Read The Great God Gold Page 27

incorporated, so that the treasure, which formed the war-chest of the Jews, could be recovered at the coming of the Messiah.

  "Many points are, of course, highly interesting and curious. Perhaps my discovery--which, by the way, was by pure accident--will create much controversy and arouse great excitement among scholars and archaeologists. Nevertheless the cipher exists, as I am ready, under certain conditions and on certain financial considerations, to indicate its existence to any competent Hebrew scholar who may be appointed to investigate my discovery.

  "_The Cipher_.

  "For many years I had been greatly interested in the various astronomical, astrological and cabalistical signs and cycles so apparent in the chronology of the ancient peoples. In the Bible, and more especially during the five hundred or so years before Christ, I found evidences of the astrology that was used in the division of time, and therefore set to work, using the comparing method in order to obtain an insight into the different ciphers most universally used, and also into the methods of concealing secret messages and statements. Many of the ciphers used were highly ingenious and most difficult to decipher. The Jews in Jerusalem used them, so did the Jewish Greeks in Alexandria and the Buddhists in India, as well as the Gnostics, etc.

  "I had been studying certain curious expressions in the `Mischna,' which seemed to me to contain certain hidden meanings, when one day, in studying the Book of Ezekiel in the original, I was amazed to come across an expression which, habituated as I was to the presence of ciphers, told me at once that a hidden message was contained there.

  "After countless failures through several years, I one day applied one of the earlier known cabalistic ciphers--which, by the way, is so complicated and ingenious that the whole message must be deciphered before the first word becomes apparent--and, to my intense astonishment, on making the complete decipher I found myself able to read a clean declaration (extending through nine chapters) of the secret hiding-place of the Great Treasure of Israel!

  "The cipher declaration opens with an intimation of 490 years before the arrival of the Messiah, and continues as follows:

  "`_The lapse of years are nearing its filling. The relief of the Doom will come in spite of all. The people's right is nearing. The Period of the Blood-Debts and that of the Suppression will lose its power_.'

  "It is then stated that Moses' tablets, the archives of the Temple, the Ark of the Covenant and `the Chair of Grace between two cherubims of fine gold,' `the insignias Urim and Thummim with two rubies of extraordinary size surrounded by a multitude of other precious stones,' the `written archives of the earliest period of the Jews' till about B.C. 600, `the great treasures of the Temple, gold and silver vessels, coined gold, and precious stones of every description' were all `_concealed beneath the earth in a dry-room in connection with which is a series of water-tunnels_.'

  "The secret declaration goes on to give the most complete details of how the treasure may be reached. It is stated that there are three entrances, one of which is impossible as it is inaccessible, being closed up by masonry in a labyrinth of caves; the second is also too difficult. But the third is accessible by draining the water and will not present much difficulty.

  "The cipher continuing, declares:

  "`_The tablets shall remain in their hiding-place till the arrival of the Messiah, who alone may open their place of concealment, in order that He may furnish proof of the faith, and if necessary the treasure shall provide a war fund when the Messiah conquers the world and establishes his residence in Jerusalem_.'

  "The cipher concludes by declaring:

  "`_Six curses, yea! sixty times six curses, shall be upon the head of any one who dare to attempt to violate the treasure-house_.'

  "That the messages, each identical, run through both Ezekiel and Deuteronomy is indisputable, and I am quite ready to explain them, provided my secret is properly protected.

  "Among the many curious and interesting features which go far to prove that the treasure is still lying undisturbed, I may perhaps indicate the Biblical fact that, after the Babylonian imprisonment, the tablets of Moses were never again exhibited in the Temple. Yet did not Nehemiah convince himself that they were intact and in good condition?

  "We know that Nebuchadnezzar received certain vessels from the Temple at Jerusalem (Ezra, i, 7-11) but no mention is made of the tablets, of the Ark, or of any other of the things mentioned in the cipher!

  "Again, when Titus destroyed Jerusalem he did not obtain the Ark. On the Arch of Triumph still existing in Rome are representations of the candlesticks, but there is no representation of the Ark.

  "Through the whole prophecy of Ezekiel I can point out many evidences of the existence of the treasure.

  "And, finally, it is extremely curious that the Crusaders searched actively for it, but mostly in the neighbourhood of Engeddin.

  "Whether the treasure of Israel still exists or not, the cipher declaration stands out in black and white, one of the best known and most difficult of all the various modes used by the ancients for concealing messages.

  "I claim that it is a most amazing discovery which must be of deepest interest to the whole civilised world, and should be at once investigated. I have not, of course, space to give complete Biblical references, etc. These I will supply later on, if necessary.

  "Any Jew who may be consulted will no doubt scorn the idea of the existence of the treasure. He will do so because he will argue that no cipher can exist in a book inspired. Again, he may declare that all the treasure was all carried off to Babylon. This is, I maintain, disproved by historical facts.

  "Again, there may be considerable argument as to whether the Books of Ezekiel and of Deuteronomy were written about the same period. According to the latest theory, Deuteronomy was written before Ezekiel, nevertheless this discovery of the same cipher record in both now conclusively proves that they were written at very nearly the same time.

  "Further, I am aware of the Talmudic tradition which states that the treasures I have enumerated, with the addition of Aaron's staff, the pot of manna and the flask of anointing oil, are hidden beneath the Temple Mount. But the cipher in question shows plainly that they are not concealed upon the site of the Temple, which is now occupied by the Mosque of Omar, but at some considerable distance away.

  "_The Key_.

  "As regards the key to the cipher and the manner in which to decipher it, I have, believing my existence to be now short-lived--for alas! I am suffering from a disease that I am told is incurable--placed the key, with such directions as are necessary to read it, in a place where it will remain hidden until such time as I have arranged with a capitalist or syndicate of financiers to despatch an expedition to secretly purchase the land in question and excavate for the holy relics. To them alone it will be revealed.

  "The key, which will disclose a statement that must cause the whole world to be surprised and thrilled, is divided into two parts, the one useless without the other. One part now lies in one city and another in a second. Therefore, for any person to attempt to discover the truth without first entering into business relations with me will be utterly impossible. And even if both keys were illegally obtained, the requisite knowledge could not then be ascertained without a third direction, that can be supplied by myself alone.

  "If I live, then I hope to search and recover the sacred objects. If, however, Providence wills my death ere my task is done, none shall complete it; for none shall ever profit by the secret which the Unseen Power has revealed unto us, a statement of which I have herein written and signed by my own hand.

  "(Signed) Peter Holmboe, _Professor of Hebrew_."

  The following note, with the impression of a rubber stamp, was appendedin German:

  "Sworn before me, Karl Weizel, notary public at 38, NeuerJunugferustieg, in the Free City of Hamburg, on the eighth of July, Onet
housand Nine hundred and Seven."



  An hour later the Doctor called upon Frank Farquhar in Half Moon Street,and excitedly showed him the precious copy of the document which "RedMullet" had secured for him.

  Frank was highly interested, of course, but refused to accompany thehunchback to Pembridge Gardens. As his reason, he gave that he had adirectors' meeting down in Fleet Street which he was bound to attend.Sir George was absent and he was therefore compelled to be in his place.The truth was that he had no desire to meet Gwen.

  The girl had written him several pitiful and reproachful letters duringthe past fortnight, but to these he had made no response, except by onebrief note in which he had repeated his very pointed question.

  "No, Doctor," he said, "go yourself to Pembridge Gardens. The