Read The Gray Mask Page 5



  That night on the edge of winter it was thoroughly dark when Dr. JohnRandall left New York for his Long Island home. Treving had unexpectedlydetained him at the club. The interview had evidently projected morethan the unforeseen, for Randall's habitual calm, which carried even tohis hours of relaxation a perpetual flavor of the professional, wassuddenly destroyed by the color and the lines of a passionateindecision. He crossed the Queensborough bridge and threaded the LongIsland city streets with a reckless disregard of traffic which probablywent undisciplined only because of the green cross on the radiator ofhis automobile.

  His house, although just within the city limits, had an air,particularly under this wan starlight, remote and depressing. It stoodin wide grounds not far from the water. Heavy trees, which clusterednear, appeared to shroud it.

  The doctor, scarcely slackening speed, swung his car through the gatewayand glided up the drive. At the turn the house rose before him, square,frowning, black. It was only after a moment that a nebulous radiancefrom a curtained window upstairs defined itself as light. Usually therewas much light and the companionable racket of a busy household.

  Randall's hands trembled while he arranged the levers and shut off theengine. Yet the radiance, at last, was somewhat reassuring.

  He sprang out, and nearly running, stumbling a little, climbed thesteps, crossed the verandah, and pushed the electric button. From faraway the response echoed as through an empty house. No sound of hurryingfeet followed it. Randall, after waiting for a moment, took out hislatch-key and entered.

  Because of his impatience he didn't stop to fumble for the switch.Instead he flung his hat haphazard through the darkness, felt his wayacross the hall, and climbed the stairs.

  "Bella!" he called.

  Immediately the relieving answer came:

  "Here--in my dressing-room, John. Why are you so late?"

  He leant weakly against the wall.

  "I was detained. What's the matter?"

  "Why don't you come in?" she asked.

  He straightened and opened the door. The light, shining upon his face,showed it still scarred by anger and indecision. The relief of findinghis wife at home and safe was not, then, wholly curative.

  He closed the door behind him and stared at her, lying in areading-chair, a book open on her knees, her dark and lovely faceupraised to him, expectant, questioning, a trifle startled.

  "Where are all the servants?" he demanded.

  She stirred. The youthful fluency of her body in the mauve dressing gownmust have impressed itself upon the excited man by the door.

  "I had to let myself in. I--Not a light. It frightened me."

  "You've forgotten," she answered. "We talked it over a week or so ago,and I thought you had agreed. Ellen's wedding. Naturally they all wantedto go. I had an early dinner and packed them off. But I counted on you.I was growing afraid, all alone in the house. What kept you?"

  "Old Mrs. Hanson--at first. She's very ill. I should really have stayedthe night. I went to the club for a bite--"

  He broke off. He walked closer, looking down into her eyes which did notquite meet his.

  "At the club--I knew I must come home to-night. I--I sent your cousin,Tom Redding, to Mrs. Hanson."

  Her eyes wavered even more.

  "Why? That isn't like you to--to turn a critical case over to anotherman. I could have managed. Anyway, you'd forgotten about my maid'swedding. So it wasn't that. What--what happened at the club?"

  She shivered for a moment uncontrollably.

  "John! What's the matter? Why do you glare at me like that? Why do youlook so--so--"

  She tried to laugh.


  His face worked.

  "Bella," he said, "I've not been altogether blind about you andTreving."

  She exclaimed impatiently, but her shiver was repeated, and theuncertainty of her voice lingered.

  "You're not going to commence on that!"

  He brushed her interruption aside.

  "But Treving's seemed a decent enough sort in spite of the way he spendshis money and his Broadway record, and, you see, Bella, I've alwaystrusted you unquestioningly."

  "And now? Tell me what you're driving at, John. I won't put up--"

  She sprang to her feet, facing him, wide-eyed, furious, yet, one wouldhave suspected, not completely free from apprehension.

  Randall touched her arm.

  "Don't work yourself up, Bella. You know. I've told you. It's bad foryou."

  "What do you expect, when you insinuate--"

  "What have I insinuated, provided your conscience's clear?"

  He urged her back to the chair.

  "It's just this: we must talk it out. I've a right to know how far thisfolly's gone--what it portends, so that I can take measures of defencefor myself and for my wife."

  She yielded and sat down, but now she bent forward, her hands clasped ather knees to prevent their trembling.

  Randall clearly made an effort to speak normally. His tone had resumedits professional quality. It was, in a sense, soothing, but the power ofthe words themselves could not be diminished, and, as he went on, heremotions strayed farther and farther from the boundaries she had plainlytried to impose.

  "I overheard," he said. "It was Delafield and Ross. I went to Ross. Ifelt I knew him well enough. My dear! It's common scandal--much worse,I'll do you the credit of saying, than the facts. You've been seen withTreving in cafes of doubtful reputation, and out here on Long Island, atsome of these unspeakable road houses--"

  He turned away.

  "People aren't kind at construing those things. He was a damnedscoundrel to take you to such places."

  "I'll judge that," she said. "If it's all you have to charge me with!"

  "Isn't it enough? Good God! How indiscreet!"

  "Then why not tell all this to Freddy Treving?" she asked.

  The lines about his mouth tightened.

  "Treving," he said with an affectation of simplicity, "came into theclub while I was talking with Ross. He had been drinking--a great deal.I didn't realize it at first--it's quite necessary you should hearthis--so I took him out in the hall and tried to talk to him reasonably.I told him it must stop--any friendship between him and you."

  She glanced up tempestuously.

  "I'll not have my friendships questioned."

  "I'm sorry, Bella. You've placed this one beyond your own control. Youmade me speak to Treving. It was the only thing to do. And he wasimpertinent, defiant. As I told you, he had been drinking, but thatdidn't explain his astounding assurance. I don't want to do you aninjustice, but I couldn't help fearing his confidence was based on anunderstanding with you."

  "John! You're mad!"

  "No. I think it's Treving who's a little mad as well as drunk."

  He studied her face morosely.

  "I told him, if I heard of his coming near you again or communicatingwith you in any way, I would thrash him within an inch of his life.Bella, he laughed at me."

  His eyes left hers. A look of utter discouragement entered them. Hespoke slowly, with unnatural distinctness.

  "Treving offered to lay me any stakes he'd spend this evening with youwithout my knowing."

  His eyes remained averted. Perhaps he didn't dare risk the vitaltestimony hers might have yielded.

  Her voice was sharp.

  "Treving said that?"

  He nodded.

  "But I don't think he'll succeed. And I warned him as he deserved. Youmay as well make up your mind, Bella, that that incident is finished."

  "On the contrary," she answered, "it's only begun."

  He swung around and bent over her, grasping her shoulders, shaking herslightly.

  "Unless, Bella--unless--"

  His hands tightened until she cried out.

  "That's why, when I saw the house dark, I was afraid you'd gone. Did youand he know about old Mrs. Hanson? Have you any arrangement with him fort

  She pressed her lips together. Blood congested her cheeks.

  He shook her more determinedly.

  "Answer. You have to answer that."

  Her lips parted.

  "Take your hands away."

  "Bella! You can't keep quiet. See how you're racking me! Answer."

  Somewhere in the house a bell commenced to jangle, and continued,irritatingly, insistently.

  She grasped his wrists and pushed his hands aside.

  "You've gone rather too far," she whispered.

  "I've a right. Answer. Was there an arrangement? Did you expect him hereto-night while I struggled in town?"

  The discordant jangling appeared to enter his consciousness. He sprangback, listening.

  "That might--By gad, if it were!"

  "It's the telephone," she said, "in the library."

  "Why isn't it answered? Oh, yes. You might have kept Thompson at least.Let it ring. I shan't go down."

  "A doctor!" she said scornfully.

  She arose with an effort. The lace of the mauve dressing-gownexaggerated the difficulty of her breathing. His glance, which took allthis in, was not wholly without contrition.

  "Answer it," she said. "I shan't fly from the house to any man's armswhile you are in the library."

  He half stretched out his hand to her, but the appealing motion resolveditself into a gesture of despair. He walked out and descended to thelibrary.

  After a moment the discordant bell was silent. The murmur of his voice,moment by moment interrupted, arose through the quiet house to thissingle lighted chamber.

  She stood for a time by the door, listening. Once or twice she placedher hand above her heart. At last she turned back and gazed through thenarrow door to the next room where a yellow ribbon of illumination fromthe reading light draped itself across her bed. Her face set in thecruel distortion that precedes tears, but at the sound of her husband'sreturning footsteps it resumed a semblance of control. No tears fell.

  "Well?" she asked.

  His face was haggard, confessing greater suspense than before.

  "The Hansons' butler," he said. "I--I'm afraid the old lady's off thistime. Redding had told him to get me. They sent the chauffeur some timeago with a fast car. Man said he ought to be here."

  He paused, searching her face in an agony of indecision.

  "Well?" she repeated.

  "Bella," he went on. "Won't you tell me? Won't you promise? That oldwoman--for years she's depended on me. I could do more for her thanRedding. I might help her--a little--"

  "Of course you'll go," she said.

  He spread his arms.

  "How can I go, knowing nothing, imagining everything. Tell me. Was therean arrangement with that beast? Bella, he'd been drinking. He's unfit--"

  She raised her hand.

  "You only make matters worse. John, you've done your best to make medespise you, to urge me to Freddy Treving. For, understand, I do carefor him--a great deal. There's been nothing really wrong, but evidentlyyou're not content it should stop at friendship. We can settle what's tobe done to-morrow. Meantime--you've put me in such a position! What am Ito say?"

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  "Go to your work, I've no arrangement with Freddy. I don't expect himhere. If he came I shouldn't let him in. Your honor is safe enough in myhands for to-night. Does that satisfy you?"

  Her tone had a merciless lashing quality. He bowed his head before it.His words stumbled.

  "I trust you, Bella. I'm sorry."

  "Then go. In the morning--"

  She waved her hand vaguely.

  "We'll arrange--something."

  His eyes begged, but she offered nothing more. So he went out, closingthe door softly behind him.

  Almost immediately he heard the sound of a motor. He couldn't find hishat. The front door bell rang, and, snatching an ancient cap from thetable, he opened the door. No one stood in the verandah, but the glareof powerful automobile headlights blinded him.

  "You're Mrs. Hanson's chauffeur?" he called.

  An indistinct voice came back affirmatively. Randall caught the word"hurry." Therefore he ran down the steps, and, his eyes still blinded bythe glare, stepped into a large runabout and settled himself by thedriver.

  They swung away at a breakneck speed which before long swept Randall'scap from his head and forced him to cling with both hands to the side ofthe car.

  The landscape tore up through the glare and disappeared in a dense andterrifying confusion of darkness.

  "Man!" he shouted. "This is dangerous. There's no point in such haste."

  He managed to turn, but the other had protected himself against the coldby rolling his collar up about his face and drawing his slouch hat downto meet it.

  "Slower!" Randall commanded.

  The car swerved. The other cried hoarsely:

  "Look out! Hold tight!"

  Randall clung, but the car kept the road. Its speed was all at oncereduced. With a disconcerting jerk it came to a standstill. As Randall,trying to recover his balance, started to speak angrily, something softand blinding struck his face and enveloped his head. His hands, raisedpurposelessly, were caught and pinioned. The cloth suddenly became moistand a familiar odor arose. The other laughed as he fastened a cord aboutthe arms and body. Randall gasped. His bound limbs relaxed.

  The driver turned the car, and, with one arm around the senselessdoctor, drove in leisurely fashion back towards Elmford.

  Hidden among the undergrowth at some distance from the house stood asmall, partly ruined stone building, used once, from the water flowingnearby, as a spring house. The driver carried Randall to the interior ofthis building and placed him on the floor. Lighting a match, he glancedaround.

  The unfinished walls were mottled with the melancholy vegetation whichtakes hold in places where the sun is forbidden. Drops of water oozedfrom the stones. The earth yielded to the pressure of feet soggily.

  The man raised his hat higher on his forehead and lowered his coatcollar, exposing a face that was handsome in a weak and flippant way. Hegrinned rather foolishly now at his victim, outstretched on the dampfloor. He swayed a trifle, steadied himself with an effort, then, as theglow of the match expired, bent over and thrust his hand in Randall'spocket.

  He drew out a key ring. He struck another match and ran quickly over thering until he had found the key he desired. This he slipped from thering into his own pocket and returned the rest to Randall's coat.

  On the point of leaving, he hesitated, and with a resolute air stoopedand removed the cloth from Randall's head and the cord from the body.Afterwards he took a small bottle from his pocket, forced theunconscious man's lips open and poured a quantity of the fluid down histhroat. Evidently the doctor would sleep thoroughly and for a long time.

  When he had gathered up the cloth, the rope, and the bottle, the manleft the stone building, laughing with a satisfaction that was notwholly vicious. In spite of the anger his face had displayed thesituation for him possessed at least a tiny element of humour.

  He secreted the compromising bundle beneath a large stone in the bed ofthe stream.

  "Put it over," he muttered. "People'll say the old boy was off his heador's a reason why we had to have prohibition."

  His lurch was more pronounced as he walked to the car, and his mannerless confident as he drove on to the house.

  He alighted and, steadying himself against the mud-guard, gazed at thedark, forbidding facade in which that diffused and indeterminateradiance alone suggested habitation.

  After a time he straightened, climbed the steps, and crossed theverandah. He felt in his pocket for the latch-key he had taken fromRandall, inserted it in the lock, and noiselessly opened the door. Hewas very careful to see that the door did not latch behind him. Heplaced the key on the hall table. He folded his coat and laid it withhis cap on a chair. Stealthily he advanced along the dark and silenthall to the stairway.

  At the sound of his automobile Bella had half arisen.
She waitedattentively, but when for some time no sound followed, she walked to thewindow, raised it, and leaned out, striving unsuccessfully to penetratethe heavy night.

  A board creaked in the corridor outside her door.

  She swung around, her hand at her throat.


  Complete silence followed. Unless something out of all reckoning hadoccurred, her husband could not be back. None of the servants would haveused an automobile. Then who prowled about the unlighted house andhesitated in the vicinity of her door?


  The formlessness of her cry unveiled her fear.

  The knob moved. Inch by inch the door opened, and, inch by inch, as ifimpelled by a perfectly controlled impulse from the door widening on theintruder, she retreated until the wall held her.

  "Freddy!" she gasped.

  He stepped in and closed the door. It could scarcely have been apparentto her all at once how much he had been drinking, for, although his facewas flushed, the event justified that, and he had evidently forced onhimself for the moment a supreme control. Yet her relief wasshort-lived. To be sure she could leave the wall and advance to meethim, yet, as if the room possessed a phonographic quality, it was stillloud with her husband's anxiety and her own contemptuous promises.

  "What are you doing here? How did you get in? Go before--This is out ofthe question."

  His hand left the knob.

  "It's all right, Bella. Needn't be afraid. Randall's out of the way. Hewon't bother us to-night."

  "Then you know about Mrs. Hanson?" she asked.

  He nodded sagely.

  "I know a lot."

  "You can't stay here," she said. "Go."

  He stretched out his hands.

  "Then you shall come with me. That's the scheme. Been in the back of myhead all along. We'll show a clean pair of heels. Time somethingdefinite happened. Bella!--you know--how I love you."

  A slight impediment, unfamiliar to the startled woman, made itselfnoticeable in his voice. His control was limited. Already his truecondition disclosed itself. Fear as powerful as that which had greetedhis stealthy approach returned to her eyes.

  "You know I won't come with you, Freddy. Perhaps later things will bearranged. John and I had a talk to-night."

  His face worked evilly.

  "He had a talk with me, too," he said. "It's come to a showdown. No usetalking about waiting, Bella. It's now or never. You've held me off toolong. Got to choose. We love each other."

  He advanced. She stepped behind the table.

  "Don't come any nearer, Freddy. What's the matter with you?"

  He laughed.

  "Just you."

  He tapped the side pocket of his coat.

  "By gad! I'd have killed him to-night to get to you if it had beennecessary. That's what you've done to me, Bella."

  He reached across and grasped her arm. He held her tight while he glidedaround the table. A book fell to the floor, and another. A vase of rosestoppled over and shattered musically. The flowers made brilliant patcheson the dull carpet.

  "Let me go. Listen, Freddy! We'll talk it over to-morrow--all three. Ipromised John I wouldn't see you to-night."

  "Tomorrow!" he laughed. "Too late. You don't know all I've done forthis--a real sportin' proposition. I tell you it's now or never, and I'mmad about you."

  He got his arm around her.

  "You've got to let me keep my promise."

  Still laughing, he drew her closer. His flaming eyes were near. Hisbreath was revolting on her cheeks.

  She struggled, gasping for words.

  "Let me go. You've been drinking. He said--"

  "He said!" he cried furiously.

  "What are you going to do?" she begged.

  As he flung her back against the table the side pocket of his unbuttonedcoat flapped against her hand.

  "I'm not going to let you slip now, Bella."

  "Freddy! You're killing me!"

  She put her hand in his pocket and snatched out an unpolished, stubby,evil cylinder with a square grip which perfectly fitted her hand.

  "Look out, Freddy! You hurt!"

  He laughed again. His lips, repulsive and cruel, crushed hers. Hersmothered crying was bitter.

  An explosion, slightly muffled, crowded the room with sound. Anotherfollowed.

  His lips, a moment ago masterful with unreasoning vitality, no longertroubled her.

  "Freddy!" she sobbed. "I'm sorry--"

  He crumpled at her feet.

  Near the water, spilled from the vase of roses, a darker stain spread.

  She screamed.

  "What's the matter? Freddy! I'm sorry--Say something--Pray!"

  She stumbled to her knees by the dead man. Her desolate cries fledceaselessly through the open window.