Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 8

  Chapter Eight

  Purely from habit, Kenneth Armstrong Kain rechecked the straps on his backpack as he felt the little plane lose altitude. He peered through the window to see vast expanses of snow on the ground below. “We’ll be landing in a few minutes sir. The tower at Lebanon wanted to let you know, you’ll be picked up directly from the aft airstairs. I trust you had a pleasant journey.”

  “I did and thank you ma’am.”

  Ernie Tonges watched the plane touch down and drove the security vehicle to the rear of the aeroplane. Poor Kenny, he thought, from one extreme to another, then another

  He opened the car door, tossed Ken’s backpack onto the back seat, and offered his special high-five greeting. “Get in quick, it’s warmer in here; long time between drinks buddy.”

  “Never mind that man, what’s with this Eskimo place? Holy crap it’s damn cold; I’m freezing me balls off; turn that heater up more will ya.”

  “Aw I thought you Special Forces super-bods didn’t feel the cold; getting a little soft are we Kenny?”

  “Yea, yea, this better be good, I was in the sauna with the Bopsy twins when I got your message. Shit, with all your people and assets, you still need me to come hold your hand? Gimme a quick low-down.”

  They talked as Ernie drove the car to another part of the terminal; to a large hangar surrounded by a sophisticated fencing system. A sentry opened the gate, allowing the car to enter the compound. Huge hangar doors were sliding open as they approached and Ken could see the nose of a small jet aircraft inside.

  “Yep Ken, that’s our ride to Algeria; nice plane eh, a Gulfstream G650C; only just released.”

  “Algeria? Ok, why not, can we at least stop for a leak? God I hate cold weather.”

  “There’s a nice hot chocolate brew in the hanger; anyway you’ll soon unfreeze those bones of yours when we get to the Sahara; nice sunny days out in the desert; I’ve packed my sunscreen, shorts and pith helmet.”

  Ken held back a little grin. He thought, Ernie you dick, you haven’t done your homework old friend; last I looked, the temperature in Southern Algeria was goddamn freezing; it’s winter over there. This should be good.

  Looking around, he didn’t fail to notice the presence of military personnel beyond the terminal. “Do those grunts belong to you as well man?”

  “National Guard on Homeland security exercises, courtesy of the Pentagon; don’t look up, the NASA cameras have facial recognition as well.”

  “Wow man, now this is what I call luxury. Should I take a shower before coming inside? mmm smells like the Yankee Candle factory.”

  “Captain Kellor, this is Ken Kain, my partner in crime on this mission; he’s not too sweet on our cool winters in New England.” “Ken, this is Jade Kellor, one of the directors of Kellor Resources and pilot extraordinaire. He’ll be taking us over to Africa.” Both men shook hands.

  “Hi Ken, we can have a detailed briefing as soon as we get to cruising altitude; please make yourselves comfortable gentlemen, I’m sure we have everything you may need.”


  The three men studied the map of the area surrounding Reggane. Ernie said, “If the professor was abducted; and that looks more than likely now; we need to work out their escape route. The spooks from AFRICOM report no significant activities in the region and the local police failed to find any sign of tracks. Still, one has to bear in mind that there was a small sandstorm on the evening of his disappearance. It’s all too late to get thermal imaging of the site at that time. Our man on the ground is Aaron Johns, he’s the site and project manager; he was the first to report Professor Lien missing.

  “What do we know about him?”

  “He’s been with KR for four years. Harvard graduate and considered to the one of the most brilliant engineers on the planet. He’s supervised construction on several KR projects and a workaholic. He’s also a chopper pilot and we use him as a back-up occasionally. I’ve personally checked his records when he was recruited by Mrs Kellor. I found nothing of interest, no criminal or even minor infringements on any of his records. I even put him through the GSR and had Doc Hipposlie talk to him; nothing to report. You know Aaron well don’t you Jade?”

  “Yes I do, and he would the last person I would suspect of any wrongdoing; I’d trust him with my life. Anyway, what possible reason could there be for him to turn rogue? He’s a very wealthy man, has interests in Kellor Resources and he’s out there, doing the things he absolutely loves doing.”

  Ken nodded, but said, “Greed can be a powerful master. Blackmail? Ever considered he might have family being held hostage? I wouldn’t bet my balls that he is altogether innocent. I’ve studied life and culture in North and West Africa, and kidnapping isn’t considered abnormal. What is not kosher is the fact that there has not been any announcement or demand. That normally comes quickly; before others get in line to claim responsibility.”

  “Anyway I’ve ordered Aaron to keep all the workers at the site; I want to interview each and every one of them with my GSR monitor. They should be happy to stay there for a while, seeing they are getting more pay and allowances for no work.”

  “Well while you’re doing that Sherlock, I’ll scout around the site, can you organise a jeep and a driver for me?”

  “No problem Ken. Are we flying direct to Reggane, Jade?”

  “Yes, Aggie had the foresight to extend the airstrip there. We have our own hangar now, but I can’t stay there; I have to fly on to Switzerland; so it’s drop and run I’m afraid. Ok, I’d better get back to the cockpit and relieve my co-pilot, she’s probably getting a bit lonely up there.” He gave the duo a lecherous wink as he made his way up the aisle.

  “Bit young for a pilot; what money can do I suppose.”

  “No, he’s good, I’ve flown with him many times,” he then whispered; “that’s his wife up there. Wait till you see her. He sure is one lucky bastard. Now I’d better give the Boss a call and give her an update.”


  Alex took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. “Good morning ladies, good to be alive don’t you think?”

  Aggie and Edna stood up as he walked in. “Good morning” both answered in unison. “Please sit here Alex,” a smiling Edna said while pointing to a chair, I’ll get you that coffee, some toast or bagels perhaps?”

  “Oh yes please Mrs Kellor; and Aggie, how are you this fine morning?” He reminded himself that he was quite right in thinking she was the most beautiful creature on the planet. “You’re certainly looking lovely, did you manage some sleep after last night?”

  “Thank you, yes I did Alex. And you?”

  “Fantastic; I feel really refreshed and ready to face the world today. You have a comfortable and cosy place here; I can see the snow outside but not a shiver in sight.”

  There was a little pause as their eyes met. Aggie sat down and said “Alex, about last night; I must apologize for...for my behaviour at the Police Station; I was out of line and if I’ve upset you or made you uncomfortable, I’m so, so sorry.”

  Alex held up his hand to stop her saying any more. “I really tried hard to push you away didn’t I? I wouldn’t at all mind if you were out of line again. What guy in his right mind would complain of a beautiful woman coming up and kissing him? Wow.”

  “Here you are Alex” said Edna “please call me Edna; would you like some jelly on these bagels? or maple syrup perhaps? or I can warm up some special baked beans for you. Aggie you look a little flushed.”

  “Hush aunt.”

  “Maple syrup please; I’ve had a hankering for that stuff since I left home. Well, Edna and Aggie, here I am, not a clue why, but I’m sure we can all work it out. Shall I start with my side of the story?”

  “Oh thank the spirits, thought Aggie, I really didn’t know where to begin. He’s not exactly shy, gets right to the point. He’s so sweet and handsome, not a bad kisser; not that I’ve had a lot of practice; wouldn?
??t mind some more. Got to remember he has a Whisp inside him. Dwarg named him Slig. Slig?...Ah now I remember, that Van Gogh painting for Megan was a gift from a Slig, there’s a story there somewhere. Just look at his eyes, hazel I think; I’m so tempted to run my fingers through his hair, then maybe give him a light kiss on his neck and then...”

  “Aggie...Aggie? are you alright?”

  “Oh I’m so sorry Alex; maybe I didn’t get enough sleep after all; please continue with your story; you were saying about your father getting a healer to see you.”

  Alex continued with his story, he didn’t leave anything out; he spoke honestly about his belief in the magical healing powers of old Oskar Bruin. He even explained about the temptations of that waitress back in Atlanta. It was the urgency and direction that led him onwards to this place called Putney, the place on the map that the Goomeri pointed to. “By the way, I tried it out again this morning and as far as I know, this is the place where it wanted me to be. Oh and I would be very grateful if no one tells my dad about my losing my car in the snow. I’m sure he’d use that against me forever and a day.”

  There were smiles, followed by an awkward silence as Alex sipped the coffee; Aggie knew she should begin. “May I ask a few questions first Alex?”

  “Why of course, fire away, anything; I’m all yours.”

  Aggie let out a little nervous giggle, then became more serious. “You say you believe that there may be some type of magic in the world and certain people have powers beyond our comprehension; I totally agree with you. Do you think it’s possible, er, would you say, to put it bluntly, that you may be under a spell of some sort?”

  “What?.. like a voodoo spell or a witch’s spell?” That’s a strange question, he thought, yet something strange was happening and there certainly was that compulsion to travel to parts unknown. Am I really in control of myself? God don’t let her be one of those old ugly hags who entices young men and sucks the life out of them while their faces melt away to green slime. Whoa, snap out of it man.

  Aggie replied, “Well perhaps not as we read about; but there are other things that could be seen as, umm... enchantment. For instance we know that there are certain drugs out there that can alter personalities and states of mind, there is hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion, and one wonders about those people being miraculously cured by hyped-up faith healers; know what I mean?”

  “Sure; go on.”

  “Do you believe in parallel worlds and universes?”

  “Phew, our chief astrophysicist at the academy tried to explain it; seventh dimension stuff; he also thought there were three more dimensions beyond that, but trying to work those out would fry a human’s brain. Oh, beg your pardon Aggie... parallel worlds? I honestly don’t know – are you trying to say that there is some sort of spell or a hex on me?”

  “I’ll be very honest and open with you Alex, there has been an external influence on you; you must believe me when I say that you have not lost control of your faculties and you are perfectly safe. Since your walk in outer space, you have acquired an entity, and it is within you. How do I know? I have one also; his name is Dwarg.”

  Alex did manage not to spit the mouthful of coffee out. He just looked at Aggie, waiting for her face to turn green and melt away. Just then, the pink security phone in Aggie’s office rang; it was Ernie with his progress report. “Please excuse me for a minute, this may be very important.”

  “Edna?” Alex looked at her, hoping that she would burst into laughter and say Alex Bentley, smile, you’re on Candid Camera!

  Instead she could only nod and put her hand on his shoulder. “Everything will be alright sweetie. Just let a little of it sink in; it took me ages to adjust to Aggie’s Dwarg. One thing, my dear young Mister Bentley, prepare yourself for a roller coaster ride that would make those centrifugal rotors at NASA feel like teeter-totters. More coffee?” She could see he was in a state of utter confusion, but lifted the coffee pot anyway and poured him another cup.

  “Would you mind very much if I have a look at that Goome thing Alex, sounds very interesting; I’m into tribal and traditional ways, as no doubt you would be aware. It’s from Australia, you say?”

  “Er. Oh yes of course, here you are, it’s called a Goomeri Pointing Bone or as Uncle Oskar calls it, da greatest giggermethingy ‘n guider on da planet. He reckons he doesn’t know how or why it works, but I have my doubts. Edna picked it up and immediately went into a mild swoon then stumbled few steps before grabbing hold of the edge of the table. “Good grief, there’s some powerful medicine or force in that little gizmo; may I study it for a while Alex?”

  “Be my guest, it’s obviously finished its business with me. May I ask you some questions before Aggie comes back?”

  “Sure sweetie, go right ahead.”

  “ what am I to think? Am I really possessed? Am I really me? How the hell do I...?”

  “Whoa, easy now young man...let’s start with me asking you a few questions and see where it leads. Ok?”


  “Just answer yes or no to these questions. Now firstly; you thought that your depression began after leaving the Space Station?”

  “Er, yes.”

  “There was a powerful force of some type compelling you to come to this place; from the other side of the country.”


  “Would it be true to say that since your return to Earth, you have never been physically sick or injured?”

  “True, er yes, but that’s only been a few weeks.”

  “Would I right in saying that since your return to Earth, you haven’t a spot, scar, mole, freckle, scratch or blemish on your body?”

  “I think I’ve gotcha there Edna, got one mother of a scar on my arm. Cut myself badly falling onto an aquarium, got thirteen stitches, I remember because it was my thirteenth birthday.” He began rolling up his sleeve. “Just have a look at this... er, what the... son of a ain’t here, what the?” He looked at Edna who had a knowing smile on her face; he rubbed his finger over the area where the scar should have been.

  He quickly pulled up his trouser pant leg and felt for the scar on his shin and looked down; it just wasn’t there. He spread the fingers of his left hand apart; the little train track birthmark between them wasn’t there.

  “I’m surprised that your little entity didn’t get rid of your tattoo as well. Now, do you remember the TV interview at the Kennedy Space Centre after you landed?”

  Alex, still rubbing the inside of his arm replied, “Ugh, please don’t remind me. There must’ve been something wrong with my throat at the time. All I could manage to say to the press were garbled words like arg, agee, agree,...aggie, Aggie? Yes, I do remember; I was wanting to say Aggie, I was trying to say Aggie, that’s what finally came out. Aggie, Aggie, that’s all I could say for a while. And now I’m here with Aggie! Edna, things are starting to make a little sense now.”

  He tried to think it through, hunched is shoulders, then added, “well Ok, maybe not.”

  “There there, young man, at least we’ve made a start.” Edna knew just what he was going through.