Read The Goma Lake Victim 1 Page 15

Chapter 11

  "You guys arrested a woman?" Mwenda yelled once Phil had filled him in on their latest move to arrest Jane. He was in full police uniform this day.

  "We believe that she is hiding important elements to our investigation. And besides she can be helpful on the case of motor vehicle thefts that have rocked Lusaka."

  Mwenda cleared his throat and then said, "Phil I know you feel under pressure to close this case as soon as possible. It’s good for your career. Understandable. But don't you think that perhaps you are now going overboard? From what you tell me, this woman is a simple low life incapable of stealing a vehicle, let alone staging a sophisticated murder cover up."

  "I have no intention of charging her sir. I shall release her as soon as she cooperates with us."

  Mwenda loosened the his tie. Then he said, "This Kasongo or Kabongo guy that you saw, did you identify him beyond doubt?"

  "Yes sir."

  "Why didn't you alert the police squad?"

  "We still haven't tied him down to the thefts with hard evidence. We need him to make the wrong move into our trap. Otherwise our case will collapse in court."

  Mwenda adjusted his tie again and then said, "Alright, I support you. Let me know what time you shall be interrogating the woman. I would like to sit in. That is, if it is alright with you."

  "Certainly sir."

  The following day at around 18 o'clock, Mwenda joined Phil, Nawa and Mercy in room 218. It was a large room with a small chair and table as the only items in it. Seated on the chair was Jane. She appeared distraught and scared.

  Mwenda took a hard look at her but said nothing.

  "Would you like something to eat?" Phil asked.

  Jane shook her head.

  "I have slept here one day. I want to go home," she replied.

  "Alright we shall start our interview now. If you talk we shall release you. Are you ready?"

  Jane nodded.

  "What is your name?"

  "Jane Mulenga."

  "What do you do for a living?"


  Phil and Mercy looked at each other but they allowed the comment to stand. Mercy wrote that down in her book.

  "So Jane, for how long were you at Women Empowerment?"

  "Four years."

  "What was your role there?"

  "Recruiting prostitutes."

  "After recruiting prostitutes what was happening next?"

  "They were trained and given money to do business."

  "You told us that you found your boss Molly in her office having sex with one of the donors. Do you still maintain that statement?"

  Jane remained silent.

  "Do you wish to withdraw that statement?"

  She nodded her head.

  "Are you the one who started the false story that she was a sex addict?"

  She nodded again.

  "So now you have a chance to tell the truth. Tell us what you know about Molly."

  "She was a good woman."



  "Drug addict?"


  "Where did the drugs come from?"

  "I don't know. I swear."

  Phil then bent over the table and put his face closer to Jane's. She withdrew a little. Then he asked, "What was the problem between you and Molly?"

  "Problem? No problem."

  "Look Jane, you cannot create such a damaging story about another person unless there was a problem."

  "She is the one who caught me."

  "Caught you doing what?"

  "She discovered that I was recruiting girls out of the NGO instead of bringing them in."

  Phil looked at Mwenda, who nodded while watching with folded arms.

  ''Why were you doing that?"

  "I was informed that there was a modelling agency that wanted girls."

  "Any type of girl?"

  "They wanted thin ones with nice bodies."

  "Nice bodies?"

  "Big buttocks. Big breasts. Good face. Like the officer there," she said pointing at Mercy using her chin.

  "And how much were you paid for the service?"

  "Two pin five hundred kwacha per person I delivered."

  "Wait," interrupted Mwenda, punching some digits in his handheld calculator. "That is, let's see, let's see- two hundred thirty US dollars per person."

  Jane remained silent.

  "How many girls did you recruit?" Phil asked.

  "Almost thirty girls, somewhere there."

  Then Phil asked slowly, "And who was the person paying you for this?"

  "The same person you saw at my house earlier."

  Mercy quickly scribbled some notes.

  "And where were you delivering the girls?"

  "He would pick them from my house and drive them to a house in Rhodes Park."

  Mwenda raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, I am a bit behind. Who are we referring to now?"

  "Kabongo, sir," answered Phil.

  "Which mean the car thief that you told me about earlier?"

  "Yes sir," replied Phil. Then turning to Jane, Phil asked, "Is the modeling Centre in Rhodes Park?"

  "Screening Centre."

  "Screening Centre?"

  "They were introduced to the big owners of the modelling agency there," replied Jane.

  "Can you identify the men in charge of the agency?"

  "No, I never met them. I only met Kabongo."

  "Ok, what is the address of the agency?"

  "I don't know these street names, but I can take you there."

  Phil looked at Mwenda who nodded.

  "Alright, you shall take us there. One more thing, how did Molly find out?"

  "She found me at night at the NGO with the girls as we were waiting for Kabongo to bring transport."

  "Did Kabongo turn up?"


  "What did Molly do?"

  "She was angry with me. She was angry with Kabongo. She was angry with the girls. She shouted at us and demanded to know what was going on."

  "Then what happened?"

  "Kabongo explained to her about the agency, but she didn't believe the story. So he offered to take her to the same modelling agency to meet the big bosses and iron out issues."

  "Did she agree to a meeting?"

  "Yes she did."

  "And when did that meeting take place?"

  "I am told that it was planned for Monday evening."

  "Last Monday?"


  "That's the night she was murdered!" Nawa shouted. Everyone remained silent for a full minute.

  "Jane, I must say that you have really assisted us with these investigations. You are also guilty of complicity in this murder case, but"- he said turning to look at Mwenda- "my boss will release you in exchange for your further assistance as state witness."

  Mwenda nodded in agreement. Jane let out a sigh of relief. Stretching his arms on both sides, Phil said, "Well you are free to go now."

  Jane stood up and then rubbed her eyes slightly.

  "Can you show us the house in Rhodes Park?" Phil requested.

  "Sure. But I need to bathe first at home and eat a full meal. Is that OK?"

