Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 19

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Mister Ernie, it has been a truly wonderful and interesting experience working with you. My only regret is that the project will suffer delays in view of our professor’s absence. Perhaps Miss Aggie will see all of our efforts not be in vain; I know she is resolute, so I live in hope that her ideas and proposals will find us all in mutual harmony. As a matter for my consideration, would you, if you were in my position, give some finality of seeing Professor Lien ever again?”

  “I know of the delicate position you are in Abdul, and no, I would not write-off our man...just yet; but that’s only my personal opinion. I’ve his papers and documents in this bag and I’ll take them back to HQKR. No doubt Mrs Kellor will be talking to you or the ambassador about the matter. Nevertheless, it’s good to see at least that the construction of the generator is proceeding. Abdul, I do have one question, purely for my own interest..on this project, what is meant by sculpturing?”

  “Ah...did you see the mountains outside Adrair? They have many tunnels which contain huge amounts of radio-active stuff. The plan was, after we use the FRENCH VC, you know, that vacuum cleaner to clean everything up, we were going to reshape the landscape, so it will look like a lovely sculpture.”

  “Hmm, sure. It’s a shame the GSR is broken friend, but that’s OK, I understand, everyone has their secrets to keep.”

  “Indeed Mister Ernie, perhaps Miss Aggie will be talking to you about sculpturing.” The deliberate and exaggerated wink from Abdul, suggested to Ernie that the subject was closed.

  Abdul waved at the departing helicopter containing Ken, Ernie and Alex; they would be at Reggane airport in a matter of minutes, then onto the Gulfstream and headed for the USA. He walked over to the edge of the helipad and looked down at the vista below. His eyes followed the high mountain chain far to the horizon which enclosed the enormous and extensive valley. Just like a big pond, probably the biggest pond on Earth; yes I can see it filled with cool, clear fresh water, harvested from the clouds that Miss Aggie will arrange. Just need to build up some of the lower lying walls at the Northern Boundary; just a little sculpturing required there.

  Ken was still sedated as the Gulfstream left Africa’s airspace; that is to say he had downed the equivalent of a large bottle of white Bacardi as soon as the plane took off. Jade came into the cabin and Ernie invited him to sit next to him on the large leather lounge. “Alex, Jade..I’ve some news; I’ve already informed Mrs Kellor. Professor Lien has been found... in Australia – he’s alive and well – confused like Ken over there, but all in all, we have him. Well the CIA has him, he was picked up at one of the US bases in Central Australia; it’s a secret tracking and detection installation. One of their guys contacted me to confirm his identity. Mrs Kellor is trying to get him released through her own contacts; apart from that, that’s all I know.”

  “Holy shit man, that’s good news, good bloody news. First Ken now the professor...but Australia? What’s that all about? How the hell did he end up over there? Ernie, if you say he is involved in some espionage or something subversive, I swear I’ll throw you off this plane.”

  “Whoa sport, it could be as simple a nervous breakdown or disorientation by those zaps and rays and things; he could just have wondered off; God knows how he ended up that far away; I really don’t know Jade.”

  Alex said, “There has been a lot of crazy goings-on lately and I’m sure we’ll all get to the bottom of it. The main thing is that the professor is safe; that was the reason for this trip right?”

  “Of course right” said Ernie as he punched the air, “and by the way Jade, ever flown to Australia before?”

  “Just one adventure after another; I love Australia. Feel like coming along as well Alex?”

  “Hey hang on you guys, I’ve got wooing to do; haven’t even gone on a date with my girlfriend yet. You all go off and have your adventures; I’ll be happy just holding hands with Aggie.”

  “You just watch yourself Alex. Aunt Edna has been known to grab and squash the manhood of many an entrepreneuring suitor.”

  “All I can say Jade, is, don’t be surprised if we become related; always wanted a brother, I was an only child.”

  “Same here. You are aware of the Kellor heritage?”

  “Ah, the Abenaki nation meets Anglo Saxon. Would I be accepted by the elders?”

  “May sound corny but the answer is in your honesty. When I asked for blessings upon my Phoebe, old chief Atian placed his hand on her head and asked if the love in her heart was honest. You know what she said? You will have to ask Jade, because my heart is his. You can see why we haven’t left each other’s side since our wedding day; and I don’t mind admitting we are still deeply in love.”

  “So how did you guys meet?”

  “Take too long to tell you that story Alex, but it involves guinea pigs and a long court battle; anyway must get back to the missus, I don’t altogether trust Hal at the controls.”

  Ernie said, “As for me; some shut-eye would be appropriate.”

  Alex also pressed the recline button on the lavish leather lounge-chair and lay back with a yawn; he was asleep within minutes. Alex, this is Slig, can you hear me?


  The ambulance was parked beside the Gulfstream’s hangar. Aggie and Edna were inside eagerly awaiting the jet’s arrival. Ernie had finally managed to talk Ken into having a few days convalescing at the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. There he could unwind and come to grips as to what had happened to him; no easy task. Jade and Phoebe also needed a much deserved (and obligatory) rest before again, taking to the air and flying to Australia. “So many things have happened lately aunt, I wish I could just simply take Alex’s hand and run away with him for a while, you know, and just lay down on a sandy beach under a coconut tree, just like in those commercials on TV.”

  “Well things being the way they are Aggie, I can see everything pointing that way before long; don’t you think?”

  “Oh I really hope so. I see that Ernie has decreased the security presence around here; not a sign of a soldier or armed car. Maybe things will get back to normal quicker than we think. I’ve still got a lot of projects planned, and I’m struggling to keep to my schedule. My C.A.D, sorry aunt, my Cloud Attraction and Dissipater prototype should be on the drawing board as soon as I iron out a few bugs in the circuitry. A lot depends on Professor Lien and whether or not he has full control of his faculties. I’m overjoyed having him back at last.”

  “Glad Alex was on the scene Aggie, he really stepped up to the plate with getting your machines to work and getting our people back.”

  “Considering all he’s gone through lately, I’m happy and proud of him; he’s the one isn’t he aunt?”

  Edna nodded and Aggie threw her arms around her. She thought, dear Aggie, how will all of this work out with our Whisps? In fact, I wonder how Alex is coping with... what’s his face?...Slig.

  At that very moment, Alex and Slig were indeed communicating. It was awkward at first. Alex was comfortable and dozing when he heard Slig ask if it was OK to talk with him. It will take a lot of convincing for me not to see you as a parasite; tell me everything; the whys, the hows and the whats of you and your mate Dwarg. No crap please; if I hear anything out of kilter, I’ll simply turn my mind off you. I’ve already had a chat with Aggie’s friend and the jury is still out. I was convinced that she was entertaining a dual or multiple personality, but I must admit that there is something odd... and I did promise Aggie to open my mind to the possibility of an entity. Is this the way we communicate? I just think at you?

  Yes, it’s as simple as that.

  You understand of course that I will be sceptical and suspicious of you; that’s my nature. But I guess you already know that.

  I do not have a full understanding of your emotions and can only relate to you of what I have learnt. In the world of the Whisps, the Aura, we have, if any, a limited sense of emotion. Having said that, perhaps you shoul
d wake yourself while we are now communicating. By doing so, you will be able to dispel the possibility that you are only dreaming this dialogue with me.

  Ok, let’s just do that; tell you what, why don’t you wake me up... Ouch! That was damn painful, you little.. Well Ok, I’m wide awake now. All these other guys are still out to it. Now, first question: back there I spoke to Abdul in Arabic; I’ve never known another language besides Cajun. Were you involved in that?

  Ah yes, you now have the ability to read, write and speak any language of the Humans. There are other things that are available.

  Hmm, might come in handy; I take it that Aggie has the same capability. Now this is a question involving emotions; I have obviously been directed by you or Dwarg to seek out Aggie all the way from New Orleans; guess you could say I was a taxi for Dwarg. OK, in my heart, I feel a genuine love for that girl, yet part of me questions the way all this happened. I worry that I was manipulated without my consent; I worry that I did not have full control of my life. In this sense, it will be hard for me to be fully open to you. Can you understand that Slig?

  It is certain that there was a desire by Dwarg to reach his host Aggie. It is certain that he showed influence with your conscience in relation to the Human woman Charlene who wished to copulate with you. You should know that she carries a condition of Chlamydia which Dwarg had identified. The object, “Goomeri Pointing Bone” has unknown properties and defies our knowledge; indeed that object was more of the driving force to motivate you in your journey to Putney.

  That’s interesting; go on.

  As to your thoughts of being a Taxi, it may be said that Dwarg and I merely put fuel into your machine but it was the Goomeri that took control of the steering and hence the destination. Your belief in its powers made it even more powerful.

  So with your combined knowledge of everything in the universe, you don’t know about the power of a little bone with a piece of string or hair attached?

  That assertion is correct Alex. Our knowledge is limited to the world and its Aura; the power of that object comes from a realm not of our understanding.

  Did you notice that as soon as I handed it over to Edna, the bone lost all its interest in me?

  I felt the transition Alex. The bone, I believe, will now direct and point and place its power with the Human Edna.

  And my relationship with Aggie?

  That is for you alone. There is, and never will be, any influence by me upon your emotions regarding her.

  I’m going to marry that girl; how do you feel about that?

  Out of this world, Alex.

  Ok, nothing wrong with your sense of humour. Now down to the nitty gritty; Dwarg says you guys are here to protect the Aura; from what? Are we in some sort of danger and what are the plans?


  Aggie’s mobile rang; it was the State Department. “Well aunt, the professor is on his way... to Bellows Field in Hawaii where we can collect him. Seems it would be a little awkward for us to just turn up to collect him from Pine Gap in Australia. He’s being kept under wraps and enjoying the VIP attention; so we’ll have him back faster than we planned.”

  “I hope he’s OK; it’s just unbelievable what’s happened to him; and Aggie, he’s not getting any younger. I remember talking with him to see if he shouldn’t take it a bit easier with his lifestyle; his reaction was loud and clear..then he took off on his Harley in a tizzy-fit.”


  “Ahem Alex, you may put Aggie down now, she does have legs you know. And Ernie, this must be Mister Ken Kain; hello I’m Edna and this is Aggie.” She shook his hand vigorously; Dwarg knew what he had to do; “thank you so much for all the fine work you gentlemen have done.”

  “Pleased to meet you Edna, Aggie.” said Ken. “Don’t exactly know what went on back there in Africa but everybody seems to be happy with the results. To be honest I don’t rightly know why Ernie bothered to have me along in the first place.”

  “Well Ken, from what I’ve heard, you actually put your body on the line; even if you didn’t know it at the time; for that we’re all truly grateful. I’m sure glad you’ve agreed to have a little spell in the Brattleboro Hospital; it’s really a nice place and I guarantee you will be pampered like a movie star. We all just want to know that there won’t be any side-effects from your..your episode in the quicksand.”

  “Well, Ernie promised me saunas, spas, gourmet food and a room with a view, and oh yes, satin sheets and sheep-skin blankets.”

  “Ernie,” quipped Edna, “you forgot to mention the Swedish massages and the Brattleboro wet ice T-Shirt competitions. Anyway Ken, the VIP treatment starts now. That is your ride over there; don’t worry about the wheelchair; it’s a hospital rule, just humour them. Anything you need, anything, you just ask.”

  The group waved to him as he was wheeled to the ambulance. Aggie had gone to great lengths to find a surgeon who would re-insert Ken’s screw into his little toe...and not ask questions. She had also ensured that the Department of Defence was aware of his temporary assignment with Kellor Resources; they had no problems with that. I’d love to see the look on his face when he’s wheeled out to the car-park after his release, thought Aggie. Waiting for him was his new Maserati Gran Turismo; a gift from the grateful directors of Kellor Resources.

  “Ernie, a change of plans, we can collect Professor Lien in Hawaii. The State Department didn’t want us anywhere around Pine Gap so they put him on a black plane to Honolulu. He should be relaxing and enjoying an ice-cream cone on Waikiki Beach this very minute. He’s under the care of some Liaison Officers at Fort Shafter. I’ll tell Jade and Phoebe. Probably fly out in the morning.”

  “And if Rienus gives me the third degree?”

  “I’m sure you can dodge those questions Ernie, besides I’m coming along too; I’m only grounded within the USA remember?”

  Aggie turned to Alex “How about you dear heart? Could I talk you into coming along as well? We could watch the sunset from a park-bench on Kalakaua Avenue, then perhaps a luau, then a stroll in the warm sands around Diamond Head.”

  “Aggie, do you expect me to just get on a plane and go to Hawaii; you are asking me to go to a place where there’s no snow, ice, sleet and frosting flurries, black ice mud, snowfalls that bury cars, a place where I don’t need to wear thermals, where my hair doesn’t grow icicles? Hmm...well, if you insist...OK, I’ll come along...if that’s all right with you, Aunt Edna?”

  “Fine, just go off and leave me here; don’t like wearing those hula skirts and coconut bras anyway; they give me splinters. So Aggie, I think a shopping session is in order. I’m sure Alex could use some new clothes and I know just which store; I think they are having their Summer sale a few months earlier this year. By the way Aggie, we should buy some clothes for Rienus as well.”


  Aggie smiled warmly when she saw Rienus Lien. He was sitting on a fold-up canvas chair and was busily working on a cryptic crossword puzzle in a woman’s magazine. He casually looked up and saw her. Aggie laughed as he sprung up with joy and ran to her; it reminded her of the malamute puppies’ joy in seeing her coming home from school. “Oh Aggie, it’s so good to see you. You can’t know what I’ve been through. Australia, I ended up in Australia! Still can’t believe it Aggie.”

  She hugged Rienus Lien lovingly. “Professor, let’s get you out of this place and away from your escorts. I have a lovely place where we can spend the next day or two working things out.”

  “Hello Ernie, believe it or not, I’m happy to see you as well. I dropped your name back there at Pine Gap and luckily someone knew you and led me on this path back to civilization.”

  Ernie smiled and went to talk with the two men who were obviously CIA agents. He shook hands with them, signed a piece of paper and they left. He turned to Aggie and gave her the thumbs up.

  Aggie held Rienus’s hand tightly and Dwarg didn’t waste any time in going on his DNA trip. “Professor, we were all very
worried about you. Do you remember Abdul back there in Reggane? He was frantic when you disappeared. He still doesn’t know that you’ve been found; but we can talk about that later. Now I would like for you to meet someone very special to me. Professor Lien, this is Alex Bentley, Alex this is Professor Rienus Lien.”

  “Glad to meet you at last sir; I’ve heard so much about you; and congratulations on your return being here.”

  “Ah, I see it all Aggie, this young man is your beau. Bentley? I’ve heard of you...astronaut? station? Yes of course, the last shuttle mission. Had some trouble talking with the Press...sorry, I’m thinking out loud; please call me Rienus. Aggie keeps calling me Professor, don’t know why, she’s my boss and holds more degrees than I do and I don’t teach anymore. Oh yes, I suppose Abdul will be in a tizzy, poor chap, he has so many people he has to report to. Young man, I cannot help but see your doughy eyes for our Aggie; just how did you find yourself involved in all this?”

  “Ah Rienus, that’s a story which may rival your own adventures; Aggie tells me that tonight we’re going to join in a luau, how about I tell you then, away from the prying eyes of all the spooks, spies and men in black?”

  “Great; looking forward to that. Aggie, just one question before we you know what happened to me? Don’t need to know the mechanics, but do you know?”

  “To be fair Professor, I think, repeat think, I know. Did you get to see the DVDs of the original Star Trek TV episodes that I asked the Base Liaison Officer to give you?”

  “Didn’t get to watch them all, but I’ve seen most of the series years ago. Don’t take this the wrong way Aggie, but I would have preferred some operas to watch, even Gilbert and Sullivan, even some Rogers and Hammerstein. Captain Kirk and his motley crew became a little hard to appreciate, although I must admit that a lot of concepts have become realities...the communications, the touch pads, the...oh oh, the transporter...?”

  Aggie looked around and whispered in Rienus’s ear...

  “Hmm, beam me up Professor. Somewhere, somehow, we’ve stumbled on something much like the gadget on Star Trek; but of course that’s only my humble reckoning.”


  The spit roast was delicious and the tropical fruits tasted sweeter and fresher than home. “I’ve quite forgotten just how wonderful the taste of a ripe mango is. Don’t mind if I have another bowl of fruit salad, how about you guys? Going for seconds?”

  “No thanks Professor, those roasted yams on pineapple slices were enough to fill me.” Rienus walked back with his plate to the buffet table. Jade, Phoebe and Ernie decided to take a long evening stroll to the base of Diamond Head. Aggie turned to Alex, “How about you sweetheart? those girls in their short skirts were just about fighting each other to serve you.”

  “And I only have eyes for you Aggie. No thanks, I’m full as well. You realize we have to dance later, it’s expected. I was just about to tell you everything about the hula and the meanings of the hand, arms and body movements, but Slig has just reminded me that there is not too much that you don’t know.”

  “Ah, are we coming to grips with our belief in Whisps Alex?”

  “Gees Aggie, it’s such a big ask; well a lot of it makes sense, yet there’s still that lingering doubt. Do I truly believe in the existence of that non-physical world, the Aura as they call it? I’ll play along with it; it doesn’t seem to be causing any harm. You know of course that once things have settled down with your projects, Slig and Dwarg want to go chase aliens around the globe? That should be a bundle of fun.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves sweetheart, there’s still a lot to do. Alex...oh dear I’m nervous asking you this,..Alex, would you consider joining us at Kellor Resources? I’ll understand if you feel you should keep to your career with NASA.”

  “Aggie, I love everything about you, your strength, your principles, your ethics and your spirit. I love you. I love you truly and sincerely with all my heart. I want to be with you, I want to protect you and I want to live in the essence of you. If you ask me to die for you, I would do it unquestionably, you have my life and my love completely. You ask me to join you? I will do so with every part of my being. Yes of course I will join you; Aggie will you join my wife?”

  She threw her arms around him, “Yes, I’ll happily be your squaw, Alex from NASA.”

  The rest of the evening was a blur for this young couple in love. They danced and swayed to the rhythms of the drums and guitars and bystanders marvelled at their performance; even the professional hula dancers saw the magic in their movements and read the very clear message of their betrothal. They had made a promise to each other not to reveal their engagement until the proper protocol was followed...not that it prevented Dwarg and Slig having an extended conversation that night in the penthouse suite of the Honolulu Towers.

  Professor Lien didn’t need to be made aware of the chemistry between Aggie and Alex. Later, he was alone, standing at a window looking down on Waikiki Beach. Sometimes Shit Just Happens, he chuckled to himself, ha ha, S.S.J.H. Hours earlier, Aggie had explained as best she could of the FOO spy satellite, of the beams, frequencies and the tin-box of parts she used to beam him back to Earth, and also about Ken Kain who was similarly transported and deposited back to the ground. It was a technology that Aggie didn’t particularly want to investigate and Rienus agreed that it belonged to future generations. “And Aggie, young Alex is Ok with it all? he actually understands what’s happened and what we are all about?”

  “If not for Alex, you would still be a little white beam, dangling off a broken satellite in orbit. Alex and I are kindred spirits Professor, and have a relationship far beyond imagination.”

  He watched and followed the progress of a small boat sailing just outside the white frothy waves lapping the shore. He emptied his glass of Bombora Tropicale and winched as he chewed on the lime slice. In a few days he would be back at Reggane Algeria, priming up the capacitor. Hope this fine romance doesn’t slow Aggie down too much with the construction of her rain making machine, he thought. And he so missed those cups of coffee that only Abdul could brew.


  Alex had a lot of things to do. He had to make sure that his father was Ok with the new direction. His father was so proud of his son being an astronaut and basked in the glory. He had kept scrap books of Alex’s progress since acceptance into the Academy. He had records of interviews, tapes, photographs, certificates and a collection of trophies which he faithfully kept with pride. Alex knew that his father would be disappointed if he did quit NASA, but this change in his life was so much more important than anything else in he could think of.

  After getting back to the mainland, Aggie had agreed that Alex should go back to New Orleans and do the proper thing with Archie, her soon to be father-in-law. Unfortunately Alex could not take Aggie with him; there were far too many pressing and urgent things to do with the project in Algeria. Further, Aggie wanted to keep a close eye on Rienus before letting him go back to Africa.

  “Aggie, I should tell you a few things about my dad before you meet him.”

  “Before you say anymore darling, remember we have Whisps; I already know about Archie Bentley; and he is a kind soul; that’s all I need to know. I am so looking forward to meeting him and being a part of his life.”

  “Err, how about Uncle Oskar?”

  “What a delightful character he is, and according to Dwarg he is a pure and near perfect Human Being.”

  “Does Dwarg have a sense of humour Aggie? Maybe his take on pure and near perfect is not quite how the rest of the Human Race sees him. He’s a petty criminal, a conman, a boozer and he’s unrefined and smelly.”

  “And you hate him for that?”

  “I love him like I would a real uncle; he raised me up and saw me through some hard times...Ok Aggie, point taken. Now how about your side of the family?”

  “Well you know I’ve been orphaned since I was ten years old and Aunt
Edna took care of me, but you should know that I have an extended family which includes people not directly related to me by blood. I can’t honestly say that you need to be afraid or careful of any of them, but they are part of my life and culture which I cannot and would not avoid.”

  “Ah yes, Mourning She-Coyote, Abenaki Princess, personal favourite of Chief Atian of Canada, to whom, by the way, I need to go and explain my intentions.”

  “Oh dear Alex, Aunt Edna does tend to say things that perhaps she shouldn’t; I never realised you knew those things.”

  “Don’t blame Edna; blame Dwarg and Slig; those little Whisps are quite the gossipers.” They laughed out loud, much to the embarrassment (a new emotion under investigation) of Dwarg and Slig. A week, maybe two should see me settle things with dad and NASA. Aggie, if you would like an engagement celebration, I agree to anything you would desire, anything, any place, any time. I know there’s important things happening at the moment and I won’t push you for urgency. As long as I know we are a couple, that makes me a happy man.”

  “Oh you’re such a darling. I will miss you so much.”


  “Ah...the Mud Season in New Hampshire and Vermont,” commented Rienus as he watched the rain fall outside HQ Kellor Resources. “Is it true what they say...that the locals always carry extra ropes and chains in their trunks to help pull the tourists out of the ditches alongside the roads?”

  “A bit of an urban myth I think Professor. Some comedian came up with that story which goes on to say that the locals tow the tourists out, not for money, but for the sheer joy of seeing flatlanders embarrassed. I know Aunt Edna did succumb to the temptation a few times. I suppose you will be enjoying the sands of the Sahara before long? That’s certainly an extreme contrast.”

  “I must admit that I’m looking forward to getting back to the coal face Aggie; I was so close with the ionizing phase. I really believe it will work. All that radioactivity out there, ready to be harnessed and neutralized; and your big pond plan; I’m over the moon to be involved in that. May I say how grateful I am to you for taking me away from the UO; and although I admit to some jealousy of not becoming its President, I’ve never been more satisfied with my lot than I am now. Our collaboration is the highlight of my life, dear girl.”

  “And without you Professor Lien, all this would not have been possible. I’m sure any other person would be basking in his own glory; not you; you are a genuine humanitarian and good soul and I’m so happy our paths crossed back there in Oklahoma...even happier to see you alive and well after your Star Trek voyage.”

  “Speaking of which my dear Aggie, what about that Chinese FOO? It’s still up there out of control...Oh, Ok I’ll ask no more...I know you well enough by now, you have a plan...don’t you?”

  “Why Professor, whatever do you mean? By the way, do you recall a certain Professor Nicolades Melczarek from those days at the LHC in Geneva?”

  “That highfaluting Safety Director who underwent the Aggie Kellor Experience then ran off in a tizz? Last I heard of him, he was lecturing in a university in Singapore, that was a few years ago though...why do you ask?”

  “My spies tell me that he had some involvement with the programming and design of our wayward FOO, if so; and I presume the Chinese haven’t kept him in a prison or worse; we may be able to woo him to do some work for us.”

  “Hmm that may present all sorts of security problems Aggie. I very much doubt that the State Department would welcome him to the USA with a Green Card.”

  “No, don’t get me wrong Professor; it would be strictly on a contract basis, far away from our installations. I need to pick his brains to see if there are ways of reprogramming the FOO for much better purposes.

  Anyway I’ve asked Ernie to try and find him and make discreet enquiries.”

  “I take it that our government knows nothing about the FOO?”

  “Well not exactly Professor. It’s you, me, Aunt Edna, Ernie and Alex, and a contact friend of his named Rob Allen who was the one who actually identified it. I’m sure the Peoples’ committee in China don’t want to let the cat out of the bag and reveal that one of their non-existent spy satellites is missing. I don’t know of any convention or agreements or laws covering salvage rights in finders’ keepers. As to notifying the government? of course we due course.”

  “I don’t know how you keep up with it all dear girl. Now let’s get down to these circuits of your CAD...I see you have redesigned S7, was the emission too weak?”

  “Yes, it was only when I got to examine the alignment and convergence of the theta pulses, that I saw a drop in pressure; I had to compensate with a booster; see, I’ve installed it on this side.”

  “You know Aggie, when this is up and running and your pond is filling up with rain water, the sky will be lit up like the Aurora Borealis, but a thousand times the colour, brilliance and beauty. Young people in love will see the stars much brighter and the moon Aggie, the moon will be a golden colour, shimmering in the heavens, one could even call the moon a honey...colour.”

  “Why Rienus, you’re quite the romantic and putting wonderful ideas into my head. I just may put that to Alex. But speaking of Reggane, I think we should give poor Abdul a call now and explain that you have been found and fully recovered from your temporary bout of disorientation and amnesia. He will be one happy dude...and poor Aaron Johns, he will be over the moon... whatever colour it is. I fear he’s had far too much weight placed on his shoulders.”

  Professor Lien looked through the window of the lab to see the falling rain outside...he could see Aggie’s reflection; see was looking at him with a warm smile on her face. Oh my God; after all these years she’s finally called me Rienus! He thought that that was the highest honour he had ever received in his life. A few more days will see me back in the Sahara...can hardly wait to fire up the Harley again.