Read The Goddess and The Vampire Page 5

Chapter Four

  "I PUT YOUR dear old man to sleep and turned off that annoying video.” Kilestra said and gazed my way. "You look good enough to eat."

  "I bet you say that to every man you see walking out of a shower.” I said, and got dressed while Kilestra smirked in my direction.

  "I can smell your little human.” Kilestra said, as she tasted the air and rolled her eyes. "But I see she didn't stay long. I’m guessing this had something to do with James. He’s still trying to get into my pants."

  "You know Fedor has a Reward on your head.” I said and tried not to think about her and Grandfather. I buttoned up my shirt and tried to clear my thoughts. "You've broken a lot of the rules Fedor likes to enforce. You're worth a lot of money to anyone who can bring you in."

  "Fedor just wants me in his dungeon.” Kilestra said with a wave of her hand. "I think he knows I didn't kill Fredric."

  "Do you know who did kill him?” I said and really looked at Kilestra. She was calm and poised, as always. But she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with a pair of black sneakers. A little more casual than usual. But even with thrift store chic, she would still stand out in a crowd.

  Kilestra was tall and fair skinned with wavy coal black hair. Her eyes were gray, but went to cobalt blue when she was using her vampire powers. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

  "No, I don't know who killed Fredric.” Kilestra said and crossed her long legs theatrically. "But I have my suspicions. I was hoping to tear you away from your still life photography and your Code Enforcer errands. Get you to do a little spying for me."

  "I'm not really good at spying.” I said. "I'm not even a good Code Enforcer."

  "You can be discreet.” Kilestra said and raised an eyebrow at me. "When you’re not driving a car that looks like it was at Chernobyl."

  "Ravenhawk is coming by to have a look at the Dodge.” I said.

  “Oh.” Kilestra said and perked up. “Is she really?”

  “It’s strictly business.” I said and held my hands up to postpone whatever she was going to say next. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Hmm,” Kilestra said and tapped a finger to her lips. “I could make it my business.”

  “What is it with you and Ravenhawk?” I said and let my power flare in my eyes.

  “You’re better off not knowing.” Kilestra said and smiled her evil smile. “Who worked the spell on your car?”

  "Billy.” I said and let a breath fill my lungs. “I’m surprised his magic worked."

  "Billy is surprising in many ways.” Kilestra said and narrowed her eyes at me. “He’s always up to something. Just like Ravenhawk is always up to something.”

  “Ravenhawk and I are just friends.” I said and stepped closer to Kilestra. “And you and I are getting closer to not being friends.”

  “Fine.” Kilestra said and let her power go with a shrug. “When you get your car fixed, I would like you to go over to Carlo's place and have a look around. See if anyone is coming and going. Blend into the shadows, maybe read a few minds of the human neighbors, you know the usual."

  "It’s against Consulate rules to seduce people or listen in on their thoughts.” I said and let my anger fade. "You know I'm not as good at that kind of thing as you are, anyway."

  "You have never practiced enough.” Kilestra said, stood, and walked over to me. "All you have to do is pretend you like them, look into their eyes, and give them a little smile."

  "Yeah, I know.” I said and stopped her hand before she could caress my face. "I just don't enjoy it quite as much as you do."

  Kilestra tossed her long dark hair and listened to something I couldn't hear. She smiled to herself and looked my way. She patted her hand on my chest. She looked around the room.

  "I like the new motif.” Kilestra said and frowned her approval. "I never liked it when it was all whitewashed stone walls and dark hardwood floors. It was cold and creepy. And if a building makes a vampire feel creepy, it's got to be pretty damned creepy."

  "It's still a work in progress.” I said and laid a hand on a bare stone wall. "I ran out of money before I ran out of things that needed to be restored. I still need a couple of things out at the Studio as well, but it works, and that's all that matters."

  "You’re going to have to leave the past behind sometime, Dear Wilhem." Kilestra said and let her face relax. “We may not change, but the world around us is ever in motion."

  "A couple of hunters are looking for you.” I said and walked away from her.

  "Only two?” Kilestra said and stared off into space. "A Mexican Grizzly and a Japanese ghoul? I know them. They work for an Ancient in Mexico."

  "Any idea who?” I said and did my own far off look. I could get nothing but vague impressions of power and hints of lust for more power. "What does he want here?"

  "Best I keep it to myself for now.” Kilestra said and stood up without appearing to use any of her muscles. She was fond of using all the vampire skills that made her look less human and more monster. Watching her always left me in awe.

  "Carlo knows me.” I said in my stating the obvious voice. "I can't exactly sneak up on him."

  "Well, I trust you'll think of something, my dear.” Kilestra said.

  “Did you say the hunter was a Mexican Grizzly?” I said and envisioned his dark hair and thick build. “I thought I smelled bear in him.”

  “Yeah.” Kilestra said and stifled a yawn. “He’s one of the last of his kind. Izumi is much more interesting. She claims to be the latest reincarnation of the Goddess Izanami-no-Mikoto. She’s good with her Katana and Wakizashi but I don’t think she’s a God.”

  “I have to admit I underestimated them.” I said and shook my head.

  “I’m not worried about them.” Kilestra said and looked at me. “If anything, they should be worried about me.”

  “Do you know anything about Elves?” I said and watched Kilestra’s face lose its expression as she read my mind.

  “Jackie?” Kilestra looked at me with a cobalt fire in her eyes. “And an Elf?”

  “Yeah.” I said and looked around the room. “Seems so. How about the end of the world? Know anything about that?”

  “Like how I’m going to kill you for kicking me to the curb and taking up with Jackie?” Kilestra said and walked over to me. She looked into me with her vampire power and then let her eyebrows raise. “You haven’t fucked Jackie yet and you haven’t even met the Elf?”

  “You know how it is with Seers.” I said and watched as Kilestra relaxed. “I had a vision of my own. About an Elf destroying the world.”

  “Really?” Kilestra said and tapped her lips with a fingertip. “Big hair, glowing green, featured prominently in a painting down at the Nightshade Gallery?”

  “Uh, yeah.” I said and looked down at my fingernails. “That’s the one.”

  “You have to make everything so damned complicated.” Kilestra said and paced the room in front of me. “You’re already in love with her aren’t you?”

  “She’s pretty amazing.” I said and looked up.

  “You’re a fool sometimes.” Kilestra said and gave me a slap with enough follow through to turn my head. “Ask your little friend Ravenhawk about Elves and vampires.”

  I started to reply to this, but one moment Kilestra was standing in front of me, the next she was gone. I can move fast, but not that fast.

  I went upstairs to talk to Mother and Father and start my night with a full belly. They used to object to my visits for a quick drink, but they have gotten used to it now. The situation with Grandfather is foremost on their minds. I get a touch of worry from Father and a touch of relief from Mother.

  "So you think it's a good idea to let your Grandfather move out? Free to roam in the general population as if he were just another old coot?” My father said as he rubbed the spot on his neck where I had bitten him. "He's been known to forget he's supposed to be weak and frail."

  "Not all old people are falling apart.”
Mother said with a bite in her tone. "He's not stupid. Besides, it's not as if he's planning on moving to Houston or El Paso. He's just moving a few blocks away. Still close enough for Wil to make his weekly visit without too much inconvenience."

  "He's dangerous.” Father continued. "What if he sweet talks some woman with fragile bones and he, uh, you know, breaks her. While he's proving to her what a great lover he is. Or something like that."

  I cringed at the idea of Grandfather getting passionately out of control.

  "Then he would have to move back here and keep out of sight.” I said and gave my phone a glance. "But I really don't think that's going to be a problem."

  "SO, SWEETIE.” GRANDFATHER said as he leaned in close to Ravenhawk. "Do you like older men?"

  "Not all that old, no.” Ravenhawk said and gave me a relieved smile when she saw me walk in. I liked Ravenhawk, once upon a time I loved her. She's smart, good at magic, and puts up with Grandfather's endless advances.

  "Hey, Raven.” I said and took in her good looks. Ravenhawk has long black hair and dark eyes that change color from time to time. She was wearing jeans and a white button front shirt. I smiled at her, but not too much. I always take Kilestra’s threats seriously.

  "Yeah.” Grandfather said. "He's not as old as me, but he's pretty damned old. Plus, he has at least one too many girlfriends already."

  "I hear you need a witch to look at your car?” Ravenhawk said in a professional manner. She turned away from Grandfather, but I could see her breath quicken.

  "Yeah, I got a new paint job from a vampire that thought he was doing me a favor.” I said and led the way down the service corridor to the garage. The door to the garage had a halo of light leaking around the seams. Light flooded the hallway when I opened the door.

  "A vampire did this?” Ravenhawk said as she walked around the glowing green Dodge Magnum. She shielded her eyes with a slim hand. "This is pretty serious work. The paint's been irradiated at the molecular level. You don't learn this kind of matter manipulation from watching a video online. I'd say a real Wizard did this, not a vampire."

  "Billy’s no wizard.” I said in disbelief.

  "You mean Billy the Surfer Dude, whose crashing with his Mom in Poly?” Ravenhawk looked at me with her mouth set in a firm line. "That Billy can barely remember what year it is. He couldn't have done this."

  "Well, I didn't actually see him do it.” I said and scratched the back of my head. "But he took the credit for it when I came back and the car was glowing."

  "Hmm.” Ravenhawk said and stared at the car. She opened a small bag that looked like a traveling salesman’s case. She selected and laid a few items out on a workbench. “This will take a few minutes.”

  I watched as she set her face in a stern expression and started to chant. Time passed. She took a deep breath. Then she danced as well as chanted. I felt her magic fill the room.

  I became aware of fresh grass and woodlands and heard a bit more chanting in the back of my head. Red light danced around Ravenhawk like the sun's corona during a total eclipse. She lit a bundle of sticks and waved it around the car. I felt the power build up and burst out like a strong wind blowing out a candle. When my eyes came back into focus, the Dodge wasn't glowing anymore. Now it was a dark candy apple red in color.

  "Thanks.” I said and gave her a quick hug now that the professional part of her visit was over. "I'm always impressed by stuff like that."

  "Yeah. I'm sure a bit of magic really wows the two hundred year old vampire set.” Ravenhawk said with a hint of weariness in her voice. "It does take a bit out of me.”

  "I can help with that." I said and forgot about Kilestra's veiled threats for a moment. I pulled Ravenhawk close and nipped the skin on her neck. I took some of her blood and gave her some of my power. We parted after only a few moments.

  "You owe me a favor, Wil.” Ravenhawk said and ran her hand up and down my chest, "I need some new pictures of my niece."

  “Is that all?” I said and wrapped my fingers around her hand. “I could always use a few more shots of you in my portfolio.”

  “I didn’t let you show the last ones.” Ravenhawk said and blushed just a little. “What makes you think I would let you show any new ones?”

  I looked at Ravenhawk and took in her slim figure and her twinkling eyes. I don’t know why Kilestra hated Ravenhawk. I knew that Sally didn’t like her either. I wondered what an Elven death Goddess would do when she was jealous. I shuddered at the possibilities. Maybe it was a little reckless to ask Ravenhawk for help.

  “Do you know anything about Elves?” I said and watched as the color drained from Ravenhawk’s face. “And vampires?”

  “Elves?” Ravenhawk said and giggled as she looked away. She found something on the far wall very interesting. “I’m sure I don’t know anything about Elves. Or their relationships with vampires.”

  I felt the lie as it bounced around the room and was shocked by it. Did Ravenhawk have something to do with Fredric’s death? Did she want to destroy the world? Or did she just want to kill Kilestra and possibly me?

  I let Grandfather show her out. I had one more thing to think about.

  I LOOKED OVER the Rogue files Fedor had given me. I decided to look for the one with the highest reward. I cruised over to one of Dallas’s nicer areas. A neighborhood with a lot of large lawns, large trees, and large houses. Many of these homes have graced the pages of Architectural Digest and Vampire Homes.

  I parked outside Vladlena's house, a large rambling McMansion made of stone high up on a hill. The house sat back from the street with a rolling lawn like an angry sea before it. A stone and iron spiked fence surrounded the property, leaving only one gated entrance.

  The house had a nice view of the lake and easy access to the park with its hiking and cycling paths. I felt sure it had a nice pool and lots of lounges for soaking up the rays. The perfect house for a well to do vampire to hide in plain sight. Also the perfect place to drive a daylight-missing vampire over the edge. Like an alcoholic living over a nightclub or someone on a diet working at a donut shop.

  I flipped through the folder Fedor had given me on Vladlena. Made in the 1930s. She earned a good living working for the local Vending Authority. Texas mobsters don't get the kind of publicity their Yankee brothers seem to thrive on. They are still just as connected with all the usual criminal activities. Like selling cigarettes and booze in unregulated vending machines. Usually in out of the way places. Like nightclubs owned by vampires. Did she know anything about Fredric’s death?

  I kept reading bout Vladlena and found a photo from a Russian dating site. She was tall and lovely, in a Russian kind of way. Severe but beautiful. Long black hair and a thin body. Her RussinVampersAreHot nickname was CharminglySweet. I had a giggle over that one. But her looks were more of a side issue.

  She had been a mob enforcer off and on for the past eighty years or so. Fedor wanted information about a vampire killed without permission or the proper paperwork. Vladlena didn't like the new talent the local Higher Uppers had brought in, so she took the Vamp for a ride. Bits and pieces found their way to members of the local Family and they put a call in to Fedor.

  Bottom line, Vladlena is worth a lot of money, but she's a nutjob that's gone off the reservation.

  I sensed a vampire approaching. I barely stopped myself from jumping when she rapped on my window. I powered down the glass and stared at a tall, thin vampire with coal black eyes. She had slick black hair and her lips were painted a red I could see in the dark. She ran her tongue over her teeth and I could see her fangs slide into place. This was the vampire in the photos I had been looking at.

  "Are you looking for me, little vampire?" She said in a thick Russian accent.

  "Vladlena?” I said and tugged on my shirt collar. “Or should I call you Charmingly Sweet?”

  "Yeah, Vladlena will do. Not my original name, of course, but I like it. I noticed you watching my house and I tend to get a little nervous about things l
ike that." She leaned in and laid a slim hand on my shoulder. She squeezed just enough to show me that she was a lot older than I believed. I let out a little gasp of pain.

  "Oh, sorry, did that hurt?” Vladlena said in one of those gravelly voices that comes from smoking for a couple of hundred years. "I just wanted to make sure I had your attention."

  "Fedor would like to see you.” I said and rubbed my shoulder until the pain faded away. "Seems you killed someone and there's paperwork to be filled out."

  "Consulates and their damned paperwork.” Vladlena said and stomped away from the car. "Vampires aren't meant to be 'governed,' we aren't supposed to follow any rules. Does anyone chase down a lion after it kills a zebra and demand it fill out some form? No! But you kill one or two rivals. Which was perfectly legal just a few years ago. And you have to go all repentant and beg forgiveness."

  "One or two?" I said and raised an eyebrow.

  "Well, they tend to pile up over the years and old habits die hard.” Vladlena took a deep breath and walked back toward the car. "I’m having some difficulty adjusting to these times."

  "So, I'm guessing you weren't made in 1930 then.” I said.

  "No.” She said flatly, reached in the window, and took the folder with her name on it. "It was 1030. Someone at your office made a mistake. I have worked for the mob, though they have all gone by different names."

  "How about riding down to The Consulate and we can sort this out?” I said without even the slightest hope she would get in the car.

  "I'm thinking no.” Vladlena said and leaned onto the car door. She caused the shocks to squeak and the car to tilt. She tossed the folder in my lap. "Tell Fedor to burn in hell.”

  Vladlena released the door. Before I could get going, she kicked the side of the Dodge and sent it skidding off course. I was able to get it under control and she didn't seem in a hurry to follow me.

  I sped around a corner and almost ran into Gerald's black ‘63 Stingray. Gerald swerved out of my way and came to a stop in the middle of the road. I cursed under my breath and backed up the Dodge so our windows lined up.

  "Hey, Willy.” Gerald said and smiled his toothy grin at me. "I see you met Vladlena. Odd about that mix-up with the paperwork, eh?"

  Gerald winked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. It's the kind of thing that might have looked cute when he was, oh, twelve or so. Now it just looked asinine. Gerald was good looking, in a 1950s football star sort of way. I like to think of myself as good looking in a 1950s movie star kind of way.

  "Still picking up kids at the soda shop, Gerald?” I said and nodded toward a high school letter jacket in the Vette’s back seat. "Isn't it about time you grew up a little?"

  "Jealous much?” Gerald said, but his smile was fading. "Listen, Pal, you know Fedor gave me Kilestra's file. I'd appreciate it if you just kind of stayed out of my way."

  "And you think getting Vladlena to break a few of my limbs would be a good way to get me out of the picture?” I said and picked up a random bit of paper. "I would have still gone after Vladlena. Even if I had known she was a few hundred years old and a little on the psychotic side."

  "Yeah, right.” Gerald said and made an up and down motion with his fist. "Wanna tell me where to find Kilestra?"

  "Let me think about that-hmm, no.” I put the Dodge into gear and accelerated down the road.

  THE DODGE WAS making some funny noises. A kind of rattle and clunk followed by what sounded like a sigh of surrender. The engine died and I steered it soundlessly to the nearest curb. Even after all these years, I tend to think of cars as a fad that will one day pass. I have yet to learn anything more than where to put the gas. As a result, the Dodge was sometimes in need of minor and major repairs. Thankfully, like most modern cars, it was designed with drivers like me in mind. I hadn’t had any problems in weeks.

  Between Vladlena’s abuse and the rough roads leading home, the Dodge needed a little break. I was hoping that was all it needed.

  "Why does a big shot vampire like you drive a POS like this?” Raoul said as he rolled to a stop beside me and watched the steam rise from under the Dodge’s hood. "Why ain't you driving a Viper or a Ferrari or something?"

  "I can barely figure out how to drive a Dodge.” I said as I tried to power up the window, but the motor just growled and nothing happened. One of Vladlena’s kicks had hit something important to the window. I looked at Raoul and Izumi as they got out of their Suburban and prowled around the Dodge.

  "Smells like something electrical.” Izumi said and crinkled her nose. "Pop the hood."

  "You gonna help this blood sucker out?” Raoul said and shook his head. "This is like a prime example of taking advantage of an unexpected opportunity."

  "Yes, like helping him so he can carry on and lead us to Kilestra.” Izumi said and stared at Raoul.

  I pulled the hood release, got out, and followed Izumi to the Dodge’s front. She looked under the hood with the calm air of experience. Like most modern cars, everything was hidden and looked space age.

  "You know, Master Walengrave.” She said and looked over at Raoul. "You shouldn't leave your car unattended so often."

  "What are you saying?” Raoul said and looked our way. "Is he going to take us to Kilestra?"

  "It is easy to make a car stall.” Izumi said and smiled at me. "You just have to put something in the tail pipe."

  "You know, Izumi.” I said and leaned in close to her. "I would have never guessed you two had anything to do with my car problems. Cars are a mystery to me."

  "Yes, I know.” Izumi said and gave me a shy Japanese smile. "Raoul is growing impatient. He prefers more straightforward methods."

  "Like turning into a bear and eating me?" I said and looked around.

  "That is one option." Izumi waved a hand and a wadded up cloth appeared out of nowhere. She dropped it on the ground. "Take your time and think about a few others."

  Then Izumi got back into the Suburban with Raoul. They waited while I stared down at the engine. What other sabotage had been done when I wasn't looking? After a few minutes, Izumi reappeared at my side.

  "Is there another problem, Master Walengrave?” Izumi said and joined me in staring into the engine compartment.

  "Yeah.” I said. "Just one. I don't know how to lower the hood."

  I HADN’T SEEN Izumi and Raoul in the rearview mirror for a while. I guessed they had to have something else to do. The ambush car repair didn’t really improve my feelings toward the two Hunters. I put them out of my mind.

  Carlo lived in an old church in the middle of downtown Fort Worth. It's a classic building with a lot of carved stonework and a couple of tall steeples. And it's huge. I'm guessing it has something like a hundred thousand square feet of space. The property takes up the better part of two city blocks. There's parking for the couple of thousand people who used to go to church here. The small stonework sign is still out front, only it no longer has the name of a church. Now it reads The Vampire Carlo Acerbi in gothic style letters.

  I'm guessing Carlo doesn’t care that the local’s park in his massive lots. Or maybe he has plenty of people who stop by for a visit. I parked in the half filled lot and didn't feel that I drew too much attention to myself.

  From time to time Carlo has challenged me for the rights to Fort Worth. He's never won a challenge. Fedor likes me, and Fedor is the deciding factor when it comes to any kind of dispute.

  Looking around I can't help but be a bit jealous. Carlo's church is a lot bigger than my mansion. I tense as I sense a vampire approach.