Read The Gate Keeper Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Making Plans


  When Henry got up the next morning he felt sick with the knowledge he had to go back to school. His altercation with Paul, and Victor had been interrupted. He didn’t know if they would be aggressively hunting him to finish the job, or lying low. After being caught in the garden they had no way of knowing if Henry’s parents had gotten involved. Henry believed there was a good chance they would lay low today, but he had been wrong before.

  It was Friday, but not just any Friday. It was the Friday before a three-day weekend. School was closed Monday for president’s day. If he played sick today it would mess up his whole weekend. He wanted to go to the Robert’s yard after school, he was supposed to shovel his grandparents yard, and go out for pizza on Saturday, and he was hopeful about spending more time working in Roberts’ yard on Sunday, and Monday. He knew if he pretended to be sick his mom would make him hang around the house all weekend. The only option was to go to school, and take his chances.

  Henry was anxious to get to first period. Being exposed in the hallway made him jumpy. Victor was in his History Class first hour. He was not looking forward to starting the day being mocked, but maybe he could get a feel for how bad the day was going to turn out. When he got to the classroom, he checked to make sure there was a teacher on duty. Henry wanted out of the hallways, but settling down in an unattended classroom was an even worse idea. Finding a teacher on duty Henry let out a sigh of relief, and found his seat. Normally he would read a book until class started, but he did not want to divert his attention from his personal safety just yet. Instead he got out his textbook, and last nights homework. He figured he could pretend to look over his work, and watch the door at the same time.

  The first bell rang signaling the beginning of the day. Kids began leaving the hallways, and finding their seats. The final bell rang to signal the beginning of the period, and Victor was nowhere to be seen. If Victor were not here to egg Paul on then maybe today would not be so bad. Henry’s mind was so far away that he almost missed Jake Stevens telling the teacher where Victor had gone. He listened more closely.

  “I talked to him last night. He went snowmobiling with Paul. Their dads took them to Wisconsin for the three-day weekend. They won’t be back till Monday night.” Henry was so excited he almost laughed out loud. He had an entire day of safety. He almost didn’t know how to act.

  Today was the Friday before a three-day weekend, and was even more laid back than usual. Henry thought the day was going better than he expected until he got to English seventh hour.

  When Henry got to English the teacher gave them a packet of questions, and said they could work in pairs. Henry hated when teachers did this because he never had anyone to work with. Henry was a very quiet kid, and did not make friends easily. Some days Henry could go the whole day with out saying more than six words, which were not in direct response to a teacher’s question. Even the kids he had been sort of friendly with had evaporated when Paul had taken a real dislike to him. No one was willing to stick his, or her neck out, and talk to a kid who barely spoke to begin with.

  Henry didn’t bother looking for a partner, and started right in on his packet. It was the first of many packets to come all related to the novel they had just started in class, culminating in a big project relating to the novel`. He had a lot of stuff he wanted to do this weekend, and he didn’t want to take the packet home. He was disturbed out of his focus when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up to see Britney standing there.

  “Do you understand this book at all?” she asked.

  “I do,” Henry said.

  “Do you mind if I work with you?” she asked. Henry just looked at her while she sat down, and got her stuff out. She finished settling in, and looked at him. Henry had still not gotten over the fact that she was sitting here wanting to work with him. He blurted out the only thing that was in his head before he could stop himself.

  “Do you really think I have pretty eyes?” He realized what he had said, and turned pink.

  “I do,” she said.

  “Thank you, no one has ever told me that before it was really nice.” Henry answered. Britney smiled. Henry really like the way her face lit up when she smiled. It was like the whole room got brighter. The two of them sat in silence for a moment not sure where to go from there.

  Britney spoke first “did you get the answer to number four?” The two of them spent the rest of the period working together on the packet. Henry knew most of the answers. Every time Britney knew an answer she smiled. Henry felt a little more privileged to see something so special. Objectively Henry knew that she was a pretty girl, with her long blond hair, and her green eyes; but when she smiled she was beautiful.

  Sometimes Henry could see into the heart of things, quite often actually, come to think of it. He knew his parents thought it was because he was maturing, but Henry had always been able to do it. Sometimes it was a gradual thing. Like looking at a poster in a dark room with a penlight; you eventually saw enough of the picture that you could extrapolate out, and understand what was going on. Sometimes it was like someone flipped a switch, and turned a light on. Henry saw the whole picture laid out in front of him. This was how he knew how hard his parents worked to save money, but usually ended the pay period broke because they spent it all on their kids, but sitting here looking at Britney’s smile he felt completely lost. He didn’t know anything about girls. The only thing he knew was he was out of his depth.

  “Thanks for being my partner its nice not to be working alone.” Henry said.

  “Do you always work alone?” she asked.

  Henry took a chance and told her the truth, “I don’t have any friends.” He winced as he said it out loud. He was not sure he had ever come right out, and said it aloud before.

  “Me either,” she answered. Henry was startled by this answer; she was never alone. “I mean there are a lot of people I talk to on a regular basis, but I don’t think any of them are really my friends,” Britney said. Henry thought her eyes looked kind of sad.

  “At least you talk to people, I don’t think I normally talk to two people all day,” Henry said. He did not know why he was being so honest with her. He had never really spoken to her before, and he was sharing too much. She was just so pretty and she was talking to him. He was nervous, but it was nice to talk to someone.

  “What happened to your eyes?” Britney asked.

  “Paul, and Victor,” Henry said.

  “It was because I said they were pretty wasn’t it?” she asked. Henry confirmed that it was. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “It’s okay, I don’t blame you, and it was nice to get a compliment. I’ve never gotten one before, well one that wasn’t from a family member anyway. Besides Paul always finds a reason to beat on me anyway.”

  “I’m sorry, how bad?” she asked.

  “It’s gotten pretty bad,” Henry said seriously. He thought about showing her his chest, but no one had seen that, not even his sister, and although they fought a lot they were pretty open about most things.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “It’s not your fault,” Henry said.

  “I think he knows I like you,” she said.

  “Why?” It was the first thing that came into his head. He thought he had blown it and felt better when she laughed.

  “You’re kind of cute, and smart,” she said. Henry just stat there, his brain locked up. The prettiest girl he had ever met had just told him she like him. He was afraid to move; scared he would wake up, and find it had all been a dream.

  “What happens next?” he asked. His head was spinning.

  “Well you could ask me out” she said.

  “What about Paul?” Henry asked.

  “I’m done with him, how about that date?” she said.

  “I would like that, I have something with my grandparents Saturday, how abou
t Sunday?” Henry asked.

  “Sunday sounds great pick you up at eleven.” She said. Henry’s head was spinning. He gave her his address, he wanted to say more, but the bell rang, and she was gone leaving him feeling happier than he had ever felt. He, Henry Thomas, had a date. He was so excited he almost forgot all about going to Ms. Roberts house. He ran to his locker so he would not be late.


  Henry ran all the way to Ms. Roberts house giddy with excitement. He opened the gate, and jogged right up to the damaged section of fence. He looked at it a few minutes before climbing the steps to the front door, and knocked. It took a few moments, but Henry saw the curtain move, and then the door opened. Ms. Roberts was dressed in business attire just like the other time he had seen her.

  “Good afternoon Henry” she said with a small tight-lipped smile. Henry really liked her even though there was something off about her smile; it didn’t bother him but she looked uncomfortable when she smiled.

  “Good afternoon Ms. Roberts” he replied “what can I do today to start making things right, I really appreciate you not telling my dad how we met yesterday.”

  “Well, I thought it might be good if we had a few secrets amongst ourselves. As long as you are willing to repair the damage I see no reason to get anyone in trouble. I thought you could start by shoveling the driveway, and sidewalks. The ground is too cold to repair the fencing just yet.” Henry had looked closely at the fencing before knocking on the door and he had an idea.

  “I was thinking that if you put some water on to boil, while I shoveled the driveway, then it would be hot enough to thaw the ground enough to put the fence back into the ground.”

  She agreed, told Henry where the snow shovel was, and went to put the water on to boil. Henry made quick work of the narrow driveway and sidewalks. Any time that he started to get tired he thought about his date with Britney, and it buoyed his spirits. The garden was harder to shovel because of the flagstone paths. The edge of the shovel kept catching on the different flagstones. As he shoveled he told Nathan about his day, and his upcoming date. He knew that the statue could not really hear him, but he was just so excited to tell someone. He was finishing the steps when he stopped in front of the armor.

  “I think we will need a name for you big guy,” he said to no one in general. He was working on coming up with a knick name for the armor when Ms. Roberts came out with the water.

  “Whom are you talking to out here?” she asked.

  “Oh” he said realizing she had caught him, “I was just trying to think of a good name for your armor,” he said embarrassed.

  She took his statement in stride, “his name is Francis,” she said. Henry looked at the armor for a moment.

  “I bet his friends call him Frankie,” he said.

  She smiled that same tight lipped smile at his statement and replied “that is why I call him Francis, that and because I think he vaguely dislikes it.” Henry shrugged slightly confused by this idea, and followed her, and the water down into the yard.

  “So do you really think this will work?” she asked.

  Henry smiled “well, the water should at least melt the snow so we can see the holes where the posts were. Then we could at least make it look okay till the ground defrosts enough in a couple of weeks to really do the job right.” Henry began pouring the water where he thought the posts should be. As he had thought the holes for them were still frozen into the ground a little worse for wear after being knocked over but he thought the water might freeze around the posts, and shore them up in a matter of hours. Within a few minutes the fence looked as good as new.

  “Do you always do such good work?” Roberts asked as she looked around the yard.

  “I try,” Henry said. He found that he rather like spending time with this woman. “My father mentioned something about odd jobs, was there something else I could help you do?”

  “I think that I can come up with something, when do you want to start,” she asked. Henry thought for a few moments. I have family stuff tomorrow and I have a date on Sunday. I should do my homework on Monday. Will Tuesday be early enough for you?” He asked earnestly.

  “You have a date, huh?” She said considering him carefully. “Is she your girlfriend?” she asked smiling. Henry noticed that she never really smiled wide enough to see her teeth. He thought he remembered something off about her smile when he first met her. He wondered if she was self conscious about it. Henry could tell that she was teasing him a little about the date, but played along. He knew that when his sister found out; she was going to be merciless, as only little sisters could be.

  “No ma’am this is our first date, but I’m hopeful” He admitted. Ms. Roberts smiled wide enough that he could almost see her teeth.

  “Well then, in that case I think Tuesday will work fine, I will see you here after school on Tuesday. I have somethings to get done this evening so if you will excuse me” She turned to head to the house. “You can see yourself out I trust,” she said over her should. Henry did not think she really expected an answer, as she was already walking through the door leaving him alone in the garden.


  The next night Henry hung his coat up, his head still spinning from the kiss in the driveway he thought it had been a great day. Maybe the first really great day in a long time. After the movie, they had spent the rest of their time talking about school, and holding hands. He had gladly agreed to work on the rest of the novel packets with her and be her partner for the project at the end. He was not sure what would happen on Tuesday when school started again, they had both carefully avoided that subject, but he was excited.

  Henry went to his room; he found a note on his door from his father. The note read, “Ms. Roberts called. She needs you to call her tonight about working tomorrow.” There was a phone number. He grabbed the cordless phone from the kitchen counter, and headed into his room. He dialed the number, and Ms. Roberts answered the phone on the second ring.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello, Mrs. Roberts?” Henry asked to make sure he reached right person.

  “Speaking,” she said.

  “Hi, this is Henry, my dad said you called about me working tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Henry, I’m so glad you called, listen I had a real problem here, I know you said that you were busy tomorrow, but I was really hoping that you could come over for part of the day.” Henry had finished all of his homework Friday night, and had been trying to figure out a way to keep him occupied tomorrow. Britney had family things, and was busy.

  “Sure, what time,” he said.

  ”Eight o’clock would be best,” she said. He had nothing else to do, and agreed.

  “Good night, Henry,’” she said, and she was gone. Henry wondered what had happened that she needed help with. He put the phone down glad to have something to do tomorrow, and got ready for bed.

  As Henry closed his eyes, and drifted into sleep his last thought was of Britney. He was sure of it now. He was in love.


  Roberts hung up the phone, and looked over to Nathan sitting in a chair on the other side of her desk.

  “He agreed; he will be here at 8 o’clock tomorrow,” she said.

  “What are you going to tell him?” Nathan asked.

  “I’m not sure what I’m going to tell him. He’s just so young. I doubt his mind could even comprehend the scope of his abilities. The fact remains that after Harris’s “accident”, I desperately need a keeper tomorrow, and none of the other stations can spare one”.

  “You really think he can do the job on his first day?”

  “He is a natural. You saw him with the garden gate. Only a handful of keepers in the universe can open that gate, and all of them needed training first. It has been nearly a full millennia since there was a natural willing to work the gates for us,” Roberts said.

  “What about my people, you know how long I have w
aited for someone willing to try to help us, if he really is a natural then he could be the one we need,” Nathan pleaded.

  “The boys isn’t even 18 yet, and you know how dangerous that mission could be. Are you really willing to risk his life?” she asked.

  “Sometimes people must take risks for the greater good of a whole planet.”

  “There is a difference between informed, calculated risks and throwing another living creature’s life away for your cause.”

  “I am not a monster,”

  “No you’re a fool! I will not allow you to take that boy unless he knows all the risks involved. I mean all the risks Nathan. You know as well as I do there are worse things than death for a keeper. He needs training. I will not authorize any openings, until after he is trained and that is my final word on the subject,” she said.

  Nathan left the office. He was not happy, but she did not care. She went about getting things ready for morning. Nathan would wait until Henry got some training and that would give her a little breathing room. She knew it was her job to keep an eye on Nathan, and protect him, but she got tired of protecting him from himself. If left to his own devices he would do anything to return his people to their home. He may hate himself for the lives lost in the process, but he would do it. Frankly, she wasn’t entirely convinced how much he would morn the lives lost. She gave a small shudder at the thought.

  Henry was different; he wasn’t old enough to be out of diapers yet on her world. She knew that earthlings measured time differently, but there was something pure about him. He reminded her so much of Melchiorre. She had not been able to keep him safe, but she would protect Henry.