Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 22

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Archie Bentley just sat silently as Alex told his fantastic story. Of course he made no mention of Slig or Whisps or the Aura; that would certainly prove to Archie that his son needed a padded cell. “Are you kidding me Alex, you mean the people who own Kellor Resources? You didn’t tell me that on the phone.”

  “It’s all happened so fast Dad. One minute I was in the snow in Vermont and the next I’m in the middle of the Sahara Desert setting off some zap machine and looking for missing people. And let me tell you about Abdul, what a character. And dad, I’ve proposed to Aggie. You always said I would know it as soon as I met the right girl. Oh Dad, I can’t begin to tell you how happy we are. She is so special. When she first came into the police station with her Aunt Edna to rescue me, it was love at first sight.”

  “Police station?”

  “Oh er, yes. I lost my car in the snow and I was arrested on suspicion of being on drugs or something. I left the car on the side of the road to have a...a little relief; it was snowing full on. When I finished my business, I couldn’t find the car. It was buried under the snow; I was digging around in the area when a deputy sheriff came along and threw me in the slammer. If it wasn’t for Edna and Aggie, I’d probably still be there. Everything I had, my wallet and phone and stuff were still in the car.”

  “You lost your car in the snow?”

  ‘Oh I just knew I shouldn’t have told you that. Edna still pays out on me about that.”

  “And that pointing bone Alex, how did all that pan out?”

  “Well there’s no question that it led me to Aggie. Once that happened, it lost..I lost, all power and it didn’t seem to do anything anymore. Strange thing though, Edna, who is some sort of Shaman of her tribe, felt a lot of energy coming from it. Hope Oskar doesn’t mind, but I left it with her; seemed the right thing to do. She really gave me the third degree about it and Oskar. I just know you will get on well with them; just a shame we’re so far away from each other. How’s this Dad, Aggie owns a jet, yes a Gulfstream; her cousin Jade flies it around the world; he and his wife Phoebe are pilots.”

  “Kellor Resources? The green energy providers that’s becoming one of the most powerful and private businesses in the USA. And you want to leave NASA and join and work for them?. my lord, I don’t know what to think son. Seems you have your mind made up already.”

  “Dad, would you consider moving up North with me? It would be so great. Vermont is a beautiful place and you can go fishing and hunting, and exploring. I’ve even seen a place near Brattleboro for sale; it looks like a small chalet, you know, picture postcard stuff. Chickens and ducks outback, a small vegetable garden and near to everything you could want.”

  “But it snows up there Alex, you even lost your car in it.”

  “Aw dad, it only snows for a couple of months. The summer, spring and fall is spectacular. Anyway a lot of people who don’t like the cold, move down and spend winter in Miami or further South. They’re on a continual vacation. Did I tell you that the place I saw had a large pontoon fishing skiff; looked like a new one to me, it comes with the house.”

  “Leave all this? We’ve been here for so long; all my stuff, my collections.”

  “Did I mention that the chalet has a large barn next to it? Made of sheet iron I believe, two story, just recently been built. And yard sales; hundreds of them, every weekend and I kid you not, I have seen so many bits and pieces of telephones, transmitters and switchboards, it would make your mind boggle. At least think about it Dad. I’m off to the base tomorrow to hand in my notice.”

  “I don’t know what to think Alex, really.”

  “Sleep on it Dad, but at least ask yourself what’s holding you back from a change of scenery. You know of course that money is not an issue?”

  “Me..Archie Bentley, up and moving to Yankee territory..never thought I’d ever entertain the idea.”

  “Dad, you’ll always be a proud Rebel, wherever you live.”

  “And that place up north...does it have a balcony?”

  “Two of them. The main bedroom leads onto the top one and the bottom one runs along the front and two sides of the building. From memory there are rolled up heavy plastic curtains that can cover all the sides if it ever rains. Yes, I can just see it now, all of us enjoying a meal al fresco, watching chipmunks and squirrels play..enjoying teasing the neighbours about how the Patriots have lost yet another game.”

  “Any your girl Aggie, how do you think she will react to me? More importantly, what would be her thoughts if the old father-in-law just upped and moved into her world? You know I’ve no social graces, I’m just an old retired cop living off his pension.”

  “Oh dad, just wait till you meet her and her aunt. They are the most down to earth people you could imagine. All the money and power they have, certainly hasn’t made them snobs or la de da’s...they still live in a country cottage, where they could live in a mansion. Edna still mows the lawn and goes bargain hunting at stores and yard sales. She still cooks, where they could have a batch of chefs doing it. They even made me help shovel snow off their driveway because Edna’s snowplough hit a tree stump...which reminds me...I’ve volunteered to replace the steering assembly.”

  “You? You wouldn’t know the difference between a ball joint and a rack and pinion, ha.”

  “Well at the time I thought wouldn’t it be great if dad was here now; he could show me how to do it. Anyway dad, it’s only fair that you at least come up for a visit; you can judge and decide for yourself; fair enough?”

  “Yes, Ok son, that’s fair enough...give me a couple of weeks to get ready?”

  “Can’t ask for more...another top up? This batch seems a little more potent dad.” The Revenuers Revenge was taking its toll on Slig, who could not figure out why Alex’s brain activity had slowly become unpredictable and confused, especially when more of that liquid entered his system.

  “Guess I’ll have to leave the old ‘stillery behind?”

  “Aw dad, come on, you know it’s illegal anyway. I’ve tried some of the local wines in Vermont, and they could use some there’s something that may interest you. No restrictions on making beer or wine, and tell you what, if you use their maple syrup, that’s bound to brew a potent wine, or even a beer; you may even be able to make a business of it. As a matter of fact, the border of New Hampshire is only a stone’s throw away; it’s across the river from that house...well, that State doesn’t fix a tax on wine or spirits. They have the largest turnover of wine and spirit sales in the country, and their best customers come from the neighbouring border states. I reckon you could do some good business with them if you end up producing a decent drop.”


  Edna walked outside and strode along the veranda. She tapped and admired the tall, smooth wooden columns which held up the roof. She knew the Goomeri was active but left it in her handbag on the kitchen table. She just wanted to absorb the place. The sun was setting and the colours of the sky were crimsons to golds and the clouds reflected sunbeams downwards to fields of green. Although this was still the same country, it seemed to her that the sunset in the Midwest was different to that of New England; it was hard for her to define exactly what that difference was...perhaps it was more of a feeling of those colours.

  She thought about Erin’s great grandparents; Erin said they were escaped slaves and settled here. To find such a place amid all the mayhem and tragedies of the era, would indeed have seemed like paradise for them. The building itself had obviously been constructed with loving care. This would probably have been the first thing those people ever owned in their lives. And what about the land? How did they get to own it? Erin also mentioned that there was a burial place for earlier inhabitants; so there must have been tribal lands as well. Is this why she feels some affinity with this place and the area? Come on Edna old girl; on with the investigation. Ok Goomeri Bone here I come.

  She placed it in her
palm and closed her hand over it. Immediately it directed her to the centre of the house and pointed upward. Darn, just like the spooky’s always in the attic...that creepy object or weapon or photo that explains the mystery. Hope these steps don’t break; where’s that light switch? This cord perhaps? good now lead on thou weird pointing bone. She could not quite fully stand up in that small room and took care where she placed her feet. It was dusty and she could see some old furniture, wooden boxes and crates, picture frames, a pile of newspapers, children’s toys and even a couple of old truck tyres. Goodness, how the hell did they manage to get those in here? there’s only a small entrance. She opened a small crinkled suitcase and pulled out an assortment of clothing from it; baby and toddler clothing, boys’ stuff, some children’s books and a few pair of shoes. All your childhood stuff Oskar, whispered Edna. One of the tags on a small jacket caught her eye; it read St. Marks, Made in Australia...all this stuff came from Australia. Ok Goomeri, I get it – Oskar came from Australia, now what? Where? There? Ok, Ok, you mean this thing? oh under this small child’s mattress. Edna lifted the mattress and saw a metal box, much like a small cash box. Edna picked it up, blew some dust off it and slowly made her way back to the entrance of the attic and down the steps. She determined that she wouldn’t open the box until she had all her charms and medicines around her – no nasty surprises for me thank you very much. She took a deep breath and prised the lid off.

  No jewels, no treasure, nothing to get excited about; only letters, papers and a few photos. All this fuss and commotion and that’s it? better be worth all my efforts. Ok let’s have a look. Hmm, most of the addresses are to this place. Ah, Australian stamps; so there is a connection. Aha, here’s one from a certain J. Robinson...the Rev J Robinson, Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Let’s see what you had to say all those years ago.

  She read through the letter, trying to put any thoughts of guilt aside...should I really be reading this?..well that’s why I’ve been sent here...but this is other’s peoples’ business...but the Goomeri wants me to do this. Her mind agued to and fro, yet she read on, gleaning more information...and she found that her suspicions about Oskar were indeed correct. He had lived in this place, many years ago and Erin’s parents were the people who had adopted him. The Reverend James Robinson was his godfather; his familiar signature was on the Record of Adoption Certificate issued in Saint Paul Minnesota as well. There were other documents, all concerning Oskar, but Edna could find nothing linking him to his birth in his biological parents, or even the town where he was born, presumably Alice Springs. The photos showed a young happy couple, holding a baby...hmm hello Oskar. She unfolded a piece of thick parchment like paper. It was a picture of an Aboriginal girl – a beautiful young girl with thick jet black hair, pearly white teeth and bright red lips. The paper smelt old, almost musty or mildewy. On the bottom of the picture was the word “Maroochy” and the artist had signed his work as N.Robertson. Hmm, close, wished it could have been signed Robinson instead; damn...another thread to follow. She then opened a small flat white paper bag; it contained a lock of black curly hair. This must be Oskar’s, she thought. She picked it up with her fingers and immediately passed out on the floor.


  “But this is unheard of...a female...a female has possession of the gigi...what is this about? Go fetch Gooran; this is a situation of worry. We must do nothing until the Ngangkari sees this.”

  Edna was in some sort of a dream; not quite a coma; she could hear voices. She couldn’t move a muscle and felt her heart beating loud and fast. Never been in a trance like this before...I’ll chant my safe mantra...must stay conscious.

  “See, she utters magic...stand back, less she changes like a Dharamulan and takes us to its place.”

  Edna tried to see what was happening. She managed to turn her head to see several people standing around her – they were dark and naked and she immediately recognized them to be Australian Aboriginals. They were all men, they were staring at her and she became very worried for her safety. Two of them already had their spears raised. Better lay still old girl, don’t want them panicked...try to smile...that may help.

  “The she person now laughs at us...the female must be powerful to show no fear of us. Ah, Gooran, see this. Is it a Dharamulan looking for someone to possess?”

  Gooran was the tribe’s Ngagakari; the healer; the man of knowledge. He poked his toe on Edna’s stomach to see if there was some sort of response; Edna could only blink her eyes rapidly. He leaned forward and touched her all over her body; he squeezed her breasts, her abdomen and thighs. He pressed on her pubic area, felt between her legs, ran his fingers over her knees and grasped her moccasins and moved her toes. He then held and examined strands of her hair. He showed a great interest in her necklace which Chief Atian had given her many years ago as a protective charm. Finally, Gooran opened her hand; which revealed the Goomeri Pointing Bone. He sprang back in astonishment. “This is not Dharamulan; this is a spirit from the Dreaming; yet it may be evil; it has taken this woman’s body. She is not of our family and she is not of the white people. She wears the cloths of a white-man. I know not what it wants or why it has come...we must wait for it to tell us.”

  Edna could not understand what was being said and the possibility of gang rape or worse, had not escaped her thoughts. Maybe if I say some of those words that the woman in red said, it may help, now I think it was “Thow Mung and Moolawa Naan Moolawa” and she did manage to whisper them...enough for Gooran to hear.

  “This spirit tells of an old white man; he is a devil; we must seek that man and send him to his ancestors. This thing here is a woman now but will turn into a Burringilling, see there, it holds a magic kundela.” Gooran picked up a small twig and without his fingers touching the pointing bone, he carefully tried to prise it from her hand. She managed to scream out “Robinson!” and her last memory before passing out was the sight of a spear bearing down on her chest.

  Edna promptly awoke from her trance; she was lying on the kitchen floor and with some effort, got up on her knees and stood up. She looked at her hand...the Goomeri Pointing Bone was still there, dangling by the short length of the cord of hair. Her protective necklace was gone. She managed to get to her knees and stood up. She reached for a can of soda from the shopping bag on the kitchen table, popped open the lid and scoffed it down. What the hell was all that about? shit, my boobs are sore... from that groping? Now what? Was I physically there or what? Enough of the Goomeri stuff for now...want to get that off my mind for a moment let’s see if these sheets are as silky smooth as they advertise...and this doona; Erin picked out a nice one for me. So Edna, is the place haunted?..don’t think so...the only spooky stuff here is that damn Goomeri. No way...glow all you want...I need my stay-put here.”

  She had no sooner gone to sleep on the couch when she was roused by the music of Wagner’s Valkerie. Damn cell phone. “Edna Kellor here.” Tears ran down her face as she listened to the voice of Adam Bover from the camp in Canada...he was giving Edna the sad news of the passing to the spirit world of Chief Atian.

  “His last words were for you Edna; make of them as you wish. He grabbed me by the arm and told me, to tell you that he died like a warrior. He said he died by being speared in the heart by innocent and frightened men and that was a decision with which he was in harmony. He said you will know what he meant. Edna, there are no signs of such an attack...his heart simply stopped beating.”

  “I know what he meant Adam. I’ll see you shortly and help you with his funeral.” This adventure stops here Edna, other things are more urgent now. Aggie will take this badly. I’ll sign and pay a deposit on this place in the morning; I’ll get Tony Lee in Putney to organise the purchase and transfer; should be able to fly back home tomorrow afternoon. She got up early in the morning, and walked around the house taking snapshots of it and the surrounds with her phone. She went back inside and on
a hunch, climbed back into the attic; something had caught her eye last time, but she was distracted by the pulsing of the Goomeri. It was the pile of old newspapers. In her mind’s eye, she had noticed the word Robinson on the top one. She grabbed them all, brought them down and placed them in a plastic bag which she tied into a bundle. Hmm looks like some interesting reading coming up later; but that must wait as well.

  She locked up, then drove to Dave and Erin’s place and told them of her decision to buy the property. “We’ll meet again later I’m sure. Sorry about scurrying off like this, but there has been a death in the family and I’m needed urgently. I’ll call into your lawyer’s office on the way back to the airport and leave a deposit for the purchase.” The Goomeri Pointing Bone was in the tin, along with the papers she had found in the attic; she had resisted the temptation of telling Erin of what she had found. Edna decided to take the long way back, circling the lake...she wanted to find and visit the resting place of ancestors. As to this mystery, more information is required; well that’s what Dwarg would say.