Read The Ghost of St. Elmo Page 8



  I excused myself from the dinner table and headed upstairs to my room and a nice warm shower. I felt a loneliness tonight I hadn’t felt in a long time. If only my buddy, Zack was here. I knew he could cheer me up…. He always did. I made my way up the large staircase with the sound of wood creaking behind me with every step I took. Though I was feeling pretty down, I was still in awe as I looked around at the massive beams, beautiful rugs, large, overstuffed leather furniture and the strong scent of pine that permeated the huge log interior. Heading to my room I rounded the corner and heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Katie scurrying toward me with a smile on her face.

  “Ian, please don’t be upset. Mother and Father were only kidding you.”

  “I know,” I responded, “but I know exactly what I saw.”

  “I believe you, Ian,” Katie seemed to whisper, “but I can’t tell you why.” She turned and ran off to her room, leaving me standing with my mouth open, wondering what she was talking about and her mysterious behavior. I entered my room, threw myself into my large, leather chair and stared out of the window into the darkness. The only things to be seen were the peaks of the mountains silhouetted against the moon and the clouds slowly drifting by. I stared into the darkness…my mind re-living the day’s events and Katie’s cryptic message. I gave a deep sigh and became one with the chair, closing my eyes as I did. Maybe a short nap, and then a nice warm shower, and I would be back to normal.

  A bright ball of fire was peering over the horizon as I suddenly jumped up and looked out the window. I frantically searched for my watch 6:15. My heart started beating wildly as I realized I had slept the entire night. I jumped up with a start. I threw off my clothes and ran to my shower. Mr. Mac said breakfast at 6:30, and I knew he meant it. I quickly showered, dressed and, breathing heavily from my quick sprint to the kitchen, arrived exactly at 6:30.

  “That’s what I like my boy,” Mr. Mac said, “a man who’s on time.” I smiled and greeted everyone with a cheerful, “Good morning!” Charles smiled, looked toward me and nodded with that ever present twinkle in his eye. Katie wandered in just as I was sitting down and gave me a little smile as she sat down beside me.

  ”Good morning Mother…Father,” Katie said as she greeted her parents. “Good morning, honey,” they both shot back, almost simultaneously.

  “Katie would you get the biscuits from the oven, sweetie?” she asked. “I don’t want to ruin these scrambled eggs and steaks.” Katie moved toward the large, silver colored stove, wrapped a towel around her hand and removed a steaming tray of scrumptious smelling biscuits and placed them in the center of the table. Mrs. Mac followed shortly, carrying two large platters. One platter held a heaping pile of bright yellow scrambled eggs, and the other held layers of great smelling elk steaks. Everyone’s plates were filled, and the room became quiet as the sound of silverware clinking against the plates replaced the once loud conversations. After several minutes of enjoying a wonderful breakfast, Mr. Mac broke our self–imposed silence.

  “Katie, you and Ian can enjoy a day of sightseeing while I take Charles into Buena Vista with me to pick up some supplies. I’ll have Slim saddle your horses, and he’ll ride with you to check some fences while you’re out,” he continued.

  “Yes, sir,” Katie said with a slight furrowing of her brow. “Does it have to be”…Katie was interrupted by her father before she could finish.

  “Katie, Slim will be waiting for you,” he shot back.

  “Yes, sir,” she acknowledged.

  When we finished eating, Katie and I headed for the barn. She seemed quiet, and I could tell that she was bothered by something. “Is everything alright?” I asked as we both made our way around the many mud holes.

  “I guess I just don’t care much for Slim,” she paused. “He gives me the creeps,” she said with a shudder. Before I could ask why, we arrived at the corral. Saddling a horse on the far side was a tall, skinny man with black hair to his shoulders. He drew back his hand and smacked it hard across the horse’s nose, resulting in a crack that could easily be heard across the corral. The horse reared up on his hind legs and pawed at the air with his powerful front ones. The man then jerked hard on the reigns and grabbed the halter trying to calm him. Katie jumped through the rails and ran towards them both yelling as she did. “Slim, don’t hit Jasper! He still needs more work. You know that.”

  “Mr. Mac told me to saddle ya up a couple of horses, Miss Katie,” Slim said rather sarcastically.

  “Not this one!” Katie angrily shot back. “Ian’s not use to being around horses.”

  “That’s alright, Katie, don’t worry. I think I can handle it,” I said emphatically. My remark seemed to bring a smile to Slim’s tobacco stained lips.

  The horse pranced and pawed, but the saddle was finally put into place and cinched up tightly. I took the reins and swung my leg up and over sliding easily onto Jasper’s back. “Ian, you get down off of there right now!” Katie shouted excitedly. “That horse will kill you.” I looked down and smiled only to see Slim roaring with laughter.

  “Ride em, Cowboy!” he yelled sarcastically. After that remark I was determined to stay aboard Jasper, no matter what. The horse reared and snorted with disgust. The next thing I knew, he whirled around 360 degrees in midair, started bucking, took off running and stopped suddenly. I flew off, sailing over the horse’s head landing face down in the thick mud. Thank goodness for all the rainy days. It sure made for a soft landing. Katie’s hand squeezed my shoulder as she asked if I was all right. I rolled over on my back, propped myself up on my elbows and gave her a big smile.

  “I feel great!” I shouted. Slim only laughed at my spill and made no attempt to help me up or ask if I was okay. I quickly jumped up, wiped the mud off me, as best I could, and headed for Jasper. As I strode through the mud, Katie begged me to forget it. Slim looked at me through his squinting eyes with a smirk on his face. Now, I was more determined than ever. I slowly reached for the horse’s bridle, stroked his long, graceful neck and grabbed the pummel of the saddle. I threw my leg up and over again and settled into the firm leather seat. Bending forward I whispered into Jasper’s ear, “Easy, boy, easy.” Gently pressing my knees against his chest, I urged him forward. To my surprise, he slowly walked ahead waiting for my next command.

  We broke into a trot, back to a walk, then a trot, again. “Open the gate!” I shouted to Slim. “I’m ready to ride!” I looked over at Katie and gave a huge smile. Slim glared at me with a disgusted look in his cold eyes. If looks could kill, I’m sure this city boy would be dead.

  “Ride em, Cowboy!” Katie shouted out with joy. As I passed through the gate,

  Katie ran toward me and grabbed my horse’s bridle. Slim, stood still, glaring, and then slowly turned and stomped off through the mud mumbling as he did. “Oh, Slim,” Katie called out quickly. “Can you bring me my palomino? Ian already has his horse ready to ride. He won’t need another one.” We both looked at each other and burst out laughing. The joke was on Slim, and it was obvious he didn’t like it. Little did we know he would carry the events of today deep in his memory.

  Shortly, Slim returned with Katie’s horse and his own in hand. It was obvious he was still snorting from a few minutes before. He angrily threw Katie the reins to her horse and quickly mounted his. “Let’s go!” Slim snapped. “We’ve got work to do.”

  “Slim! The last time I checked, my father owned this ranch,” Katie shot back. ”We’ll leave when I’m ready. Is that clear?” Slim sat silent for a few seconds staring at her coldly, then responded,

  “Yes ma’am.” Now I saw why Katie didn’t care much for Slim, and I wondered why he had been hired. I decided, then, I would keep a close and cautious eye on this guy.