Read The Greatest Story NEVER Told Page 1

  The Greatest Story

  NEVER Told

  The Assured Triumph of Human

  Inevitability and Superiority


  Elvis Newman

  Know the real cause of your Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome Deny Ignorance, Propaganda and Invisible Prison Cell Deny deception of Corpenican Proportions


  Copyright © 2014 Elvis Newman. All rights reserved.

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  ISBN: 978-1-62857-124-0

  It is clear that the Sumerian clay tablets study will continue to interest areas of science, history, archaeology, cosmology, etc. due to its continued “effect” of encompassing studies from unrelated fields. What might be the beauty of Sitchin’s theory is that it gives people, scientists, and scholars the confidence to create new theories and discover new findings, even though the final and conclusive proof may still be unknown or unaccepted by the populace or scientific mainstream.

  “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

  -Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr. quotes

  Zecharia Sitchin was an Azerbaijani born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts.

  Born: July 11, 1920

  Died: October 9, 2010, New York


  Introduction ................................................................................................. xi

  Part 1 Lost Book of Enki .............................................................1

  Chapter One: The Debate for the Anunnaki

  and Ape Hybrids ................................................................. 3

  Chapter Two: The Story of the Garden of Eden,

  Prehistoric Iraq.................................................................... 5

  Chapter Three: Terran Wildlife Natural Reserve

  and Research Center ........................................................ 7

  Chapter Four: A.C.T.G Organization / Adenine, Cytosine,

  Thymine and Guanine....................................................... 9

  Chapter Five: Natural Cycle in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) .....................12

  Chapter Six: Nimah’s Progress Entry .....................................................15

  Chapter Seven: Ningishzidda’s Junk DNA

  and Abnormalities ..........................................................17

  Chapter Eight: Curiosity Kills the Anunnaki.........................................21

  Chapter Nine: FOXP2 Language Gene .................................................22

  Chapter Ten: Frankenstein in Anunnaki Womb ...................................24

  Chapter Eleven: Human Prototype Adamu 001 ...................................26

  Chapter Twelve: Mass Production of Adamu .......................................27

  Chapter Thirteen: Wanted: Gestation

  Surrogate Mothers!....................................................29

  Chapter Fourteen: Nature’s Curse for

  Hybrid Animals.........................................................30

  Chapter Fifteen: Genetic Experiment That Goes

  Horribly Right ..............................................................31

  Chapter Sixteen: ANNUNAKI CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT: “Genesis” ......................................................................33

  Chapter Seventeen: Expulsion from the

  Garden of Eden......................................................37

  Chapter Eighteen: The Descent of Man................................................38

  Chapter Nineteen: Man’s First Society....................................................40

  Chapter Twenty: Homo Sapiens’s Final

  Genetic Makeover........................................................42

  Chapter Twenty-One: Anunnaki Xenobiologists’

  Science Digest .....................................................45

  Chapter Twenty-Two: The Anunnaki Confront Changing Demographics: Sumerian Africa News Network, July 449,500 B.C. ...............................47

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Global Flood for Humanity’s

  Destruction .......................................................48

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Lording over the Humans ................................49

  Chapter Twenty-Five: The Quest for

  Global Domination ............................................52

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Prehistoric World War

  Three Erupted .......................................................53

  Part 2 The Once and Future Global Civilization ......................55

  Chapter One: The Cuneiform Clay Tablets Found

  in Sumeria ..........................................................................59

  Chapter Two: Eyptians Pyramids, the Sphinx and

  Global Megaliths ...............................................................61

  Chapter Three: Australia’s Ancient Egyptian

  Hieroglyphs .....................................................................64

  Chapter Four: 200,000 B.C.E Metropolis Found in

  South Africa ......................................................................66

  Chapter Five: Gobekli Tepe, Turkey .......................................................68

  Chapter Six: Armenia’s Carahunge Stone

  Circle Complex ....................................................................70

  Chapter Seven: The Dogon of Mali, West Africa.................................72

  Part 3 Truths and Misconceptions ............................................75

  Chapter One: Mankind Deceived Not Only in Times of Galileo

  Galilei. The Same Deception Continues . . .

  Even Today. .......................................................................77

  Chapter Two: Mt Chimborazo in Ecuador Is

  Higher Than Mt. Everest by

  2,150 Meters / 7,054 Feet................................................82

  Chapter Three: Sizes of China, India, Mexico

  and Africa Are Grossly Wrong on

  Google World Map Based on

  Mercator Projection .......................................................86

  Chapter Four: Sun Worshipping Cultures

  Do NOT Worship Our Sun ...........................................91

  Chapter Five: “X-Men” Superhumans Could

  Become a Reality in Thirty Years

  Say MoD Experts..............................................................93

  Chapter Six: Eisenhower’s Greada Treaty with the

  Aliens in 1954 ......................................................................95

  Chapter Seven: Nature’s Favorite Numbers—

  Fibonacci Numbers ..............................................

  Chapter Eight: Sonic Levitation, Megaliths, and Pyramids, City of Jericho

  Destroyed by Sonic Vibrations ...................................101

  Chapter Nine: The Electric Universe Theory .....................................107

  Chapter Ten: Directed Panspermia Proposed by

  Francis Crick .....................................................................112

  Part 4 Be Skeptical Even of One’s Own Skepticism ............... 115

  Chapter One: Map of Antartica Existed,

  Three Years Before Its Discovery ................................117

  Chapter Two: Pre-Colombian Space Shuttle Models

  and Ancient Indian Flying Crafts .................................119

  Chapter Three: Sunken Cities of the Caribbean,

  France, India, and Japan..............................................121

  Chapter Four: Lessons for Japan and Russia from

  Ancient Nuclear Reactors .............................................123

  Chapter Five: A. 7 Year Old Russian Boy Educated

  People on Astronomy, Mars Landscape

  and How to Create High Tech Spacecraft...................127

  B. 12 Year Old Genius Jacob Barnett

  Sets Out to Disprove Einstein ......................................130

  Chapter Six: Irrefutability of DNA Testing as 99.99% Accurate

  Shattered by Existences of

  Natural Human Chimeras ................................................132

  Chapter Seven: 2000 Year Old Analog

  Computer found...........................................................134

  Chapter Eight: How did the Moon Form?

  Who Built the Moon?...................................................138

  Part 5 New Mentality Brings about New Discoveries ............ 143

  Chapter One: Monoatomic Gold as Superconductor ........................145

  Chapter Two: Anticipation of Discovery in Astronomy

  Always Leads to New Discoveries ...............................148

  Chapter Three: God Particle Having Been in Existence

  for Millenia, Found in July 2012 ................................151

  Chapter Four: Galileo, Your Best Bet Is to Be Born

  after Newton...................................................................153

  Chapter Five: The Greeks Knew the Earth Was

  Round and Measured Its Circumference before

  Copernicus and Galileo..................................................155

  Chapter Six: “Hi, Roman Citizens . . . Rome Is Not

  the Only Mighty Empire in the World!”........................159

  Chapter Seven: Conversation with the Wright Brothers in 1902,

  Just before Their Important Breakthrough..............161

  Chapter Eight: Suppressed Discoveries Become

  Forbidden and Then Forgotten ..................................163

  Chapter Nine: The Elephant of Reality: God,

  Evolution, and Intelligent Design ...............................166

  Chronology of Human Events and the Rise of Different Theories of

  Human Origins...............................................................166

  Part 6 Pursue Truth Aggressively—Your Truth,

  Especially ...................................................................... 171


  It is my sincere hope that everyone who reads this work will be inspired to question things and to search out these and other new truths and discoveries for themselves.

  We should all be engaged in the most important intellectual dialog, exchange, and sharing of the twenty-first century.

  I do not ask or expect anyone to blindly believe what is written within the pages of this book without investigating all the evidence for themselves. In the quest for truth, all our shutters will be opened onto a brave new world, as if seeing with new eyes life and society in all its splendor and glory with an ever greater sensitivity and realization.

  Remember, with Truth, sometimes it is stranger than fiction, sometimes it is vastly outnumbered, sometimes it is out there somewhere, and sometimes it lies in our inner awakening.

  I hope the investigations, interchanges, and interactions that surround the greatest discovery and controversy that pertain to the findings in the Sumerian clay tablets will eventually unite us in a beautiful harmony called love. In our quest for the ultimate Truth, we shall progress and usher in the Golden Age.

  I thank you in advance for taking time to read my book and using it as a thought-provoking work.

  Part 1

  Lost Book of Enki

  Part 1 is a rewritten account of The Lost Book of Enki by

  Zecharia Sitchin

  Some four hundred and forty-five thousand years ago, humanoid aliens called Anunnakis came to Earth to mine gold to heal their atmosphere and save their planet, Nibiru. To this end, they built a full-fledged Mission Earth—with a mission control center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars. King Anu and the Council on Nibiru were desperate for more miners and decreed their eminent geneticist, Enki, to employ Anunnakis’ advance genetic engineering to fashion a race of primitive workers. Through a series of blunders, the perfect slave race, intelligent and subservient prototype, Homo sapiens, was created.

  The Homo sapiens multiplied in great numbers. Enhanced hybrids were begotten through gradual intermarrying of the descendants of Anunnakis and humans. The deluge in Noah’s times that catastrophically swept over the Earth wiped out most of the settlements. The Anunnakis posed themselves as gods, granting mankind civilization, social hierarchy, domesticated animals, and plants. They also taught mankind astronomy, mathematics, science, laws, architecture, metallurgy, agriculture etc, etc . . . Then about four thousand years ago, internal rivalries among the Anunnaki prompted different factions in the Anunnakis to nuke each other. Most of them returned to Nibiru after the event.

  The planet Nibiru is a big planet, sultry and vivacious. It looks like a massive brown dwarf star, which glows in the infrared band, and would have appeared to be on fire to ancient Earth witnesses. Incapacitated, Earth scientists have concluded that there could be no life on Nibiru. But there is life on Nibiru—life that should resemble ours, but doesn’t. At a time of the darkest moment in their history, the inhabitants of Nibiru, the Anunnaki, led desperate lives, suffering from great and terrible need. They began to search the universe in an effort to gratify that need. They sought a planet on which life is healthy, vibrant, and strong. They needed finest gold particles broken down and manufactured with nanotechnology to heal their atmosphere. They needed miners to do their work, to labor and slave for them, to manufacture their golden dreams. The Anunnaki needed slaves, and they had chosen the planet on which their slaves would be created after carrying out their sophisticated and high-tech genetic experiment and foolproof feasibility study. Part 1 is the story of their presence on Earth around B.C. 450,100.

  The Debate for the Anunnaki and

  Ape Hybrids

  B.C. 450,100.

  In the Court of King Anu, Planet Nibiru, the important issue of primitive workers on Colony Earth was raised. All the elders, wise men, savants, gifted, prodigies, clairvoyants, famous, scientists, leaders, commanders, explorers, entrepreneurs, and people’s representatives were gathered in the assembly for a long and bitter related discussion on morality, labor laws, enslavement mandates, interplanetary journey stipulations, and Planet Nibiru’s atmospheric conditions.

  The central issue was: Should primitive workers be genetically engineered and created to solve the astronauts’ labor dispute and possible mutiny?

  Major proponents were led by Enki, second commander of Terran


  “Make Homo erectus more intelligent by changing them into Homo sapiens. Our commands he will t
hen understand. Our tools he will then handle. He shall perform the toil in the excavations. We will have no more labor disputes coming from our astronauts working as gold miners.”

  “It is not a new creature created by us. The plan is to give this ape creature that we found on Earth more ability, make them more to our likeness. Only a tiny segment of our DNA is all that is needed.”