Read The Griffin's Boy Page 3


  At Padrick's approach, Balkind rose and backed away, making a low warning clucking.

  'Easy boy, easy,' Padrick's voice quivered; Balkind responded by rattling his wings and arching his neck.

  'Stand still!' Romulus shouted, making Padrick jump. Balkind lowered his head and regarded the Griffin Master warily, but did as he was told. With an audible intake of breath, Padrick placed his left hand on the griffin's shoulder, close to his left wing's main vein. Balkind obediently knelt. Padrick vaulted onto the griffin's back. Balkind's head swung around and his beak snapped at the would be griffin rider's backside. Padrick yelped in pain, Balkind dropped his right shoulder and Padrick flew across the griffin's withers to land face first at the Griffin Master's feet.

  'Get up boy, and stop playing the fool,' Romulus said gruffly. The other griffins shuffled uneasily, and a couple began to echo the warning clucks coming from Balkind. Only Fletcher remained unruffled, his beak continued to move as he crunched on a last sliver of rabbit's bone.

  'Stand still!' Romulus shouted again, but this time Balkind didn't obey. He rattled his wings, clucked loudly and backed and sidled away from the unfortunate Padrick, who circled the griffin with increasing frustration.

  'Enough!' Bellowed Romulus. 'Enough of this circus!' Mounting Fletcher, he pointed at Padrick, 'You – get behind me.'

  He cast a glance at the chosen recruits, making certain they were all mounted. They were – but only just. Other young griffins were copying Balkind's naughtiness. They sidled, snorted and threw their heads up and down warningly. Their young and inexperienced riders hung on with grim faces.

  'Chantress Anderra, I thank you and your students for your hospitality. Farewell.'

  'But what about …' Anderra pointed at Balkind, now sitting to attention and waiting for the next order, as though he was the most obedient griffin on Ella-Earth.

  Romulus grimaced. 'If we don't leave now, I'll have a stampede on my hands. I've never had a stampede on my hands Chantress Anderra, so I thank you once again for your hospitality, wish you joy with your new students, and bid you once again farewell.'

  It was the longest speech the Griffin Master had made since his arrival. With a wave of his arm, he signalled to his new recruits and galloped Fletcher towards the Main Hall and the cliff behind. With a thunderous sound, the griffins followed their leader. Seven pairs of wings flapped open to their fullest and swiped at the air. The cliff top fell away, and the griffins soared into the skies. They tucked up their forelegs and glided upwards and around in a semi circle. The remaining girls jumped up from the banqueting table and ran across the lawns, onto the rougher fields leading to the orchards, shouting their goodbyes and waving. The newer students glanced at Chantress Anderra, and under her steely eyes, went back to clearing the table. The slim blond youth emerged from the Main Hall and hurried over to stand on the lawn.


  Neb stared after the mass of dark shapes, barely distinguishable as griffins. 'Where are they going – why have they left Balkind?'

  The un-named one was more popular with the youngsters than his own peer group. Not surprising really, thought Anderra, his manners were always impeccable regardless of a person's status. Folding her hands into her sleeves she looked away to show her disinterest. Taking this as a signal, the younger students huddled around Neb, all trying to talk at once:

  'Balkind bit Padrick.'

  'Padrick fell off.'

  'Padrick broke his nose.'

  'Griffin Master Romulus turned purple.'

  'Chantress Anderra is really cross,'

  'So's Padrick,' – 'so's the Griffin Master' …


  'But they've left Balkind behind – he was chosen!' Neb shouted, and Chantress Anderra had never known him to show any emotion before today. 'It isn't fair – why should Balkind lose his chance – just because of that fool Padrick!' he raged and stormed across to Anderra. 'It isn't fair!' he repeated.

  Anderra noted Neb's tunic was damp, but still showed signs of staining. No doubt one of the other student's idea of a joke to hide the boy's clean clothes. Maybe Padrick had planned the whole incident from start to finish. To hide her pity, she said sharply: 'Don't shout at me young man – I'm not deaf.'

  Neb lowered his voice. 'Forgive me, Chantress Anderra.' He blinked hard a couple of times. 'Griffin Master Romulus chose Balkind. He should have his chance.'

  'The griffin wouldn't behave.'

  Neb looked towards Balkind, who stared after his griffin mates. He still sat to attention, but made a low mournful clucking noise.

  'This isn't fair, and Balkind will have his chance.' Neb stated, as though he was the tutor and Anderra the student. He strode towards Balkind. A breeze got up, scattering blossom from a row of chestnut trees and across the lawns; a sudden spring snowstorm of white and pink flowers. The new students appeared frozen, apart from slight head movements. They stared from Neb, to her, and back to Neb, as though they were watching a ball game. Chantress Anderra took a deep breath; summoning every ounce of authority into her voice she called:

  'Come back here! Neb ap Neb! I order you! Don't you dare – don't dare…'

  Neb was at Balkind's side, giving the command to kneel.

  'Don't you dare get on that griffin's back – I forbid you.'

  Neb swung his leg over Balkind's back. Balkind's wings began to flap, almost drowning out Chantress Anderra's voice.

  'Neb– Balkind – Balkind and rider … Come back down here now!' She shouted as Balkind's dark grey wings slapped against the air, and griffin and rider shot upwards and away, chasing after the Griffin Master and the rest of the Griffin Riders. Neb turned his head just once, to shout over his shoulder. By some trick of the wind, Anderra heard every word.

  'I'm sorry Chantress Anderra, but Balkind deserves this chance – and so do I.'
