Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 11

  Chapter Eleven

  It’s taking all my strength not to reach out and touch him; what should I do Dwarg? am I wrong to have this desire and these... feelings? I’ve never had these sensations before; are you trying to manipulate me in some way?

  Dwarg was confused. You know you have choices Aggie; I cannot do anything without your acceptance. These emotions are strange to me also. There is great movement within, which is causing behavioural changes; pheromones are activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This in turn is triggering a secretion of gonadotropin which influences gonadal hormone emission. In other areas, I ...” “Ok Dwarg; just go back and keep looking for Professor Lien!”

  “Sorry, what did you say Aggie? Did you say Dwarg?”

  “Ah, oh never mind.” She turned to face him, placed her hands on his shoulders, took a deep breath and said, “Alex...hold me?”

  They embraced and their lips met. Alex picked her up and retraced their steps...back to the master bedroom.


  “Dwarg, since your absence I have learnt much. This Human; I shall refer to him as Alex; appears to be a suitable host. I am aware of his unstable emotions currently in use; I will not interfere with his copulation with your Aggie, but require information about any subsequent aspects of the resulting seeding and fertilization process.”

  “Yes, that will take some time Slig, and a matter we should discuss at our next physical meeting. Because of the variation of all these chemical and electrical hormonal activities, I cannot be accurate as to the exact process. What I do know is that the copulation currently in progress will not result in fertilization.”

  “So Dwarg, you have chosen a defective male Human for me?”

  “He is fertile.”

  “Aha Dwarg... that was my first use of humour in the physical.”

  “Slig, there is so much to be learnt here; I do not know how long these extreme emotions will continue. I foresee that you will have direct communication with Alex shortly in time, as Aggie is in the process of conditioning him for acceptance. Remember the approach, do not be authoritive or assertive in your attitude; he must believe you are not a threat to him. Do you require more information in knowing your Alex better?”

  “I have questions relative to the instrument he refers to as the Goomeri. I have attempted to examine it, but I am repelled by some force when I come near it. Have you, in some way, re-arranged its structure?”

  “I merely used it as an opportunity of awareness within Alex. I did not inspect it or know of its properties; this I will attempt to investigate. Slig, do you now feel the intensity of the emotions of our hosts? I fear the peak is at hand. We shall meet again at the next copulation.”

  “If, at that time, Alex has accepted me; that meeting will be of certain interest. Yes I feel. I must flux elsewhere, before I am ejected.”


  “Am I hurting you Aggie?..I...I didn’t realize...Aggie?”

  “Shush darling...don’t stop...hold me tighter and love me, you beautiful man from heaven.”

  Alex was in a state of complete ecstasy. Honest God, if you strike me down now, I can’t complain; and please, please let this not be a dream, or if it is, please don’t ever wake me up.

  Edna looked through the window at the guesthouse. Hmm, the kids have been there for a while now; seems they can’t keep their hands off each other; Aggie has always been in control of her emotions; but this guy...this...this Adonis; I couldn’t blame Aggie if she jumped his bones. And what about Dwarg? ha ha that little critter must be getting stirred up...literally, ha ha.

  After two hours or so, Edna again looked toward the guesthouse and noticed the rising ripple of heatwaves issuing from the chimney over the spa/sauna room. Well it looks like they’re getting to know each other better. Better put the roast on; they’ll be needing a lot of protein.

  The thermo-sensor kept the temperature within the sauna room hot and humid. Beads of perspiration from both naked bodies had turned into little rivulets. They mixed and continued to run downwards, and again turned into beads as they dripped onto the floor of the sauna. Aggie was cuddled into Alex; both were silent for a long time, each equally trying to come to grips with what had just happened. Finally Alex gently moved Aggie’s hair aside and kissed her on the back of her neck.

  “Aggie, you are my life. It’s you I’ve been searching for; not just since the space station, but ever since I was born. I won’t deny I’ve had relationships and affairs, but nothing comes even close to this... thing, that I’m feeling now. My dad always said I’d know instantly when I see the one; my one true love. I laughed at him and now I have to apologize and say I met her yesterday. Aggie, I’d never believe I’d be saying this; and meaning it; but sweet Aggie, I’m in love; I’m in love with you. I don’t care if you tell me I’m under a trance or spell or other hocus-pocus; I don’t care. I love you. I love you so much, my heart aches.”

  If Dwarg was confused as to the interpretation of her emotions, Aggie had similar problems. She had thrown caution away and given in to her desires; gees, I’ve only known him for a matter of hours and I’m under his spell...spell? no, it couldn’t be a spell, I’ve my own free will. I want to give my all to him; and I want all of him. Aunt said I would know when ít was right; ‘just follow you heart Aggie’ so this is love, I am so in love, and I love him so.

  She whispered into his ear, “I love you Alex.” Aggie wanted to tell him more, and there was so much he needed to know, about her, about Dwarg and Slig and the Aura, her family, her culture, Kellor Resources and poor Professor Lien. Instead she also whispered, “Darling, no more talk; just hold me.”


  Edna picked up the Goomeri Bone again. More flashes of people and places; she didn’t recognize who or where. The people she saw were dark and naked, they were Native people and the environment around them was coloured in hues from oranges to browns. The land looked hot, dry and wild with rugged barren mountains in the background. Some of the people turned to look directly at her, as if she had just appeared to them. Others were gathered in small groups, some around fires, some sitting together working with their hands, as if sewing or doing craft. From her studies of other peoples and cultures, Edna recognized them as Australian Aboriginals. Alex’s uncle Oskar is an Aboriginal, she thought. Another strange thing; Edna could smell the places she saw; she could smell the heat of the day, a slight breeze which smelt of burning wood, of cooking and even some fine dust. She listened carefully, heard the chirping of insects, soft rustling of leaves and voices, human voices, some children’s’ voices, an occasional high pitched scream, not a scream of pain or terror, but a controlled modulating human voice; then another, from some other place. She moved the Goomeri a little with her finger. The environment was much the same; yet the next scene she saw was crystal clear.

  Standing and looking directly at her was a black woman; she was holding a baby. She was not naked like the rest, but wore a loose fitting, sleeveless bright red dress. She was barefooted and standing on a little patch of green. To her left was a shack made of tree branches, twigs, leaves and bark; on the floor inside, was a small mound of dried scattered leaves and nothing else. It had no doors, and Edna could see directly through it. Beyond, she could see a small fire. The white smoke was billowing upwards, catching the breeze which also blew the matted hair of both the woman and her child. Does that woman know I am here looking at her? Edna put the Goomeri down when she heard the sound of Aggie’s laughter outside.

  “Ah, you did know the way back to the homestead; didn’t know if I should have sent out a search party; out exploring were we? Anyways, I’ve some hot muffins just out the oven.”

  Aggie and Alex smiled at one another, they were still holding hands and both knew that Edna must have known. “Oh aunt, you’re so, so subtle; not.”

  Edna gave out a little giggle. “Alex, tell me you’re not a vegetarian; the roast in the ov
en is, well... it’s a bit bigger than I planned.”

  “Ah’m a meat ‘n seafood man, ma’am, hailen from Nu Orleans. Ya can feed me greens ‘n grits but mi stomach yarns a chewing ‘n swallowin of cooked flesh.” Edna thought, Aggie if decide you don’t want that man any more, I claim first dibs on him.

  They sat around the kitchen table, and again Aggie held both his hands in hers. “All right Alex, please let me tell you some more, about communicating with our Whisps. How do you feel about talking..with my Dwarg?”

  Alex thought whoa; tread lightly boy, better go along with this; anyway what harm can it do? “Well I he here with you now Aggie?”

  “Yes, it will be my voice but his words... and no, this is not like a séance...ready?”

  “Er Ok then. Hello Dwarg, this is Alex Bentley speaking to you from Aggie’s place, can you hear me?”

  Edna cackled. “Shush aunt; don’t you remember your first words to him?”

  Edna turned to Alex, “If it’s of any help my boy, I’ve spoken with him often; he’s actually got a personality...of sorts.”

  “Alex, thank you for your assistance in helping the Whisps of the Aura. As Aggie has explained, we are in threat of our world becoming damaged and we seek cooperation with the Humans to prevent this.”

  Easy, peasy boy..hang in there. “Er Dwarg, exactly where is your world?”

  “This planet Earth and our Aura are as one. Whisps exist between the Earth and its outer atmosphere. We are beings not of the physical. We exist, not as you know existence, not like the creatures on this Earth who reproduce and evolve. Prior to the now, we did nothing; we only existed.”

  “Aggie says that you are an entity within her and I also have an entity, named Slig? How am I to know him? And why is he a he?”

  “Whisps do not have gender. You may care to refer to Slig as a he, a her or an it; it matters not. I have been with Aggies’s father for ten years and have developed my personality from his psych which was dominant masculine. Slig requires your acceptance of him before he may communicate with you. You have the choice of this. May I offer an assurance that you will not be harmed by him and will be safe from illness or injury as long as he is with you.”

  “Aggie, how can I accept Slig, just say come on down and there he is?”

  Aggie blinked and said, “I’ll let Dwarg answer that one as well Alex.”

  “You must invite him internally; with an open mind. He shall introduce himself..if you wish him to be a he. And you will share thoughts and memories. He will answer all your questions and fill you with information on all matters.”

  “Right now, am I under any spell, enchantment or hex?”

  “No, not in your understanding of such forces. You have Slig internally but you have complete self determination and control of your direction and destiny. The recent matter of your seeking to locate Aggie however, was at my suggestion and I did influence certain cortex beta and theta emissions. This, since your meeting with Aggie has discontinued. The means by which you found her is unclear to me and further information is required.”

  “Oh you mean the Goomeri Pointing Bone?”

  “More information is required.”

  “Can a Whisp die? Er..let me put it a different way...can a Whisp unexist?”

  “Not in the world of the non-physical. A Whisp in the physical world?... this is not known; only Slig and myself exist within it. I would add, that the destruction of the Aura would see the destruction; the unexistance, of all beings; including Humans and Whisps.”

  “What guarantees do you have that I won’t be turned into in a zombie or a tool or a vehicle for some purpose which may be against my knowledge or wishes?”

  “Alex, our purpose is to protect the Earth and the Aura. Aggie will explain more in detail of the processes already in progress. She will explain of the power you possess.”

  “Er, a few hours ago, Aggie and you have any involvement in the discussion when, never mind; may I speak with Aggie now?”

  Aggie smiled and said, “Aggie to Control; are you there Alex, love of my life?”

  “Please Aggie, don’t scare me. I still don’t know what to think. Edna?”

  “Coffee coming right up mind?”

  “So I just lay myself down and have a chat with Slig? gees, I sure wish I had some of dad’s Revenuers’ Revenge right now.” He thought about it, hunched his shoulders and said, “Ok, I’m game; Aggie, will you stay with me when I try?”

  “This is something you must do by yourself love. I need you to know that any of your thoughts and decisions will be your own; I will respect anything you finally choose. If you like, you can spend the night in the guest house; it’s quiet there; may think clearer, away from us strange and quirky females.”

  “Ah...I was very comfortable on the couch last night...and damn it all people...I’m a little nervous and scared at the moment.”

  Edna stood up and checked her oven. “Ha, Dwarg scared the bejeebies outa me when he piped up; I asked him questions that only I knew the answers to, and then some. After that, I’ve had no problem with him...the little shithead.”

  Alex looked at Aggie with a puzzled look. “It’s Ok love, Edna and Dwarg have their own strange form of communication.”

  “Folks, there’s still a couple of hours till dinner. Aggie, have you shown Alex your office yet? And go help him get his gear from his car...g’on...scoot...go let me cook.”
