Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 1

The Goomeri Pointing Bone

  By Tony Lourensen

  Copyright © Tony Lourensen 2012

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Edition : First edition : Publisher : Tony Lourensen :


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  About the Author

  Also by this Author


  Dwarg was the only Whisp to have made actual contact with the physical world. Indeed, before the now, he had been a physical entity inside Humans for 11 years and had attained valuable knowledge and information about all living creatures, the planet and the Aura. It was his Human host, Aggie Kellor, who at age 11, managed to return him to his own world.

  During the course of his time with the physical, he had learnt that extra-terrestrial travellers, viruses and potential invaders were infecting the Humans. This, he discovered, could well lead to the destruction of the Planet and its Aura, a place in which he, the Whisps and the Humans existed.

  Together with Slig and some other concerned Whisps, Dwarg had formulated plans to stop the intrusion of these foreigners...and to eliminate those raiders already upon the Earth.

  Chapter One

  “It’s just another enigma of the Aura, Slig. You would have experienced the same failure trying to find me when I was in the physical. I know exactly where my former host is in relation to the planet, yet I cannot flux to her now – it’s almost like an invisible barrier that has been placed in my path.”

  “Dwarg, your explanation of dimensions may be the key as to not being able to access or even get close to your Human host again. As I see it, one would have to be physical in the first instance. I have been able to follow Humans, seen their lives lived out and their ensuing generations grow and pass, yet cannot access even an atom of their physical world. You have proven that other worlds exist outside our own; so it would not be unreasonable to suggest that there may be other dimensions within our Aura.”

  “That is likely to be true Slig. When physical, I read some text explaining the different dimensions as Humans saw it. It explained, as an example, of a place called Flatland and all creatures upon Flatland were flat and One Dimensional. They only knew length, forward and reverse, but in time they discovered width, left and right which they called the Second Dimension. They never knew of a thing called height, or up or down; and then one Flatlander bumped into something – it was a tall pole. He reversed, then went forward and bumped into it again. He tried going left and right again and again but this thing was still there and the Flatlander kept bumping into it. He just didn’t know to look up and see what it was; had he done so, he would have been the first to discover the Third Dimension. We know we are in the equivalent of the Humans’ Seventh Dimension, yet even now we still come up to something and bump into it, again and again, just like that Flatlander – we just don’t know how to interpret that barrier...yet.”

  Dwarg’s absence from Aggie Kellor was now over six Human years. He had left her a legacy of information and knowledge which, if she followed, would ensure that the planet would not denigrate at the rapid rate which it, and the Humans, were heading.

  He was gratified to see that there were more and more neutral phatets being released into the Aura due to the neutron pulsing systems that his erstwhile host had developed and established. These were eagerly harvested by a certain number of Whisps who were engaged in the construction of a protective shield around the planet to keep possible invaders out. Yet Dwarg saw the Whisp body, the majority bonding group, to be seemingly quite content to just be Whisps in the Aura – disinterested and neutral.

  “Dwarg, there are times when your information makes me vibrate. I cannot help but almost feel some Human emotion to hear some of your exploits in the physical. I also cannot help but feel that you wish to return to your female Human; you realize of course that such a feeling is purely a characteristic of a Human’s emotion, certainly not one belonging to a Whisp?”

  “You are right of course Slig. These emotions are powerful and I can see how important they are in the life of a Human. I even question my own satisfaction as to being a Whisp – before the now, nothing ever happened; we had no purpose – we were just there – we existed and were satisfied, and apart from experiencing Swirl Chaos, that was that. Now things are happening, I’ve done things, planned things, organised and educated more Whisps, and it seems I can’t simply be the same Whisp as I once was. How ya gonna keep ‘em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?.so to speak.”

  “Even though I cannot understand your Human influenced response, I understand the influence must be strong with you Dwarg. Your adventures carry memories for yourself as an individual – you are aware that the body will not fail to notice this unusual, if not altered state?”

  “Slig, they can kiss my burro. If they are not prepared to evolve, they should be left behind of the now.”

  Slig was very concerned at Dwarg’s position. After all, Whisps are, in the first instance, a body comprising all; it is unusual to see Whisps group away from each other for reasons of disharmony. Yes, Slig thought, like it or not, Whisps were on some path of evolvement.

  “Dwarg, I have to say something. You say that extra-Aura visitors have entered our world, and some have infected the Humans which in turn put them on a path of unnatural evolvement. You, yourself have played a part, albeit for our benefit and protection. Now we see that you have returned to our world and are placing us on a similar path. Could we not say that perhaps you are, or have been, infected?”

  “I have been vexed by this suggestion since my return Slig. The only way to prove that I am pure, would be to have another Whisp flux with me to the physical and confirm or deny any such infection.”

  “Such decision has already been agreed to by the body, during your absence in the physical. All that was required was your proposition; and now we have it.”

  “The body is more tenacious with its vigilance than I had surmised Slig. I must withdraw my disapproval and accept the all. To learn of such tests and trials strengthens my respect. You will come with me Slig?”

  “Of course Dwarg ; it has already been approved. And, should all your reports of intruders be accurate, the body requires that we seek out, and if necessary, destroy all such aliens. If that requires the expiration of Humans in the proc
ess, let it be so.”

  “Do you think I may be infected Slig?”

  “Only with those things you have brought with you from the physical. Some of those Human emotions obviously transcend all filters and barriers within the Aura. Your possession of some of these are interesting, however I do not conclude that they are likely to be of any threat to Whisps – unless of course, that we be made to kiss burros.”

  “That comment, as you must know, is of Human humour; I must vibrate until that thought passes.” Both Dwarg and Slig vibrated in unison and fluxed great distances, much to the notice of seemingly disinterested Whips.

  “Slig, if we are to enter the physical world, I cannot accurately determine if the dimension in which I entered before, will be exactly the same, but by my reckoning and fluxing around the planet, all seems to correlate that it will be on the timeline from when I left.”

  “And our Human hosts?”

  “I am certain that the Human Aggie Kellor will accept me again. You will have to group with me until such opportunities arise where we can separate and begin our purging of dangerous extra-aural intruders off the planet.”

  “Dwarg, have you calculated what means, what weapons, what actions we have to take to do all this?”

  “I have found that the most important characteristics, in the make-up of the Humans, comprise a sense of survival, followed by a desire and need to reproduce. I spent some time in a new born Human and although it could not survive on its own at the start of its life, there was an extremely strong instinct to advance. It is in their basic design – other characteristics within their DNA seem to be less important at that stage. As you know, Human emotions are exceptionally complicated and confounding. There are other things that I have not been able to grasp – their use of wavelengths and rays and their digital technology. This is where we will have to undertake our quest with caution and use, as far as possible, the Humans’ physical powers to our advantage.”

  “Dwarg, should we be detected, will the Humans have the means to overpower us?”

  “In the physical world, I’m certain of it.”

  “So who will be our first target?”

  “Before I left the physical, I noted some Humans, still in existence, who I believe are infected with alien entities. There may have been more since my departure. One is named Stephen Hawkins, another named Albert Gore, one Newt Gignrich, and a deceiver named Peter Jackson. There may also be an unusual entity inside a Human male, named Theodore Kaczynski.”

  Dwarg did not admit that he also tried to track down a possible virus in a Human named Harry Potter, only to discover that again, it was a false and non-existing Human, invented by a Human for the eager and credulous minds of other Human dreamers and actors.


  A group of fluxing Whisps came to report; “Another rocket is due to leave the Aura two Human weeks from the now – the body group is preparing for another Swirl Chaos. This may be the opportunity for your exit; do you intend to wrap yourselves around their machine and travel with it?”

  Dwarg replied, “I believe we should attach ourselves to it just as it pushes through the boundary. We should see if there is any disruption or damage to our growing phatet shield in that area and see if there will be any after effects from the Swirl Chaos. When we go beyond the limit boundary, it is essential that we limit our physical size so as not to be discovered by the Humans – we will have to seek an opportunity to enter one of them. Slig, there will be interesting times ahead of the now.”

  Feelings of emotion were in general a Human trait, however, Slig did vibrate in anticipation.