Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 15

Chapter Twelve

  Mabraant System, Fazaal Sector, Gaashox Quadrant

  “Major Klostack, we’ve just received a message from our agent on Drolees,” shouted Odrian, the communications officer.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “There should be a transport arriving in the system in about an hour, Sir.”

  “Excellent. Any fighter escort?”

  “Our agent reckons there will be four Manta Class Interceptors, non standard.”

  “Non standard?”

  “No precise details, Sir. However, the pilots managed to destroy ten of our fighters in the Drelena system without losing a single ship.”

  Klostack rubbed his chin. “That’s interesting. They must be the best Mabraant could muster, and using upgraded starfighters,” he said deep in thought. “And we have mere Kraylons and TS5s, not much use against fighters of that calibre. I do hope they haven’t got too many of those upgraded ships.”


  “Signal for the usual squadron formation and order deployment as soon as the incoming ships finish decelerating to sub-lightspeed.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Klostack sat back and considered the situation carefully. His starfighter squadron outnumbered them nearly three to one, but after hearing the news from their agent, he believed they would not have much of a chance even with those odds. He would simply have to wait and see. This could be the turning point in his assignment. If this proved to be as disastrous as he was beginning to suspect, he would have to face the consequences.

  In times past, a Krelathan faced his failures with dignity, took the judgement imposed, and died honourably according to their traditions. Now it was so different. Gone were the days of honour and loyalty such as was seen in the height of the Krelathan Empire. Greed and power overshadowed the ancient and time honoured ways. Klostack no longer considered it a privilege to serve in the military under the oppressive rule of the current Senate.

  A few minutes after Kopaz Squadron and the transport altered their flight path, ten Krelathan ships appeared on the sensors. It was the same composition they had faced in the Drelena System: Four Kraylons and six TS5s. The Kraylon was more of an armed shuttle than a fighter, with docking facilities, could carry two people, and was fitted with two laser cannons. It also possessed two ion cannons and two concussion missile launchers, both suitable for knocking out electronic systems and shields.

  “We’ve got company boys. Kay-Two and Three engage the Kraylons, Kay-Four with me. Keep those Kraylons away from the transport boys. Don’t allow them to damage or disable it.”

  “Roger Kay-One,” they replied.

  This time Kopaz Squadron was alone, would be facing Krelathans who had fought pilots from the MDF, and were probably more experienced than those they engaged in the Drelena system. They did, however, have more confidence in their abilities.

  “Here we go again,” roared Doraant, but he felt the same trepidation as on the previous engagement. Zaack and Doraant broke formation to engage the Kraylons head on with laser cannons firing continuously, creating an impassable barrage.

  When the Kraylons veered off in differing directions, the two Mabraantans pursued one each firing every time the raiders were in their sights, not giving them a moments rest from the bombardment.

  Grogaan selected independent firing for the wing tip laser cannons and twin laser cannons for the nose. The six TS5s split to avoid the onslaught from Kopaz One and Kopaz Four’s laser cannons, but the lead ship left it too late. It exploded in a shower of debris, and the ship to its starboard took extensive damage from the first salvo and from the explosion. Eldaan tailed the damaged one while Grogaan tailed and then destroyed another.

  Zaack fired relentlessly at his target not giving the shields time to recharge, until the inevitable happened. He roared with delight when the ship exploded in a ball of flame.

  “This is Transport Zed-Ex-Two-Two-Seven, we are under attack.”

  Zaack threw his interceptor into a tight turn and set off to intercept the remaining two Kraylons. He was out of range for lasers, so he selected proton torpedoes instead. Lining up his sights on the nearest Kraylon, he waited for the lock tone, fired two proton torpedoes, and continued trailing them, ready to open fire if it became necessary. He watched with anticipation, then roared in delight when the ship exploded.

  While Doraant was targeting another Kraylon, two of the Krelathan TS5’s circled round and came up from behind, not realising Grogaan was carrying out the same manoeuvre on them. “I’ve got a tail Kay-One,” he shouted over the comm.

  “I’m already on ‘em Kay-Four,” replied Grogaan as he depressed the trigger. Just as Doraant destroyed his target with a howl of delight, one of the raiders behind him broke apart and vaporised into space dust.

  “Thanks Kay-One, I owe you one,” said Doraant, and sighed in relief.

  “Don’t mention it,” replied Kay-one.

  The remaining raider broke off and tried to make a run for it.

  “Not on your life pal!” said Grogaan. The Krelathan did not get far before Grogaan’s lasers ripped through the shields and then the engines. The chain reaction tore his ship apart in a spectacular fireball, but not before the pilot managed to eject.

  That’s it,” said Zaack. “We can relax now.”

  “Not yet Kay-Two. Keep focussed and watch for more incoming raiders. We’re not safe yet,” said Grogaan. “Transport Zed-Ex-Two-Two-Seven, can you retrieve the ejection pod of that TS5?”

  “Affirmative, Kopaz-One. We’re on our way.”

  Kopaz squadron was beginning to form up when four other ships appeared on the sensor screens. “Look lively lads, more company on the way,” said Grogaan, his reflexes reacting instantly, but then the ships’ id codes appeared on the sensor screen. “Relax guys, they’re some of ours.”

  “Seems like we’re too late,” said the squadron leader, who sounded relieved. “Is that you Grogaan? We heard you were on escort duty.”

  “Sure is Loperan, and you missed all the fun!”

  “Too bad, maybe next time,” he replied. “Alright, we’ll see you guys later and you can tell us all about it.”

  The squadron banked away to return to their patrol sector.

  “Kopaz One, this is Captain Maneron. The TS5 ejection pod is secured. We’ll advise the MDF to meet us on landing. We’re heading home.”

  “Good work Captain. Kopaz Squadron form up.”

  The final leg of the journey passed without further incident and when they had passed through the atmosphere, the transport veered away. “Thanks for the escort boys. That sure was some fancy flying out there.”

  “Glad to be of service,” said Grogaan.

  “Just make sure you’re around if we fly out again. Anyway, I think we owe you big time.”

  Grogaan laughed, “Forget it Adrayan, we’re only too pleased to help.”

  Now they were able relax, Grogaan realised just how fast his heart was beating, and more surprisingly, had not experienced the surge of anger when the Krelathans had appeared, for which he was thankful. “Well done lads. That was another great performance.”