Read The Guardian, Protector of the Ocean Monument Diaries, Book 1: The Golden Blocks Page 4

with Greg to talk with the Elders of our plans.

  Day 20

  Dear Diary,

  Once inside the ocean monument, I explained to the Elders everything the humans had told me. After listening to my explanation, they agreed to help the humans with my assistance.

  - “Human, we will trust you because we don’t have a reason to doubt your claims.” Zya said. “But please, be aware that if you ever betray us, we will never, ever again trust humans. Do you understand?”

  - “Yes, sir. I will do my best to make it up for your efforts. I am sure you won’t regret this decision!” Greg said.

  - “Very well. Kes will be our representative, and he is more than capable of helping you in this quest.”

  - “Absolutely! You can count on me.” I said.

  - “Alright, we shall be going to the city. We need to visit a few monuments soon!” Greg said.

  - “Before you go, please take this.” Zya gave him seven golden blocks, leaving only one behind.

  - “Are you sure, sir?” Greg said.

  - “Yes, you can take them. I know this will ease up your mission a bit.”

  - “It will be of great help! Thanks a lot!” Greg said. We both left the monument back to the city with the seven golden blocks. Now the humans ‘only’ need seventy-five more.

  Day 21

  Dear Diary,

  Back to the small city, Greg took the golden blocks to the pyramid and placed them. The pyramid was taking shape!

  - “Look at that, it almost looks like a pyramid!” Greg said. “Except not…”

  The other human next to him laughed.

  - “Don’t worry Greg; I am sure we will bring this pyramid up soon.”

  - “Yeah, I hope you are right. With the help from our fellow friend Guardian here, it should be easier!”

  - “Yep, I’m here to lend you a hand.” I said.

  With seventy-five golden blocks to go, it will take us a long time to retrieve all of the golden blocks needed. If each monument gives us seven golden blocks, it will take us eight monuments to complete the seventy-five. But what if they don’t? Not all Elders might be so kind as to give us seven golden blocks at once. Oh dear… We’re in for a big challenge.

  Day 22

  Dear Diary,

  We left for the first ocean monument. This one was known by Greg and it was a monument not far from the city. Greg did not go to that monument before because he found it to have more Guardians than the usual, making it even harder for him to get the golden blocks.

  - “How can I convince the other Guardians to give me their golden blocks?” I asked him.

  - “If possible, explain everything. Tell them the situation we’re in right now, and how this will also benefit the ocean monuments in the world. After all, we humans are currently living under the water, and in a certain way we are ‘invading’ your territory.”

  - “I will do my best. I hope the other Guardians understand.”

  - “Me too!”

  If they don’t agree to help, we will have to keep searching for other monuments.

  Day 23

  Dear Diary,

  We arrived in the first ocean monument of our short journey. This monument was exactly the same as the one I came from. I approached the Guardians protecting the outside of the monument and talked with them.

  - “May I have a word with your Elder Guardians, please? I am a Guardian from the ocean monument to the West.”

  - “Sure, come with us.” They said.

  Inside, the central section Elder Guardian was there, and I explained everything to him. He told the other Elder Guardians of my situation with the human Greg. After a few minutes, they gave us their verdict:

  - “Guardian, if what you say is true, then the humans are in dire need at this very moment. Being taken away from their own land, they should not be living inside a biome where they don’t belong. This may be dangerous for the eco-system. Therefore, we will be glad to assist you in your quest. Here, take these seven golden blocks with you.”

  - “Thank you very much! The humans will pay you back once they recover their land.” I said.

  - “We hope they do recover it one day.”

  I came back to Greg and showed him the golden blocks.

  - “Great job, Kes! We are one step closer to our goal.”

  Now just sixty-eight more to go.

  Day 24

  Dear Diary,

  Today, we went to another ocean monument to the north of our location. Greg had the location of five ocean monuments other than mine, which should make it easier for us to gather the golden blocks needed for the Beacon. Even if all five ocean monuments agree to help, this won’t be enough for our goal.

  - “By the way, Greg; What are the creatures who are living above?” I asked him.

  - “Ah, well, I don’t really know who they are. When we lived up there, we used to fight monsters at night such as Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers and Spiders. But one day, some weird creatures took over the land by themselves. I don’t remember much because I was not home when it happened; I came across my group when they were fleeing our city. Since then, I have never returned to our old city because the other citizens don’t want me to get in danger. Besides, that was a long time ago… I think only a few of our elders saw the monsters themselves.”

  - “Hmm, but how can you fight against a threat you know nothing about?”

  - “I guess we’ll have to trust our elders, hehe.”

  - “Yeah, we trust our Elder Guardians too. They always know what to do.”

  It’s weird that not even the humans know who the creatures living above are…

  Day 25

  Dear Diary,

  We got to the second monument. Just like before, I told the Guardians of my mission and they took me to the Elder Guardians. After explaining my situation, the Elder Guardians wanted to talk with Greg in person. I went out and called for Greg.

  - “Uh, hello Mr. Elder Guardians!” Greg said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

  - “Hello, Greg.” The Elder Guardians said. “Now, on to the point. We’d like to help you with this mission, but you see, this all sounds very suspicious.”

  - “Suspicious? How so?”

  - “Asking for golden blocks from ocean monuments, isn’t that suspicious? We all know how humans are greedy and are always gathering minerals and such for their own good.”

  - “I believe you are right, sir. But trust me, times like these call for desperate measures. The golden blocks from the ocean monuments are to be used as a building material for a powerful Beacon, which will grant us great powers to recover our land. In the end, everyone including the ocean monuments will receive the benefits of this.”

  - “Very well. If you say so, we will be happy to help. Take these seven golden blocks and go recover your world.”

  - “Thank you sir, we will pay you back as soon as possible!”

  We left the monument and decided to return to the city with the golden blocks.

  - “Phew! That was close.” Greg said. “I thought they were not going to help us.”

  - “Well, this is bound to happen. Not all Elder Guardians are waiting for someone to knock at their door asking for golden blocks!”

  - “Yep you are right, haha. But we need to try!”

  Day 26

  Dear Diary,

  We arrived in the underwater city. Greg crossed through the portal and I went in through the water current. Greg took all golden blocks to the central area, and placed them on the golden pyramid. The pyramid was taking shape now, getting bigger by the day.

  - “Very nice job, Greg and Kes.” The city’s elder said.

  - “Thanks, sir! We were lucky to be well-received by those kind guardians.” Greg said. “Besides, Kes here knows how to talk with other Guardians just fine!”

  - “Oh, it was nothing.” I said.

  - “Your help will be rewarded. I am sure we all will be extremely fortunate when the humans take over the land.” The elde
r said.

  - “I’ll check my maps; we have 3 other ocean monuments in the surrounding areas to go visit.” Greg said.

  - “Please ask help from the Elder Guardians of those monuments. If you need me, I will be at the main hall.” The elder said.

  Day 27

  Dear Diary,

  Greg spent all day working on his maps and talking with other humans about the location of other ocean monuments. Later, he came to the central area where I spent the night by a small aquatic room they had built for me.

  - “Kes, good news!” Greg said. “My partners will go out tomorrow to search for other ocean monuments! They will create a fancy map detailing the locations of as many ocean monuments as possible, which should make our journey easier!”

  - “Nice, Greg!” I said. “And what about the other three monuments?”

  - “They are not far from here. We should be out tomorrow as well, heading East to find the first of the three ocean monuments.”

  - “Okay, sounds good.”

  The humans are working together on this quest. With more people joining in, the mission only gets easier.

  Day 28

  Dear Diary,

  After coming up with all preparations for the trip, Greg was ready to go monument hunting again. He packed up on food and lots of water breathing potions.

  - “It’s a real challenge having to use these potions every day, you know.” Greg said. “I have to drink twenty-four potions a day, one per hour. I wish I could breathe under the water like you!”

  - “Haha, that would be better for this trip. But worry not; you should be back up anytime soon.”

  - I hope so!” Greg said.

  Before departing the city, I remembered something.

  - “Greg, before we leave, can I ask you something?” I said.

  - “Sure, what is it?”

  - “I want to ask the