Read The Game Page 31

  Chapter 33

  It's very difficult to build a fan base. The average player will have visions of grandeur while they are planning their next session, spending credits and imagining scenarios that give them the best chances of ‘wowing’ the masses. The problem is, once they enter the Game, they forget their entire strategy. Life inside the Game is dangerous, because for all your planning and experience outside, it doesn’t guarantee fan interest. Look at the example of Tina Frey, a good player with many technically sound plays during her career. She planned a very exciting play, certain it would gain her fame and fortune. She paid to be born to very wealthy parents in a developed country, which enabled her to have the nurturing, funds, and resources to become a successful adult. She did exactly that, going to all the best schools, meeting all the right people through her family, making connections that would help her get the best jobs, advancing steadily and perfectly through her play as designed. She went into law, had a nice family, then did well in politics. Her marriage was happy, her kids grew up to be successful. She was a respected member of the community until she retired and then peacefully passed away in her 80’s. So how large did Tina’s fan base grow as a result of this play? Of course, it didn’t get any attention or fan following. Living a great life doesn’t assure one of gaining fans, but neither does living a horrible life. There are countless examples of truly sad and depressing lives played out by students in the hopes of fans tuning in, also with no results. Fans are fickle; what draws them in today won’t necessarily work tomorrow. Yet some players seem to consistently draw the attention of first a few, and then the many. These are the superstars, and we love them, even if we don’t know exactly why.

  Excerpt from “What Makes A Fan?”

  “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Brandon.” Lilith sat down in the chair Brandon was holding for her. She had requested a dinner meeting, surprised when Brandon had agreed to host her at his penthouse apartment that very night.

  “It’s always a treat to be in your company, Lilith,” Brandon said.

  He smiled warmly. It seemed like only yesterday when they were both just two young business people spending considerable time together, laughing and planning how they would change the world with their grand ideas. Brandon had succeeded, while Lilith’s ideas had turned out not to be as popular as his. Yet she had still done very well for herself. Over the years the two of them had drifted apart, Brandon busy with the Game, Lilith quietly trying to save the world despite society’s apparent desire for self-destruction.

  “I see Alexandra is doing splendidly this time in the Game,” Brandon said.

  “She seems to be doing very well, despite her many challenges and limitations,” Lilith agreed.

  Brandon held up a bottle of fine wine, Lilith’s favourite, of course. She smiled and nodded. He poured the wine. “Zack is doing splendidly as well,” she said.

  Brandon nodded. “There are also many challenges for him.”

  The two continued to make small talk as the meal was served by Brandon’s staff. They discussed the past, the present, and thoughts about the near future in many areas of interest. Both laughed and smiled often during the meal, feeling comfortable in each other’s presence.

  Finally the desert and coffee were served and the servants retired for the evening. The two of them could get down to real business.

  “So what really brings you here tonight, Lilith?” Brandon asked.

  “I’m not sure if you know, but somehow Alex acquired an Eternal for this play,” Lilith said.

  Brandon nodded. “I was made aware of that, yes. Not just any Eternal. Raphael is one of the best.”

  “I hear that’s true,” Lilith said. “I must admit, we weren’t too sure how or why he was purchased. I’ve never had a player able to unlock Eternals, and since our budget and resources are much smaller than the larger Patrons, it’s been a task figuring out how to make the best use of him.”

  Brandon chuckled. “I bet it has. I remember unlocking our first Eternal. We were so excited, then extremely confused. It took us quite a few plays to begin to get any type of results out of them. They often have their own agenda.”

  “Yes, well, he keeps asking for confirmation that he’s being viewed. I am personally viewing him, but the individuals allowed to know about their existence are extremely limited, as you know, and I have only one other person on my team that qualifies to know. I haven’t informed them yet. It’s a serious burden to place on them.”

  “If I may interrupt with some advice?” Brandon asked.

  “Of course.”

  “If you have someone in your group that qualifies, tell them soon. Part of qualifying is an extensive psychological profile. Most teams get enough credits to unlock an Eternal but still don’t see the menu choice because they have no one trustworthy enough to learn the secret. If you and one other person qualify, that’s excellent. Tell them soon. It’s too difficult to bear the burden fully yourself if you don’t have to.”

  “Okay, I will. Thank you,” Lilith said.

  “Secondly, I’m guessing that you haven’t figured out what he means, asking you to confirm that he’s being viewed?”

  “No idea at all.”

  “There are certain papers and television shows that the Eternals have set up to receive messages from us,” Brandon explained. “Most of them are gossip and rumour vehicles. Also songs played in different sequences. Very subtle methods, but effective most of the time. I’ll give you the address to send your message to, where it gets processed and inserted into those avenues to be hidden for them to find. Often this results in silly stories about three headed aliens and that type of thing, but the masses don’t pay attention to the stories and the Eternals get their communication from us.”

  “So we can actually communicate with them from outside of the Game?” Lilith couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Yes, in a limited way.”

  “I need to communicate with Raphael. Right away,” Lilith said.

  “It will take a while to bring you up to speed on how to do that, Lilith. I’m surprised you haven’t come to me sooner.”

  “I didn’t know if I could trust you, Brandon.”

  “You can. You always can.”

  Lilith looked uncomfortable. “Maybe, Brandon. But after what I just viewed, I had no choice.”

  Brandon raised his glass of brandy towards his lips. “What did you just view?”

  “Raphael caught someone following Danielle. They were going to use a Sever Spike on her.”

  Brandon froze mid-sip. His eyes darkened, the gold flecks in them began to swirl. He put the glass down slowly on the table and reached into his pocket for his cell phone. After dialling, he raised the phone to his head and asked Lilith, “How long ago was this?”

  “Yesterday, our time.” Lilith could see the fury hidden below the surface of Brandon’s calm appearance. “He asked for confirmation that he was being viewed, which he does often, but this time he was very, very angry. Is there a weapon in the Game that can permanently kill players? I need help, Brandon, Alex is way out of her league on this play.”

  “Give me a couple of minutes, please,” Brandon said and began to talk into his phone.

  “Are you both on the line? Okay, then. Listen very carefully and don’t interrupt me, please. Raphael just stopped an attempt on Danielle’s life. The assassin intended to use a Sever Spike. Raphael has been hanging in the wind since Danielle was born, I need Samantha pulled from her perch and sent to rendezvous with Raphael. He needs assistance. I’ll get her clearer instructions next session but she needs to go to him now. ‘A,’ I will get a feed of Raphael sent to you. I want to know who sent that assassin. Now you may talk. ‘A’ first.”

  Brandon listened for a few seconds, then he responded, “No, we aren’t playing that game. Yet. Just get me the info and we can decide from there. Michelle, what do you have?”

  More silence followed while Brandon listened to Michelle talk on th
e other line. His eyes darted quickly to Lilith’s, then he answered. “Yes, I think that’s the best strategy too. I’ll ask if we can join Alexandra’s group.” Once again he looked at Lilith. She paused for a brief second then nodded. “Yes, we have permission. Send Nadine over to get fully up to speed on Danielle’s play. We will bring their team into our command centre as soon as possible. Any resource at our disposal is now at their disposal. As of now, Danielle is as precious to us as Trew.”