Read The Goddess and The Vampire Page 10

Chapter Nine

  “Jake?” I said and shook my still woozy head. “Has he been doing anything Fedor wouldn’t approve?”

  “What do you think?” Sally said, still sitting up straight and speaking in her official voice. “He’s been dealing information, reading Fedor’s files, and setting his own bounties on Rogues. He’s offered a reward for information about the attack on Fedor. And you.”

  “Doesn’t sound so bad.” I said and relaxed a bit. “Someone’s got to run the place.”

  “I suppose so.” Sally said and looked at me. “The Captain says it was an M18 Smoke Grenade. It was altered by the addition of some vampire poison called The Little Death. He asked me to tell you the package was addressed to Master of the City of Fort Worth.”

  “Was it?” I said and nodded. “I guess Jackie and Fedor open all the mail addressed to Master of the City.”

  “I suppose.” Sally said and poked me in the chest. “But you’re the Master of the City.”

  “Yeah.” I said and let out a breath. “I guess so.”

  “I had a chance to do a bit of research on your new pet.” Sally said. “Her past is shrouded in secret, but I was able to find out a few things. Seems she is 214 years old. Carlo won her in a poker game. From her father. The rumor is he lost her on purpose.”

  “All you had to do was ask.” Katie said as she stepped from the shadows. “But I get the feeling you like being sneaky.”

  “As a Liaison for the Vampire Commission.” Sally said coldly. “I have access to more information now.”

  “Does this mean you won’t be at the Coffee Spot anymore?” I said before I could think better of it.

  “No.” Sally said and leaned toward me. “It means I get to do some leg work in the daytime for the local sleeping vampires. And have occasional chats with vampires from the other side of the world. I’m on probation for the time being.”

  “So you’re still working at the Coffee Spot?” I said, letting a bit of unexpected anxiety creep into my voice.

  “Yes, I’m still working at the damned Coffee Spot.” Sally said. “What is wrong with you?”

  “I think I can answer that.” Katie said as she sat at my feet and rested her head on my knee. “Fredric took me to visit a vampire living in a pretty rough neighborhood. A kind of old hippie vampire sold me a bag of The Little Death. That’s what’s messing with his head.”

  “The drug that was used in the attack on the Consulate?” I said and closed my eyes, my head was still a bit fuzzy. “Why did you do that?”

  “My Master told me to.” Katie said and smiled at me. “He said it was a special mixture that he didn’t hand out to just anyone. The little creep said part of the price was some of my blood. Bleech. I don’t think that vampire’s had a bath since Woodstock. And he felt me up while he drooled on my neck.”

  “So Fredric sent the package to the Consulate?” I said and tried to think why a vampire that ran a strip club would want to kill me.

  “I didn’t say that.” Katie said and bit her lower lip in thought. “I think he was buying it for someone else.”

  “Is there anything else you want to share with us?” Sally said and stared at Katie.

  “Nothing comes to mind.” Katie said and ran her hand up and down my calf. “Well, I seem to recall meeting some werecoyete. And maybe another vampire. It’s all a bit of a blur. You know how it happens sometimes.”

  “I think I need to lie down again.” I said and stood up. The room spun around a bit and Katie jumped up to offer her support. I gripped her shoulder and she took my weight without stumbling. I smiled weakly and sat back down.

  “I think you need to feed a bit.” Sally said and leaned her head to one side. “It has been a few days and you always like a bit right after you wake up.”

  I sat back down and motioned for Sally to come closer. She straddled my legs and leaned forward. Her neck was at the perfect height and her breasts rubbed firmly against my chest. I pressed my mouth to her skin and could feel the rush of her blood. I sank my fangs into her flesh and the blood flooded into my mouth. Something was wrong. Her blood tasted bad and more metallic than usual. I stopped feeding and licked the wounds. I pushed her away.

  “Dammit, that hurt.” Sally said as she rubbed the spot on her neck where I had bitten her. She looked down at her hand and saw blood. The wounds hadn’t healed. “Why did you do that?”

  “Sorry.” I said and wiped my mouth. “I’m not feeling my best.”

  “I can help with that.” Katie said and did some bit of magic that healed the holes in Sally’s neck. She opened her eyes a little wider. “Maybe we should call Jackie.”

  “Call me when you feel better.” Sally said and stood up. “I have things to do. I’ll be at the Coffee Spot later if you want to stop by. Alone.”

  I watched Sally leave and listened to the door slam. I heard her car start up and burn rubber as it left. At least my hearing was still working.

  “Why am I in the main house?” I said to Katie as I noticed the absence of my parents and grandfather. “Where’s my family?”

  “I told them you wanted a little privacy.” Katie said and walked over and took Sally’s place on my lap. “They seemed to understand. Oh, and your Grandfather moved into that apartment, the one he looked at. He still spends a lot of time over here.”

  “Did you do something to Sally?” I said and ran my hands over Katie’s back.

  “Yeah.” Katie said and waved her hands. “I healed the ungrateful bitch.”

  “Be nice.” I said and smacked Katie’s bottom. She seemed to like it.

  Katie wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. She smelled warm and alive and I just naturally wrapped my arms around her. She seemed to be purring in contentment. Then the lights went out and we were in total darkness.

  “I prefer the lights on.” I said and leaned forward to take a small drink. I found that Katie was gone and someone else was sitting in my lap. Someone a little taller and more familiar.

  “Oh, I know you like to watch.” Kilestra said and rubbed her hand against my chest. She snapped on a small table lamp and I could more clearly see her lovely features. “But now is not the time.”

  “It’s not what it looks like.” I said feebly.

  “Oh, you mean you weren’t going to feed on and then fuck silly that little adolescent Elf?”

  “OK, maybe it is what it looks like.” I ran my hands up and down Kilestra’s arms. “What can I do for you?”

  “First off, you can feed on me.” Kilestra said and loosened her muscles and melted into me. “You need more than human blood. Your little pet Elf is powerful, but her blood is not what you need at the moment.”

  Kilestra used a sharp fingernail to puncture the skin on her neck. A thin stream of blood shot out. I caught the blood in midair and then pressed my mouth to the small wound. I used my fangs to make the opening larger. My mouth filled with Kilestra’s ancient power.

  Her blood burned like a fine single malt Scotch, it sent ribbons of fire through my body. Each drop traced a map of my veins and arteries. Once it reached my heart, my pulse raced with an explosion of power. Kilestra tried to pull away from me, but I held her tight. Then her blood touched my brain and I lost all awareness of anything else. I was in a white ecstasy of power and pleasure; my mind seemed to be nothing but an orgasmic flash. I pushed this feeling back to Kilestra. She was the only other vampire I knew who could do that.

  I took a deep, shuddering breath and awareness returned to me. I was still on the leather couch in the living room. The lights were on, but dimmed, I could see Kilestra on the opposite sofa. She looked tired and I could see rare signs of her age on her face. The coal of her cigarette glowed as she took a deep puff of smoke.

  “An old habit I still enjoy.” Kilestra said. I wasn’t sure if she meant the cigarette or me. “How do you feel?”

  “Better.” I said and found I had returned to my normal vampire self.

  “Good.” Kiles
tra said and flicked the cigarette into the fireplace. “My blood won’t keep you alive forever. I feel a bit weaker already. Fedor’s going to start losing his mind quickly. He got a lot more smoke and it will take more power than I have to make him right again.”

  I closed my eyes and wondered if I should call The Captain. Have him lock Fedor up, for his own protection. But then, a battle between Fedor and The Captain might not be a good idea.

  “I’m talking to you.” Kilestra said and became much more businesslike. “Why did you accept a gift from Carlo?”

  “I didn’t seem to have any choice.” I said and blinked as I tried to clear my mind. “Carlo seems to think I had Fredric killed for some unnamed offense. He thinks I have some power over you.”

  “The same power you have always had.” Kilestra said. “The power to make me forget myself from time to time.”

  “You think Katie is some kind of threat?” I said and resisted the urge to look around for the destroyer of worlds. “Sally said pretty much the same thing, that Katie could kill me in my sleep. But she seems to have saved my life.”

  “It does look that way.” Kilestra said and got a faraway look in her eye. She was seeing something that I couldn’t. She smiled. “I think Carlo really hated her and you just happened along at the right time.”

  “Maybe not just happened along.” I said and tried not to think about worlds exploding and billions dying. “There is more to her than meets the eye.”

  “She seems harmless enough for now.” Kilestra said and squinted at me as she caught hints of my thoughts. “And she did try to kill those damned Hunters, so that’s one point in her favor.”

  “Maybe next time.” I said and felt the strange weight of the ring on my left hand. “I’ll let her kill them.”

  “THERE IS SOMETHING wrong with Carlo.” Kilestra said as she stood up. “He has never made his hatred of you a secret. But now he thinks you’re really in charge around here?”

  “He seems to think I’m trying to shut him down.” I said and rubbed my neck. “He says no one wants to talk to him.”

  “Best if we let him keep thinking that.” Kilestra said as she paced around the half-finished room. She looked down at me. “I told my people to make sure everyone knew to steer clear of him. At least for now.”

  “I’m not feeling that great myself.” I said and found visions of Katie and Kilestra snuggling up on either side of me filling my mind.

  “You’ll be fine.” Kilestra said and stopped to sniff at the hints of lust in the air. “Is your Elf doing that?”

  “Doing what?” I said and couldn’t take my eyes off her perfectly formed body.

  “Right.” Kilestra said and let her hip slide out in a provocative pose. “See something you like?”

  Kilestra bent at the waist and gave me a cool kiss on the mouth. She still managed to ignite fires inside me. Kilestra’s eye glowed as she used some power to push the lust away. My desire faded as the magic washed out of the room.. I thought about Sally and wondered how this was going to work.

  “Sally’s on the Vampire Commission payroll now.” I said and Kilestra turned and walked toward the hallway. “I think she wants to talk to you.”

  “I’m a popular girl. Everyone wants to talk to me.” Kilestra waved her hand like The Queen during a parade. “Your Elf is locked in your crypt. Oh, and don’t expect that threesome any time soon. Katie’s not really my type.”

  And just like that, she was gone. It’s a trick I’ve never been able to pull off.

  I WALKED DOWN the long cement corridor to my crypt. I found a silver chain with a large lock around my coffin. There was a loud banging from inside and the chain jangled a bit, but didn’t break. I wondered how long Kilestra had a length of silver chain laying around. I broke the lock and let the chain fall off the casket.

  The lid flew open and I found myself pushed against the wall by an enraged Katie. Her eyes were glowing green. Her extra teeth all seemed to be a good deal sharper and longer than I remembered them. She was still Katie though, and not a world destroying Goddess. She stared at me for several seconds before it registered on her senses who I was. She stepped back and forced herself to remain still.

  “Who was that... woman?” Katie said through gritted teeth. “Did she hurt you?”

  “That was Kilestra.” I said and straightened my clothes. “She’s a friend.”

  “Oh.” Katie said and went from anger to pout in record time. “A friend with benefits?”

  “Not currently.” I said and gave Katie a hug. “And thanks for trying to whammy her.”

  “I just wanted to distract her.” Katie said and blew air out of her mouth. “She pushed me away, though.”

  “Yeah.” I said. “She’s an Ancient, she does things like that.”

  “There’s a silver chain on the floor.” Katie said and touched the chain with her shoe. “I can’t sleep in here with that.”

  “I’ll get someone to move it.” I said and rubbed her back. “I need to get to the Vampire Consulate and see what Jake’s been up to.”

  “KILESTRA?” KATIE SAID as she followed me out to the driveway and down to the Dodge. “Didn’t she kill someone a couple of weeks ago? Like, let me think, Carlo’s spawn Fredric? My old Master?”

  “The jury’s still out.” I said and stopped before unlocking the car. “Are you planning on staying by my side at all times?”

  “I am yours.” Katie said and bowed as she spread her arms. “Your wish is my command.”

  “What would you do if I told you to stay here all night?” I said and gazed at Katie as I tapped a finger to my lips.

  “I would become better acquainted with your charming parents. And visit your lovely Grandfather in his new apartment.” Katie let her eyes go to the middle distance. “Your Grandfather likes me. He really likes me.”

  “OK.” I said and beeped the Dodge unlocked. “Get in.”

  Katie had taken a moment to slip a gray hoodie over her black leotards. She looked like a dancer taking a break. I should have made her put more clothes on, but I found that I did like the look of her legs. She stretched a toe a bit when she caught me looking. I decided to concentrate on driving before we ended up wrapped around a tree.

  “Would you really have sex with my parents?” I said without looking at her. “Seriously?”

  “They are an attractive couple.” Katie said. “But no, not really. I’d maybe sleep with them sometime. Just sleep.”

  “And what about Grandfather?” I said a bit nervously.

  “Oh, he wants to fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.” Katie said and nodded. “But I haven’t let him. A lady likes to be asked politely.”

  I pondered that as I drove downtown and let a few of the images of Elf orgies she had put in my mind play out.

  “HEY THERE, KIDDO.” Andy said, nodding at Katie. “I was hoping to see you again.”

  “Hey, you.” Katie said and swiveled her hips at Andy.

  “So you know Katie?” I said and looked at Andy.

  “I spent some time talking to her.” Andy said and smiled. “While you were dead the past few days. She's pretty smart for a twelve year old.”

  “Fourteen.” Katie said and put her hands on her hips. “Two hundred and fourteen.”

  “Oh in that case.” Andy said and leaned back. “She might be a bit dim.”

  Katie crossed her arms and made a raspberry sound.

  “Katie.” I said and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Stop distracting all my people.”

  “Your people?” Jake said from Fedor’s office. “I thought I was running the place in Fedor’s absence.”

  I walked into Fedor’s office and closed the door. But not before Katie had slipped in behind me. She smiled her Joker grin at me and I shook my head.

  “Hey, no pets allowed” Jake said and squinted at Katie. “I hear she has some kind of mind control powers or something.”

  “I’m not sure its minds that she has an effect on.” I said and plopped dow
n into one of the green wing backed chairs facing the desk. “So you should be safe.”

  “He means you’re dickless.” Katie said as she hopped into the other chair and let her feet dangle from one of the arms. “Or maybe ball-less.”

  “Thanks so much for the clarification.” Jake said in his icy Art Dealer's voice and then turned to me. “Aren’t you supposed to be bringing in renegade vampires to keep the torturers occupied?”

  “I’ve been busy.” I said and rolled my eyes to Katie. “You know, victim of a random attack and a new Elf in my life. Like that.”

  “Yes.” Jake said and looked at Katie. He nodded his head and squinted as he used his vampire power to look into her. “You’re as pretty as a picture.”

  “Too bad I can’t say the same about you.” Katie said and blew air out of her lips.

  Jake pulled a bit of paper from the pile, and slid it across the desk to me. I leaned forward to get a closer look. It was an itinerary. A list of people recently in Mexico. Four names jumped out at me. The Werecoyote Elizabeth, the she-Elf Desiara, the Vampire Kilestra, and the last was the Vampire William.

  “So you know Kilestra?” I said and looked at Katie. “And Billy and Beth?”

  “Oh, that Kiletsra. Yeah, we may have crossed paths.” Katie said and gave me her innocent face. “I talked to Beth. Billy and Kilestra weren’t real chatty. A lot like you in that respect.”

  “Yeah.” I said and narrowed my eyes at her. “Being dead kind of has that effect on me.”

  I looked at the date and found it to be about three weeks ago. After Katie and Fredric bought The Little Death. Before Fredric was killed. Before The Little Death was used in an attack aimed at the Master of Fort Worth. A slight buzzing in my head made it hard for me think.

  “By rights I can charge you at least a grand for that information.” Jake said and drummed his fingers on the desk. “We are in the business of selling information, not just giving it away.”

  “You're too kind.” I said and pushed the paper back to Jake. “Sally seems to think you're not running the Consulate as it should be run.”

  “Well, Sally and I don’t always agree, do we?” Jake said. “But we do both care about you.”

  “Get out of my chair.” Fedor said from the doorway. He walked in slowly. He banged the metal tipped cane soundly on the hardwood floor by the door. “I should have you staked out on the courthouse roof. Let all of Fort Worth see the smoke from your death.”

  “Fedor.” Jake said and scrambled to his feet. “So good to see you up and about.”

  I looked at Fedor as he leaned heavily on his cane. He took a slow breath as he steadied himself. He made his way to his chair and put both hands on his desk before he tried to sit down.

  “So Fedor.” I said and looked deeply into him. “I see you found the trick of feeding on Supernaturals. But I don’t think it’s a long term fix. We’re going to need some magical help.”

  “It’s that kind of brilliant insight that has made you an invaluable member of my team all these years.” Fedor said and gave me a withering stare. “Next, you’re going to say I need to floss more often.”

  Then the air in the room went still and I lost track of time and place. Fedor froze in the act of sitting down and his eyes turned toward the door just as mine did.

  We saw Jackie there. Dressed in her usual business attire and carrying a notepad and pen in her hands. She stopped dead in her tracks and licked her lips. She looked at Fedor and then at me and her mouth formed an oh.

  “Yes, please.” Jackie said in a husky voice as she dropped the notepad. She brought her recently manicured fingertips to the top button of her blouse. “Take me. Take me now.”

  Katie pushed Fedor down into his chair and then did the same to me on her way to the door. She pushed Jackie out ahead of her and closed the door in one smooth movement. I blinked and looked at Fedor. Jake looked from one of us to the other in disbelief.

  “Is The Little Death some kind of permanent fix?” Jake said as he walked slowly toward the door. He was careful to keep an eye on both Fedor and myself. “Do we need to put Jackie in some kind of safe house for the rest of her life?”

  “That might not be necessary.” Fedor said through a voice thick with lust. “I’m feeling a good deal better now.”

  “Yes.” I said and had to swallow before I continued. “I was able to smell her without flashing across the room and sinking my fangs into her.”

  “Let me in.” Jackie said from the door’s other side and then banged on the thick wood. “They need me and I need them.”

  I found myself standing up, as did Fedor. Jake stood in front of the door, but he was no match for the two of us at the best of times. I looked at Fedor and saw he was thinking the same thing. We shared a glance, then slowly took one step and then another toward Jackie.

  “Could you get her out of here?” Jake said as he leaned against the door. “Somewhere far away would be best.”

  “We’re trying.” Andy said and I could hear the strain in his voice. “Katie’s trying.”

  As we neared the door, Jake slid a small black cigarette out of a pack and tapped it against his wrist. He took a second to roll it between his fingers and did a couple of dry draws that made a motor boat sound. We were only a step away when he took out a gold lighter. He sparked a strong yellow flame into the cigarette’s end.

  The smoke was dark and sweet, it had a hint of nutmeg and cloves. Fedor stopped in his tracks, a look of pure rage turning his face crimson. His anger was close enough to me that it pushed everything else from my mind.

  “You’re smoking Kreteks in my office?” Fedor said in a stammer. “You do know that it’s all but impossible to get that clove smell out of fabric? You’ll ruin my leather, my carpet, and my drapes.”

  Jake looked at Fedor and took a deep pull of smoke, then blew it into Fedor’s face. I grabbed Fedor and held him back as a blind rage sent him lurching toward Jake. In his weakened state, we fell to the floor. Fedor made feral noises in his throat and I did my best to keep him down. Fedor’s anger washed over me and through me and I forgot all about Jackie. At least for a moment or two.

  Jake put his thumb over the cigarette’s coal, putting out the fragrant Kreteks. He tilted his head and listened to the outer office. He put a hand on the door and relaxed a bit. After a minute or so he opened the door. He waved his hand in a halfhearted attempt to clear the air in Fedor’s office.