Read The Girl with the Violet Eyes Page 7

  Chapter 7

  My feet touch down on the green grassy meadow, filled with purple and yellow flowers that introduce the elves to the kingdom. It smells just as I remember; it smells like jasmine and lilac flowers. It smells a lot like the princess. I look over at Ali trying to read her emotions and I smile, she appears to like it. She sprawls out in the meadow; her yellow sundress hangs loosely around her waist. Her smile brightens and her eyes widen as she looks up at the bright blue cloudless sky that is always present in Newhollow. The kingdom is almost as perfect and beautiful as the princess is I think to myself.

  “Oh, how I love it here.” I squeal with delight. “It smells wonderful, and everything is so bright and cheerful. I feel like I'm in another dimension, where it's always springtime without the rain.”

  I spin around in circles and my loose fitting dress flows freely in circles around me. I have never been so happy in my life. Everything is starting to fit together. I now know who I am, and what I am meant to do. I have a purpose and it's important.

  “Stop it.” A cold, angry voice grabs me swiftly pulling me close. “What is your name intruder?”

  “My name is...” I squeak with fright; oh no, I can't remember my name. Help I think to myself.

  “Her name is Alison Callahan. She is part of the royal family, and I suggest you unhand her at once unless you want to be killed for interrogating the lost princess of the city. I suggest you welcome her more courteously next time Simon.” demands Theo.

  “My apologies, I didn't realize who you were. Fair princess could you ever forgive me?” He says as he bows down with downcast eyes. It's the first time I get a look at the man and he is handsome. He looks wise beyond his years, maybe in his early 40's with wild dark brown hair and some gray highlights, his eyes are as green as the meadow and stubble growing all over his face. His hair sweeps behind his ear and his crooked nose and serious eyes make him look interesting and intriguing. He takes my hand in his and plants a kiss on it.

  “Welcome, Princess Alison. I hope that you enjoy the kingdom and can forgive me for my mistake.” He says, turning away quickly his dark green robes trailing behind him blowing in the wind.

  “That was odd. Why did he leave so quickly? I didn't even get his name.” I say thinking out loud.

  “He was probably embarrassed because he just attacked the princess and couldn't own up to his mistake.” Theo answers with a smirk.

  I look over at Theo bemused. I stare at him, if he was amazingly good looking in the human world; he looks like a Greek god in Newhollow. His dark clothes mesh imperfectly with the bright cheerfulness of the environment. He looks a thousand times better in the bright light of Newhollow, I can see every part of his flawless body. The contrast is exquisite, and he smiles wickedly at me. Doesn't he know what he does to me, I think to myself. This is so cruel to not have something so close to me. I envision myself rushing towards him, the surrounding greenery enveloping us as we fall to the ground gripping each other tightly our lips embracing.

  “Earth to Ali. Hello?” Theo says loudly making the daydream vanish.

  “Sorry. I was a little distracted by other things.” I say.

  “I can tell. I said your name about twenty times before you even responded. What were you thinking about so intently?” He asks.

  “Nothing.” I say much to quickly.

  “Sure. That's believable.” He says, his low rumbling laugh making my heart soar.

  “Theo. I need you to take the king to the infirmary. Ali and I have a lot to discuss.” Marylyn says speaking for the first time since we have arrived. Theo nods and bows gracefully before the queen. Oh no, is everyone going to be bowing like that in front of me. Theo turns to me and bows, taking my hand and planting a gentle kiss on it.

  “Welcome to the kingdom of Newhollow, Princess Alison.” He says much to formally for my taste. I watch as he bends over to pick up the king every muscle in his body rippling intensely. He disappears from sight a few moments later leaving my mother and I in the middle of vast greenery. I look around searching for an escape in case she wants to kill me. There is nowhere to go for miles, how the hell am I supposed to get away if she tries killing me. Wait, I can't die I think to myself. Unless she has wolf venom hidden here and this was all a lie and she's actually here to kill me and to bring me to Mathew. I eye the fiery red-head suspiciously.

  “My dear child, why do you look at me with such distrust?” She says sweetly.

  “I don't know mother. Maybe, I distrust you because you tried to kill me and I find it odd that you miraculously were given your memories.” I say coolly.

  “All of these are valid points. You were always intelligent as a child. It was not I who attempted to murder you but Mathew. He thought that since you had been born in the human world you're Elven blood would not have developed, but since your father and I have such strong blood lines you must have developed much sooner than expected. I can never express how sorry I am for that. I would never harm you. I hope that someday you will know it was not me but Mathew all those years. I wish I would have had control over my body and my emotions but I didn't.” She looks down sadly and her eyes well up with tears, but she continues. “I was given a choice by Mathew. He said that I could both be with him forever and become his queen or I could die uselessly with my husband. He even offered me control of my emotions for the price of death. I was given control of my mind in order to make the decision because he wanted me to choose him on my own accord, but when I choose your father he was enraged. He gave me complete control and allowed me to see everything that I had done to your father and you for the past 20 years. After that he stabbed me with an envenomed knife and left quickly. The venom takes a few days to set into our bloodstream so I decided to go to the funeral in hopes that I would see you and be able to apologize but then I saw Theo and I knew your father had a plan. I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me and love me.” She says beaming at me.

  “I am one to forgive and forget. It was not you who wanted to kill me and I accept your apology, but it may take me awhile to love you. My childhood scarred me a little to thoroughly.” I say seriously.

  “I understand, my child. I have a lot to teach you about the kingdom so we must begin our lessons now.” She says grabbing my hand and walking forward.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To the palace it's straight ahead, can't you see it?” She says looking happily and pointing straight ahead of us.

  “I don't see anything.” I say, my eyes squint in the bright sunlight as my mother points up ahead. Alright, so maybe my mom is a lunatic because all I see is green fields and flowers surrounding us.

  “Open your eyes silly. You'll never be able to see it with your eyes all squinty like that.” She says. “Here let me give you a tip instead of straining your eyes, open them wider like this.” She demonstrates an astonished look, and I try to mimic hers.

  I look away from her and over at what was previously green fields. Now there are buildings and people surrounding us; They cheer our names loudly and clap happily. A white lavish carriage arrives, and it is pulled by two large white arabian horses. The chains the driver holds are made of pure gold. The carriage sparkles and glimmers in the sunshine. The gold trim on the wheel spokes reflect the faces of the people and the door handles are made of gold. The little children race to get in front to see the carriage and I smile.

  “Whoa.” The driver shouts over the cheers of the people. The horses abruptly stop in front of my mother and I. The driver jumps down. He is much shorter than he appeared to be when steering the carriage.

  “My queen and princess, my name is Raleigh Heppler. I am the official driver of the royalties.” He says removing his white top hat and bowing down theatrically. He reminds me of a circus ringmaster, I smile to myself. He is short and plump. His white suit fits loosely around his figure and his black hair is in perfect order. He places his hat back on top of his head and helps us in
to the carriage. The crowd bursts into a loud cheer as he closes the door. The horses begin to move in and out of the crowd while my mother and I bounce back and forth helplessly in the backseat. The inside of the carriage is made entirely of white velvet and it is soft to the touch. The curtains on the windows are a shade of dark gold; I pull the nearest one back and look outside.

  “What do you think of the kingdom?” Marylyn asks me.

  “I think it's magnificent.” I say getting the first view of the city without the distraction of the people. The people dispersed after we entered the carriage and I was grateful for a view of the city and to be out of the eyes of the crowd. The streets were made of red brick and cobblestone and the buildings were of all shapes and sizes. Each one unique from the other; the bakery was made out of a dark mahogany wood with a little yellow door, and the hardware store was made out of a dark gray stone with a forest green wooden door. Each store was made from a different material with a different colored door.

  “Mom?” I ask.

  “Yes, dear?”, she responds.

  “What are we exactly? If we aren't human then what are we?”, I ask.

  “All in good time, Ali.” She says, smiling and closing her eyes.

  “We have arrived.” The driver shouts gruffly from the front seat, I feel the carriage shake as he jumps down. The door opens widely to a wrought-iron gate that stands 10 feet tall. The driver helps my mother and I from the carriage and then the horses and he leave quickly. My mother walks up to the gate and she pulls out a silver necklace. A key glints in the sunlight and she puts it in the lock. The gate groans open and she holds it open as we enter a garden. The garden is breathtaking; it has every color imaginable inside. There is a little stream that weaves in and out of the flower beds. The roses come in every color including red, white, yellow, and black. The lilies grow in multiples of yellows, whites, purples, pinks and oranges that hurt your eyes to look at for too long. There is a small bench near a towering bush and a stone pathway that leads to the palace which is a daunting building hidden by elm trees. It looks very modern compared to the buildings in town. It's almost like a government building in the human world. It is made of steel and granite, so it looks cold and unfamiliar to me. Its beauty is striking because of its large windows it looks well-lit and very official.

  “This is home.” Marylyn says.

  “Why is it so modern looking? The walls are made of steel and granite and the windows are huge.” I say.

  “So you don't like it...” She says trailing off.

  “Oh no. Marylyn it's not that it's just I've never seen something quite so large and menacing.” I say embarrassed that I hurt her feelings.

  “The structure was designed by your father and I we liked the simplified look and the structural security of it. If we should ever be attacked by the mystics we will be able to withstand it.” She answers. “The building is meant for the safety and protection of everyone. If need be we can fit the entire city in it comfortably.”

  We continue walking up the stone path and we reach the large metal doors. The doors are at least five times the size of my mother and I. She grabs the round knocker and knocks persistently on the door. I look up at the building but my neck begins to hurt before I can even see to the very top of it. It looks more like an exquisite hotel then a palace but I guess that's what you need to keep a city safe. My mother continues to knock on the door becoming furious her cheeks turning as red as her hair.

  “Who is it.” A small mousy voice questions from the other side.

  “It is the queen and the princess.” She answers in a stern voice.

  “Oh heavens.” The voice says frantically unlocking latches and bolts until at last the door clicks open. I am staring down at a tiny old woman in a black skirt and a red button up shirt. Her gray hair is pulled tightly in a bun at the back of her head, and her gray eyebrows scrunch together as she looks at us in amusement. Then, her eyes sparkle and her wrinkles deepen as she begins to laugh.

  “It's about time you two showed up. What has it been 20 years since we last saw you.” She says between fits of laughter, and her eyes are watering from laughing so hard.

  “What's so funny, Mother.” Marylyn asks quizzically.

  “Nothing and everything. I am just so relieved that you two are safe. My, my, is this Ali? You have grown into a beautiful woman, but you look so much like your father. You must act like your mother then?” She says grabbing me in her arms and embracing me tightly. “What can't give your old grandma a hug?”

  “Grandma?” I say questioningly.

  “Mom, Ali has had a rough couple days maybe you shouldn't hug her and you know scare her off.”, Marylyn says looking at me with a grin. Granny wasn't about to let go of me and when she finally did she looked up with red swollen eyes.

  “Sorry for the lack of an introduction. My name is Merian Griesmeyer and I am Marylyn Gries... I mean Marylyn Callahan’s mother. So that would make me your grandmother. I have just been waiting for this day for so long that I got a little excited.” She explains her cheeks becoming flushed. I can't help but love this tiny, fragile woman. She is everything a grandma should be. She's kind, beautiful, cheerful and understanding. I hug her gently and she takes it as her apology has been accepted.

  Another Royal Child