Read The Game Page 11

  Chapter 11

  When the Game first went live we had to call the imaginary world something. We ended up choosing a unique, never-before-used name in order to effectively track it as popularity grew among both viewers and players. “Earth” is actually an acronym. It stands for Educational Avatar Reality Training Habitat, a clever, albeit nerdy, description of our intention for the virtual schoolyard we created for our children. This was our third attempt at making a world in which the kids would thrive and grow. Initial attempts were too fantastic; the students ended up learning no more than they did with traditional entertainment-style video games. We feel very fortunate that the students responded so well to Earth. It is an exact reflection of the real world, which allows graduates to bring their considerable ‘Lives' experience and use it to better our reality when they graduate. Of course, there are things the players can do inside the Game that are impossible in real life, but not many of them figure that out.

  Interview excerpt from “What is the Game and how will it affect our lives”

  Brandon Strayne interviewed by Melissa W.

  Six days after the Angelica Interview, Zack arrived at the facility to prepare for entry into the Game for the last time. Zack was both excited and sad today; it would be his final journey into a world that had become his home and training ground for most of his life. It would also be his last chance to increase his fortune — or maybe lose it all, depending on how the play turned out.

  Zack checked in with the secretary on the ground floor, went to the elevator and pressed the button marked B12, the 12th floor below ground. Exiting the elevator, he strode down the long white hall towards his preparation room, where attendants would wire him for interfacing with Earth’s mainframe computer, as well as inserting a myriad of tubes all over his body to feed him nutrients and remove waste for the next few weeks. Entering the Game wasn’t glamourous. It was a medical procedure where they put you into a controlled coma for the duration of your virtual life. The brain was sedated to the correct wave level, then your consciousness entered the computer system and you were born into your avatar. Zack remembered so many years ago when he was just a new player with no significant ranking. Then he had joined the masses of players and laid in a large room with rows and rows of sanitary silver tables, each linking a player to Earth. As a player gained rank, their level of privacy increased. Zack, a top 1,000 ranked player, was given a luxurious room with four full-time nurses and two doctors to monitor his health and well-being. It was good to be at the top of the heap.

  Brandon entered the room as they were finishing up with the wire and tube connections. Zack sat comfortably in his chair, watching the hype and fanfare on the video feeds. He smiled confidently as Brandon came in.

  “Well, my boy. Are you rested and prepared for this last glorious adventure?” Brandon asked.

  “I’ve never been more ready in my life.” Zack said. “Everyone’s in place?”

  “Kyle and Marcie are solidly in the Game, and everything went perfectly in that area. They are married and expecting the happy birth of their first child in very short order. Your two best friends in this life are your parents in your upcoming play.”

  “And they are receiving the benefits of their spent credits?”

  Brandon sipped a glass of water and sat down opposite Zack. He waved his hand dismissively, and the doctors and nurses left the room. “They are indeed. You will be born to successful, educated parents who have very specific ideas about how to raise a child. You’ll have all the perks and breaks that rich kids in Canada have access to, which are many. The other players are in place as well, we have over 546 who will interact with you in your life, both positively and negatively, to steer you in the direction we have chosen for you to end up.”

  Zack whistled. “I’m still amazed you were able to involve so many others to help me. Each player spending their credits to help me in the Game has saved me so much money. It should actually enable me to achieve our goal, if all goes according to plan. I didn’t think you could get so many on board.”

  “It wasn’t too difficult. Many of them only needed to spend a few thousand extra credits to get what we wanted, and if we succeed, each of them will become very wealthy in credits for having been a part of it. A teacher here, a girlfriend who dates you for only a month there, a salesman who sells you a car once when you’re thirty, a man who robs you when you’re forty. All so simple, and fairly inexpensive to buy for each player.”

  “Well, I still think that the number of players involved is incredible.” Zack said. “How many of them actually need to succeed with their roles?”

  “Only a few hundred,” Brandon said. “The others are there for backup. And they spent the credits so that if one succeeds, the others will not repeat the actions.”

  “So I won’t get robbed five times when I’m forty? I’m glad.” Zack said.

  “You might get robbed twenty times when you’re forty,” Brandon chuckled. “But one of those robberies will be done correctly, and no more will follow after that.”

  “Then here’s hoping the first one gets it right.”

  “All kidding aside, Zack, this is by far the most elaborate play I’ve ever helped orchestrate. That’s saying a lot, because I’ve been involved in many.”

  “I’m nervous,” Zack admitted. “Despite so many others joining to help me, I’ve spent everything on this one. I hope you’re right, Brandon. I hope what we want to do is possible.”

  “It’s possible. We just have to get your avatar to believe it’s possible. We do that, and you retire number one.”

  “I wish you had let me see Alex,” Zack said. He’d been so happy and surprised to hear that she was going to get another chance to play the game. His life had come to a horrible low point when she had failed out. He’d searched for her for weeks, but wasn’t able to find her. Brandon had assured him she was fine and in one of the best public schools, but losing her had been hard. If Zack had found her, he would have proposed marriage. They had fallen deeply in love, and the rules allowed player spouses to avoid having to attend old-style school. It would have cost Zach most of his credits, and it was rare for one player to save another in such a manner. But Zach had loved Alex fiercely; it had crushed him when all of Brandon’s best efforts to find her had turned up nothing.

  “There wasn’t enough time, you know that. After this play we’ll make sure you see her immediately,” Brandon assured him.

  Zack nodded fiercely. “When does she go in? Will she be close to me at all on Earth?”

  Brandon shrugged. “I’m not sure what she can afford or when she goes in. You can ask her all about it when you retire. I’m sure she’ll play conservatively to build as many credits as she can before she has to retire later this year.”

  “It’s strange that she was awarded this free play, don’t you think? I hate to ask this, Brandon, but you didn’t pull strings to get her back in, did you?”

  Brandon shook his head negatively. “You know I would have done that long ago if such a thing were possible, my boy. But I can’t affect the Game like that. It’s too secure.”

  “Yeah. I guess. But look at…”

  Brandon hissed sharply, motioning for Zack to be silent. They both knew there were eyes and ears on them right now. Brandon stood up. It was time for Zack to get into the Game.

  Zack stood up as well, and the two hugged briefly. “Good luck, Zack. Tradition allows you to keep your first name on your last play at no cost to you in credits. I look forward to watching Zack on Earth solidly capture the first place position for Zack in real life.”

  “The name doesn’t fit the goal. I’ve always had good luck with firsts, so I’ll be using a name I’ve never had before — Trew Radfield.”

  “I like it,” Brandon said. “Give ‘em hell, Zack. I’ll see you in a few weeks and I promise to give you a victory tour that no one will forget.”

  Zack nodded enthusiastically and lay down on his cushioned table.

than ten minutes later, Zack was in a deep coma.

  Trew Radfield was entering the digital body of his young avatar.

  Earth would never be the same.