Read The Golden Grasshopper: A story of the days of Sir Thomas Gresham Page 16



  We had to remain at anchor for some time, as, the tide and wind beingcontrary, we could not proceed down the river. The information wereceived made it very necessary for us to be on our guard; for althoughwe had driven back the pirates once, they would very probably againattack us with increased numbers. We proposed to the stranger captainthe plan which had been suggested, and he agreed at once that it was agood one. Much to the surprise of our prisoners, who had expected to berun up at the yard-arm, or to be sent overboard with shot round theirfeet, we promised them their liberty--provided they would do as wedirected them. They, of course, gladly consented, "We have done well,"observed the stranger captain, when he saw the prisoners rowing away;"not that we can depend much upon those fellows. They may or may notpersuade their companions that your vessel is not worth attacking.However, the sooner you sail away from this the better. I am also boundfor England, and will bear you company. My vessel lies not far fromyou; and knowing what was likely to happen, I was on the watch, so thatthe instant I heard the sounds of strife, I was able to come to yourassistance."

  Captain Davis thanked the stranger warmly. "But, friend," he said, "Ihave not yet learned your name. I should like to know what to call youwhen we meet again."

  "Oh! that is of little consequence," answered the stranger. "To confessthe honest truth, I have had more than one name. Call me Rover. I havewandered not a little about the world, and it is a name you will noteasily forget."

  "But that is not your real name, surely?" observed A'Dale.

  "Young master, when you have lived longer in the world, you will knowthat you should not ask such a question. A man, in my opinion, may havea dozen names, and slip them off and on in these troublous times asoften as he lists. I beg you will remember me as Captain Rover, of the_Falcon_. We shall see more of each other ere long, probably. I hopethat you will not lose sight of the _Falcon_, nor I of the _Diamond_,till we are safe in the Thames."

  Saying this, Captain Rover ordered his men into their boats, and pulledaway down the stream. His advice was too important to be despised. Wecontinued to keep a bright look-out, knowing that at any moment we mightbe attacked. We only hoped that his departure might not have beendiscovered by our enemies. We soon lost sight of him, although we couldhear the oars of the boat some time afterwards, as they dipped atintervals into the water, every moment growing fainter and fainter.

  I had begun to feel considerable pain from my wound, though the darknessprevented my friends from observing what had happened. It was not tillI went down into the cabin with Captain Davis and A'Dale that theyperceived that I was hurt. The blood had stained my coat. I felt veryfaint from the loss of blood, and should have sunk on the deck of thecabin had not A'Dale caught me.

  "My dear Ernst," he exclaimed, "you are badly hurt! why did you not letus know before?" I heard him say, though I was then unable to make areply.

  He and the captain lifted me into my berth. They then took off myclothes, and the latter examined my wound, so I was afterwards told. Hehad seen so many sword-cut wounds that he knew exactly what to do; andhe immediately, with lint and bandage, bound up my arm, and stopped theflow of blood. In a short time I returned to consciousness, when Ifound A'Dale sitting by me. At first I could not recollect where I was,or what had happened. My first question, however, on coming to mysenses, was whether anything more had been seen of the pirates.

  "No," answered A'Dale; "but two or three boats have passed near us inthe dark, and the captain is afraid that they are still on the watch forus. He proposes, therefore, directly the tide serves, to get underweigh, and to drop farther down the river. Perhaps we shall fall inwith our friend Captain Rover, but if not, we must take care ofourselves, and our fellows have shown that they are both willing andable to fight."

  Soon after he had said this, we heard the sound of heaving up theanchor, and other familiar noises showed us that the vessel was alreadymoving. A'Dale told me that he had left all the men on deck, with theirhangers buckled by their sides, and their pikes ready to their hands, torepel any sudden assault.

  "I scarcely like to remain so long down here with you;" he added, "lestthey should think I am skulking."

  I begged him not to think of me, but to go on deck, if he thought fit.

  "Very well," he said; "but I must come and have a look at youoccasionally."

  He was as good as his word. I remember his coming down once, but I wasvery sleepy, and soon dropped off, so that I was no longer aware of whatwas taking place.

  The grey light of morning had found its way into the cabin when I awoke.All was then quiet; the only sounds which reached my ears being theheavy tread of the men on deck, the occasional creaking of a block, andthe ripple of the water against the sides of the vessel. By this I knewthat the vessel was under weigh. Feeling much better, I managed to getout of my bed, and throwing a cloak over my shoulders, crawled up ondeck. We were standing down the Scheld, with all sail set, for the windhad changed. The crew were still on deck, and, with the captain andmates and A'Dale, were watching a large vessel which was following us.So intent were they in watching the stranger that they did not observeme. As soon, however, as Captain Davis's eyes rested on me, heexclaimed:

  "Go down below, Master Verner, and turn into your berth again. You hadno business to come on deck, and run the chance of getting the cold intoyour wound. I am your doctor, as well as the captain of this ship, andin both characters have a right to command you."

  "I will obey you," I answered; "but pray tell me, what is that shipastern?"

  "That question is one I have no means of answering," he replied; "but godown, I say, and perhaps A'Dale will tell you all about it when he iswiser than I am."

  A'Dale now came to the companion-hatch, and I was very glad to have hisassistance in going down again, and being helped into bed. He told methat the captain was somewhat anxious about the vessel coming up astern;that we had passed her in the early morning, and that soon afterwardsshe was seen getting under weigh. We, however, having somewhat thestart of her, had hitherto kept ahead; but she was now fast coming upwith us, and if she was an enemy we might fare ill, however bravely ourmen might fight.

  "But does not the captain suppose she may be Captain Rover's ship?" Iasked. "He told me that she was not tar off, and that he was bound forEngland."

  "Captain Davis seemed rather to doubt that," he answered, as he went ondeck.

  He soon returned, however, saying that I was right; and in a short timethe _Falcon_ was almost abreast of us. Captain Davis had had not onlymy wound to dress, but those of three of his men who had been hurt. Twohad been killed, and their bodies were now resting at the bottom of theScheld.

  Captain Rover hailed us through his speaking-trumpet, and expressed hissorrow at hearing that I was hurt. The two captains agreed on thecourse they were to steer, and promised to remain by each other, thusbeing the better able to beat off those who might have been inclined toattack us singly.

  When the air became warmed by the sun, Captain Davis allowed me toreturn on deck, for I could not bear being kept below. The water wassmooth and the sky bright, and our bulging sails were filled with thefresh breeze. It was pleasant to watch the tall ship as she sailed byour side, with pennants flying, and the muzzles of her guns peeringthrough her ports, and to think of the far-distant lands she hadvisited. I hoped to have another opportunity of meeting Captain Rover,and of hearing an account of his adventures. Thus the voyage continued.At night our lanterns were lighted, which we carried on the poops andforecastles, so that we might not run the risk of losing sight of eachother. Several times strange vessels were seen, but we held on our waywithout being molested.

  I still continued very weak, and I knew that such a wound as I hadreceived was not likely to be cured in a hurry. For my own sake, I wasvery glad, therefore, when the shores of Essex on one side, and those ofKent on the other, appeared in sight, and we glided slowly u
p over thebosom of old Father Thames. The same breeze carried us along which hadbrought us across from Flanders, and at length we cast anchor close tothe Tower.

  Here Master Elliot, Sir Thomas Gresham's factor, came on board, and wedelivered over to him the goods we had brought. They were at oncecarefully transferred into boats, and carried into the Tower, where SirWilliam Cecil had ordered them to be stored. Here, under thesuperintendence of Master Elliot, the coin was taken out; neither A'Dalenor I, however, saw anything of that. Master Elliot, when he heard thatI was wounded, sent a litter, and had me conveyed to Master Gresham'snew house in Bishopsgate Street, which had been built during my absencefrom England. Lady Anne had just come up to London, and received mewith especial kindness. She had many inquiries to make, not only aboutSir Thomas, but about her son and Aveline. I was sorry that with a goodconscience I could not give a better account of Richard. She sighed asshe heard my report.

  "And my sweet Aveline, how is she?" she asked.

  She watched me, I thought, as I replied; and I was afraid of blushing,and betraying certain feelings which had long been agitating my bosom.I was soon sufficiently recovered to attend the dinner-table, at whichMaster Elliot, in his employer's absence, presided. Among the guests,much to my satisfaction, I found Captain Rover, as well as Captain Daviswho had brought us over. The latter told me that, after a few slightrepairs, he should be ready again to sail, and to convey A'Dale and meback to Antwerp. I learnt also from Captain Rover somewhat about thenumerous countries he had visited. He had been, I found, many yearsfrom England in command of his ship, which belonged to a company ofmerchant adventurers, in which company Sir Thomas Gresham had a share.He had been acquainted with Sir Thomas from his youth, having alwayssailed in ships either belonging to him, or to those with whom he wasconnected.

  On parting from Lady Anne, she gave me many charges with regard to herson Richard.

  "And above all things," she said, "remember you bring him and Avelineere long back to me in safety."

  A'Dale joined me on board. He had been with his friends to the lastmoment, and had a great deal to tell me about the wonders he had seen inEngland, and the state of Queen Elizabeth, who had passed through theCity in a magnificent coach, all of gold and silver and silk. But thegrandest sight, according to A'Dale's idea, was the shooting for a greatwager of archery, in Finsbury Square, Lord Robert Dudley having been thechallenger.

  We proceeded for some distance down the Thames aided by the tide, butafterwards were kept a week in the mouth of the Medway, waiting for afair wind. After this, when we got to sea, we encountered a heavy gale,which drove us back again into harbour. Thus three weeks passed beforewe arrived at the mouth of the Scheld.

  We had brought over a cargo of wool and hides, to be manufactured in theNetherlands into numerous articles.

  Sir Thomas approved of all that we had done. He now for the first timeheard of the _Diamond_ having been attacked by pirates, and of theassistance which Captain Rover had afforded us.

  "I hope that he will be here before long," he observed, "as I shall beglad to offer him my best thanks, and perchance show him my gratitude ina more substantial manner."

  Having delivered my despatches to Sir Thomas, I hastened in search ofAveline and Richard. On entering the sitting-room, the noise of theopening door aroused Aveline, who was busy over her work, absorbed inthought, so it seemed to me. She started up, and, as I approached, tookmy hand.

  "Why, Ernst!" she exclaimed, "what has happened? you look so pale andill."

  I told her of our ship having been attacked by pirates, and she listenedwith deep interest, so it seemed to me, to my narrative.

  "And Richard," I asked, "how is he?" She pointed to a couch in arecess, shaded by a curtain, and shook her head, while a sad look cameover her countenance. "He sleeps," she said. "He sleeps often now, anda long time together, and every day grows weaker; but his father doesnot observe it. I have not ventured to write to Lady Anne to tell her;and I fear that her grief will be greatly increased when she hears ofwhat will, I am sure, ere long take place. I wish that he had neverbeen brought over here, and separated from her."

  I need not say what further conversation passed between Aveline and me.It was some time before Richard awoke. He seemed pleased at seeing me,but I soon observed that the account which Aveline had given of him wastoo correct. After the day of my arrival, I saw both him and Avelineonly for a short time in the evenings, being engaged in thecounting-house from an early hour in the morning till late every day.There was a large amount of work to be done, and as Sir Thomas andMaster Clough never spared themselves, so they required us, theirinferiors, to labour with a like assiduity.

  The state of the country was also becoming every day more and moredisordered. It is only surprising that this had not occurred at anearlier period. Antwerp itself suffered, as well as other places.Bands of ruffians went about the streets at night, attacking any unarmedpersons they met, and sometimes breaking into houses, when they carriedoff whatever they could lay hands on, and had generally decamped beforethe arrival of the watch or guard. At length the robbers so increasedin numbers, that the ordinary watch of the town could do nothing tooppose them.

  The persecutions continued as fierce as ever, the Inquisitor, Titelmann,daily citing before him persons of all ranks and callings, men andwomen, and compelling them by force to say whatever it pleased him.Often he did so in revenge for words which they were accused of havinguttered against him, although he always used the pretext of heresy. TheGovernment of the Regent--the Duchess of Parma--was also employed inruining the country, edicts being passed to prohibit the importation ofcloth and wool from England. Shortly after this, another edict waspassed, prohibiting the importation of any merchandise or goods of anysort from England; while no Flemish goods were allowed to be exported onboard English ships.

  I was one evening seated at my desk at work, when the porter told me astranger wished to see me. I went down, and as the light fell on myvisitor's features, I recognised Captain Rover, who had rendered us suchessential service on board the _Diamond_.

  I put out my hand and shook his warmly.

  "I have come to have a few words with you, Master Verner," he said, "andit maybe better that they should be in private."

  I led him into the room where Sir Thomas was accustomed to receivecasual visitors, and where what was said could not be overheard.

  "I have come on a matter of no little importance," he said.

  "A great danger threatens your friend and patron, Sir Thomas Gresham.In my last passage from England, I brought over several persons of whomI had some suspicions when they came on board; yet I did not show what Ithought, and they somewhat to my surprise, seemed inclined to take meinto their confidence. They were Romanists, I discovered; but as suchhave perfect freedom to enter or leave the country, I had no wish tomolest them. One of them fell sick while on board, and, as hiscompanions neglected him, I did my best to attend to his wants. When wearrived in harbour, I kept him on board some days, and then took him onshore, and had him attended to till he recovered. He then, it appears,joined his companions; but last night he came on board my ship, andentreated me to take him back to his native land, saying that he couldhave nothing more to do with those with whom he had joined himself. Hetold me that a villain who goes by the name of Martin has laid a plot torob this house, and either to carry off Sir Thomas Gresham or to murderhim. As he is a cunning villain, it is too likely that he will carryout his plans, if care is not taken to guard against them."

  I warmly thanked Captain Rover for this information, and begged that hewould allow me to bring him to Sir Thomas. He thanked me, but declinedseeing my patron.

  "I do not require any reward of him; and if you repeat what I have toldyou, my object is gained," he answered. "Perchance, some day I may makemyself known to him; but at present I have no desire to meet those Ionce knew. I have been deprived of all I cared for or loved on earth;and, if I had the power, I would begi
n a new existence, so as to forgetthe past."

  "But why not see my kind patron? he will surely not be ungrateful forthe important warning you have brought him; besides, he owes you a debtof gratitude for the assistance you rendered us on board the _Diamond_.I heard him say that, could he discover you, he would thankfully repayyou."

  "I am sure that he would, my young friend," answered Captain Rover. "Heis a just and liberal man; but I require no assistance at present; whenI do, I promise you I will ask for it. And now I must bid you farewell;I have myself an important undertaking on hand. I have good reason tohate the bigoted Spaniards and their fearful idolatries, and to befriendthose they persecute. I have therefore agreed to assist in the escapeof a number of families who dread the persecutions of the Inquisition.Already the demon Titelmann has carried off some of their relatives toimprisonment and slaughter, and they full well know that he will treatthem in the same way, if he can capture them."

  "I wish that I could help you!" I exclaimed. "If you can point out howI can do so, after I have performed my duty to my employer, I will joinyou at any place you may indicate."

  "I thank you, but you cannot do that," he answered; "I have my vesselready for sailing, and all I could do was to let the poor people knowthat when they came alongside I would receive them on board. All mycrew are staunch, and I have no fear that they will betray any one. Theinstant, therefore, the poor fugitives come alongside, they will behoisted on board and stowed away below, so that, should a Governmentboat follow them, by the time the officers reach the ship there will beno one to be seen. And now, Ernst Verner, farewell. We may meet, Idare hope, again. I must hasten on board to be ready to receive thefugitives."