Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 8

Chapter 7

  After the delicious home cooked meal ended Cage watched Cillian and Tiffa glancing meaningfully at each other. She eventually settled her calm, even eyes on Cage to say “My husband and I believe your version of the story, but problems will arise and maybe a feud will be declared…”

  “Do not try to worry that far ahead.” Cage stated. “It will not go that far and I’ll be leaving the morning after tomorrow. I’ll take it easy to make sure my rib fracture isn’t serious enough to impede me. And I swear if that family starts a war with yours I’ll destroy them like I warned.”

  “How might you do that? You are but one man.” Meeka wondered worriedly for his safety.

  “They don’t have the training or skills I do.”

  She touched her shoulder, and conceded with a nod.

  Tiffa then commented. “I had to fix the damage you did to those young men and you sure hit where to cause the most pain, disable and not cause permanent injury except for the hand you apparently crushed. Those boys were bullies, even as kids, but you saved my child and we’ll allow you to remain sleeping out in the barn for as long as you’d like.”

  “Mother, how far along is Elan?” Meeka asked.

  “Who told you? She just found out two days ago and asked no one else know.”

  “Cage knew by looking at her.”

  Tiffa looked to him for an answer. “I’m very observant. If I know what I’m looking for or the signs something is off I can usually tell with a fair degree of accuracy. Pregnancy is fairly easy to discern. A woman’s skin glows more brightly when she’s ovulating and more so when she’s knocked-up.”

  “Well I’m going for a run. I’ll be back later.” Cage announced as his full stomach settled. He smiled as he saw the distress rise in Meeka’s worried eyes. She relaxed knowing he intended to return.

  He left as determination set within his features. His feet began to power him forward with all haste after finding a cloth and wrapping his ribs tightly. An hour’s worth of daylight remained and he used it to speed down the road, pushing aside the growing pain in his left side. There is nothing that could be done with the danger that remained. The latter took precedence. He rushed down the road as fast as his long legs could carry him.

  In a half hour Cage felt safe enough to not be near town or any residence. He climbed a tree beside the road for the advantage and added range of sight it allowed. He calmed himself by breathing deeply and rested to regain energy. Several times he found a couple or a small family heading home in a horse drawn carriage. Cage thanked the woodsy colors of his new clothes for they camouflaged him well in the boughs of the tree for not one person even glanced up anywhere near his natural blind.

  Darkness settled in quickly and a few hours passed. He began to worry that he lost his edge and misjudged reading others. But then he saw the familiar flicker of fire from five torches. Cage didn’t do anything till he was absolutely sure, but as the brothers from earlier were located, Cage grinned. Both had arms in splinted slings and the younger had quickly grown two prominent black eyes and spoke nasally with the others. Cage judged there to be six large men and they either slurred their words or stumbled to make it even obvious to a blind man that each one had been drinking enough liquid courage to do something utterly stupid as Cage suspected. “I’m gonna kill ‘em!” One man said slurred, but Cage couldn’t tell who, but another said “I’m going to make that cursed bitch dead too. She has been a burden on Kote long ‘nough. We’ll all sleep better with hur and that fool good ‘n dead.” Then the broken nose brother asked no one in particular “Who does he think he is, yelling at our women and treating them as dirt while treating that bit tittied whore like some real woman?”

  Cage felt more sure and justified for this next stunt. Men like these travel in packs and when a weak one comes whimpering back from a fight he couldn’t win he would bring friends to make the odds tilt in their favor without improving themselves first and relying solely on others.

  The six drunkards passed Cage’s tree as he began to work a spell he had been doing in small scale back when he was cooking. And in the tree he had the time to figure out and perfect just how to throw his voice with magic.

  “What is that!” one man shouted as he pointed off into the tar black woods on the other side of the road.

  The group looked into the darkness to find something bright and red zooming through the trees like wisps. Two red lights the size of a baseball zipped in erratic patterns until he made one stop without slowing as it reached the road and it had a black dot in the orb to simulate an eye. It bounced up and down till the second joined it. The center of the black dots then began to glow like embers. Cage positioned the floating orbs between the men and the town, not the mayor’s home to throw suspicion. The six cowered and shook in fright, but Cage wasn’t close to being done yet. The ominous red eyes began glowing brighter and sending off waves of intense heat. A thick purple haze began to cloak itself around the eyes and take shape around the orbs. The form was grotesquely humanoid and stood over fifteen feet in height. Two twisting horns two feet long protruded from the beast’s crown and two horse-like hooves appeared where the feet were. Four clawed arms sprouted from the shoulders while pointed teeth grinned at the quivering six as small flames escaped the beast’s maw. Cage then said the spell and linked the expressions of the creations with his own so there wouldn’t be any delayed reaction between the words. Cage deepened his voice to sound as sinister as the creature he created. “Look at the feast I found!” He grinned and licked his lips, but the men saw it as a forked tongue. “It has been so long since I’ve had human souls. Maybe you will be more interesting than a bear.”

  One of the men fell and slurred “Wha ya want?”

  “Your soul!” and the great beast laughed as not one man didn’t soil themselves.

  Fear made them flee, but Cage made the creature’s bat-like wings flap and fly to cut off the escape. Cage laughed evilly, but couldn’t hear himself in the tree, but the illusion of light and intense heat it gave off was made so that the men could feel what they saw and the flames made an acrid smell of brimstone to fully sell that the creation was real in their drunken and fear addled stupor. “Where do you think you’re all going? I’m going to enjoy haunting your dreams as I eat your souls!”

  Then Cage disengaged his voice without losing the cohesion or the draining heat of the creation. He then had the beat fly at the six and turn into a hot purple smoke that slowly disappeared, making it look like the creature surrounded them without form. He then allowed the smoke to fizzle into nothingness as spots danced before his eyes from the exhausting amount of magic, but it did the trick as all but one man fainted from the horror. That drunken fool screamed all the way back to town screaming of a demon.

  Cage later climbed down and used a dull light orb to circle around the five unconscious men just in any case they wake and blame him or something and when he was in the clear he ran back to the mayor’s. All the lights were off in the main house and it looked like all were asleep till Cage saw a shadow move and the shutter of an oil lamp slid wide to bathe him in light. “That run took you a long time and I see that you are exhausted.” Cillian then said “Now that my daughter and wife aren’t around to hear, I want to know what you really did.”

  “May I get a drink and sit down first?” Cillian allowed it and sat beside him. It didn’t take long to recover enough. “I had a suspicion those two wouldn’t leave things alone and I didn’t want to worry you or your family. It was my mess to clean up. The two talked four more into coming here with ill intensions and each were drunk off their ass. I used my magic to take the situation and turn it upon them. They shit themselves in fear.” He then told him the whole story as he first climbed the tree.

  Cillian laughed and slapped Cage on the back. “There will be trouble tomorrow, be certain of that. You’d best stay here and not be held responsible, but I would like to see what you made to frighten them so much.”

  “Little or big?”
  “Little, I don’t want nightmares tonight. Little things I can handle.”

  Cage nodded and created the stoic image of the demon in the palm of his hand.

  Cillian slapped Cage on the back again before retiring for the night.

  Exhausted himself, Cage went inside the barn to sleep. He felt grateful to have a roof over his head since it rained an hour later.

  “Mayor! Wake up!” Someone shouted loudly outside.

  A throbbing headache and tender pain in his side made Cage feel uncomfortable. He stood from the bedding and wobbly made it to the mouth of the barn, feeling the full effects of yesterday’s adventures. Mostly he couldn’t deny that most of the exhaustion stemmed from the heavy use in last night’s magic. Rhody’s continuing barking didn’t help the headache, even through thick walls.

  Cage stepped out to find five riders and their mounts standing outside the mayor’s residence. He found a ladle and had a drink while watching the men from the shadows, not interfering. Moments later Cillian told the dog to be quiet and blissful silence followed. The front door opened and Cillian stepped out. “What is the meaning of this rude awakening? It had better be an emergency!”

  From the shadows, Cage watched the repercussions of his actions unfold. The older man in front spoke again. “Mr. Mayor, last night some of our villagers were attacked in the night by demons?”

  “Demons?” Cillian scoffed before laughing aloud. “What fool says they saw demons in our village that has never before been seen?” The man named the six and Cage grinned at how easily the drunken men were to manipulate. Cillian slowly acted serious and it deeply impressed Cage at how well the man could hide his emotions, but every person has some kind of tell that cannot lie and for Cillian it is his twitching eyebrow and it showed he wasn’t trying to outright laugh. The man told the story and it had changed dramatically as the demon stood over twenty feet tall, had six arms, three heads, a tail, four eyes, coated in fire and oozed black blood as one stabbed it. The stories grew so out of proportion that Cage’s smirk began to hurt as he couldn’t allow himself to laugh. Eventually Cillian asked “Where did those men say they saw the demon?”

  “This side of the town, about a half hour’s walk from it.”

  “What were they doing coming this way and at that late hour. Not one of them live in this direction. Were any of them drunk?”

  “All of them were smelling heavily of the drink.” The older man said, coming to an understanding of where Cillian casually led them.

  “I believe I comprehend why they might have seen something, but not as you described. Two of them, Elan’s brothers, were injured trying to bully my guest, but managed to harm my daughter. Tiffa gave them some herbs that do not mix well with liquor… as it seems they disregarded her instructions. I would see to it they be imprisoned for harming her, but my guest gave a suitable punishment. Now in their stupor they might have been coming this way to bully my family and guest again, but maybe a bear or forest animal scared them half to death and imagined seeing a supposed demon. You are a good hunter, did you find any tracks to validate their story?”

  “No, the rain we had last night washed out all tracks.”

  “Then give me a few minutes to get dressed, have a meal and I’ll go find out the truth of what happened in the night. Go, I shall be there soon. If it turns out to be true, better inform the town council. If not I’ll personally ban anyone to sell them alcohol for the next year as punishment for disturbing the peace.”

  “I’ll do just that and make sure they don’t go anywhere.” The man informed and each person climbed back up on their horse and left.

  When the men passed out of sight Cage slipped out of the shadows of the barn and the two met with a chuckle. Cage followed him inside ad they found both women wide awake and held a look of worry. “Father, what is this talk of demons?” Meeka asked in a simple white nightdress that Cage had to force himself to not stare at. Tiffa wore a similar gown, but Cage had a hard time deciphering her expression for it seemed worried, but not enough to tell what about. She knew the real story, but didn’t let on for her daughter’s sake.

  Cillian chuckled. “Just some fools who misjudged what they saw. There hasn’t been a demon sighting here in three hundred years… and that turned out to be a prank. Someone painted a cow yellow. It is safe to assume it was simply their imagination. Regardless, I have to tend to the matter before they cause further panic. Let us eat.”

  Tiffa whipped up a hearty breakfast after the two women changed into normal clothes and during the meal Cage asked “How’s the shoulder?”

  Meeka rubbed the injury. “Still hurts and is bruised pretty badly, but it feels only slightly better after sleep took the pain away.” Her delicate eyes shifted as she noticed how he held his side. “No point in asking about your ribs is there?”

  He smiled while shaking his head without the first sign of revealing the fatigue and pain he truly endured. The wrapping did help though.

  Time flew during the meal and soon Cillian disappeared down the road. Cage quickly felt better and the pounding headache became a dull throb. He then went outside to do a workout, but only ones that didn’t irritate his side. He helped out Meeka and together they fed the horses, chickens and another pen with a rooster for chickens to mate with so that they never ran out. Since it rained there wasn’t a need to water the herbs.

  By midmorning Meeka said “Cage, I have to go into town for some supplies. Do you want anything while I’m there?”

  He grinned. “Sure, bring back two more tarts and we can enjoy them this time if no more jealous women come by.” and handed her his last two coppers if there were any problems.

  “I will like that. I should be back in a few hours.”

  “I’ll be right here.” And Cage watch her go down the road upon her horse.

  Tiffa kept him company, but never asked about magic, his past or what happened yesterday with except on all the pizza toppings he knew she could try. But she mostly wanted to hear of the medical treatments he knew so that she could treat her patients with better success. She took out several single sheets of paper and wrote with a quill and a container of black ink so that she could study the notes further. She seemed to want every detail and he was willing to offer everything about saving a life without reservation.

  Then at around noon, Rhody began growling. “Someone’s coming.” Tiffa said and put the writing implements aside. The two of them stood and went to the door to hear a man shout “Is this the mayor’s residence?”

  Cage told the obedient Rhody to stay and the dog did as both he and Tiffa stepped outside to find a heavily loaded rider, but Cage felt the tingle of working magic coming from him. It looked like the encumbered horse couldn’t carry all the immense weight loaded at the rear, but it looked completely at ease. Tiffa didn’t hesitate to approach the man with a blue shirt that had a symbol of a white crow with a letter C embroidered boldly on his chest. Cage followed with caution, but the man didn’t seem to be in any distress or have a murderous look in his eyes.

  Tiffa stopped close and asked “Do you have a delivery for my husband?”

  “Is your husband Cillian the mayor?”

  “He is.”

  “Then I can leave this with you.” The man opened the huge brown sack that draped off each side and back of the horse. He withdrew a wooden box, looked at a piece of paper nailed to the surface and nodded before handing it down and as he let go, Tiffa’s arms buckled for it was much heavier than she predicted. The man turned the horse and kicked it into a hard run, but the speed at which it fled gave Cage the knowledge that whatever use of magic the man used took the weight off the horse or strengthened the animal enough to run as if it didn’t carry anything.

  Cage came forward and took the weighty box from Tiffa, finding it to be twelve inches long on any side. On the top was a simply written destination ‘Send to: Cillian, Mayor of Kote, Priority Delivery.’ He asked “Can you tell me who that was? I felt him using magic of some

  She nodded as she opened the door. “That is a Vlaran Courier. That symbol on his chest is the standard they use. There are only a couple hundred couriers and each one is a mage. Their duty is to deliver any message, package or property and will not be stopped. They make sure whatever you wish sent arrives in a timely manner and have the deadly skills to see none get in the way. Their costs for delivery are extremely high and is uncommon for general delivery options. Their basic delivery is no less than a single gold piece. Even bandits and highwaymen steer clear of them for you’ll never get what they carry. The only risk a patron has in using their service is if they are beaten everything around them gets destroyed, but that hasn’t happened in many years.”

  “It sounds like one serious job they have.”

  “They see it that way too.” She replied while shutting the door.

  “Does Cillian get packages from them often, or use them?”

  “He receives packages more often than most because of his station, but not often does one come around. We are a rather small town. He gets about three or four a year and sends maybe one or two times.”

  Tiffa left the room as Cage sat the package down and waited for only a moment to see her return with a thin iron bar and small hammer. He asked “If this is mayoral business, should you open it?”

  She shrugged and fitted the bar under the lid and tapped the end till it fit inside enough. “There are no secrets in my house that my beloved keeps from me. We have no reason to separate our lives from our jobs. We keep each other’s secrets, but something like this will not concern him.”

  “Mind if I stay? I’m quite curious about all this.”

  “It doesn’t bother me so long as it doesn’t leave this room.” And he nodded before she tapped the hammer on the flat of the bar. The wood creaked as nails were pulled out. Even Rhody’s alert ears were curious. It took a minute till the lid came free, but the moment it did Tiffa saw the dangerous look consume Cage’s earlier calm curiosity. “What is the matter?”

  He met her blue eyes for a moment before glaring at what sat contained within the once completely airtight box. Inside the opening sat a brownish, sticky substance he knew about, but hoped to never see it again. “I have to make sure before I make a judgment.” Before Tiffa could stop him, Cage barely touched the substance, just enough to cling sufficient residue to the tip of his index finger. He then placed the sample on his tongue and nearly instantly felt the narcotic numb the tip of his tongue. He met her eyes with a hard look of his own. “What the hell is opium doing being carried around and delivered here? Tell me it is illegal.”

  She swallowed and looked to the container. In a quiet whisper she explained “I do not know! It is outlawed in all lands to my knowledge. What someone is doing sending it to Cillian, I know not. He isn’t the kind of person who even associates with this drug that ruins lives. You must believe me, this isn’t what it looks like…”

  Something caught Cage’s eye as he looked away. “Tiffa, what is that on the lid?”

  She looked and admitted “I’m unsure. It looks like…” She walked away and returned with a cloth and wiped away the tacky substance. “It is writing burned into the wood. Give me a moment to clean it up… oh thank the gods.” She whispered in relief after reading. She met Cage’s stare and handed over the lid with the writing on the underside.

  ‘Cillian, you were right. Tran is the source of the drug trade. In your hands is the proof of his dealings. By the time you get this I’m most likely dead. I know someone saw me steal this so be sure to take the bastard in custody and see him hung. Farewell, old friend and see him atone for his crimes.’

  Cage met Tiffa’s worried eyes and said “You better go to town and tell him about this. I’ll keep it safe here so you don’t need to have it slow you down. It is too awkward to carry or stow in the saddle. If it is time sensitive you don’t have any time to waste arguing.”

  “You’re right. I’ll be back soon.” She said while rushing outside to ride.

  In town, Cillian had a hard time settling fears, but his calm assurance worked, especially when in the town center he questioned the six before everyone. They admitted to be drinking and saw something, but couldn’t come up with a reasonable excuse as to what they were doing out so late, traveling down a road none of them lived on or near. He then asked if they were going to do something with ill intentions, but their expressions condemned them and one said an outright lie for an excuse. Most of Kote’s people are strong and easily knew the lie when it came out. He then had Elan’s brothers’ tell the truth as to their intentions at knifepoint, before the crowd, as to why they received the currently displayed injuries Cage inflicted and what they did to his daughter. Since none were hurt, Cillian did as he promised and punished the men to not have any drink for a year as punishment and though the six shouted in outrage not one townsperson supported them or went against the assembled council’s decision.

  Deceit would never be tolerated in Kote.

  He saw Meeka a little later and stood in complete surprise for when the town saw her arm in a sling they approached to offer their apologies, though they never came close enough to touch. It is a start. He thought proudly as people actually chose to initiate a conversation with his little girl. After a few minutes of talking she excused herself to finish doing her rounds, but he saw her smile as people finally began acknowledge her as a person rather than a burden.

  Cillian went back to his office to get to work and didn’t get much done before there came a heavy knock at the door. “Come in?”

  Three large, scruffy men entered the room and Cillian had never met them before. These men were the kind that instinctually made one wary. The men moved with purpose. When at times Cillian felt Cage is the deadliest man he’d ever met, these three were far from helpless. Each wore a well used sword strapped to their hip and a knife hilt stuck out in their boot. Still, he smiled, even after seeing the hostility in their eyes. But he didn’t stand as usual as his knife discretely found its way into his hand. “Is there something I can help you with gentlemen?”

  The biggest one stomped forward to say “A courier came this way and we were told you have a package of ours. It was a mistaken address. If you hand it over, we’ll leave without incident.”

  Instantly Cillian’s mind began working on figuring out what is happening, but calmly he admitted “No courier has come through town today, to my knowledge. Haven’t seen one in two months to be more accurate. What is it you are looking for and I might be able to help?”

  “Search the room.” The first ordered and placed a firm hand on his sword when Cillian stood.

  He held still, knowing the situation could turn into a bloodbath and he didn’t like his chances. To cooperate and not be seen as a threat, he slammed his knife in the desk and stepped away while his room was overturned, papers scattered. One went to his locked drawer, but when it didn’t open he kicked off the lock. He grinned proudly as he pocketed a few copper and two silvers. Cillian felt glad he hadn’t gone yet to take out more of the town’s funds from the vault. He wanted to show these men a lesson, but the threat of being run through by a sword held him in place. “It isn’t here.” One finally stated as he emptied the last drawer.

  Finally Cillian told them “Ask around. It is usually a big deal when a courier comes through. Ask them if one came and then you’ll believe me.”

  “We have to find it. Let’s go.” The large ruffian leader ordered.

  Cillian retrieved his knife and followed at a distance to find, Kitty, his aid scared, but unharmed as a fourth man stood near her. They left and Cillian shut and locked the door to check on her. She said she was alright and said they searched every room before upending his office. She helped him reorganize the mess, but agreed to not call the town guard to expel them for they wanted something bad and would likely kill to get it, no matter how many they killed. They would only send for reinforcements and he wouldn’t have Kote held prisoner under his watch.

  An hour later came a pounding knock. He yelled at the door “Come back later, we’re busy!”

  Then he heard the knocking stop and Tiffa’s voice come next. “You would turn me away, My Love?”

  He unlocked it and peeked “It isn’t a good time.”

  “I’m not here for one.” She smiled intimately before whispering “A package came to the house. Cage is watching it as we speak, but it requires your immediate attention. I was already stopped by a dreadful man asking if I saw a courier. I think they are connected.”

  “You may be right. I’ll be out in a minute, get my horse ready.” She nodded while he closed the doors.

  He told Kitty he had to go, but would send in one of the council to help. She smiled gratefully and said her thanks. After seeing someone to help he met Tiffa already mounted. They left, seeing one of the men from before holding up every person he could. “Alright, what is going on?” He asked when they were alone.

  They hurried straight home as Tiffa told him what she learned.

  A half hour at a full run brought them home. The two tied their horses to a lead so they could walk off the exercise. Cillian bulled his way into the room to find Cage sitting at the table writing on a piece of paper. “Where is the opium?!” He asked.

  Cage stopped writing calmly and met the two in the eye to ask “Did you two come straight here?”

  “Yes.” Tiffa answered hastily.

  “Idiots!” Cage shouted and he rushed pass them, knocking them aside. He stopped and listened to multiple charging horses. He turned to find a furious Cillian and a worried Tiffa. “You brought them right here! Get inside quickly!” He yelled as he started pushed both inside.

  But before he could do so, a small, sharp pain stabbed at his back from three different locations. Spots began blotting out his vision and in a second Cage dropped flat on his face with three darts sticking out of his back. Cillian didn’t have time to react as five riders revealed themselves and they all shot something that pierced him in the chest and Tiffa as well. Whatever drug laced the darts acted quickly and made them drop like stones.

  “Search the place.” Someone ordered and Cage fell completely unconscious.

  Ever so slowly, Cage began to reawaken, hearing several individuals talking incoherently to his altered perspective. After what felt like hours he heard the sounds of property destruction end. Experience made Cage hold completely still and even his addled brain knew when not to do anything. The only thing that changed is how he breathed as he focused only on doing that. He listened till sounds cleared somewhat and someone in the distance said nothing was found. Another cursed and struck the person telling him to find it. More time passed until he heard someone say they need to go back to the village and see if someone else could have it and something about taking someone hostage if it doesn’t turn up.

  Cage only cracked his eyes when he heard the sounds of horses fleeing. He lay out in the grass on the backside of the house, wrists bound by rope in the front as well as his ankles. Not three feet away lay both Cillian and Tiffa completely out of it, but showing the initial groggy signs of waking. He wondered about Rhody, but couldn’t dwell as the crisp sound of crunching grass told of least one person who remained behind to continue the destructive search. As the sounds receded Cage tilted his head up slowly to find the large, burly individual walking away to the barn and begin making a ruckus. Only three horses remained tethered to a tree, but two belonged to Cillian’s and Tiffa’s. All of them were hidden behind the large house so that to the casual observer nothing appeared to be amiss.

  His jaw hurt as someone must have tried waking him earlier, but he didn’t remember. Cillian looked much worse as his lips had been split and patches of blood around his side said someone took out their frustrations on him with a series of ruthless kicks. Cage knew the only reason all three of them were alive is because someone wanted information on the box.

  With each passing moment his mind cleared and he looked to the bindings and smiled. These men knew nothing of properly binding prisoners. While the other man was elsewhere occupied, Cage subtly bit the end of the rope and untied himself in seconds. He did the same for his ankles, but before the man left the barn he rewrapped himself and returned to his earlier position. It looked as if none had moved, but the bindings were not as they had been.

  The grimy man approached Tiffa first and lifted her eyelid to find her still out of it. The burly mayor was likewise defenseless, but when he turned around the tall man was no longer there. He gasped and looked around till a spine chilling voice said “Behind you, Bucko!” He turned around and tried drawing his sword, but froze as he saw the grin of a madman. Cage swiftly thrust his knee in the man’s gut and with the wind knocked out and stumbling back, just as the assault would predict, Cage spun and kicked the man’s jaw, shattering teeth from the powerful strike while also spinning him into unconscious as he collapsed limply on the ground. Cage hurriedly unbelted the sword, knife and blowgun that had two extra darts with black fletching secured to its shaft.

  Making absolutely sure they were alone, Cage scouted his way to the barn with soundless stealth and retrieved iron chains. Alone for certain now, he properly bound the drug dealer’s thug. And afterwards, went to help his hospitable hosts. He used a pail full of water after sitting them up against the house. It worked well and helped to increase focus. He undid the bindings and tossed them aside. Tiffa responded first. “Wha… Cage what happened?” She kept shaking her head in an attempt to clear it. “Here, drink more water. It’ll help settle your stomach.” He said and helped her hold the cup to drink unsteadily. Tiffa coughed, but sighed and relaxed to work through the impressive effects.

  Working to help Cillian, Cage cursed as he heard the sound of riders again and rushed to the side of the estate to locate four riders speeding northward and were easily recognized. One began to break off, but the largest thug yelled “Leave him! He knows where to go when he finds what we need!” The man who split, returned to formation. The only thing Cage noticed off was the lead rider’s horse had a large wrapped blanket draped over the hindquarters.

  Relief swept over him as he knew it would be suicide to fight four others in his compromised condition. He returned and helped the two. Minutes later Cillian began waking and Tiffa barely managed to see straight, but when she asked about Cillian her focus miraculously washed away the drug’s effects when she heard his multiple injuries voiced.

  Together they worked to help Cillian and he responded more quickly as the pain gave its own rapid clarity. “Where are they?” He asked after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

  Calmly, Cage spoke while pushing the mayor’s shoulders against the wall of his home. “They are gone for now so try not to do much. I captured one and am about to interrogate him, but I had to make sure you are well enough while I do it.”

  “Let me watch.” He ground out and spat on the unconscious brute.

  “No, I don’t want you to see what I’m about to do. Trust me on this.” Cage held the man’s blue eyes till he noticed the truth of what is about to happen, then he retrieved the attackers weapons and handed them over to his hosts. “We know how well the darts work so use them first if they return, but use the sword if you miss. Tiffa you take the knife and do what you can, I’ll be back in an hour. I hate leaving you like this, but I fear if I don’t learn what he knows I’ll have to kill him before he can warn his friends we took him out of action.”

  Cage rushed over and grabbed the end of chain and tied about thirty feet of rope to it before half running and dragging the man on the ground. “Cage wait!” He stopped as Cillian shouted. “Where is the evidence?”

  “Tiffa, bring him inside and look through the notes we were drafting. Look for my handwriting, bottom paragraph with three dots at the bottom and read every first word of every other line.” And he disappeared, dragging the man into the forest.

  He hurried for over fifteen minutes and found the setup he created just after Tiffa left. He suspected she
would most likely bring the wrong people home, but wasn’t expecting to be darted with such a drug. He wanted to use their house as cover and cut down their numbers till only one remained and capture him. That didn’t happen. Cillian had a cast iron barrel three feet high with the inside is just as wide. “Fire.” He commanded with magic and lit the tender underneath the already heated water to warm up again. He tossed the rope over a twenty foot high limb and one thick enough for the propose. He then pulled till the tension tightened and pulled hard enough to dangle the man by his feet. Arms were secured behind the man’s back so tightly he’d need to dislocate his wrists, elbows and shoulder just to free his hands, it wouldn’t matter since his feet couldn’t be freed with broken arms.

  Dangling the worthless assassin over the vat of rapidly boiling water, Cage held on tightly to the other end of the rope. He came closer and backhanded the man while saying “Good morning, Sunshine! Glad to see you awake.”

  A broken jaw and newly missing teeth did little to dull the fear he felt as he realized the situation. “I…” He stuttered in terror, but clung to a thin strand of confidence. “I’ll nnnnot teeell you anyyything!”

  “You sure about that?” Cage smiled and he put a little slack in the line, enough to dunk the man’s forehead into the scalding water. He shrieked as the clinging water boiled his head, creating bubble burns all over his exposed flesh instantly. Cage pulled a second later to take him out. “Care to squeal now?”

  “I’ll tell you anything!” He cried.

  “Who sent you here to retrieve the opium and where can I find him?”

  “His name is Tran!” He cried out while shaking the water from his bearded face. “He lives in Miot… In the slums eastern side. He ordered us to come here and get the goods before anything could be used against him! Please just let me go!” The man looked at the deep water that angrily rolling bubbles.

  “Wrong choice of words! But I agree to them.”

  Cage let go and walked away, hearing the displaced water snuff out the hissing fire beneath.

  He quickly returned to Cillian’s to find them not alone as three other horses were let loose and grazed. “I hope I’m not too late.” He said to himself and ran as hard as he could. “Fireballs!” Cage yelled in anger and two baseball sized balls of black fire swirled in his palms. He ran straight for the back door and kicked it in without any attempt at stealth. He ran into the kitchen to find five people inside. He found Cillian and Tiffa sitting, holding each other. Cage rushed to the three without even looking or checking. Hesitation killed more than cancer.

  “Cage, Don’t!” Cillian shouted. “They’re friends!”

  He stopped for a second to look upon the frightened faces of two men and a young woman. It took a second for him to relax and extinguish the balls of inferno. The three didn’t miss his use of magic and retreated to the open front door. Another second later Cage noticed the girl, but not the two older men with swords at their hip. He asked as the adrenaline in his blood cooled. “You are either Yala or Main. What are you three doing here?”

  Things went momentarily quiet as Tiffa bawled and squeezed harder into Cillian’s embrace, completely forgetting his injuries.

  “I’m Yala.” The young woman timidly said.

  “Tell him what you saw.” Cillian commanded in a tense voice Cage hadn’t heard him ever use, like he too was trying not to cry.

  “Alright. Mage,” She spoke quietly to not fear the wrath he exhibited earlier. “when I was in town running errands for my family, those men from earlier returned. No one could stop them as they found the cursed witc… I mean Meeka. The home guard couldn’t do anything either as one struck her down with a blow to the side of her head, threw her over his shoulder and fled with the others. Currently the whole town is preparing to go out and search for her.”

  “If you do that and come in force you’ll just get her killed. Drug Lords care only about two things, their product and the money it creates. They will be ready for a rescue mission and when this Tran fellow in Miot figures out he’ll not be getting his drugs back he’ll use her as leverage to gain enough time to flee for the hills. Most often they will have lookouts to forewarn him. It will only endanger Meeka if you go…”

  “And what do you suggest?” One of the home guard men questioned as a well trained soldier did, who didn’t react till orders were given.

  “I’ll go. They won’t suspect a single man to go against this drug ring alone.”

  “How long do you believe it will take?” The other asked.

  Cage closed his eyes to remember the map in his pack. He deduced multiple scenarios in but a moment since he had experience in similar situations. “If I do not return with her by the end of the fifth day then that means we’ll both be dead for I’ll only come back with her alive or dead. I’ll need to hurry since time is a factor.”

  “Sir?” The original guard who spoke, looked to the mayor.

  Cillian met Cage’s calm, confident onyx eyes and nodded. “We’ll do as he says. Tell everyone to wait for five days and give his plan a chance. What he says is true. They’ll kill my daughter if we go in force and have Miot’s duke give aid. Cage take whatever you need to save my child and if she dies I want you to bring me Tran’s head.”

  “You got it. I’ll need food first.”

  Down in the cellar Cage heard Cillian telling the home guard about the full situation and to leave out what Cage is going to attempt, should any ask. He explained further to say that they’re working on a diplomatic solution to have Meeka returned, even to return the drugs to give Cage’s covert operation a chance. Cage grabbed the dry mushrooms, put them in his pants pockets and also adding nuts and two cucumbers for the trip. He hurried back up and was stopped as Tiffa embraced him with streaming tears. “Bring her back.”

  “Nothing short of death will stand in my way.” He vowed with a confident smile at the thought of another battle, ignoring his aching ribs.

  Everyone moved aside as he rushed out, retrieved his new pack in the barn, placed the food inside and looked to the road before sprinting with all haste up the northerly heading road.

  Hold on, Meeka. I’m coming. He thought and pushed his legs hard.

  As the hours passed he saw the hoof tracks from four horses racing in the same formation he saw earlier had the same strides that explained they didn’t take the chance to slow if someone came after them. They wouldn’t break either till they reached safety. Much of the road remained thick with trees, but small trails showed the people who prefer to live away from society and did so without any problems. One large building made Cage gag as he ran past and knew why it was kept far outside the main area of Kote. He knew the smell from only once before and knew a tanning operation was going to be quite common in these lands. The more he ran the more that he saw of the livelihoods of the common people while not slowing or stopping to take closer looks. In more open areas were large windmills where people worked, using wind to rotate actual stones to grind wheat, corn and other grains into flour. He remembered in history books how it was a common plight for mill workers to lose fingers in such contraptions.

  It takes much more time to get things done without power tools and industrial machines, but here you get the guarantee that everything made had been done so by the pride of a person’s very own hands, sweat and blood.

  Cage didn’t break for three hours till he came upon a wooden bridge of sturdy make. Already his water container was empty and he needed a moment to rest. None were around as he filled the wooden bottle and wrinkled his nose at the murky flowing river. He knew for a certainty it would be counterproductive to drink any straight and an idea came to mind. Picturing the water he said “Filter out all foreign particles, bacteria, viruses and microscopic creatures. Leave only the pure quality of the basic formation of water as two hydrogen to one oxygen along with beneficial minerals.”

  Tingling between his shoulders was almost negligible as he worked magic again and watched with interest as the water be
gan making small bubbles as if it were carbonated. Then tiny specks began to arise like grains of sand in the desert and began to gather above the container. It grew quickly into the size of a golf ball, but as the spell ended, the water inside became crystal clear. A putrid smell emanated from the brown ball of filth and it gladdened Cage to know he wasn’t going to ingest the foul contents. “Now let’s see what you taste like.” He said while taking a sip which widened his eyes. “Whoa!” He exclaimed and drained the best water he had ever had. It was three times crisper than distilled and absolutely perfect. Since it took hardly any magic, he drowned two more refills before keeping a fourth corked. He ate lightly and let the sloshing in his stomach settle before finding a fast and sustainable run again.

  As night began to settle in he made a dim orb of red light to guide him in the continuous run. He made it red so that if he needed to cancel it, his night vision wouldn’t be dramatically affected. Ahead he saw a flickering fire with five laden carts, fifteen horses and ten people sitting around the fire. Several had the look of convoy guards, but not one even saw Cage as he sprinted on light feet. Cage knew he saw land goods distribution at its best. The only faster way is by shipping by sea or using a Vlaran courier.

  He ran through the night, only stopping to relieve himself and take a few minutes to have a drink and light snack.

  By morning of the next day Cage found himself finding more inhabitants and a kind farmer who said he had reached Miot, but the large town lay another hour north. Hearing this, Cage walked the rest of the way so that he wouldn’t be seen as suspicious. Running hard would certainly be conspicuous. He also smeared a small amount of dust on his brow and left cheek to appear to travel often.

  On two occasions he found three rough looking individuals playing with dice, but every few seconds they would look down the road. Cage smiled on the inside to have his suspicions, of scouts waiting for a large group, reinforced. They glanced at him, but didn’t find anything suspicious and went back to playing. It didn’t take long to blend in and that is when he finally took a good look at where he found himself.

  Miot stood ten times larger than Kote and it even had a thirty foot stone wall encompassing the town, but as time passed the town grew and spilled outside the wall’s protections. The dwellings outside were in much poorer condition compared to the inside. Though most homes were constructed of wood there were a few made of stone, but in the center of Miot stood a tall castle tower that overlooked the whole of the city-town. Hundreds of shopkeepers shouted to gain the attention of customers and it usually worked, but none bothered Cage since he intentionally appeared to not have what they want… which is more money.

  A small boy sat in between the shade of two buildings and appeared to be no more than eight or ten. Ragged clothes made him out to be a street urchin and most likely an orphan. His eyes widened in fright when Cage approached him, but didn’t run away. Cage then bent down to sit on his heels and said “Excuse me, little guy, I don’t have any money, but I was wondering about this city. Can you please explain something for me in exchange for my knife as currency?”

  The boy’s eyes lit at seeing a sturdy knife as Cage offered it handle first. “Sure, what do you want to know?” He wondered and Cage smiled as the knife disappeared.

  “The slums, am I right to assume they all reside outside the walls or are there a few places inside as well?”

  “Nope, they are all outside the wall. Are you looking for trouble in there or something?” He inquired and seemed to open up to whoever is nice enough to talk.

  “Didn’t I just give you my knife?” Cage teased and stood. “Thank you, that is all I needed to know. Have fun, Kid.” He said while leaving.

  Cage turned back around and headed outside the gate without any problems or a second look from well trained guards that carried swords, knives and a lance.

  The slums were foul smelling as people put their waste and trash wherever they pleased, but many moved around as if nothing was off settling about the area. Thick smoke choked while feces dumped everywhere gagged. Nothing could be deemed pleasant about these dwellings or the unsanitary conditions these poorer inhabitants called home. Once in a while Cage caught the faint hint of smoked opium and knew he was in the right place after slowly easing himself into the eastern side of Miot.

  He found a reasonably desolate place to hide, but with enough foot traffic to hopefully find where they held Meeka.

  Hours passed without anything happening till a person with a limp drew attention. Cage recognized the man nearly instantly for he wore the same shoddy, dirty clothes and had the same grim, unhealthy appearance that made people part before him. It didn’t take all that much to find him while the man limped as the leggings were pierced and blotched in blood in a familiar way. “Good boy, Rhody.” Cage whispered satisfyingly in the shadows. Cillian’s guard dog must have gotten one in after seeing the men hurt his masters. Cage couldn’t dwell on what they did to him, but hoped he wasn’t dead though he knew those men would kill an animal without pause.

  Cage slipped out of his hiding place and trailed one of the large men from before. It wasn’t the leader, but it was one of them from yesterday. It was not hard to track the man since the drug trade hadn’t been warned by the established scouts. Not once did he look back, though if he did he wouldn’t see Cage as he had been trained for similar missions. Cage even checked that he wasn’t being trailed and felt more confident that they weren’t very smart or prepared. The man led for five minutes before finally looking around suspiciously as he reached the largest building of the slums. Three hired men circled the building as if they were machines and had done it so much they made a dirt ring all the way around the whole building. The three ruffians carried swords and a crossbow strapped to their back, ready to fire at any fool who gets close enough and weren’t invited. Most of the first story windows were closed to keep out prying eyes, but the second story’s wooden windows were completely open. Noises were muffled due to distance, but a smack of flesh striking flesh came loudly outside along with a woman crying.

  Adrenaline surged again as Cage’s anger awakened, but he fought the grin before he even thought to rush in and foolishly let emotions get them both killed. He rationally thought of a solution and knew this wouldn’t be a fight he’d enjoy all that much. Silent assassination would be the only way, not a fair fight. He looked for better cover till night fell and had to listen to every few hours as a woman was struck and cried.

  Eventually darkness enveloped the area and Cage moved, leaving behind his pack. Torches were lit, as were lamps. The three from earlier were replaced by four, who also carried burning torches. The open second story also had the glow of light and the sounds of interrogation hadn’t been heard for maybe an hour.

  It would start all over again soon.

  One with the shadows, Cage got as close as he dared and whispered when the first guard came close to the house he hid behind. Under his breath he said “Remove the oxygen from the flame.” and watched as the fire suffocated.

  Before the man could yell to his friends after seeing the torch die Cage rushed silently up behind him, grabbed the chin with one hand and the top of his head with the other and deftly twisted in an instant, breaking his neck without making enough noise to alert the others. He grabbed the man’s lifeless shoulders and brought him into the shadows not a moment too soon.

  The second and third man met the same fate.

  But the fourth became a little suspicious, unfortunately he didn’t realize Cage snuck up behind him as well. He opened his mouth for a scream, but Cage got hold of the torch and shoved it down the man’s throat before elbowing him in the temple powerfully enough to kill a few moments more quickly. He too became piled with the others.

  Cage went up to the door, pressed his ear to it and heard the sounds of several others. Through the day he saw men come and go, quite often leaving with fattened pockets. So far he figured there were eight others inside by what he learned, but he didn’t know h
ow many were in before he arrived to watch the place. Slowly he cracked the door and found eight men sitting around the table, telling stories and playing dice again. If only he had those darts used on him. He narrowed his eyes and knew he couldn’t barge in so he decided to try something after finding the black feather darts sitting on a smaller table with about ten blowguns each a foot and a half in length. Focused on the eight men while also on ten prepared blowguns. “Darts, separate and find a new home in each of the men.”

  About fifteen darts levitated over and above the men who’s focus is down on the table with clattering dice. The needle thin iron shafted projectiles took aim and absorbed enough magic to reach a proper velocity and speared all eight. “Did you guys feel some…” one asked as his eyes rolled up into his head and all eight collapsed with a quiet cling of metal currency. It didn’t arouse suspicion as the noise sounded like someone raking in the money.

  Cage entered the house and was hit by the powerful smell of refining the drug for recreational use that destroys families. Making sure that they weren’t going to awake again, he grabbed each man’s throat and squeezed till he felt the pop of breaking the windpipe. Each one turned blue before paling.

  Each door he checked was either stocked with raw poppy flowers, the crated gummy kind and two boys working on refining it. They were too engrossed with the work to notice the door open or close.

  Finding the stairs were easy and their darkness suited Cage nicely as he controlled his breathing and the grin that showed he did actually feel some enjoyment in a fight like this. He stopped on a desolate hall to find none occupied the forty foot stretch. He heard voices again and stopped, finding it came from the last door to the right. “We can keep doing this all night until no man will look upon you or babe will suckle on your tits.” Smack! “Tell me where it is and I’ll end your misery!”

  “I keep telling…” Cage heard Meeka’s pained voice as she coughed and whimpered. “you, I don’t know what it is you want from me! Why won’t you tell mee…heee?” she whimpered.

  Reaching the closed door Cage opened it a crack and went livid. He had only hurt and killed people who deserved it, but this…

  Meeka sat bound to an old chair, her perfect, large and blood stirring breasts were bare to Cage for the first time, but what they did to her he would never do. Her breasts were slapped raw, in many places the skin broke and blood coated her torso. A bite mark that already bruised surrounded her nipples. They had beaten a beautiful woman in the worst way without marring her face, but on her face was a muzzle-like contraption that kept her specialized lips from killing them. They knew about her curse, that is for certain.

  A tall, skeleton of a man in excessively fine clothes sat in a chair opposite of her while the lead henchman from yesterday had bloody hands making it obvious that he was the one beating her. He got his hands dirty, the other man simply sat with all the confidence in the world.

  “Because you know full well what I want. I must say you are quite strong to keep lying to me after all this. Now tell me or he’ll increase the pain or even slowly cut off one breast with his sword.”

  “I don’t knowwww!” She dropped her head and shook with sobs.

  “You chose an option and one you’ll regret. Remove one and later have it treated so I can display it as a trophy, the pair are perfect after all.” He ordered.

  Seeing enough, Cage opened the room door with a loud clang that made all three jump. “Touch her again and I’ll kill both of you more slowly.”

  The skeleton of a man jumped up and ran to stand behind Meeka with a knife to her delicate throat while the other man fully drew his sword. “MEN!!! Get up here!” the thin man demanded.

  Cage grinned and spoke calmly. “They cannot hear you. I killed them all and unless you hand her over without one more hair on her head harmed I’ll let you both live.”

  “Impossible! We would have heard someone shout an alarm.”

  “Listen, do you hear anyone, Tran?”

  “How is it you know my… wait, why isn’t anyone coming?”

  “Like I said…”

  “Kill that man, he isn’t armed.”

  “Gladly!” The thug said as he screamed and charged in with an over handed strike.

  Cage raised an arm and opened his fist to reveal a thumb size stone. “Bullet.” And magic surrounded the object and fired it completely through and exited the size of a grapefruit from the skull of the burly henchman. He dropped to the ground and the sword clanged until it struck the wall and came to rest.

  “NO! Not a damn mage!” Tran shrieked in frightened hysterics.

  And Cage watched in horror, his grin vanishing, as he saw Tran’s knife wielding arm flex and the sharp blade began to start biting into Meeka’s soft neck. He knew he’d never reach her or have any time to word a spell, but a powerful mental image of creating a solid magical shield around her neck popped into his mind while also wanting to throw Tran into the wall with enough force to kill him on impact also appeared. A huge tingling surge blossomed between his shoulders told of his magic coming to life without any hesitation. He felt an enormous drain leave on a scale he hadn’t felt to date, but watched as a translucent film surrounded her neck as the blade harmlessly slipped across the steel hard barrier. At the same time, Cage screamed in anger as the severe drain of magic surged while he felt, almost as it were an actual tactile sensation, a force struck the entire front of Tran like that of an eighteen wheeler. It completely lifted and threw the frail looking man into the wooden wall, but as the building is has haggard as all the others in the slums, the rotting wood gave way and Tran shot outside, disappearing in the darkness.

  Cage collapsed straight to his knees and gasped for air as the use of whatever he just did drained him of nearly every drop of available strength.

  Without anything to spare he fell forward and blacked out.

  He returned a minute later, hearing Meeka shout “Cage, wake up! Cage…” He pushed himself to stand and met her soft eyes that now cried in happiness with a touch of dread. “Come on, we have to go before someone comes.”

  She’s right. He thought and managed to shakily find his footing. He found a knife on the dead thug’s body and used it to cut her bonds. He collapsed back to his knees as the strands slacked. He closed his eyes for a moment, but when he opened them two large breasts suddenly got bigger as he felt himself being pulled forward. Meeka grabbed his head and placed his face between her silky bare breasts without realizing as she cried in relief. He couldn’t struggle and rested in a comfortable, enveloping place for a minute before regaining enough of his senses to draw back. He looked into her bloodshot eyes and said “Let me take that off.”

  She smiled as the muzzle came free and said “Thank you.”

  “Like you said, no time for that now. I’m drained and need help standing.”

  She looked down and finally realized her nakedness and gasped before gently pulling up her ruined blue dress and holding the rip closed to keep at least some of her beaten breasts from being seen. Meeka then stood with plenty of strength. Though her beautiful bosom hurt she had been sitting all day and wasn’t as exhausted as her savior. She offered her spare hand and helped him up. He could stand somewhat, but she held him up with a good shoulder and a hand around his narrow hips to find him built much more solid than his lean appearance showed.

  Working together, they safely made their way down the stairs. He stopped suddenly and she looked up into his fatigued yet narrowed eyes. “What’s wrong?”


  Cage breathed deeply till the spots vanished and remembered what he had just done out of instinct alone. In his mind he said I just did a spell without using words to guide the magic. Have I been doing it all wrong? Could using magic be as simple as thinking? It is possible, but why haven’t I done magic with every stray thought? Then it became clearer as he remembered exactly how he had done it. Magic requires focus and a clear effect that needed to be used for it to work.

He then tried out this new revelation as to what he wanted to create. He lifted one black hand and the two of them watched as an orange flame came to life without uttering a single word. Cage then wiped the flames on the dry, brittle wood and it quickly ate at the fuel. More spots appeared so he quickly stopped, but had done as he set out to do.

  Cage nodded to the door and she brought him close, removed her hand from his waist while he held onto her shoulder and opened the door to find two kids working. Confidently she shouted “Both of you get out! Someone set fire to the building! Hurry!”

  The youths looked to each other till thick black smoke rolled into the room. They fled while Meeka and Cage painstakingly hobbled out. For once she didn’t care that Cage killed all these men. They coughed till they came outside, finding not one person coming to even look. He then said “We have to check on something before the place blows.”

  “Blows? You mean there is to be an explosion?” He nodded and she hurried.

  Outside the quickly burning building, Cage located the site at where Tran should have been, but other than chips and splinters of wood the drug lord had vanished. Only one set of prints left, but in his condition he knew he would never catch the man. “We must hurry now.”

  Together they hobbled away as the house turned into a raging inferno. About three hundred feet away they were pushed down as the building sent a tower of flames and debris in every direction. Shouts of surprise woke the whole area, but with Cage’s guidance they fled the vicinity without speaking much, but not before retrieving his pack.

  It didn’t take long to find safety in the woods outside the slums where they watched the fiery blaze that none could get near. Meeka tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind an ear to gaze over the man who also watched, but breathed slow and deep. She had never seen him so exhausted and didn’t like it. She needed to talk and broke the silence. “Did you make that place blow with magic as you said it would do?”

  He took a deep breath before meeting her eyes to find her in a mild state of shock. “No. All I did was start a fire, but the chemicals they use to refine opium is highly combustible. I just hope no one stays too close for the drug will affect all who breathe it in.”

  She went quiet for a few minutes and slowly consumed some dry nuts from his pack to settle her shaking hands. “Why didn’t you tell me you are a mage?”

  He sighed, but she didn’t get a heartwarming smile as he usually offers. “Because it is all new to me really. I’ve accepted this gift, but others won’t see it that way. You don’t. In our first conversation I saw how you loathe magic entirely, when I asked. I didn’t wish to give you a reason to hate someone simply because they are a mage. Magic is now part of me and I’ll not relinquish it. Even my old team wouldn’t have been capable of rescuing you without a higher risk of danger to you. I did tonight, alone, what would have taken five highly trained and equipped individuals.

  “Are you mad I didn’t tell you?”

  “You bet I am!” She teased with a smile. “If I would have known before we got to know each other I wouldn’t have brought you to my home. I might have even kissed you in my unfounded bias and hate of magic, but after tonight my opinion is changed. I cannot be mad at you for doing as you did and saving me.”

  He looked at how she still clutched her dress in modesty. He sighed and took his shirt off and handed it to her. “It might be a little big and sweaty, but you won’t have to hold yourself together.”

  “Thank you. My bad arm is thankful.” She admitted in a small voice and let the tight hold of her breasts spill out to the world. She glanced to see how he looked straight ahead, but not at her. She felt a little disappointed that he wouldn’t look as all men do, but she then remembered what had been done and slid the shirt over her head to find it not unpleasant for a delicious smell of him assaulted her senses. Her full breasts ached terribly, but the shirt was more comfortable than a form fitted dress.

  “Meeka, I cannot keep my eyes ooopen” he yawned greatly while talking. “so can you keep watch? Using that much magic sucked me dry.”

  Before she could answer she watched him lay back and fall asleep.

  She watched him slumber for a time, it calmed her and she noticed he didn’t do so much as move unless to find more comfort on the hard ground. Though his face was smeared she couldn’t forget his stunning features on a calm expression and the lean, but powerful build of his body. She touched him, but he didn’t react so she felt whatever he kept on his arms and found it felt just like his smooth skin and she realized after rubbing the edge where the black material met a golden tan there wasn’t any difference. Meeka also began to rub his flat, but hard abs that didn’t soften even in sleep. She began trailing lower and lower till she realized what she was about to do and pulled back with heat burning at her face. She scooted away a foot or so to not be tempted into taking advantage of him while he couldn’t defend himself.

  She watched the blaze in the distance for a while longer as more Miot citizens and their home guard came to investigate, but Meeka kept watch for as long as possible.

  Sunlight filtered through the trees and it awoke Cage while a persisting headache throbbed behind his eyes and the base of his skull. He sat up and found Meeka flat on her back with her mouth slightly parted and her sleeping face was so serene he had to shake his head. He uncorked what remained of his water and consumed half. Cage then saw the small fire he made to keep the night air at bay had burned out hours ago. He let Meeka sleep for a few more minutes as he went to relieve himself on a nearby tree hidden from sight. Cage felt angry that she had slept when he asked to keep watch and something could have happened, but her recent treatment made his anger cool for nothing did happen. He then returned to her side but looked at the early morning devastation.

  The building he set afire still burned and looked to also set one other that had been built near also into flames. The flames weren’t very prominent as before, but thick black smoke still made a tower float nearly straight up in the windless morning. A dozen people looked to be working around the remains to make sure nothing else happens.

  After a few minutes of watching he came close and gently kicked her foot. She gasped and sat bolt upright in frightened surprised. Her tense expression and setting ultimately relaxed as she looked up at him. Her blue eyes swam as she admitted “That scared me, Cage. For a moment there I thought I was bound and was being beaten again.”

  “Well you are not going to be beaten like that while I’m around. We have less than three days to get you back to Kote or else your dad and the home guard there rides here to explain the situation to some duke and ask for help in finding you. Go and do what you need to and we’ll head out in five minutes.” He offered his hand and she took it to stand again.

  She left to do her business behind a bush and Cage chuckled internally thinking about how pampered all the girls he knew back home were and wouldn’t dare go to the bathroom outside while Meeka didn’t even seem to think anything of it. When she returned he had everything packed and asked “Did you check your injuries? How are they and do they need treatment?”

  She smiled grimly. “I looked and although they aren’t in as much pain as last night they do not feel proper. The wounds were superficial and barely broke the skin in places. They have started to bruise, but will heal without any disfiguring effects. This Tran bit my nipples, but hadn’t broke the skin either, but it did hurt.”

  “Good to know.” He said casually and watched as her cheeks reddened. “Did they hurt you anywhere else?”

  “No, they must have known about my curse otherwise I would believe they would have struck my face, but then that would be their end if their flesh touched my lips.”

  “Let’s go and talk along the way.” He didn’t wait for an answer as he headed for the road he took before that linked the two towns. When she caught up he offered her the last of his water and one dry mushroom which she nibbled on. “Alright, now answer me this, I know everyone in Kote knows of your condition
, but how many outside your town do you believe knows?”

  “I do not think there are too many. Our town is small and not very important overall in Vlara, but people who might have trade dealings with Kote might know. I really cannot say.”

  “I have an idea how Tran selected you. But first I need to tell you what happened after your father left to deal with my demon joke and you went to town.”

  “Wait, what demon joke?”

  He chuckled and opened his hand to again use magic without speaking and created the miniature demon illusion that had her laughing so hard she had to stop because her breasts jiggled painfully. Still she asked “Is it really a demon?”

  “Touch it.” She did and her hand went straight through and didn’t feel a thing.

  Cage then explained about the delivered box and what happened after her parents got home and she began to cry till she heard what he did in a calm voice. After explaining his reason to come alone she began to understand why she had been taken, but he confirmed her thoughts. “I believe the man who worked with your father was caught, tortured and killed, but not before explaining your magical kiss, and how important you are to your father. Tran would have certainly gone back on any deal your father would make to get you back and since his operation had been found he would have killed you regardless. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “Why? Why would you go so far for someone you hardly know?”

  “Because it is just who I am. You are truly a good person, but don’t get my words wrong, you are not perfect, nobody is and that includes me. Meeka, even if we never met I can tell your one of those people who does everything they can to make this harsh life easier. I would kill every living thing no matter the cost to keep such a person alive.”

  “Don’t exaggerate, you wouldn’t kill a thousand good people for someone like me.” She scoffed lightly.

  Cage stopped and seriously looked into her widening eyes. “A thousand or a million wouldn’t make me lose one night of sleep. The only thing I won’t kill are children who are our future. There is no such thing as good and evil for if you believe that then that is a truly childish delusion.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Alright, think about this in the good and evil perspective. Say last night you were scheduled for execution for a crime you didn’t commit, but the evidence had been falsified by someone in power and the soldiers or officers about to take your head know nothing of the deception. I would come and kill all in my way to save you. You would see me as good for sparing your life, but the families and other people who knew those I killed to rescue you would see me as evil. I will still be me and see myself as a man who does as what I deem to be the best solution. If I feel the need to kill to save a life, I’ll not blink. So long as the fight is satisfying I’ll not have remorse for my actions. Besides if I don’t piss anyone off and make enemies, it will only make me look like a coward.” He laughed lightly and continued walking, glancing over his shoulder from time to time.

  Meeka went quiet as she let such an idea sink in. She had never thought of such things but she had a nagging question that slipped of its own accord. “What of women? Certainly you wouldn’t kill a woman.”

  “Hell yeah I would! Just because people have different plumbing doesn’t make women any less dangerous than a man. In fact I’ve had to kill dozens of women before they could do the same to me. If anything, women are more devious and cunning than any man. Most women who kill, prefer to use poison, especially cooking it into food so the hungry person dies before they realize what happened. I doubt you noticed that every meal I had at your house didn’t pass my lips as I waited to eat after seeing someone else eat first, especially your mom since she cooked. It is also one of the reason I do not drink alcohol for its strong taste easily disguises poisons. I only ate the pizza first was to show you how it is eaten properly and also that I knew what ingredients I put in were all safe. Do not take it personal for I was actually poisoned once and nearly died for my mistake. So to answer your question, if someone comes with a true killing intent I’ll meet them with nothing less whether it be man, woman or animal.”

  She went quiet again while pondering another notion she hadn’t conceived before. He said truths that really could happen so casually that speaking of killing another is second nature to him, but she didn’t sense any true hate or anger that usually entices acts of violence. To Cage, life is not a game or something to deny with lies. She once heard him say there is and there isn’t, but she just started to understand the depths of what he meant. Meeka almost laughed at his word ‘plumbing’ and had a string notion he meant genitalia, but couldn’t react when she knew he was trying to teach her something important.

  They continued walking and she thinking, but the more she walked the more sensitive her bosom felt. “Cage, I’ve heard stories of mages able to heal. Can your magic alleviate my wounds?”

  “I wouldn’t know how. I’m learning as I go and for me to do anything, I try working on small things till I feel comfortable enough making something larger. Magic might do more harm than good. For all I know I might try healing and wind up making you grow a third breast.”

  She blinked quickly before laughing, thinking of a third endowment that had been mistakenly made and would further set her apart. “But can magic heal?”

  “I know it can since I can walk again.” Cage winced and whispered “Oh crap.”

  Meeka grabbed his bare arm and spun him around. “Wait, what do you mean you can walk again.”

  He jerked his arm back as his headache still pestered him. “Just forget what I said, Meeka.” He said calmly, but she could sense the demand.

  “No, not this time!” She defiantly stated and held his black eyes with her own. “I’m tired of trying to figure you out. I’ve told my deepest secrets to you, a man I’ve only known for so short a time, but you tell me truly nothing of yourself or where you came from. You hide so many secrets and that will only lead to disaster and misfortune. You have many odd terms and behave most strangely. I would like to call you my friend since I can tell how alone you are and are in need of one. Tell me about yourself, Cage.”

  “Meeka, I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  He sighed in frustration. “You would not believe me and will think I’m nuts.”

  “Aren’t my thoughts for me to decide?” She questioned with a singularly raised golden eyebrow.

  “Do not say I didn’t warn you.”