Read The Golden Grasshopper: A story of the days of Sir Thomas Gresham Page 2



  Master Gresham, leaving Richard Clough at his desk, took Ernst Verner bythe hand, and led him out of the room. They passed along a gallery witha richly carved balustrade on one side, and portraits of burgomasters,warriors, and stately dames, hanging from the wall on the other.Opening a door, several female voices saluted them.

  At one end of the room sat a tall and graceful lady, young and handsome,with an embroidery frame before her. Her head-dress was a small sort ofhood, richly ornamented, with a veil falling behind. She had a longwaist with an embroidered stomacher, and a handsome girdle which hungdown in front. Her gown was open, showing a richly-decorated petticoatbeneath, so long as completely to hide her feet when she stood up on theentrance of her husband, Master Gresham. On either side of the roomwere several damsels with spinning-wheels and distaffs by their sides,or else actively plying their needles. A little boy, fair anddelicate--a year or two younger than Ernst, he appeared--was playing onthe ground near the couch on which the lady sat, with some of thosewonderful toys for which Holland was already celebrated. The ladylooked up as Master Gresham approached.

  "What child have you there, my dear lord?" she asked.

  "One in whom perchance you will take an interest, Lady Anne, when youhear his history," answered Master Gresham; and he detailed in a fewwords the visit of the boy's mother, and her petition that the childmight be taken care of.

  "We cannot refuse the charge which Heaven has sent us," answered thelady. "He may be a companion and playmate to our little Richard, and Idoubt not a blessing to us, if we are faithful to our trust."

  From that day forward Ernst became one of the family of Master ThomasGresham. In the house he had many amusements; but his life was asomewhat dull one notwithstanding, for he was never allowed to goabroad, unless in the company of his patron. The reason of this did notoccur to him. Master Gresham, however, acted wisely. He knew thatthose who had seized the child's parents might seize the boy also, andthough from his youth he might escape death, he would certainly bebrought up as a Romanist--a proceeding which the honest ProtestantEnglishman greatly dreaded. There was no lack of company, however, inthe house. Often entertainments were given to various guests. Seldomindeed was the merchant's hospitable board spread without severalvisitors being present.

  Soon after Ernst had become an inmate of Master Gresham's house, apersonage arrived who was treated with great consideration. He had comefrom the South, after having visited the Holy Land, and appeared to haveseen much of the world besides. Indeed, there were few countries aboutwhich he had not something to say. There was nothing very remarkableabout his appearance. He was slightly built, and of middle size; but hehad that hardy, wiry look, which showed that he was capable ofundergoing great fatigue and enduring an excess of heat withoutinconvenience, if not of cold. His ordinary dress was that of a simplegentleman, with a flat cap, having a coif tying beneath the chin andcompletely concealing his hair. His cloak, or gown, was of fine cloth,trimmed with rich fur, and having long sleeves. Beneath it was aclosely-buttoned waistcoat, while he wore long hose, and puffedbreeches, reaching but a short way down the upper part of the leg. Theupper part of his shoes were pointed, a jewelled dagger hung to hiswaist by a belt, in which were stuck his gloves when not in use, andleathern purse also hanging to it. He was addressed by Master Greshamas Sir John De Leigh, and was treated by him as a person ofconsideration. A banquet was given in honour of his arrival, to which anumber of the principal merchants, magistrates, and other civil officersof Antwerp were invited. It made a never-forgotten impression on Ernst,young as he was. It took place in the grand hall on the ground floor ofthe house. With interest he watched the placing of the tables and thespreading of the cloths, while at one end the butler arranged on thebuffet the rich pieces of plate and other vessels, giving a magnificentappearance to that part of the hall, and standing out well against thedark tapestry hung up behind them. In the centre of the table was firstplaced a silver vessel of large size, containing salt; and small roundcakes of bread were arranged where each guest was to sit. Drinking-cupsalso, of glass, were placed along the table, with a plate and napkin foreach guest.

  About thirty persons had been summoned, among whom were a few dames tobear the Lady Anne company. At the further end of the hall was agallery where the musicians were stationed; while cushioned chairs werearranged on each side of the table and covered with handsome tapestrywork.

  When the guests began to arrive, the servitors came forward with basin,ewers, and towels, that each might wash his hands before sitting down tothe meal.

  Master Gresham and Lady Anne received them with due courtesy, when eachguest was conducted to the place assigned to him at the table; Sir JohnDe Leigh and other personages of distinction being seated at the upperpart, while Master Clough and several other secretaries and attendantstook their seats at the further end below the salt-cellar.

  And now the musicians struck up a lively tune. The servitors enteredwith the good cheer, which was, in due course, served round.

  It would be impossible to describe all the luxuries. Among them aboar's head was seen, highly ornamented, while on either side were twopeacocks, the feathers of their tails spread out, while on their neckshung two golden grasshoppers, the armorial bearings of the host. Thepeacocks, which had been roasted, and covered with the yolk of eggs,after having cooled, had been sewed into their skins, and thus lookedalmost as if they were alive. There were two pair of cocks which hadbeen roasted, and then covered, one with gold, and the other with silverfoil. There was also venison, a swan boiled, roasted pheasant androasted bittern, with fish of various sorts--pike and perch. A varietyof ornaments, too, made their appearance, subtilties, they were called,and ornamental devices in pastry. One was a lofty castle, covered withsilver, flags of gold waving on its summit. However, it would take uptoo much space to describe the numberless dishes which appeared at thisbanquet.

  The musicians at intervals played for the amusement of the guests, andtoward the end, lest they might have become weary of too many sweetsounds, the doors of the hall opened, and a band of maskers enteredhabited in various grotesque costumes. With a deep obeisance to themaster of the feast, as well as to the lady and their visitors, theleader of the party commenced an oration the subject of which ErnstVerner was too young at the time to note down, and has long sinceforgotten. It was followed by the representation of a Morality, thesubject of which also, for the same reason, is not noted in this diary.Ernst, with his young companion, little Richard Gresham, were runningabout the hall hand in hand, watching the maskers, and amusingthemselves by observing the guests. One of the former, wearing a hugecloak which completely concealed his form, during the performanceseparated himself from his companions. His eye was fixed on the twoboys. It might have been that he supposed no one observed him; but,even though attending to her guests, the mother's glance was followingher young Richard. With cautious steps the masker slowly moved uptowards where the little boys were standing, their attention occupiedwith one of the most exciting portions of the mystery. At length themasker stood close to the boys. And now the eyes of every one in thehall were riveted on the performers. On a sudden, the cloak was thrownround the boys. No cry was heard, and the masker glided rapidly towardsthe door of the hall, still left open. So quick were his movements,that he would have escaped unobserved had not Lady Anne's voice beenheard, exclaiming, "Stop him! Stop him! He has carried off thechildren!" Richard Clough started from his seat, and drawing hisdagger, rushed after the abductor. The man, turning his head at thecry, saw that he was pursued, and letting go one of the children--it wasthe little Richard--fled more rapidly. Honest Master Clough, however,with the excited feelings of a warm-hearted Welshman, pursued him. Theman had just reached the door, when Master Clough caught him by thecloak, and would have struck his dagger into his neck, had he notloosened the garment and let go the little Ernst, whose head had been somuffled i
n a cloth that he had been unable to cry out. The man sprangfrom the door before Master Clough could again seize him, exhibiting,now deprived of his cloak, the dark dress of an ecclesiastic, though hishead, still concealed by his large mask, prevented his features beingvisible. A number of persons were at the time passing, and the strangerwas thus able to make his escape. Indeed, honest Master Clough, havinggained his object of rescuing the children, probably considered that itmight be wise not to continue the pursuit in the open street, whereperchance he might have found more enemies than friends.

  As may be supposed, after this Master Gresham was chary of letting hisyoung charge go without his doors, unless with a strong escort. But oneday, having to pay a visit of ceremony to an important person at thefarther end of the city, he set forth on horseback, attended by MasterClough, two of his other secretaries, and several attendants, allwell-armed. Ernst, as the Lady Anne thought, having suffered from beingdeprived of the free air, was carried along with the party, being placedon the saddle in front of one of the serving-men. Ernst gazed abouthim, enjoying the free air and the warm sun, which shone down from theblue sky. The scene in the streets, however, was at no time lively; thedresses both of men and women being of a sombre hue, the latter wearingthe large dark cloaks with hoods which had been introduced from Spain,while a gloomy expression sat generally on the countenances of the men.The visit was paid, Ernst remaining in the hall with the attendants,while Master Gresham with his secretaries proceeded into the audiencechamber of the great man. They were on their way back, when,approaching the wide thoroughfare of the Mere, a crowd of persons wasseen proceeding in that direction. It was necessary for MasterGresham's party to proceed through the Mere, or he would have turnedaside to avoid the throng. As they entered the place, a procession wasseen advancing down one of the streets which led into it. First came aband of acolytes, swinging censers and chanting hymns to the honour ofthe Virgin. Next to them marched on either side of the street a guardof soldiers, having in their midst a large party of priests, betweenwhom were seen four persons with their hands fastened behind them, theirheads bare, and clothed in long coarse robes; blood-red banners wereborne aloft by some of the priests. Then came a brotherhood, also indark garments, with cowls on their heads and their faces masked. Aparty of officials on horseback, magistrates, and others, with anotherbody of troops, brought up the rear. Slowly the procession wound itsway into the Square, on one side of which was now seen a scaffold with apulpit raised above it, and a booth or stand, covered with cloth, withseats arranged within. At one end were two lofty gibbets; while below,in the open space, two stout posts appeared fixed in the ground, withiron chains hanging to them, and near at hand large piles of faggots.

  So completely closed round by the throng were the English party, thatthey could neither move forward nor recede. The procession reached thestage, when the prisoners were led up upon it, the magistrates and otherofficials taking their places on either side, the brotherhoods forming adark line below the platform. The priests seemed to be exhorting theprisoners, but the distance was too great to allow what was being saidto be heard. The preacher, lifting a crucifix in the air, waved itround, and addressed the multitude below. He was met rather by glancesof hatred and fear than by looks of sympathy. Still he continued, nowin a loud voice thundering anathemas on the heads of heretics, andthreatening the vengeance of Heaven on those who sheltered them, orrefused to give them up into the hands of the Inquisitors. Sometimesthe crowd appeared to be violently agitated, and here and there personswere seen moving among them, as if to urge them forward in an attempt torescue those about to suffer; but the stern looks of the well-trainedSpanish troops kept them in awe. The sermon--if a fierce haranguecomposed of invectives against simple Christianity could so be called--was brought to a conclusion; and now, in a loud voice, the presidingInquisitor asked the accused for the last time whether they would recantand make confession of their sins, promising them absolution and a sureentrance into heaven, with a more easy death than the terrible one towhich they were condemned. The gag was removed from the mouth of thechief prisoner that he might give his answer.

  "No, no!" he exclaimed, "I accept not such mercy as you offer. I holdfast to a simple faith in Christ's meritorious death, and that alone issufficient to secure my salvation. I look upon the sacrifice of theMass as an act dishonouring Him. I believe that no human person haspower to absolve me from sin; that all must enter the kingdom of heavenhere who are to belong to it hereafter, and thus that masses for thedead are a deceit and fraud; that Christ hears our prayers morewillingly than any human mediator or being who has once dwelt on earth;that His mother was honoured among women, but not above women; that herheart was less tender than His; and that she can no more hear prayers orintercede with Him than can any other person of the seed of Adamrequiring, like all others, to be cleansed by His blood."

  "Off with him to the stake! to the stake!" shouted the priests as thesewords were uttered.

  A female--a graceful lady--was next asked whether she would recant.

  "I hold to the opinion my dear husband has uttered," she answered.

  Master Gresham turned pale when he heard her speak, for he recognisedthe features of one he had seen but a short time before. At that momentthe little boy, who had been eagerly watching the scene, uttered a loudshriek.

  "Oh! my father! my dear mother!" he cried out; "let me go to them--letme go to save them!"

  With difficulty the groom held him on his horse, for he struggleddesperately to be free. "There's kind Bertha, my nurse; and honest,good Gunter too! Let me go, I say, that I may help them!"

  The English party were too far off to allow those on the stage toobserve them. Even the servants refused to recant, though promisedtheir lives and liberty if they would do so.

  Karl Van Verner and his wife were led down from the platform by thesteps towards the two stakes, which stood close to each other. And nowthe members of the brotherhood on whom had been imposed the sad officeof executing the victims, rushed forward with faggots, which they piledup round them. Two professional executioners, who had been summoned forthe purpose, secured the victims by the chains to the stakes. Whilefire was set to the piles, the members of the brotherhood burst forthinto a melancholy _miserere_, which rose up even above the groans andsighs of the people.

  Master Gresham ordered his attendants to try and force their way out ofthe crowd. At length, many persons, unwilling to witness the sufferingof the victims, retired along the various streets leading into the Mere,thus giving an opportunity to the English party to retreat. Once morethe young boy cast a terrified glance towards the horrible spectacle,when the groom, in mercy, throwing a cloak round his head, pushed onthrough the crowd, the whole party making their way as rapidly as theycould towards the royal merchant's residence.

  For days, for months, for years even, did that dreadful spectacle occuragain and again to the mind of the child. Thus perished his parents,with their two faithful attendants, their only crime that of readingGod's Word, singing His praises, and holding together family prayer.

  Theirs was no solitary fate. Every week, every day almost, victims wereoffered up to the papal Moloch by those who thus hoped to stamp out thevery existence of Protestantism from the land. Vain efforts! The seedof religious truth, scattered far and wide, was springing up and bearingfruit--sometimes bitter enough, it must be owned--but such as was not tobe destroyed by Roman Pontiff or Spanish King.