elven town of Alalda Ostar.  Alalda Ostar is translated as, the treetop township.  You are the ones they have been speaking of for centuries.”  He got up and walked into a study.  A few minutes went by when he returned with an old book.  The book was written in a language that George, Sara and Tammy could not read.  Jake looked at the book and read the title: “Prophecies from the High Priest of Orion.”  Ralph gently laid the book on a table and thumbed through the pages until he found “the” prophecy. 

      Ralph said, “The prophecy states the four, as one, will go where no one else can.  They will cross the vastness of the frozen mountains to the green lands.  Deep inside the caverns contain many things they seek.  When the four return, balance will be restored.”  Ralph then closed the book and sat it on a desk.  Jake just looked at him for several minutes before he asked, “That’s all it has to say?”  Ralph replied, “That is all that this book has written about it.  There are other books that have more information, but I do not have any of them.”  The others sat in stunned silence as they continued to talk.

       After several minutes of small talk Ralph said, “I am sure you would like to get cleaned up.”  The kids were shown to their rooms and Ralph had baths drawn for each of them.  When they finished bathing, each found clothes laid out for them.  The clothes provided, fit everyone reasonably well.  With everyone being cleaned and refreshed, they returned to the sitting room. 

       Tammy and Sara were discussing how they missed home.  George was excited about all the day’s events and had a hard time remaining still.  Jake tried to participate in all the conversations, but was preoccupied with what Ralph had revealed.  After a couple of hours, Tammy started yawning, and they decided it was time to call it a night.



      The following day, Ralph gave the group a tour of the city.  This was like cities that they had read about in fantasy books.  The sights went from luxurious in the upper gated area, to working-class beyond the gate, to poverty on the outskirts.  The group went in and out of various shops looking at the items on display.  Ralph took them into a bakery purchasing a bag of sweet rolls. It didn’t take them long to devour the rolls.  Ralph wondered if any of them had even tasted the rolls on the way down.

       Near the north end of the city was a tall, dark stone tower with very few windows.  “What is that place?” asked George. Ralph answered, “The Osto Wizard Tower.”  “Real magic?” inquired Sara.  Ralph answered, “Yes, real magic, why ask that?” but then stopped, realizing the kids didn’t know how things worked in this world.  He continued with, “Magic is a big part of our world.  This is one of a few towers, in all the cities of our world, where magic is used for good.”  Jake asked, “Are we allowed inside?”  “Few are ever allowed to go in, but I will ask some friends who may be able to get us in,” Ralph said.

       The following day a messenger from the wizard’s tower arrived with a scroll for Ralph.  After he read the scroll and told the teens that an invitation to the tower had been extended to them.  Ralph said, “We are to arrive after the mid-day meal to meet with Master Tornaze.  I am very shocked that Master Tornaze has given us an audience.”




       Just before mid-day, they walked to the tower, which was further than it appeared.  Upon arrival at the tower, they were escorted in by a young man wearing a tan robe, to a waiting area.  He instructed them to make themselves comfortable.  After a few minutes had passed, the young wizard returned announcing, “Master Tornaze will see you now.”  He then escorted them to an upper chamber of the tower where Master Tornaze was located.

       The room was a cluttered mess with numerous tables containing stacks of scrolls, books, and various equipment.  The room had a musky odor of old stale paper.  A very old, frail-looking man was sitting at a desk reading an ancient-looking book that appeared like it was ready to fall apart.  Without looking up, Tornaze said, “Please have a seat.”  Everyone looked around only to find there were no seats empty.  Every chair contained stacks of papers, books or other objects.  No one made a moved to remove the items; they just stood and looked at the master.

       When Tornaze finally looked up to see everyone still standing, he glanced around at the various chairs in the room and said, “Forgive me, it has been a long time since I have had guests.”  He got up from behind the desk, “Please follow me; we can sit in my library.”  Jake looked at Sara quizzically.  Both were thinking that this room was the library.

       The attached room was a lot bigger than the study they had just left.  This room looked like a real library.  There were row after row of books.  The shelves went from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall.  You could smell the paper of the books and the leather binding that encased them.  The room was lit with a semi-white light that, while not fire, it seemed to Jake to possess more of a magical glow, as from a spell being cast over the room.

       Tornaze sat down on an overstuffed chair which basically swallowed him.  There were several other overstuffed chairs and a huge couch.  Everyone took a seat and got very comfortable.  Tornaze said, “Ralph, my old friend, it is good to see you after so many years.”  Ralph gave a slight bow of his head and said, “Master Tornaze, it is good to see you also, you are looking well. I would like to introduce you to our special visitors.  George, Tammy, Sara...,” he pointed to each in turn then placed his hand on Jakes shoulder and said, “…and this is Jake.”  Tornaze nodded to each in turn.

       Once the formalities and introductions were dispatched, Tornaze looked at the kids and said, “I did not think I would see the day when the prophecy would come to pass.  With your arrival, several things have or will be set into motion.”  Tornaze turned and looked at Ralph and asked, “Who all knows they are here?”  Ralph said, “Just you and I and the elven village of Alalda Ostar.”  Tornaze nodded his head and said, “That is good!  The fewer people that know, the better.  There are a lot of things that need to happen before others find out they are here.  The main thing I need to know, is can any of you use magic?”  All four were wide-eyed and shaking their heads.  Jake said, “We do not have magic where we come from.”  “Yes, yes, of course,” Tornaze said, “I do forget sometimes about other places and cultures.”

       The old man closed his eyes and began chanting something under his breath.  When he opened his eyes he held out his hand and a blue orb of energy appeared.  He held it out to Jake and said, “Please take this and pass it from one to another.   This will tell us if you have the ability to use magic and what type.”  Jake was hesitant, but did as he was asked.  As Jake touched the orb it turned a very bright blue almost blinding them.  Jake passed it to Sara and the orb turned deep, dark red.  Sara passed the orb to Tammy and it went pure white, whiter than a new fallen snow.  When George touched the orb it changed to a brilliant green.

       Tornaze said, “Very impressive.  I have never seen the orb turn to the brilliant colors it has done today.  The green is earth magic, the white is healing magic, and the red is fire magic.  Tornaze turned to Jake and said, “What you have I have never seen.  It must be some type of combination of magic.”  The four were impressed that they had the ability to use magic.

       He then turned to Ralph and said, “They should remain in the tower so they can be trained in using their magic with proper discipline.  Time is short.  They will need to learn the fundamentals and whatever else we can teach them in the time we have available.  The magic along with their abilities will grow as they use it.”  Ralph replied, “It is not for me to decide if they stay, it is their choice.”

       Jake looked at the others and said, “I think it would be neat to learn magic.”  Everyone agreed.  Jake asked Tornaze, “How long will it take?” Tornaze replied, “It takes many moon cycles to learn what you will need to know, but like I said before, we have onl
y a short time, maybe a moon cycle or two.”  Jake said, “We don’t have a month or two.  We are expected home in a few days.”  Looking confused Tornaze asked, “A month?”  Jake explained, “A moon cycle is about a month and there are about 12 moon cycles in a year.”  Tornaze shook his head back and forth and said, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you cannot leave this world.”

       Shock set in on all four of their faces from what he had just told them.  Tammy had tears start rolling down her face and George just sat there in disbelief.  Sara didn’t know what to do or say, she just walked over and tried to comfort Tammy.  Jake was the first to respond, “What do you mean we can’t leave this world?  We can go back through the mountain and out the cave entrance like we did to get here.” Tornaze shook his head and replied, “I am sorry, but it is no longer there.  Once you entered through the bottom of the mountain, the cave entrance was sealed and has moved.”  Sara said, “What do you mean, sealed and moved?”  Tornaze answered, “It is a magical portal and closes to protect this land.  When a group enters into this world, the entrance goes back to being solid and the location changes.”  George quietly asked, “So where will it go to next?”  Tornaze replied, “I have no idea.  It took us many moon cycles to find it the last time it moved.”  “We don’t have that much time to find it, we only have a week at the most before our parents are expecting us back!” Tammy cried out.

       “The elves knew that it had been sealed and will be looking for the new entrance,” said Ralph.  Sara exclaimed, “They should have told us about that!”  “That is the last thing they would want you to do, worry about home and not focused on what you are here to do,” said Tornaze.

       The shock from what they were hearing brought the group’s high spirits crashing to the ground. Tammy’s tears kept rolling down her face and she was now just sitting there in stone cold silence.  George moved to sit beside her, placing an arm around her shoulder to try and comfort her.  Jake stared in disbelief.  Sara started pacing back and forth now and muttering over and over, “This isn’t happening, we have to get home!”  Jake got up and took her in his arms and said, “We will!  Trust me, we will find the way back home.”