Read The Girl with the Violet Eyes Page 16

  Chapter 16

  “Theo!” someone shouts behind me. I lose my balance falling off the ledge of the patio but gracefully landing on my two feet. I shade my eyes from the brightness of the sun and look upwards. It's Blair Yarborough, one of the prettiest girls in the kingdom. She grins down at me; her pixie cut blonde hair bouncing enthusiastically, her blue eyes shimmering playfully in the afternoon sunlight. She is as pale as moonlight and as eccentric as they come, she always wears the color orange (she believes it has the ability to bring her good luck) and she's never seen without a smile. She's brilliant and talented, we competed for the king's advisor position and my charm and ability won him over. I sometimes catch myself wishing that I would have connected with her, but we never had that special moment between us.

  “Blair!” I cheer, stretching and trying to show off my muscles. She grins and whistles down at me.

  “Theo, you've finally become a man.”, she says playfully.

  “Oh. I've always been a man.”, I say winking in her direction; purposefully making her blush. I can see lust in her eyes; the same lustful look she always has around me. I pull myself upwards and she tries to tug at my arms helpfully. I grunt and finally make it back up the ledge. We sit Indian style reminiscing about our school days and about life. She tells me that she's dating Finn. I don't particularly like Finn; I think he cares too much about what everyone thinks but she seems happy.

  “Have you connected with him?” I probe for answers.

  “No.” she looks down into her lap unhappily.

  “So why are you with him then?” I ask realizing the jealousy hidden in my words.

  “I don't know, I guess I like him. He's sweet and kind and he takes really good care of me.”

  “You can't be with a guy just because of that. Any guy can do those things, Blair.” I say selfishly. I look up into her deep ocean blue eyes and she looks hurt. “I'm sorry.”

  “No. It's fine, it's just it's so hard seeing everyone else finding their soul mates around me and I'm stuck being alone.” she answers sadly.

  “Yeah, Well at least you don't have to compete for your soul mate, that damned wolf boy prince came here claiming that he had a connection with Ali. So my love life has turned into a never ending competition for her affection.” I whisper, my words full of hatred.

  “Well did he have a connection with her? I mean how is that possible, if you already had the connection with the princess?” she asks.

  “I'm not sure, I mean it is possible he's a Half-ling but it's so unfair that I have to compete with a prince; although, he hasn't been much of a competition yet.” I say thinking thoughtfully to myself about the prince's intentions. It is odd that he hasn't done anything over the top yet; his family is beyond wealthy and he hasn't showered her with gifts or promises. What if this is just a game to him?

  Blair grabs my right arm and her hands feel like they are burning my skin. They warm me like a fire on a cold wintery night. I can feel her digging inside my mind for thoughts but I can't stop her because I'm so relaxed and content so I let her continue. I look up into her eyes frozen in concentration staring directly into my soul. She lets go and I return to normal.

  “You know it's rude to just jump inside people's heads like that.” I complain.

  “Oh you like it, Theo. Anyways, you never tell me how you feel or what you're thinking and it's the easiest way to understand you. Sometimes you're such a closed book.” she says dreamily.

  “So what did you learn?” I ask fascinated.

  “The usual, you were thinking about girls; me and the princess in particular. You wonder if the prince isn't here just to play games with the heart of the princess. I could help you find out, for a small fee.” she whispers into my ear teasingly.

  “Anything, you name it.”, I breathe heavily.

  “You promise I can have anything and you can't get mad.” she says fidgeting around.

  “Yes, I promise. Well anything except murder; I morally cannot do that.” I respond.

  “Okay. Well kiss me then.” she says closing her eyes and leaning forward. She looks so beautiful and innocent; I'd never noticed her freckles, but they look spectacular. She looks so youthful and happy; I lean into her caressing her soft cheek. I can smell her fragrant perfume, she smells like honeysuckle and I breathe it in with a sigh. I lick my lips and then I pull her face towards mine; I can tell she isn't expecting it, but we kiss each other hungrily.

  “Theo.”, a familiar whisper comes from the doorway. I let go of Blair and look over at Ali standing in the doorway looking lovely. She's paralyzed and she can't move. She just stands there awe-struck and staring at me with her arms folded and her eyes wide.

  “Ali, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...” I trail off knowing it's useless. The girl is as stubborn as they come. I would have an easier time budging a bull then trying to win a fight with her.

  “Save it.”, she whispers. Venomous hatred fills her eyes and they turn a darker shade. She struts through the door making sure to slam it extra hard leaving me and Blair in an awkward silence.

  I run down the hallway, hot tears blurring my vision. I can see people on all sides of me but I ignore their attempts at comforting me. I don't need their help, I don't need anyone. I run and run until I can't feel my body anymore and I collapse into a purple chaise sitting at the end of a hall. I tuck my head into my knees and silently sob. I hate boys, and I hate this place. Everyone is so selfish and everything is like a game that I can't win. I can't please my mother or make boys want to kiss me the way they want to kiss pretty blonde girls. I wish I was still human, still just normal Alison Callahan. I don't want to be a princess, or have a soul mate. I can do fine on my own, and I don't need boys or anyone to make me happy. I hear footsteps creeping nearby


  Fatherly Advice