Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 3

  Chapter Three

  “See how easy that was Slig? One must gently guide the Human along. You’ll find less resistance that way. All we have to do now is enjoy the flux until we find the Human Aggie Kellor; she will be waiting for me.”

  Dwarg was experiencing most unWhisp-like feelings. His own memories of before the now came flooding back...and he was enjoying himself.

  “And you want me to remain in this male Human?”

  “It’s best for a time. Slig you still have a lot to learn about Humans before we begin our purge of the aliens. We need to ensure that nothing goes wrong. The worst we can do is let the aliens know we are here looking to eradicate them.”

  “Dwarg, I now understand your methods of going back through a Human’s DNA; that was a good flux. The Human Oskar Bruin has had so much involvement with the Aura, as had his predecessors. So why is this Human so much different than the others of the now?”

  “I believe it’s a matter of exposure. His ancestors were pure and it was certain that all of his generations before the now were never infected or affected by an alien. This may explain why he is looked upon by other Humans as extraordinary, yet his healing powers and gifts are not endemic, they are simply natural and have not been corrupted.”

  “So the Human, Oskar, is what a Human on the Planet and in the Aura and in the now, should be?”

  “Close, perhaps his prior generation would have been as Humans should be. Exposure to the infected ones has taken some of that purity away from him. I fear that future of his generations will develop further away from what is the normal.”

  Slig was starting to appreciate the vast wealth of information that Dwarg had accumulated. “Dwarg, it appears that the effects of the Smota have already been infused. Seems they are the most common extra-terrestrial virus on the planet at the moment, and I agree with your reasoning. I see how the Humans have this urge, this living, uncreature-like desire to advance, against all reason, to something they do not appear to understand. That compulsion is nowhere to be found in their DNA; or is it?”

  “Therein, I believe, lays the nexus of their origin Slig.”

  “Please explain.”

  “More information is required.”

  “All right then Dwarg, tell me again about these chromosomes and how you can separate those clinging Human emotions embedded within their DNA. And colour, what is this thing that Humans called colour?”


  “Oh, for cripe’s sake Aggie, give him another call, you look like you’re about to burst your puffer-valve.” Edna was getting a little frustrated watching Aggie pace up and down. “He just can’t hop on a plane willy-nilly and come up here like a delivery boy; he’s probably got things to do. If you’re right about Dwarg, that little shithead will have his work cut out for him anyway. Here, give me his number and I’ll try to ring him.”

  “Don’t you dare aunt, anyway I shouldn’t have rung his home in the first place. I was just anxious, that’s all.”

  “Well maybe Dwarg doesn’t know the way back here, maybe Mister Alex Bentley is rejecting our little Whisp; remember that he did have trouble with your dad.” Inwardly, Edna was a little anxious as well.

  “No Aunt, Dwarg knows exactly how to get here, and from what I saw of Alex Bentley’s interview on TV, he has control of some sort. I should be more trusting and patient. Maybe I’ll go into the lab for a couple of hours to get my mind off it; can I get you a drink or a snack or something Aunt?”

  “No thanks sweetheart. You go off to your office – I want to go Brattleboro anyways; need more fuel for the snowplough and Ed is having a little trouble with his hip; my fault, I fear.”

  “Aunt, I’ve told you before, we are very well off, we have people employed to do all that sort of work, remember your stiff back two weeks ago? Don’t want you groaning and moaning again, do we?”

  The truth was that Edna just loved to drive her Big Black Hummer that once belonged to Megan’s father. Any excuse for a little drive would do.


  Alex did have an early start. Before the goodbye, he had raisin toast and coffee with his father. It was bitter-sweet for Archie. He had seen Alex go off on expeditions all too often; and all were not to his liking. This trip appeared not overly extreme, nothing at all like going into outer-space, yet he hated to see his boy go off to places unknown. Vermont! Archie had never been further north than Memphis, and that was all too far from home. Vermont may well have been another planet to him.

  They both checked under the hood of the Corvette; oil? check, water? check, fluids for brake? power steering? window washer and radiator? check. Tire pressure? check, spare wheel, tools? check. Luggage, money, credit cards, and oh yes son, clean underwear? “Yes pappy; gees.”

  “Maps, GPS?”

  “Got the Goomeri here dad. I’ll stop and buy some snow clothes and thermals on the way.”

  “Your cell phone? Camera?”

  “Yep. Oh dad, if you do get another call from that person in Putney, could you get the number and ring me? at least that may give me a clue as to what this is all about.”

  “Take care son, I love you.”

  “Love you too Dad; don’t forget to close the gate after I leave. Yeeha! I’m off into the wild blue yonder to the land of the Yankees and Patriots. I’ll give you a progress call this evening.”

  Archie watched the Corvette wind its way along the driveway until it was out of sight. He was alone again.


  “I tell you that’s him Liz, I should know – I’ve got a poster of him above my bed. Wonder why he’s here? Please, please let me serve him.” Elizabeth had no choice anyway as Charlene picked up her server tray and brushed her aside. They had noticed the fancy Corvette ZR1 pull into the car park and Adonis came out and entered their restaurant.

  “Welcome to Albert’s of Atlanta, sir. Would you like to see the wine and drink list? Here is our menu; you’ll find we serve only the very best food and beverages.”

  “Why thank you pretty lady. No alcohol, but black coffee for starters; and what would be the chef’s speciality today?”

  It took all of Charlene’s strength to stop from saying Oh that would be Liz the slut over there. But she replied, “Albert has suggested clam chowder and lobster thermidor – it is really nice – I’m sure you would enjoy it. Will there be anyone else joining you at the table sir?” Oh please, please say no darling.

  “No, it’s just me.”

  “Please don’t be offended, but you’re Alex Bentley aren’t you? I’ve followed your career. Guess you could say I’ve had a crush on you forever. So glad to meet you in person.” She placed her hand on his arm. “So you’ll go with the lobster?” Alex looked at her hand and just nodded.

  “Sorry; I’ll go get your order.”

  He placed his palms against his head. Again with the internal conflict. What the blazes is going on in that head of mine? Here is a gorgeous girl; and I’ve seen the body language, the hair flick, the finger to the lip, the dilated doe eyes and especially the stroking of her pencil and I’m not all that interested. Am I going sterile? Did space travel neuter me or something? Ordinarily, I would be in the sack making passionate love before the first sip of my coffee. And she’s a honey.

  Dwarg had no intention of allowing Alex to divert from his path. As far as he was concerned, refuelling and resting his innocent host was a necessity. Although there may be valuable information to be gained from witnessing the reproductive act of Humans, these lessons would have to wait. Dwarg did learn that the emotions leading to Human copulation were amongst the strongest he had ever experienced; only marginally stronger, was the emotion of self survival. Slig tried hard to understand. “Slig, at this time we must focus the Human on the pathway to Aggie Kellor. If we allow diversions and activities other than the planned way, more issues and events will become entwined in his life path.”


  Charlene smiled seductively as she remov
ed the plate which now held the empty shell of the large lobster. Alex was wiping his lips with the serviette. “What a lovely dish” he said, looking directly into her eyes.

  She blinked her eyebrows rapidly. “Mr Bentley, may I offer you... a dessert?..a light waffle with mango sauce and soft serve ice-cream perhaps?”

  “Please call me Alex...Charlene?” He was reading the plastic name badge on Charlene’s apron. “Hmm, instead of the ice cream, I could really go for maple syrup on that waffle...heaps of it.” What the, he thought, I’ve never been into maple syrup before... now I’ve a craving for some.


  “Thank you Charlene. That was really a decent and tasty meal, I’m so glad I stopped here. Boy, all that food should see me through to Richmond. Unfortunately I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

  “Oh no, you’re leaving us already Alex? I had rather hoped to invite you to my room. You see I have a picture of you above my bed and dare I ask... I would love for you to come over and sign it and maybe, stay a little while?”

  Charlene lent forward to refill Alex’s cup with coffee, allowing him a more than generous view of her cleavage in the process. Alex just stared ahead and again put his hands on his face. I should never have posed for that crappy photo shoot – still trying to live that down.

  “I would really love to know all about your rocket.”

  “Charlene” he whispered, “I’m on a mission”– his hand was in front of his mouth and he was looking around in true secret agent fashion, “I can’t tell you anything more.” He picked up the pepper shaker and sprinkled some on the place mat; then, with his finger, drew CIA into the dust of the pepper. He then wiped the surface with a napkin. “I wouldn’t want to see you in any trouble or taken into custody.”

  “Take me with you Alex, I don’t care, I’ll do anything for you, anything.”

  “Gees Charlene, believe me, it just can’t happen, I’m so, so sorry. I must go.”

  “Yea well, that’s the story of my life. Always ships passing in the night; may I at least give you my phone number, just in case you change your mind?”

  “Just whisper it to me honey.”


  Looking through the restaurant window, Charlene and Liz watched him climb into his flash car and roar away. “I can’t believe you let him get away Charlene; heaven sakes girl, you shoulda been a bit more forward; shoulda let him know you woulda put-out for him.”

  “Gees Liz, anymore forward, and I’d been banging him under Table Nine. But there’s something about him; I think he’s in some sort of trouble and he’s on the run. Darn it all, can’t something good ever happen to me. Oh well, I can always take his picture down and replace him with Elvis...again.”

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” yelled Alex as he floored the ’vette and aimed for Interstate 85.