Read The Fugitives: The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar Page 14



  Returning to his own quarters in the palace, and chafing to find thatsome one had informed the Queen about his son's defection, Rainiharoencountered a favourite nephew, named Soa, who had also, unknown to hisuncle, given up idolatry, and, like Prince Ramonja, been led to embracethe Gospel through the instrumentality of Prince Rakota.

  "Well met, Soa," said the premier, "I have a proclamation to make whichwill bring sorrow to the hearts of some of these hated Christians."

  He paused a moment, as if in thought, and Soa, a fine-looking young manof pleasant countenance and agile frame, seemed about to reply, butchecked himself.

  "Now, my boy," resumed the old man, "I have a piece of work for you todo. You have heard of the arrival of the Englishmen?"

  "Yes, uncle."

  "Well, I have reason to believe that they have been led hither by thatson of a thunderbolt, Ravoninohitriniony, and that he is even now inhiding in the neighbourhood. At the gate you will find one of ourspies, who will conduct you to the cavern in which he lies concealed.Of course I could have him seized at once if I chose, but I have adeeper game to play, and want to make Ravoninohitriniony an unwittinginstrument. It seems that more of the people in the palace areChristians than I knew of. It has come to my ears that some of theseintend going stealthily to the cave to meet Ravoninohitriniony, for theyare fond of this son of a wild-boar, and probably hope to have news byhim of their banished kindred."

  Lest it should be supposed that we are putting flippant expressions intothe mouth of Rainiharo, we may explain that the Malagasy define anungrateful man as the "son of a thunderbolt," and sometimes as the"offspring of a wild-boar," because--so they say--the young of thewild-boar, when running by the side of its dam, continually gets inadvance and turns round to bite her. The ingratitude of which ourfriend Ravonino was supposed to be guilty, consisted in his havingforsaken the idols of the country and renounced the favour of the Queenby becoming a Christian, preferring, like Moses, to suffer afflictionwith the banished people of God.

  "No doubt," continued the premier, "they will be praying andpsalm-singing. Now, knowing your detestation of these Christians, Ihave resolved to send you to their meeting _as a Christian_. You arewise enough to know how to act when among them. Take note of the menand women you see there, whether high or low; make out a list of them,and bring it to me. Death and chains shall be their portion, for I amfully more determined than the Queen is to stamp out this religion. Go,and do as I bid ye as quickly as you can."

  For a few seconds the youth stood perplexed and irresolute. Then hesaid, suddenly, "Yes, uncle, I will go, according to your bidding, _as aChristian_!" and hastily left the room.

  Meanwhile Mark Breezy and his companions, led by Laihova, followed thethrong of country-folk to the market-place. They had passed the guardat the gate by means of that potent talisman, silver, before which fewgates are permanently closed. If the party had sought to pass with anypomp or circumstance, or if they had carried merchandise along withthem, they could not have passed so easily; but Laihova had only tobestow some bits of silver on the guard and the way was at once clear.They might have passed without it, however, had they known of Rakota'sinterference in their favour.

  We speak of "bits" of silver advisedly, for the Malagasy take thesimplest and most literal way of making small change; they clip theirdollars into little pieces of various sizes, and therewith transact thebusiness that in other lands is settled with pence. As these clippingsare not very accurate, however, they weigh the pieces, and for thispurpose every one carries about with him a tiny pair of scales in hiswaist-cloth. These dollars were all foreign coins, for the Malagasy atthat time had, (and we believe still have), no native coinage. Allsilver that comes to their net is considered good fish. The standardcoin is the Spanish dollar, but one will find every variety of Europeanand American money in circulation among them. The method of clippingand weighing the small change might be thought somewhat cumbrous inEuropean markets, for the dollar is cut up into eight _sikajy_, (eachabout sixpence); the sikajy into nine _eranambatra_, and eacheranambatra into ten _vary-venty_, each of which last is about theweight of a plump grain of rice. Four weights, marked with a governmentstamp, are used in weighing the money. These weights are equal,respectively, to about a half-a-dollar, a quarter-dollar, sixpence, andfourpence. Other amounts are obtained by varying these in the oppositescales and adding grains of rice. But all this forms no difficulty inMadagascar. Like most Easterns the natives there dearly love to haggleand prolong a bargain--as our travellers found to their amusement thatday; for not only were the principals vociferous in their disputatious,but the bystanders entered into the spirit of the thing and volunteeredtheir opinions!

  Profound was the interest of the white men in this market, and deep wasthe absorption of Ebony, for that amiable negro had a faculty of totallyforgetting himself and absolutely projecting himself into the shoes ofother people, thus identifying himself with their interests--a facultywhich cost him many anxious, indignant, pathetic, and hilarious moments.

  "Das a most 'straor'nary sight," he said, looking round with glisteningeyes and expanded lips at the crowds of people who pressed along theroad leading to Zoma, the great market-place.

  "By the way they stare at you, Ebony," said Hockins, "they evidentlythink _you_ something 'straor'nary!"

  "Not at all, 'Ockins. You's wrong, as usual," retorted the negro. "Deyquite used to black mans, but I tink dis de fust time dat some ob demhab saw a man wid a face like putty."

  There was indeed some ground for the negro's remark, for the peoplecrowded round our heroes and gazed at them with undisguised interest.

  The market-place was well suited to give some idea of the various typesof countenance among the different tribes from distant parts of theisland, also for making acquaintance with the products of the countryand the manufactures of the people. It was a sort of museum and centreof commerce combined, with all the varied incidents, comical,semi-tragic, and otherwise, for which markets in general are more orless famed.

  Here were to be seen great heaps of earthenware of red clay--pans forcooking rice, water-jars, bottles, and dishes of all sorts, as well asEnglish crockery, especially that with the old willow-pattern design!There were great varieties of straw hats, beautifully made of rice andother straw. Elsewhere might be seen iron-work of native manufacture,some of it displaying considerable taste and skilful workmanship. Therewere also beds, with well-turned posts, made of a wood like mahogany,and the mattresses for these were stuffed with down from a certainflower, which made soft and comfortable couches. Lambas of many kindswere also to be seen, from those of coarse rofia cloth to those of finerand more ornamental material--though the finest silk lambas and the moreexpensive European goods were not often exposed for sale there, but wereto be had at the houses of the traders and manufacturers. One part ofthe market was devoted to wood for the rafters and framework of houses,another to the sale of vegetables and fruits--among which were sweetpotatoes, manioc, beans, maize, peaches, bananas, mangoes, pine-apples,oranges, lemons, pumpkins, melons, grapes, Cape gooseberries,mulberries, guavas, pomegranates, and many others, besides bread-fruitand rice--which last is the staple food of the people.

  "Oh! I say, 'Ockins," whispered Ebony at this point, "my mout'sa-waterin'."

  "Well, mine's somethin' in the same way," returned the seaman, "but wehaven't a rap to buy with."

  Whether Laihova overheard the whisper or not we cannot tell, but hestopped at that moment, purchased a large quantity of the temptingfruit, and handed it, without a word, to his friends, who received itwith becoming gratitude.

  "You's a trump, Hovey," said the negro, as he put a whole peach into hiscapacious mouth.

  "Ditto," said Hockins, performing the same feat with a banana.

  "Do I hear music?" said M
ark Breezy.

  "An' don't I smell rum?" remarked Hockins.

  "An' doesn't I hear cackling?" inquired Ebony.

  By way of answer to all three, Laihova turned round the corner of astall, when the party reached a spot which was devoted to the sale ofnative rum, or "toaka"--a coarse fiery spirit made from sugar-cane, andsold at a very low price. Here a native musician was discoveredtwanging a native guitar, either as an accompaniment to the cackling ofhundreds of fowls and the gobbling of innumerable turkeys, or as adesperate effort to beat these creatures at their own game of noise.

  On inquiry Mark found that fowls were sold at from fourpence toeightpence a-piece; geese and turkeys from a shilling to eighteenpence.Also that beef and vegetables were proportionally cheap.

  "It seems to me," remarked Hockins, as they moved slowly along, enjoyingthe fruit and the scene, "that this here island is a sort of paradise."

  Before many minutes were over the seaman had reason to change his viewsconsiderably on this point, for their guide led them to a spot where theslave-market was held. The sights they witnessed there were such asfilled the hearts of the white men with deep sorrow and indignation,while it drew tears from the eyes of the sympathetic negro. For the menand women and children were no mere criminals who might in some sense bedeserving of their fate--though such there were also amongst them,--butmany of the men were guilty of political offences only, and not a few,both of men and women, were martyrs, who, because they had left thefaith of their fathers and become followers of Jesus Christ, were soldinto temporary--in some cases perpetual--slavery, with their wives andfamilies.

  At sight of these unfortunates Laihova was evidently much affected,though he made strenuous efforts to conceal his feelings.

  "You are grieved, I see," said Mark, in a tone of profound sympathywhich touched his guide's heart.

  "Grieved! Yes--verily," said Laihova, whose broken English was muchinterlarded with Scriptural words and expressions, "for does I not seemy friends there? But com. They must not know me. It is danger.Com."

  He led them quickly away from the slave-market, and as they walked alonghe explained that some of the poor slaves whom they had just seen thuspublicly exposed for sale were among the nobles of the land--not only inregard to human rank, but in right of that patent which man can neithergive nor take away,--an upright regenerated soul. He further explained,as best he could, that slaves in his land were derived from three orfour different sources--namely, captives taken in war; persons condemnedto slavery for crime, for political offences, and for religiousopinions; people who had been sold for debt, and the descendants of allof these.

  They had gradually quitted the market while thus engaged inconversation, and were ascending one of the steeper parts of the city,when their attention was attracted by a shouting not far-off.

  Presently they observed a number of men and boys running in and outamongst the houses and the low walls which surrounded them, as if inchase of something. Soon a man was seen to dart along the road theywere following. As he drew near they observed that he stumbled as heran, yet forced the pace and panted violently--like one running for hislife. A few moments more and the crowd was close at his heels, peltinghim with stones and yelling like wild beasts. The fugitive turned up anarrow lane between high walls, close to where our party stood. He wasclosely followed by the crowd.

  At this point some of the pursuers stopped as if from exhaustion.

  "What has he done?" said Laihova to one of these.

  "He has been stealing in the market by cutting a lamba."

  It is the practice to carry money tied up in a corner of the lamba, andthieves, by cutting off this corner, sometimes manage to secure themoney.

  A great cry arose just then, and some of the pursuers came running back.

  "He is down," said one. "He is dead!" said another.

  Now our friend Hockins was one of those men who have at all times anirresistible tendency to take the part of the weak against the strong,without much regard to the cause of battle! He instantly, without aword, ran off at full speed to the rescue. Ebony ran after him fromsympathy. Mark Breezy followed from the natural desire to keep by hiscomrades, and back them up, while Laihova followed--no doubt fromgood-fellowship!

  They soon came upon the poor man, who was completely naked, bruised andbleeding, and surrounded by a crowd of youths, who were deliberatelystoning him as if he were a dangerous animal or a mad dog.

  With a roar like a lion Hockins went at them. He tripped up somehalf-dozen big boys, flattened still more the flat noses of some of themen, stretching them flat on their backs, and then, standing astride thefallen man, flourished his enormous fists, and invited the entirepopulation of Antananarivo to "come on!"

  The population refused the invitation and retired.

  Ebony was not slow to follow suit, with this variation, that instead ofroaring he yelled, and instead of bestriding the fallen man, he gavesudden chase hither and thither, with powerful effect, rendering therout complete.

  Meanwhile Mark attended to the injured man, who seemed to be dead.Turning him over on his back he discovered, to his inexpressibleamazement, that he _was_ no other than their old friend Mamba--thecrocodile--whom they had left with his mother and the others in the cavemany days before.

  "How is it possible," he exclaimed, while dressing his wounds, "that hecan have arrived at the same time with us, for we started before him andhave travelled fast?"

  Laihova explained that Mamba was one of the fleetest men in the island,and that he could easily have passed them though starting later thanthey did. But why he had come, and why he had passed instead ofovertaking and travelling with them, he could not even guess.

  As most of poor Mamba's wounds were bruises, and the few cuts were notdeep, his four friends raised him and carried him quickly into aneighbouring house, the door of which was immediately shut. Laihovaexplained that it was the house of a personal friend of his own, who wasalso a Christian, but secretly, for fear of the Queen.

  Here Mamba was sufficiently brought round by Mark's ministrations to beable to sit up and answer questions, but at first he seemed disinclinedto speak, and then gave evasive replies.

  "Why this secrecy, my friend?" asked Laihova, in the native language.

  "If I could answer," said Mamba, "there would be no secrecy."

  "True, and I would not pry into your secrets," returned Laihova, "but wewould help you if we can."

  "You cannot help me," returned Mamba, in a somewhat sad tone. "I havebusiness in hand which requires haste. I have tried to keep clear ofyou to prevent delay, and to avoid mixing myself up in your dangers, foryou are in danger here. I would not have come near the town at all, butI required to make a purchase in the market, and hoped to do so withoutbeing recognised. Unfortunately an old enemy saw me. He fell on thedevice of cutting off the corner of his own lamba, and then, raising thecry of thief, pretended that I had done it. I ran. You know my speedof foot. I trusted to that instead of trusting to my God. Theysurrounded me. You know the end."

  While Mamba was yet speaking a loud knocking was heard at the door, anda stern voice demanded admittance.

  On hearing it Mamba leaped from the couch on which he had been laid asif nothing were the matter with him. He glanced hastily round. Theowner of the house seemed to divine his wishes, for he pointed to asmall window which opened into what appeared to be a court at the backof the dwelling. The window was merely a square opening, which appearedscarcely wide enough to let a man's shoulders pass, but Mamba did nothesitate. To the amazement of Mark and his friends he took what isfamiliarly known as a "header" through the window--_a la_ harlequin--anddisappeared. To the still greater amazement of Mark and his friends,Laihova instantly followed suit, without a word of explanation! Indeedthere was no time for that. A moment after the owner of the dwellingopened the door with a very submissive look and admitted a band of armedmen.

  The leader of the band, from his dress and bearing, was evide
ntly a manof position. He carried in his hand a large spear highly ornamentedwith silver. This weapon--as Mark afterwards learned--was an officialspear with the Queen's name engraven on it. The bearer of it, as wellas the spear itself, was named "Tsitialainga," which means "Hater ofLies."

  Turning to the owner of the house, the Hater of Lies sternly asked somequestions of him; but as he spoke in the native tongue he wasunintelligible to our travellers, whose spirits were not cheered by thescowling looks of the armed men. Whatever the question was, the answerappeared to be unsatisfactory, for the Hater of Lies immediately turnedto his men, and pointing with the silver spear to the three strangers,gave them a command.

  Instantly they sprang upon Mark and his companions, and seized them.Both Hockins and Ebony were for a moment paralysed by surprise; then,their impulsive souls being stirred by a sudden gush of indignation,they gathered themselves up for a mighty burst which would certainlyhave resulted in disaster of some sort if Mark had not recoveredpresence of mind in time.

  "Submit!--submit!" he shouted in a loud voice of authority. Then, in asharp but lower tone, "It is our only chance! _Don't_ resist!"

  With feelings of something like despair the two men obeyed. A fewminutes more and they were bound, led through the streets surrounded bya guard, which alone protected them from death at the hands of the angrypopulace. Then they were cast into a dark prison, loaded with chains,and left to their reflections.