Read The Game Page 6

  Chapter 6

  The television monitor faded to black and the studio lights blazed to life. Lisa smiled and began her interview.

  “The 18th of next month marks the 30th anniversary of The Big Bang, the term that VirtDyne uses to describe the activation of the computer simulation that gave birth to the virtual universe of the Game. Mr. Brandon Strayne joins us live tonight to discuss the festivities surrounding the anniversary, and also to talk about one of the most exciting players currently in the Game and the excitement being generated over his final play. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Strayne.”

  “Please, Lisa,” Brandon said, ”Call me Brandon.”

  Lisa returned his smile, a slight blush working its way through her makeup. She was definitely picturing herself as his new girlfriend after the taping. It took all of his control not to laugh out loud at her eagerness. Maybe he would take her out for dinner. ”Thank you, Brandon. First let me ask you what’s on everyone’s mind lately. Are there going to be special events taking place inside the Game, and, if so, can you share any of the details?”

  “Well Lisa, I don’t want to ruin any surprises... I can say that there are going to be many special events inside the Game this year to celebrate its 30-year anniversary. Some will be obvious to viewers; many will not be. As I’ve already admitted, none of the programming is mine, and I’m going to be as surprised and excited as everyone else over the next year. I’m especially excited to see if my young benefactor can pull off a spectacular and incredibly rare feat, ending his final play in the Game as the number one player in the world.”

  “Yes, let’s talk about that. Zack was nowhere near the top when he began his last reincarnation, yet when he died he had solidly landed the number two rank. What do you say to those critics out there who will claim he only did so well because he has you for his Patron?”

  Brandon laughed softly. ”I would say these people have no idea what the Game is or how it’s played, Lisa. First of all, Zack was reincarnated ranked 752. When you look at the world rankings of millions of currently active players, 752 is in the top ranks. Secondly, check the history over the last twenty-nine years; I have, and you’ll see jumps much more drastic than what Zack just experienced. It might seem like a big leap, but the first hundred thousand players can jump around and capture top ten ranking spots if they have a good life inside the Game.”

  “You’re exactly right, Brandon.” Lisa said. She then went on to describe a set of graphs being displayed to the audience showing many large swings in ranks over the years, identifying the specific players who had experienced them. When she was done detailing the graphs, Brandon continued with his defence.

  “If people still continue to claim that I’m somehow helping Zack from outside of the Game, let me assure you that it’s impossible. The code and expense and massive shifting in the virtual timeline, as well as the billions, if not trillions of individuals that would be adversely affected in the Game, ensures that such a thing never happens. Over the years, hackers have tried to get into, and influence, the Game. Only the Games Masters can do so, and the exhaustive time and effort required to make even the smallest change to the virtual universe is so complicated that tampering like you are suggesting could never happen. Twelve Games Masters are required to work together to make a change.” Brandon leaned forward. “It’s simply not something that would be possible, Lisa. The Games Masters take their responsibility too seriously to be corrupted, let alone all twelve of them falling prey to greed.The Game won’t let even the Games Masters interfere too much. They are called on very rarely and with all their effort they can affect only the smallest of changes. No, Lisa, what happens in the Game is unscripted and uncontrolled by anyone outside of it. Part of what makes the Game so incredible is that when left on its own, the Mainframe creates events better than we could possibly come up with ourselves.”

  The issue addressed and resolved, Lisa brought the conversation back to the hot topic at hand. ”Can he do it, Brandon?” she asked. ”Can Zack be one of the few to finish his last play ranked number one? Or will he take the safe way out and just coast through to ensure he retires from the Game as a very, very wealthy individual in reality?”

  “Well, only he can know for certain, Lisa.” Brandon said with a boyish grin, ”But if I were to bet on this Game, then I’d bet he’s going to go for it. Of course, I know a few very wealthy people who are putting their life savings on him not going for it. So we’ll all just have to wait and see and hope that he gives us an incredible farewell show. If you want to try and figure it out for yourself, be sure to see his interview with Angelica later this week.”

  Lisa’s jaw dropped. “The Angelica?” she asked. ”The last player to do exactly what we’re hoping Zack can do?She captured the number one spot on her last play and it was so incredible that replays and Firsting sales of her last incarnation are still best sellers, four years after the event! No one’s seen her since her victory tour.”

  “That’s her, all right,” Brandon nodded. ”I imagine there will be a turnout for that program.”

  “Well, you heard it here first, everyone,” Lisa said. ”Brandon, I’d like to thank you for sitting with me tonight to talk about the upcoming events in the Game. It’s sure to be an exciting time for everyone, both player and spectator alike!”

  “I have one more announcement before we go, Lisa.” Brandon said.

  “Of course, Brandon. What would you like to share with us?”

  “The Mainframe has announced that it’s giving a free play to someone who had previously dropped out. A free play hasn’t been awarded from the Game for over three years, and I was wondering if I could tell you now who it will be?”

  “This has been an exciting interview with lots of exclusive news, Brandon! By all means, announce the lucky player’s name for the audience.”

  “Alexandra Montoyas, age seventeen, is the name of the free play winner. It’s very exciting that she will be getting a free play at this time in the Game’s history. Here’s hoping that she’s able to take advantage of it and does some entertaining things for us to witness during her play.”

  “Alexandra Montoyas…” Lisa said slowly, as if the name sounded familiar to her. Brandon looked at her calmly, savouring the look of shock as it appeared on the young journalist’s face. ”Zack’s old girlfriend? The brilliant young player who, for no apparent reason, walked away from the Game, leaving her considerable fortune behind, and has dropped off the face of the planet?”

  Brandon nodded slightly, looking as if Lisa had just reminded him exactly who they were talking about. ”Ah, yes, that’s right, Lisa. Well I’m sure the Game has something interesting in store for us to watch by inviting her back in. I can’t wait to see what happens.” Brandon looked slyly into the camera, locking eyes with each person in their home watching the program, “How about you?”