Read The Golden Hope: A Story of the Time of King Alexander the Great Page 12



  Chares sat in the house of Thais in Athens, idly watching the lithemotions of the tame leopard as it worried an ivory ball. Its mistresslay at full length on a low couch of sandalwood looking at the Thebanwith eyes half closed.

  "What are you going to do with me?" she asked.

  "What do you mean?" he replied.

  "Am I not your slave?" she said softly. "Have you not ruined yourselfto buy me?"

  "That is true," he said, stroking his chin and examining herreflectively. "You are my most costly possession!"

  "Well?" she insisted.

  "And I shall not be here to guard you," he continued. "Who knows whatmay happen?"

  She drew through her slender fingers the silken fringe of the crimsonshawl that was twisted about her waist.

  "You have not asked me why I went to Thebes," she said at last.

  "No," he replied, looking at her inquiringly.

  "I wanted to see Maia," she said, looking at him innocently. "I hadheard so much of her beauty."

  "Oh," he said, smiling. "What did you think of her?"

  "I did not see her," Thais replied. "Is she beautiful?"

  "Let me see," Chares said, studying the walls as though in an effort toremember. "She has black hair and her eyes too are dark, I think. Herforehead is low and broad and her nose is straight. Perhaps her mouthmight be thought a little too wide, but her chin is beautifully roundedand her shoulders and neck are perfect. Yes, I think she might becalled beautiful."

  "Chares," Thais said timidly, "do you love her?"

  Chares laughed. "How can a man make love without an obol that he cancall his own?" he replied.

  "Are you wholly ruined, then?" she asked.

  "I haven't enough left to buy you a singing thrush," he replied gayly.

  "But you have me and all that is mine," she said softly.

  "Not even you!" he answered. He drew a scroll from the folds of hischiton and tossed it into her lap. She opened it slowly and read arelease legally executed, giving her back her freedom and placing herin the enjoyment of all her possessions. Chares watched her with anexpectant smile as her eyes followed the written lines. When she hadended, she raised herself on her elbow and gazed earnestly at him for amoment with dilated eyes. Then, without a word, she buried her face inthe cushions and her form was shaken with sobs. As the scroll fellfrom her hand the leopard pounced upon it and began tearing it with histeeth.

  "What is the matter with you, Thais?" Chares asked in a tone ofdispleasure.

  "Why did you buy me?" she replied, without lifting her head.

  "To save you from falling into the hands of the Ph[oe]nician, ofcourse," he replied impatiently.

  "Then I wish you had not done it," she sobbed.

  "Listen to reason, Thais!" Chares said in a graver tone. "It is I whoam no longer free. I have sold my sword and I am in bonds to theMacedonian."

  He paused, but she made no answer, although her weeping ceased.

  "Were it not so," he continued, "why should I stay here? This is notmy city and these are not my people. I have neither, now that Thebesis no more. Clearchus and Leonidas are going with Alexander, as I havetold you. Would you have me lag behind? There will be fighting anddanger, glory and spoil. Shall I not share them?"

  "You may be killed," Thais said faintly, showing her tear-stained face.

  "Zeus grant that it be not until I have met Phradates on the field ofbattle!" he exclaimed.

  "Is there nothing, then, that you care for in Athens?" she askeddolefully.

  "Thou knowest well that I love thee, Thais," he replied. "Thou knowestthat it will tear my heart to leave thee behind. But it is the Godswho have decided for us and we have no choice. Were there no otherreason for my going, Clearchus will have need of me in his search forArtemisia, and that would be enough to forbid my remaining here."

  "Then I will go, too!" Thais cried, leaping from the couch and standingdefiantly before him.

  Chares returned her look with an indulgent smile. Her exquisitelymoulded form was outlined under the clinging folds of her garment. Hertiny feet, with their pink little heels, looked as though they hadnever rested upon the earth. Her hair fell about her rounded neck anddimpled shoulders like spun copper. Her red lips and pearly teethseemed made to feast on dainties. Physically she was as sensitive anddelicate as a child; but her eyes shone with a fire that betrayedindomitable spirit.

  "What will you do when it snows?" the Theban asked mockingly.

  She threw herself down on her knees on the floor beside him, taking hishand in hers and pressing it against her glowing cheek.

  "Chares! Chares! My master! I love thee!" she murmured. "The blindGod at whose power I laughed so often when I was in his mother'sservice has stricken me through the heart. My soul is naked beforethee. I cannot have thee leave me. If thou dost, I shall die. I willgo to the ends of the earth with thee. I will suffer hardships to benear thee. Thou art all I have. I am thy slave, and I do not wish tobe free."

  Chares felt her tears upon his hand. He lifted her face and kissed her.

  Suddenly she sprang to her feet and began to pace backward and forwardon the many-colored carpet that was spread upon the floor. The leopardstopped tearing at the parchment and followed her with his eyes.

  "Is it my fault that I am--what I am?" she cried. "Am I to blamebecause my life has not been like that of other women? They areshielded from the world and ignorant of what is good and what is bad.Have I committed a fault in fulfilling the will of the Gods, from whomthere is no escape? For the evil done by others must I pay thepenalty?"

  "Of course not," Chares said consolingly, scarcely knowing what shemeant or how to answer her. Her passion took him by surprise. Shestood before him glowing in every limb with youth and beauty, her chinraised and her lips parted in scorn, as though defying the world toaccuse her.

  "Who cast me adrift?" she went on vehemently. "You talk of going intoAsia to aid Clearchus in his search for Artemisia. Very well, I willgo with you and search too, for I also wish to find Artemisia. She ismy sister!"

  "What do you mean, Thais? Are you mad?" Chares exclaimed.

  "It is the truth," she replied. "I forced old Eunomus to tell me onlylast night. He has the proofs and he has promised to deliver them tome, for a certain sum, of course. I am the daughter of Theorus, whocaused me to be exposed because I was a girl. The old pander found me,as he has found many another in his time, and--and--he made of me whatyou see me."

  She threw herself once more upon the couch to ease her grief among thecrimson cushions. Chares knew not what to say. He distrusted thestory told by Eunomus, for he knew the wretch was capable of doinganything for money. But, after all, what if the tale were true? Hewas fond of Thais, of course. How could a man help being fond of ayoung and beautiful woman who loved him? There was Aspasia, who hadruled Athens and all Hellas through Pericles. There was the son ofPhocion, who had actually married a girl no better than Thais. Still,what had been could not be changed; and even if Thais was the daughterof Theorus, that fact could make no difference.

  Thais raised her head from the pillows as though she had read histhoughts. Her eyes were softened with tears.

  "Is it my fault," she pleaded, "that my sister has the love of anhonorable man and will be married to him, while I--I can never hope forsuch a marriage? I know it, Chares, and I do not ask it. All I ask isthat you will permit me to go with you. I am tired, since I knew you,of my life here. Without meaning to do so, you have opened my eyes tonew things. I am what I am; but, in spite of all, I am still awoman--more a woman perhaps, than Artemisia, my sister, whom I havenever seen. Let me go with you, Chares, to share your dangers and yourglory, to nurse you if you are wounded, and to stand beside yourfuneral pyre and watch my heart turn to ashes if you are killed. Icannot bear to be left behind. The weariness and the waiting wouldsurely kill me. Let me go with thee, my Life, for I think neithe
r ofus will see Athens again."

  Chares felt deep pity for the unfortunate girl stir in his heart. Thestrength of his emotion troubled his careless nature.

  "There, there," he said, anxious to pacify her. "Don't make gloomypredictions. You shall come."

  She nestled into his arms and laid her head upon his shoulder.

  "I shall never know greater happiness," she said, with a sigh ofcontent; and then, changing her tone, "They say the women of the Medesare very beautiful. You will not make me jealous, will you, Chares?"

  He laughed and kissed her, looking into her eyes. "Small need have youto fear the Medean women!" he said.