Read The Games Plan Page 14

better one out there.

  Edwin is shaken, appalled to say the least.

  EDWIN: Well, what can I say? I guess you're right and I was wrong, always been. I dreamed I could find a better place for me and my friends, but it just seems we'll never be able to change things. And surely we'll never get to change ourselves, so we'd better go back to where we came from and stay there for good. We're no champions, we're not fast, strong, handsome, we're not good in anything... (the saddest of sighs) we're just unwary hicks from a lost village, and that we shall remain for all our life.

  No rage or tears in his eyes, just a dull look of complete, unconditional surrender. Everybody is saddened and silent, until:

  GOLD: Well, you know what? (Lays down the cold pack) I never heard so much bullshit in all my life.

  He moves to his nightstand, opens a drawer.

  GOLD: If only champions had the right to dream I wouldn't be here today, and you know why?

  He sticks on the mirror an old picture of a barefoot kid running in front of a small wooden shack.

  GOLD: Because once I was a village hick myself. I would still be running down my backyard and pulling the nets on my uncle's boat if I convinced myself a better world didn't exist, that it wasn't worth fighting for something more than what I had.

  He heaves a long sigh, nods at the guys.

  GOLD: Believe me when I tell you everything is possible if you believe in yourself and you're ready to give all you got to reach your goals. You too, I'm sure if you will dedicate yourselves in, I mean, yeah... in whatever it is that you do...

  Kidal, Edwin and Leon just look at him in silence.

  GOLD: Well, maybe even you will manage to get where you want, whatever that is. Just remember one thing, you don't need to change and deny what you are, 'cause it's not you who are wrong, the world is... (eyes stuck on his old photo) and I should remind that more often myself.

  Edwin cracks a sad smile.

  EDWIN: Well, I'm sure you're right, but remaining ourselves won't help us much. It could also be the world to be wrong, but it just seems we can't do nothing about it anyway. By now a miracle wouldn't get us out of trouble, and something tells me a miracle is not in sight.

  KIDAL: Yeah, our head of Delegation took our passports and will denounce us for treachery as soon as we return to our country, unless we give him the money he asked for.

  GOLD: Well, he's blackmailing you, denounce him before he denounces you!

  LEON: It would be no good, his brother is in the London embassy, and his wife is the cousin of our president.

  EDWIN: In other words, there's no way out of it except by paying that money, and of course there is no way to find it!

  His eyes fall back down. Just as a grin appears on Gold's face.

  GOLD: Well, I wouldn't be so sure...

  Edwin raises his puzzled face, stares at him for a beat. His expression changes as they both turn to Drake.

  DRAKE: Why the hell are you looking at my watch?


  The 4X100 metres relay race is just minutes away, the first leg runners approaching the starting blocks as a thick tension fills the whole stadium. And there's quite more than tension in the way the Jamaican runner is gripping the baton.

  COMMENTATOR (V.O.): And here are the Jamaican lions, ready to go for their umpteenth gold medal...

  Sitting on the stands Edwin, Leon, Kidal and Talita keep their tense eyes on the runners and on the cheap watch around Drake's wrist.

  COMMENTATOR (V.O.): here's the watch we heard so much about. And if I may, to cost half a million dollars it doesn't look all that special...

  Kidal and Leon turn in concern to Edwin.

  LEON: Are you sure this is going to work?

  EDWIN: No. But if there's a single chance we're getting that watch out of here, well, it's inside that baton!


  Saheed fumes like a raging rhino as he hurries toward the guys' room.

  SAHEED: Filthy little worms! If they think getting expelled will help them avoiding me they are dead wrong!

  He throws open the door, bites his lip at the empty room.

  SAHEED: Those nasty cockroach grubs!

  FEMALE VOICE (O.S.): Excuse me, Sir...

  He turns around to face KESIA and ANIKA, smiling at him in their bathrobes as they point to the stairs.

  ANIKA: think you could help us with the sauna? We can't set the temperature right and it just seems there's nobody in here to lend a hand!

  Saheed relaxes in a second, takes the girls arm in arm.

  SAHEED: My dear ladies, everything can be said about me, but believe me when I tell you I won't ever be accused of having left you alone without trying to solve your problems.


  A loud buzz from the crowd as the runners take position on the starting blocks. Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Japan, France, Great Britain, the United States and Jamaica. World War on running shoes. The speaker calls for silence and the stadium turns into a grave. The Jamaican first leg runner makes the sign of the cross, sets his eyes far down his lane. It is on:

  TRACK JUDGE (O.S.): Set...

  The runners raise on the blocks, a SHOT and they take off!


  Our guys hold their breath as the runners fly toward the first change, Jamaica and USA emerging forward from the speeding line of men, head to head while the second leg runners get moving... CHANGE: the precious baton changes hands as, now well ahead of the others, Jamaica and the US keep fighting for the first place.

  COMMENTATOR (V.O.): ...and USA is ahead! they run to the next change, the American runner gaining ground as DRAKE starts running, grabs the baton from behind his back and takes off like a rocket! With a fake watch on his wrist and an half million dollars one in the cheap cylinder in his hand he quickly regains foot after foot and catches up to the American rival.

  Edwin still can't breathe, Leon shuts his eyes as Kidal pops out his fetish and springs up on his feet:

  KIDAL: Go, in the name of Babu, go!!

  COMMENTATOR (V.O.): And here we go, ready for the last change and the final 100 meters!

  The crowd goes crazy as Gold gets moving in his lane, gets the baton from Drake and literally flies into another dimension, out of reach of the American final leg runner and everyone else in the world.

  He gains feet with every stride as he thunders toward the finish line at the speed of light, a roar from the crowd and it is over!

  The stadium explodes as Gold raises the baton to the sky.

  Edwin, Leon, Kidal and Talita hug each other crying tears of joy as the Jamaican team enjoys their triumph.

  As a lion after a big hunt Gold trots around the track waving the baton to the cheering crowd. He's in seventh heaven, spurting joy from every pore when a TRACK JUDGE stops right before him.

  TRACK JUDGE: Excuse me, Sir, we're taking the baton, it is Committee's property.

  Gold's smile disappears as he stares at the judge with way more than surprise. And with much more to lose than a souvenir of his victory he racks his brain to say the right thing and quick.

  GOLD: Committee's property?! I can't see no Committee on this track! I cut the line first, not your Committee!

  TRACK JUDGE: (takes the baton anyway) I'm sorry, Sir, it's the rules.

  Gold bites his lip as he turns in distress to


  Where among the bewildered crowd Edwin and Talita exchange a desperate look at the sinking of their plan. Without a beat of pondering she runs for the stairs...


  ...reaches the judge as he heads for the control room with the baton and his precious load.

  TALITA: Wait, why did you take the baton away from him? That's not fair!

  TRACK JUDGE: Because there are rules to be observed, young lady!

  TALITA: But it's not right, and this
must count more than your rules! For you that's just a piece of alloy, for someone else it means more than you could ever imagine!

  TRACK JUDGE: You know, it's...

  Taken aback by the girl's determined look and the truth in her words he takes a long look at the baton.

  TRACK JUDGE: Well, I guess you're just --

  MALE VOICE (O.S.): Talita, what the hell are you doing here?!

  Talita steps back as her brother gets right in her face.

  RASHID: You're embarrassing yourself and your entire family!

  EDWIN (O.S.): And you are making nervous me and both my hands!

  Followed by Leon and Kidal, Edwin steps in between Talita and her brother, mean and fuming like a raging bull.

  EDWIN: I suggest you leave her alone right now, or we'll have to resume the conversation we had this afternoon.

  RASHID: Too bad for you, there's no lockers in here, I really guess I'll have to hurt you this time!

  MALE VOICE (O.S.): Well, then you'll have to hurt all of us, dude!

  He turns around as they are joined by Abebe, Kerieme, the Greek table tennis guru and a pair of skinny high-jump ladies.

  ABEBE: These are good guys, and they're our friends, too, we won't let you beat the hell out of them like you would probably do!

  Edwin frowns as Rashid grins at the weird bunch before him.

  RASHID: What's that, Paralympics time already?

  Suddenly the floor starts to tremble. He ups his head, drops his smile at Ricardo's gigantic figure.

  RICARDO: Astride on the zebra, guys.

  KIDAL: Astride on the zebra to you, bud!

  The balance is shifted, at least until the FOUR HEAVYWEIGHTS from the Qatari boxing team catch up with Rashid. He stares hard on Edwin.

  RASHID: You know, I don't know if you really you know what you're doing, and most of all I can't see what the hell do you want from my sister.

  EDWIN: What am I doing, you say? I'm fighting for the chance I never had, that's what I'm doing!

  He stares Rashid straight in the eyes, determined and confident like he probably never was in his entire life.

  EDWIN: Sure, I'm not an athlete, I'm not good at practically anything and I still don't know what I will manage to get out of my life, but you know what? (A look at his buds) I just can't wait to find out!

  Kidal and Leon look moved at him as he turns to Talita.

  EDWIN: And regarding your sister, well...

  A multitude of faces suddenly turns to Edwin as athletes, regular people from the audience and a pair of cameramen attracted by the mess all wait for him to go on. Edwin looks at the cameras and at the awaiting crowd, then, without the slightest trace of embarrassment:

  EDWIN: ...she's the best thing that ever happened to me since the first time I ate ice cream.

  Talita smiles at him, wet eyes like many others in the crowd.

  EDWIN: She alone would be worth standing my ground here and everywhere else. And by the way, I've been through so much to get here it certainly won't be a windbag like you to stop me now!

  Rashid clenches his fists, shares a glance with his buds and goes to move for Edwin when the crowd suddenly opens, a deathly silence breaks out as TARKAN CANKUT appears between the two factions. Time stops as he stands right in Rashid's face, shooting nukes from his eyes as he bites a Habanero pepper like it was a piece of candy.

  Rashid and the Qatar boxers glance at each other for a long beat. Then turn on their heels and walk away without a word.

  EDWIN: Yes!!

  Talita runs to Edwin and they finally can kiss as everybody exchanges smiles and high fives. Tarkan heaves a deep sigh of relief. Then, with an unexpected effeminate voice:

  TARKAN: Thank goodness, I really thought we would've had to fight for real!

  Everybody drops their mouths, then burst into laughter together with him as they all move back to the outside of the stadium. Leon stays behind, pats on Abebe's shoulder.

  LEON: Man, thank you so much, you really got some nerve!

  ABEBE: They were lucky, you know, I could have hurt them really bad!

  LEON: Thanks for your help anyway... (holds out his hand) I won't forget it, I mean it.

  ABEBE: Come on, man, let's not get sentimental, okay? (Shakes Leon's hand) We'll meet at the next Games anyway, I should be doing alright until then!

  He winks at Leon, walks away munching on a cheap snack...


  ...just as the TRACK JUDGE moves over Gold and hands him back the baton: the stadium EXPLODES as Gold resumes his lap of honor.

  FRED (V.O.): Well, it is true, sometimes in life the strangest things may happen...

  A cheering crowd surrounds Drake as Talita lays a shirt on his shoulders, mouths him the biggest of thank yous.



  FRED (V.O.): Some things quite good...

  ...front page entirely occupied by a picture of Drake wearing an Egyptian flagged shirt with a peace sign drawn on it, right under the news of the theft of his expensive watch by someone in the audience.

  FRED (V.O.): ...some else even more.


  A furious Saheed steps off an airliner, rushes toward a troop of soldiers eager to denounce his traitor compatriots. Just as he opens his mouth the soldiers grab his arms and start dragging him away.

  SAHEED: What the hell are you doing? Don't you know who I am?!

  SAHEED'S WIFE: Oh, they know! I just showed them, you rotten lizard!

  She hands him a stack of PHOTOS: a quick glimpse of two blond pigtails and a horsewhip and Saheed stops whining at once.


  A storm of flashes pours down on HUANG and his team, all sitting heads down as the tournament judge sternly addresses them in front of a crowd of journalists.

  TOURNAMENT JUDGE: ...Danazol, HGC, Dextran, and Clenbuterol, the presence of which was confirmed also by the second anti-doping test, and which has led to the disqualification of the Chinese team and the revocation of Mr. Huang's medal.

  Huang closes his eyes in a burst of shame.

  TOURNAMENT JUDGE: The test also confirmed traces of amiloride, which most likely caused Mr. Huang's fainting during the final, for whose interruption the same Mr. Huang will receive a fine of five thousand pounds.

  The flashes keep on bursting as we CUT TO:


  The streets full of joyful residents and curious tourists as we recognize the window of the SOUVENIR SHOP.

  FRED (V.O.): As they say, life is a constant surprise, and you can really hear and see all kind of weird things, especially when you own a Jamaican souvenir shop in Brixton, South London, Olympics time...


  FRED (V.O.): three young men from Zimbabwe, offering an half million dollars watch to buy your license.

  Edwin and Talita smile at a young couple from behind the counter. Leon is baking sweets behind a small deli counter as a thrilled Kidal escorts a group of chubby old ladies around the shop.

  The landscapes posters are still on the wall, the Jamaican sunset standing out right in the middle...

  FRED (V.O.): ...and if a friend puts in a good word, well, you could also end up accepting!

  ... a big signed photo of Daevon Gold right next to it.

  Finally happy and with a place in the world, Kidal, Leon, Edwin and Talita keep attending their customers as we leave them to their well deserved happy ending and


  The joyful footage of the Olympics closing ceremony. When, if not for two weeks at least for two hours, there was finally only one whole, united, happy world.


  Also by Andrea Lombardi


  Bai yezhù – L’uomo che spense la rete

  TNT - Unarmed and dangerous


  Niente p
aura, siamo nei guai!

  Short tales

  The monkey heist

  Revenge of the trash

  Una notte a Roma

  Un tranquillo giovedì di fine agosto

  Un giorno di ordinaria illegalità

  Piacere di non conoscerti

  La ronda di Capodanno

  L'alba del pianeta delle formiche

  Spazzatour de force

  L’audace colpo della scimmia innamorata

  You can follow and contact Andrea on Twitter: ParoladiSergio

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