Read The Goma Lake Victim 1 Page 19

Chapter 13

  "Give us your names," said Phil wearily.

  "Nosiku Lubinda," replied Nosiku.

  Phil looked at his watch. It was half past nine on Sunday morning.

  "Last night we arrested you at a house in Rhodes Park. What were you doing there?"


  "You guard an empty house?"

  "I am night guard. Yes empty house."

  "Who employed you?"

  "Big man Chileshe."

  "Which Chileshe?"

  "Mr. Chileshe. Don't know other name."

  Phil stared at Mercy and she wrote that down.

  "How long have you been guarding at the house?"

  "Two years."

  "How often do people come to the house at night?"

  Nosiku scratched his head and then said, "Ah, one or two times in month."

  "Can you recognize the people who come?"


  Phil took a bunch of photos and then handed them over to Nosiku. They were a mixture of photos of criminals as well as of cops.

  "Please look carefully and tell me if you recognize anyone."

  Nosiku took the photos and started looking carefully at each one of them. He reached the fifteenth one and lifted up his finger. He almost pointed but then withdrew after shaking his head. Phil almost laughed after noticing the photo. It was the photo of Commanding Officer Mwenda.

  Nosiku then went over a few more and then firmly pointed at one photo without hesitation. It was a photo of Kabongo. Phil removed the photo from the rest and kept it aside as Nosiku continued checking the rest.

  He lifted one and smiled.

  "This is you bwana, but young and handsome that time."

  Phil did not smile. It was his old photo taken just after joining the police.

  "Thank you bo Nosiku."

  "Can I go now?"

  "Yes you may go. You haven't been arrested. But we still need your help."

  "I have said everything bwana," protested Nosiku. "What must I do?"

  "Don't tell anyone anything. Just go back to work as normal. If anyone will ask you, just say that you were reporting a break-in to the police. Just say that you were attacked by armed criminals," said Phil.

  He watched Nosiku as he got off his seat. Mercy held the door open for him as he left the office.

  "Well," said Mercy. "I hope we don't end up with another Jane case on our hands after this interview with Nosiku."

  "Let's hope not. Anyway I am planting two incognito cops to be watching the house for a week."

  "That is a good idea. I am sure it will help."

  She turned and then walked towards the window. Clad in black tight trousers, her hips and bums bounced as she walked. She was wearing a red blouse without a coat. She swept her hair backwards as she looked out of the window.

  "I didn't have my breakfast today," said Phil with a yawn.

  "Neither did I."

  "So let's go across and grab a bite," offered Phil. He didn't wait for an answer. He got up and took a car key from one of the drawers on his desk.

  "Is bo Nawa coming with us?" Mercy asked.

  "No he isn't. He is off today," replied Phil as he led the way out of the office.

  They walked through the corridors and stairs and left the building through the front reception door. They then walked to the white Corolla parked underneath the trees near the fence. Phil opened the front passenger door for Mercy. He closed it after she had sat inside. Then he walked round the car and opened the driver's door. He sat down, fastened his seat belt and then started the car. They drove out and headed into the business area using Church road.

  "Yesterday in Mtendere, you said that there was no possibility of anyone among us tipping off the criminals," began Mercy.

  "That's right," replied Phil. Mercy remained silent. They joined Cairo road and then turned right towards the north.

  "What about bo Nawa?" Mercy asked.

  "You mean Nawa being the informant?" Phil asked with a loud laugh.

  "Please don't take it wrongly. I respect bo Nawa but I still strongly feel that someone from inside is feeding the criminals with data."

  "The criminals that we are after are experienced and have been in the game for a long time. They have already worked out every possible scenario, including events that we haven't reached yet. What they are doing now is to watch every one of their people. They are eliminating anyone who appears to be in a compromised situation. They are probably watching us right now and wondering where we are going and what we know, not knowing that we are merely going for a bite."

  They parked in front of Fajema Bakes and Phil continued, "To address your concern directly, no I don't think Nawa is the informant. I have worked many cases with him in the past and his integrity is unquestionable. On that I can risk my neck. But I appreciate your observations."

  They got out of the car and entered the restaurant. They sat on the table nearest the window from where they could see their car outside.

  "I shall take fresh orange juice and two muffins," said Mercy as the waiter stood at their table.

  "And you sir?" he asked Phil.

  "Give me Coca cola and a meat pie."


  "What?" Phil asked.

  "Do you want meat pie with pepper or plain?"


  The waiter walked away.

  "I can't stop staring at you," said Phil.

  "Why?" Mercy asked, looking straight at his eyes.

  "You mesmerize me with your beauty. Your eyes, your lips, your smile- it’s a masterpiece of creation."

  Mercy allowed herself a little smile. She turned her eyes away from him and looked at her fingers.

  "Even those fingers, they look like extreme care was exercised in creating them," he continued.

  The waiter brought their orders to their table and then left after Phil had paid the bill.

  "Look at my fingers," he said raising them for Mercy to see. "You would think I created them myself in a hurry."

  Mercy burst out in loud laughter thereby attracting the attention of other guests. She then covered her mouth with her left hand.

  "Look what you have caused. People are now staring at us," she complained softly though with a smile still on her face.

  Phil smiled back and then sipped his ice cold Coca cola.

  "Your wife must be a happy one hey," she said, biting a piece of muffin.

  "No wife."

  "Not married?"

  "Not yet. No one wants to marry a cop."

  "Who says?"

  They finished eating and then walked out of the restaurant. They reached the car and again Phil opened the door for Mercy. After making sure that she was comfortable, he went round the car and also took his seat. He put on his seat belt.

  "You might want to do the same," he told her as he started the car. She did as told and the car started off.

  "Can you drop me off at home?" Mercy asked once they were near the Kabwe roundabout.


  They got into the Great East road and went up the flyover bridge. They bypassed the ZESCO offices on their right and beat the traffic lights by a second.

  "So why aren’t you married?" Mercy asked.

  "Well maybe it’s just time. I am yet to find a woman who will understand me and my work."

  "Women are everywhere."

  They passed by Northmead and Phil passed a quick glance at Claire's flat when they reached Benekali road. The drove on and reached the traffic lights at Manda Hill footbridge. This time the traffic lights were red. A young man knocked at Phil's door selling a bag of potatoes. He shook his head.

  The traffic lights turned green. They went straight ahead and bypassed the Manda Hill shopping mall on their left. Then they turned left into Kwacha road. On the fourth house, Phil stopped the car.

  "Here you are," he said.

  "Home sweet home. I think dad is home. I can see his car from here," she responded as she tried hard without success to free he
rself from the seat belt.

  "Let me help you," said Phil as he moved closer to press the seat belt cradle. It buckled after some effort.

  "Thanks," she said looking at his hands which had strayed onto her thigh.

  Phil breathed deeply and then stared into her eyes. They held each other's stare until Phil slowly moved his face closer to hers, hoping that she wouldn't pull away. She didn't. Slowly Phil's lips touched hers. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He held her face and kissed her deeply, sensually and slowly as their tongues engaged in some exotic wrestling.