Read The Green Knight vs The Black Knight; A Video Game Adventure Page 1

The Green Knight vs The Black Knight

  A Video Game Adventure

  By H. Jason Schulz

  Copyright © 2013 H. Jason Schulz

  All Rights Reserved

  Chapter 1

  Once upon a time there lived a young man, who was about your age. This young man's name was Bowen. Bowen liked to play video games, especially one that had a green knight in it. He would play this game and wish that he was the green knight.

  What Bowen didn't know was that the game controller that he was using was actually a port hole to the video game universe! By pushing the right buttons on the controller at the right time you could open the port hole and enter the game! This is exactly what happened. Bowen quickly pressed the buttons on the controller and all of a sudden, the television screen began to flash bright flashes of blue, red, orange and green. Faster and faster the flashes came until suddenly they stopped. Bowen looked around saw a strange scene. Everything looked a little like a cartoon - and he wasn't in his house anymore he was standing in front of a tent that had a sign on it that read “Weapons”. He looked at his hands and saw that he had on metal gloves, green metal gloves! He looked himself over and saw that he was in full green armor from his head to his foot!

  Bowen entered the tent and looked around. He saw a little old man standing off to the right. The man was dressed in a brown cloak with a hood that covered his eyes and he had a long white beard. Bowen walked up to the man and the man said, “You must be from the outer world.”

  “What?” Bowen asked.

  “The outer world. You are not from here – that's obvious!” The man said.

  “I'm in a video game? Cool!” Bowen said. Then he asked, “How do I get back out?” Bowen remembered that it was a school night and he had to be in bed soon.

  “You must complete a quest. When you do, you can leave. If you do not finish the quest, you must stay until you do. But if you never pass the quest, you can never go back to your universe.” The man said. “Now choose your weapons and your shield begin your quest!” The man motioned to a long line of weapons.

  There were swords of all kinds, steel, copper, crystal, even dragon bone! There were bows and arrows, battle axes, spears, and every other thing you could think of. The shields were also of every kind, some were even made of ice or fire!

  What would you pick?

  Bowen looked up and down the long rows and then asked, “What's best for this level?” The man didn't answer. Bowen turned to back to look at the old man but he was gone!

  “Well...” Bowen said. “ I guess I'll get what I'm used to using when I play the game at home.” He walked down the line of swords and found the sword made from a giant cobra's fang. Bowen knew that this sword was poisonous. One cut from this and an opponent would slowly lose power from the cobra venom.

  Suddenly another man appeared in front of Bowen, “Poof!”

  “That will be 25 gold pieces!” The man said.

  “Who are you?” Bowen asked.

  “I'm the shop keeper. 25 please!” He said holding out his hand.

  Bowen checked his armor but found that he had no money!

  “No money. No sword.” This shop keeper said.

  “How do you get money around here?” Bowen asked.

  “Go fight a troll.” The shop keeper said.

  So Bowen went outside to look for a troll. Bowen walked into the forest and soon ran face to face with a troll. It was about as tall as Bowen but much fatter. It had a flat head and big floppy ears and a long nose like a pickle. The troll grumbled something and then slapped Bowen right in the helmet! “Bang!”

  “Ouch!” Bowen said and then slapped the troll back, “Smack!”

  Then the fight was on! Bowen ducked the troll's slap and jab-punched it in the head. The troll grumbled louder and slapped again. Bowen jumped out-of-the-way and landed a big kick to the troll's backside! When he did a coin dropped to the ground. Bowen stopped to pick it up and the troll landed another slap on Bowen's helmet, knocking him to the ground. Bowen quickly got up and the two began circling each other looking for an opening. Suddenly the troll lunged at Bowen who grabbed the troll's arm and stepped to the side, pulling the troll and swinging him by the arm into a tree! “Thwap!”

  The troll was knocked out and many more gold coins fell onto the ground. Bowen quickly picked them up. Bowen looked for more trolls and found them close to a bridge. After fighting a few more trolls, Bowen had plenty of coins to buy his weapons so he returned to the tent and paid the shop keeper for a cobra-fang sword, a medic's shield, and a bow and arrows.

  Bowen stood outside the tent wondering where to go when he saw a castle in the distance. He decided to start there. So he made his way along the stone road that led to the castle.

  As soon as he started walking the landscape fell away and he was looking down at a map of the whole world! He seemed to slide along the road until he reached the castle and then the landscape zoomed back in! He was standing at the gates of the castle that he had seen in the distance!

  “Whoa! I just traveled by map!” Bowen said and then he entered the castle.

  Inside, he saw a struggle between the castle guards and a giant knight in black armor! The black knight was carrying something that looked like a bag!

  The black knight ran toward a window and leaped out as an old man yelled after them.

  Bowen ran over to the window and looked out of it. “Who was that?” He asked.

  It was the black knight and he has stolen my daughter the princess! He stuffed her in a bag and carried her away! The king said. Then turning to Bowen and looking at his armor he said, “You, green knight. You must get her back! That is your quest!”

  “Ah ha!” Bowen exclaimed. “I know what to do! I've played this level before!”

  “What level? What do you mean?” The king asked.

  “Never mind.” Bowen said. “I accept the quest. I will return your princess!”

  A great cheer rose up from the crowd that had assembled around them.

  Chapter 2

  Bowen quickly left the castle and once again traveled by map to the forest. This forest was filled with thieves. They would steal your coins, shield, sword and anything else they put their hands on. The trick was to NEVER let them touch you.

  Bowen quickly walked into the forest, his sword at the ready. As soon as he passed the third tree, a band of thieves dropped down in front of him.

  “We'll take those weapons!” The leader of the band of thieves said. He was dressed in a short brown jacket with a hood that covered his face. “Get him!” He barked at his followers and then the other thieves came rushing toward Bowen.

  Bowen waited until they were at about an arm's length away and then he swung his cobra-fang sword in a long, powerful swipe! It sliced through everyone of those thieves jackets giving them each a small cut.

  The thieves stopped for a second looking at their cuts. Then one said, “It's only a flesh wound! Let's get him!” But as they began to move toward Bowen, something strange happened. The thieves began to disappear. Slowly at first, but before they had crossed half the distance to Bowen, they were completely gone!

  The leader of the thieves looked in amazement as Bowen spoke, “That is what it looks like to get a small cut with the cobra-fang sword! Now, imagine what will happen to you when I run you through!”

  The leader of the thieves looked at Bowen for a second and the turned and ran as fast as he could through the trees. Bowen called after him, “Tell the others that if they want the same, I'll be happy to do battle!”

  Bowen continued through the forest and
never saw one other thief.

  On the other side of the forest Bowen came to a river. This river lead right in front of the black knight's castle and so he decided that this would be the fastest way to save the princess. The problem is that the river is full of man eating sharks!

  Bowen looked around and saw some logs by the side of the river. He picked them up and tossed them in with a great splash! Then he leaped onto one of them and began to float downstream. All was quiet and Bowen began to be relax and enjoy the ride, when suddenly a giant gray shark jumped right out of the water and straight at Bowen's face! Bowen quickly ducked under his shield as the shark's razor sharp teeth sunk deep into the shield. Bowen pushed the shark off to the side and drew his sword.

  The next minute exploded into a feeding frenzy of gray sharks leaping from the right, and Bowen sliced at the sharks. Then from the left, and he blocked them with his shield but they knocked him off balance! Bowen jumped to another log floating nearby. The sharks came again from the front – Bowen sliced them away, and then from the side again, and he blocked, the back and he ducked as the sharks leaped over him! Bowen was getting tired and was wondering how long he could keep this up when he saw the drawbridge of the black knight's castle getting closer!

  As he floated by the castle, knocking sharks away from him, he crouched and jumped with all his might! Bowen caught hold of the edge of the drawbridge and scrambled onto it. He let out a “Whew!” as he looked back into the river at the sharks angrily circling below.

  Chapter 3

  “Who are you?” An angry voice bellowed from behind Bowen. Bowen turned to see two large castle guards, both were holding long spears at the ready.

  “Uh...” Bowen tried to come up with a story and then decided that the truth was always best and so he said, “I've come to free the princess.”

  The two guards began to laugh at Bowen but this didn't bother him. He slowly pulled the bow from his back and drew out two arrows from his quiver. The guards noticed this and stopped laughing. They pointed their spears at Bowen but too late, the arrows zipped through the air and hit one guard and then the other. The guards faded away into nothing leaving the castle gate open and unguarded. Bowen quickly walked in.

  Inside the walls he could see many little buildings and in the center of the courtyard was a tall tower. Out of the window he heard the princess call for help. Quickly he ran toward a door to the tower but saw that there were too many guards in front of it. There were also some walking his way so he slipped around a corner instead. As he stood there waiting for the guards to pass, he noticed that the tower wall was very rough with plenty of hand holds. He looked up the tower and then began to climb. Staying close to the wall he scrambled up and up until his hands caught the window sill.

  Bowen carefully peeked into the room and saw the princess sitting on a small chair. Her hands were tied and her mouth was gagged. Bowen looked around the rest of the room and saw no one else inside so he pulled himself into the room and headed for the princess whose eyes went wide with surprise.

  Just then Bowen noticed that she looked to the right of him, over his shoulder and then he heard the “clump!” of a heavy, clumsy footstep. It was the black knight! He was trying to sneak up on him!

  In one motion Bowen ducked left and drew his sword, swinging it wide to the right. It grazed the black knight's arm and gave him a little cut – but it was enough! The black knight was poisoned!

  But the black knight was very strong and it would be a long while before the poison did any real damage to him.

  The black knight swung his great battle ax at Bowen. Bowen raised his shield to block the hit. The shield stopped the battle ax from hitting him but it sent him flying across the room and smashing against the wall! Luckily it was a medic shield so Bowen was healed instantly.

  The black knight was coming again and so Bowen quickly got to his feet. Just as the black knight swung his battle ax again, Bowen jumped to the side and as he did he sliced at the black knight's arm causing another cut.

  The black knight grabbed the wound and growled. Meanwhile, Bowen climbed up the wall and onto a ledge. He drew his bow and began firing arrows at the black knight. The black knight yelled as an arrow hit his leg and he turned toward Bowen and threw his big battle ax. Bowen raised his shield and “Crunch!” The ax had broken his shield and had knocked his sword from his hand! Bowen leaped down from the ledge, landing in front of the window that he had come through and looked around for his sword.

  The black knight smiled a grim smile and ran at Bowen, his arms out in front of him. He planned on pushing Bowen out of the tower window! Bowen looked frantically for his sword but too late, the black knight was almost on top of him! Bowen did the only thing that he could think of. He ducked. When he did the black knight tripped over him and fell out of the open window. “Ahhhhhhhhh! Thump!” The black knight was no more!

  Bowen loosed the princess and she kissed his cheek. “Oh thank you good sir knight!” She said.

  Bowen's face turned red.

  Soon they were back to the princess’s castle and as the king shook Bowen's hand - “Poof!” He was back in his house looking at the television. On the screen the princess and all the characters that Bowen had encountered were waving at him. Bowen waved back and then switched off the game – it was time for bed.

  The End