Read The Green Beans, Volume 5: The Phantom of the Auditorium Page 21

“You know, you never told us why on earth you were bashing the furnace when we came upon you. Why were you trying to sabotage it?” Maria asked.

  Double H laughed at the notion. “Sabotage it? Heavens, no. That was my rudimentary attempt at repair. I’m afraid I’m absent of skill when it comes to mechanical inclination - that’s Jasper’s area of expertise, not mine. Among the many tasks that he assigned his gremlins was the job of maintenance for the furnace. But with each passing day of the janitor’s absence, the mecha-monkeys grow increasingly volatile and destructive. They’ve started to dismantle the furnace, instead of maintaining it. The temperature in the school is all over the place, and every time I go in the boiler room, it seems like there are more parts scattered on the floor. Heck, there are even a bunch of screws and nuts and bolts scattered around the hallways, so I can only imagine what else they’ve taken it upon themselves to disassemble.”

  “Hmm… curious,” Sara said thoughtfully, tapping at her chin. “Why do you suppose they would do such a thing?”

  “Without Jasper to keep them in line and administer instructions, I think they’re lost. At this point, I fear they may have gone completely haywire,” Double H said.

  “And these mecha-monkeys, who have apparently gone as crazy as a banana sandwich, may very well have Dad. He’s clearly not down here, so now what are we going to do? We’re wasting too much time!” Maria exclaimed, dancing from foot to foot with nervous energy.

  “Not to worry,” Double H assured her. “There are only so many places the mecha-monkeys could hide a full grown man, so we simply have to continue our search in an intelligent manner. Since everything looks to be untouched here, I presume it’s safe to say those mechanized troublemakers haven’t yet infiltrated this area. We’ll move on to my personal quarters and take a look around. If your dad hasn’t been stowed in there, then we can check the auditorium, the cafeteria, the classrooms, and so forth.”

  Sara wrung her hands together with anxiety. Like her sister, she was worried about the amount of time that had elapsed since their father had vanished. Each second that ticked by, she felt, was another moment too long, another moment in which Dad might be subjected to untold perils.

  There was no telling what odious deeds these mecha-monkeys might get up to, but since they were of Jasper’s design, it was clear nothing good could come of the kidnapping. The urgency was apparent, and they wished for nothing more than to proceed with the utmost haste.

  “That’s an awful lot of places to check… I just feel like this is taking too long,” Sara said.

  Double H waved away her worries with a gesture of her gloved hand. “We won’t have to blindly wander from room to room, hoping to get lucky. This building is far too big for such an unsophisticated search. We have a resource available to us that will greatly aid us: a comprehensive surveillance system. This is the Espionage Department, after all - and we specialize in spying.”

  Sara exchanged a nervous glance with her sister. “A comprehensive surveillance system? Here in the school?”

  “That’s a little creepy, don’t you think?” Maria asked.

  “Well, you might have a change of heart, once you see how it can help us locate your father,” Double H said. Intuiting the sisters’ anxiety, she smiled and sought to fill them with confidence. “We will find him. Trust me. Nobody knows this school better than me - nobody!”

  Despite the well-earned distrust that Double H had cultivated for being a member of the Black Hats, the sisters couldn’t help but be somewhat comforted by the confidence that the woman radiated. The faintest hints of smiles graced their faces, and their hearts swelled with hope.

  They knew that the reasons for their optimism were based on their need to find their father, safe and in good health. They believed Double H because they wanted to believe her, because they had to believe her.

  But was that wise, they wondered? After all, they didn’t even know this woman’s real name. What did the initials H.H. stand for? And what were her reasons for joining the reprehensible ranks of the Black Hats?

  But it mattered not. Their backs were to the wall, and the girls knew they would ally themselves with this caped madwoman, simply for lack of options. Their father would do anything for them, and so, too, would they do anything for him. If his safe return meant placing themselves in danger, the notion would not incur even the slightest hesitation on their part.

  Sensing that her words had inspired them toward a positive conclusion, Double H grinned in return. Come on,” she called, with a flamboyant whirling of her black cape. “Follow me!”

  She turned on her heel and strode down the length of the long workshop, her cape fluttering behind her. Maria and Sara hurried to catch up, and as they did so, they noticed that they passed by a closed door that was marked, “This Way To Exit”.

  Double H ignored that particular door and continued to another one, located at the far end of the workshop. This door was also closed, and the sisters were immediately struck by its curious decorations.

  It sported a poster of a classic movie monster known as “The Creature From the Black Lagoon”, as well as stickers of rabbits and top hats. Double H unlatched the door and crossed the threshold without hesitation.

  The girls followed close behind, and once inside the room, they realized this area must be what Double H had referred to as her personal quarters - and it was quite an impressive sight. The area had been set up like a large studio apartment, with several different sections being dedicated to various functions.

  There was a sleeping area, complete with four-poster bed, nightstand, and dressers. Another section had been dedicated to entertainment, and it was filled with a set of living room furniture. Soft, low light gave the place a very cozy feel.

  A projector rested on a coffee table, casting an oversized image onto a screen that had been mounted to one wall. It was playing an old Godzilla film, and the sound of the movie could be heard playing at a low volume as the monster stomped about on screen.

  The walls were decorated with posters of famous illusionists, such David Copperfield, the Mystical Dante, and the duo of Penn and Teller. There were also posters of classic movie monsters such as Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolfman, and (not surprisingly at all) the Phantom of the Opera.

  A small kitchenette had a refrigerator, sink, and cabinets. Empty dishes were stacked on the counter, but no evidence of food was present.

  “I would offer you something to eat… but of course, I’m out of supplies, which is why I was so desperately hoping for some of that food your dad was intent on delivering to the auditorium,” Double H said, sadly grasping her empty belly with both hands.

  Maria whistled, duly impressed by the curious living quarters Double H had to herself. She was further amazed that such a thing existed in the basement of their school.

  “This looks like a pretty great place, miss, but I have to wonder – why do you live down here?” Sara asked. “There are no windows, no fresh air… wouldn’t you rather live in a house or an apartment, out in the real world?”

  At the question, Double H visibly shuddered, repressing it with an exertion of willpower. “Out there? Oh no, I really don’t think I could do that.”

  “Why not?” Maria asked.

  “I suffer from agoraphobia – a fear of crowded places and unfamiliar environments. My case is fairly severe, and the very notion of stepping outside is enough to make me break into a cold sweat… as a matter of fact, I haven’t left this school in five years,” Double H said, her voice growing soft as she uttered the admission. After a moment, she seemed to brighten. With a smile, she said, “But enough about that. Let’s take a look-see and find your father!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The Fruits of Surveillance