Read The Game Page 3

  Settling himself down in a booth, he watched with appreciation as two women joined those already gyrating to the music. One, in particular, caught his eye. She was very slim and wearing a skirt so short it seemed that her legs went on forever. She was wearing a tight crop top, obviously not wearing underwear bra, as her breasts and nipples were clearly visible and bouncing rather pleasingly with the beat. Her hair was blonde from a bottle, judging by the roots, and hung down past her shoulders. She seemed to sense his scrutiny, as she turned towards him and made eye contact. Smiling knowingly, she started dancing, it seemed, purely for his benefit. Signaling the waitress for another beer, he decided to order two and try his luck. Lifting a bottle, he signaled toward her and, with a quick word to her friend, she made her way over.

  "Hey,” she said, as she slid in the booth next to him and picked up a bottle. "Thanks for the beer."

  "No problem. Looks like thirsty work."

  "You’re not wrong,” she laughed. As she tilted her head back to drink from the bottle, a bead of sweat trickled down from the hollow in her neck and wound its way down between her breasts.

  "Do you want to get some air?" he asked on impulse. What’s the worst that could happen? She could only say no. She surprised him, though, by nodding her head in agreement.

  Following him out to the parking lot, they both got into his car. He’d parked it in the lot in the back of the bar, so now there was no one else around. The strap of her top had fallen off her shoulder, and he fought an overwhelming urge to pull it down further. Forcing himself to at least attempt polite conversation, he dragged his eyes away from her breasts and up to her face. "We can get to know each other out here. It’s much quieter,” he offered.

  She smirked at him. "Let’s not pretend we want to get to know each other. I’m horny. You’re horny. Let’s just fuck."

  He hated himself for it, but this had been the only kind of intimacy he’d had since he’d lost Lori, quick hook-ups that meant nothing and were forgotten the moment they were over. He was still a man, after all. But hearing those harsh words from the mouth of this stranger jolted him, this time. It felt wrong, all wrong.

  Kyle didn’t know what to say for a moment, but when she reached for him, he grabbed her hand in mid-air. “No, sorry, I’ve made a mistake.”

  She looked at him incredulously. “What the hell?”

  “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t want this.” He could see that she was angry, and he didn’t want her to cause a scene. “It’s not you. Honestly, you’re a gorgeous girl and I’m flattered, but I just can’t.”

  “Freak!” she flung over her shoulder as she got out of the car and stormed back into the bar, leaving him sitting there feeling like an idiot.

  Taking a deep breath and starting his car, he drove out of the lot and headed home. He had no idea why, but this whole situation with Tara was bugging him. He’d dealt with countless prostitutes since working for Luccio. He had turned a blind eye to his illegal trade in drugs, though he knew full well what was going on. He had first-hand knowledge of many of his other criminal activities, but it had never really affected him. The numbness he felt had never been troubled. But this, this felt different. It was as if it was rubbing at the edge of his consciousness, demanding the attention of the old Kyle. The one whose life work had been putting scum like Luccio away.

  He shook his head, chiding himself. She was just a girl, like all the others. But maybe, just maybe, it was time for him to think about moving on, about trying to rebuild his life into something to be proud of.


  A loud banging woke him. Groaning, he lifted his head and looked at the clock on his bedside table. Three a.m. He’d only been in bed a couple of hours, and his head was reminding him just how much he’d had to drink. The banging started again, and he realized it was coming from his front door. Swinging his legs to the floor, he grabbed his shorts and slipped them on.

  "I’m coming!" he shouted, as the banging got louder. Opening the door, he had to react quickly to reach out and stop Tara from falling forward onto the floor. Staggering back, he led her to the couch, where he laid her down. Her beautiful hair was now matted with dark blood, and both her eyes were swollen almost shut. Kyle, in shock, felt gently around her head to see where the blood was coming from. Finding a laceration on her scalp, he gently parted her hair to have a closer look. Luckily, it appeared that, while nasty, it was not life threatening.

  "Tara? Tara, talk to me." She seemed barely conscious. He could see she was trying to speak, but her lip was busted and covered in dried blood. Going to the kitchen, he got a glass of water and, returning to her side, he knelt by the couch and gently lifted her head to help her take a sip. The water trickled down the side of her mouth as she drank greedily. "What happened?" he asked her gently, though he already knew the answer.

  “I don’t know. I was asleep when he came home. He woke me up and wanted sex, but he couldn’t perform and he just went crazy. I thought he was going to kill me. I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go.” Kyle clenched his jaw. He should have stopped him long before this. Luccio was going to kill someone one day. He’d seen him do this many times before, but for some reason this time, with this woman, it was different. This time, it was all he could do to stop himself from finding him right now and beating him to death.

  “You’re safe now,” he said. Getting a bowl of warm water and some cotton, he gently wiped the blood from her face.

  “Look at me,” she said softly.

  He’d been concentrating on trying to avoid looking into her eyes. His hand stilled and he looked at her.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so rude to you the last few days,” she whispered.

  “I understand. You’re not paid to entertain me.” He wished he could take the words back as soon as he said them, as he saw her flinch. He watched as her faced hardened.

  “No, you’re right, I’m not. I’m sorry I disturbed you.” As she said it, she tried to raise herself off the couch.

  Putting his hand on her shoulder, he gently pushed her back down. “God, I’m so sorry. That was an unforgivable thing to say.” Then, suddenly unable to stop himself, he leaned toward her and gently kissed her mouth. He didn’t want to hurt her, so he tried to pull away after a moment, but she put her hand on the back of his neck and brought his mouth back to hers. Her mouth opened under him and he felt her tongue flicker against his. With a low moan at the back of his throat, he kissed her harder, snaking his tongue into her mouth to explore its depths. This was not right. She had come to him beaten and bloodied, and he was not going to take advantage of her.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do this,” he said as he pulled away. Seeing the hurt look in her eyes, he quickly added, “It’s not because I don’t want to. I do, so much, but you’re hurt. You need to rest.”

  “You’re right. I’m exhausted,” she said with a sigh.

  “Look, you can’t go back in there tonight. Luccio will be passed out by now, anyway, so why don’t you stay here on the couch?”

  Tara nodded. As Kyle went to get her a pillow and blanket, she once again picked up the photo frame on the coffee table.

  “That’s my wife.” Kyle had come back into the room as she held it in her hand.

  “Where is she?” She asked gently.

  “She’s dead.” It was said very matter of factly.

  “What happened?”

  Kyle hesitated.

  “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”

  “No, it’s okay.” He sat down on the couch next to her and picked up the frame. Tara noticed how his face softened when he looked at the photo. She’d obviously meant a lot to him. “She was car-jacked. She’d just come out of Walmart and he had just robbed the store next door.”

  Tara’s stomach clenched, knowing what was coming next but not wanting to hear it.

  “She would have given him the keys, but he never gave her the chance. He shot her point blank in the head. She died instantly.” Her heart almost bro
ke listening to him and seeing the devastation on his face. “She was on the way back from the OBGYN.”

  “She was pregnant?” she said, with a sharp intake of breath, shocked.

  Kyle nodded. “Twenty weeks. Our first. A boy. They couldn’t save him.”

  Feeling his pain more intensely than she had felt anything in years, she reached for his hand. “I’m so very sorry. You never get over losing a child,” she said, reaching for his hand. “It will get better, I promise you.”

  “Oh, really?” he said, suddenly pulling his hand away from hers. “Is that what they teach you? To roll out platitudes and make the clients feel better about their lives. Well, I’m not a client and you don’t have to humor me.”

  Stunned, Tara pulled back as if stung. She should have known better. This man was no different than all the rest.

  “No, you’re right.” She stood up. “What could a whore possibly know about losing a child?”

  Struggling to retain her composure, she turned and walked out the door, resisting the urge to slam it behind her. Damn him! The feelings he’d stirred in her were ones she had never felt before, and now he’d turned out to be just another man.

  Confused and disappointed, she returned to the house where Luccio was still sleeping. Climbing into bed next to him, she laid awake as the room got lighter and lighter and she could hear the birds singing in the trees outside. This is what she knew. This she could deal with. She had had worse, a broken arm once, and it would end soon enough. Then she could go back to London and forget all about this man who was occupying her thoughts.

  Eventually giving up on sleep, she went to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, washing the blood from her hair, the water stinging her damaged scalp and cut lip. Toweling herself dry, she walked into the bedroom where Luccio was still sleeping. Maybe breakfast, followed by a swim in the pool, would help her clear her head.


  Kyle had been trying to keep himself busy, working out twice a day, every day, but nothing had helped. Whenever he stopped, he saw her bruised and bloodied face in his mind. He’d seen her since, but wherever she had been, Luccio hadn’t been far away. He’d had to watch as Luccio pawed at her, and it had nearly made him sick. He wanted, needed, to apologize. The way he had spoken to her that night had been unforgiveable. She’d only been trying to comfort him. The strong attraction he felt for her had scared him, and the only way he’d been able to deal with it had been to lash out. He was messed up, but the one thing he did know was that for the first time since Lori had been killed, he’d felt the ice block around his heart start to melt, and it was all because of this woman. Today, though, he knew that Luccio had an important meeting in town and was leaving her home alone, and he was determined to find her and explain.

  As soon as he heard the car leave, he made his way up to the house. He found her in the kitchen, standing at the counter with her back to him. Her long hair was tied up loosely in a side ponytail, and he longed to go to her and put his arms round her and kiss the back of her neck. Her shoulders had stiffened as he had come into the room, and she turned slowly and met his gaze. He looked into her eyes searchingly, but was met with emptiness.

  “I’m so sorry,” he started, but before he could say anything else, they were interrupted by the sound of a car outside. Looking through the window, Kyle saw that Luccio had returned. Noticing his briefcase on the table, Kyle realized what he had come back for and was just about to take it out to him when Luccio walked into the kitchen.

  “Ah, there it is,” he said, taking the briefcase. “Look, I don’t need you today. Why don’t you take Tara out and show her around?”

  Kyle looked at Tara, who just shrugged. “Fine with me, boss.” He was pleased. This would give him just the opportunity he needed to explain himself to her. “Where do you want to go?” he asked her as Luccio left for the second time.

  “You’re the native, you show me,” she replied coolly.

  “How about a trip to Venice Beach?” he suggested.

  “Okay. That sounds nice. Let me get my things.”

  Grabbing his own beach gear, he waited at the front of the house for her to appear. She had changed into tiny cut-off cotton shorts that showed off her endless legs, and a bikini top under a loose, see-through blouse. She looked amazing. He tried, and failed, not to stare at her legs as she got in the car. The effect this woman had on him was unbelievable.

  Finding a quiet spot, they dumped their gear. Tara immediately stripped off her blouse and shorts and, at a run, headed straight for the sea.

  “Come on,” she called over her shoulder to him as she splashed into the spray. Not normally one for swimming in the ocean, her enthusiasm was infectious and he found himself following her. Trying to catch up to her, he lost his balance and fell headfirst under the water. Sputtering, he stood up to find her laughing uncontrollably next to him.

  “What so funny?” he said, trying to spit saltwater out of his mouth.

  “Nothing!” she said, giggling. He felt himself start to smile, and then they were both doubled over in fits of laughter. It felt good. Normal. And just what they needed to ease the tension.

  After splashing about for a while longer, they headed back to their stuff and lay down to dry off. They didn’t talk, but the silence was a companionable one.

  He was dozing when she spoke. “I lost a child, too.” She’d said it so softly, he barely heard her. Kyle was stunned. Raising himself up on one elbow, he looked at her, not knowing what to say.

  “You accused me of working you. I wasn’t. I was speaking from experience.” He could tell that it was hard for her to tell him this, to open herself up to him in this way. He knew that this woman deserved nothing short of complete honesty.

  “I judged you, and I’m sorry.” He saw a slight softening in her gaze and decided to keep going. “You’ve made me feel something for the first time in a long time, and for that I should be thanking you, not abusing you. Please forgive me.”

  “This is hard for me, too. I can’t explain it, but for the first time I feel that my life could be so much more than it is,” she said, her voice shaking. She felt the same way. He knew that now. With his heart racing, he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply.


  Tara knew now that she couldn’t fight it. There was no future in it, of that she was sure, but right here, right now, she was going to choose to allow herself a bit of happiness. As he held her in his arms, she felt her body respond in a way it never had to anyone before. Forgetting where she was, everything faded into the background except his kiss.

  She was jolted back to reality by a volleyball landing on her lap, and she quickly pulled away, laughing.

  “Sorry, lady!” shouted a teenager, grinning widely as he came to get the ball. Tara felt the heat in her cheeks, which got even more intense when she saw Kyle grinning at her.

  Leaning towards her, he whispered in her ear. “We’re going to pick up where we left off when we get home.”

  Quickly gathering their things together and putting their clothes over their swimsuits, they headed back to the car. The sexual tension in the air on the drive back was palpable, and they barely made it to the kitchen before Kyle took her face in his hands and started to explore her mouth with his tongue. Needing more, he trailed kisses along her jaw and down to the hollow between her neck and her shoulder. Responding, she threw her head back and arched her back, pressing herself against him. He could feel her hips pressed hard against his and the firm roundness of her breasts against his chest. He brought his right hand up and cupped one of them now, teasing the nipple through the fabric of her shirt.

  “Oh, Kyle!” she gasped, and this just intensified the fire within him. Pulling away slightly, he unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it from the waistband of her shorts. Removing it from her shoulders, he met her eyes, and there was no mistaking the lust in them. Undoing her bikini top, he dropped it to the floor and gazed at her nakedness. Cupping her ass with his hands, he lif
ted her up and sat her on the counter.

  Suddenly, he was brutally yanked back and landed on the kitchen floor with a crash. He had been so caught up in the moment, he hadn’t heard Luccio get home.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Luccio stood over him, angrier than Kyle had ever seen him. Before he had a chance to say anything, he had turned to Tara and, with a backhand across the face, sent her crashing against the kitchen cabinets.

  White hot rage took hold of him. With a roar he lowered his head and ran at Luccio. Tackling him, they both went crashing into the kitchen table. The impact left Kyle dazed long enough for Luccio to pick up a kitchen chair and smash it over his head. The last thing he saw before everything went black was Luccio advancing on Tara, and he couldn’t do a thing about it.


  He wasn’t out long, but it was long enough for Luccio to go to his office and get one of his guns from his safe, a gun he was now pointing at Kyle.

  “That’s how you thank me for giving you a job, you motherfucker? I won this whore. You want one? Then go and get your own.”

  He moved closer to Tara, who was standing with her back to the counter, clearly terrified, blood coming from her nose. Kyle tried to stand , but Luccio aimed at his head.

  “Move, and I’ll shoot.” Grabbing Tara, Luccio told her to go upstairs to his bedroom and pushed her toward kitchen door. Having no choice, she staggered from the room.

  “You’ve got an hour to get your stuff and get off my property. After that, all bets are off.”

  “You’re going to pay for this, make no mistake.” Kyle glared up at him from his position on the floor.

  “Of course, I am. Now, let’s go. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Getting up, and with Luccio following him, they went to his quarters. Luccio stayed in the living room while he packed what he could carry in a gym bag. A plan was already forming in his mind and, checking that Luccio wasn’t paying attention, he slid a manila folder out from under his mattress and into the bag. As he was escorted off the property, he looked up at the main house. He could see Tara standing in the bedroom window, looking down at him with one hand pressed to the glass. He smiled at her to reassure her, and let her know it would be okay.