Read The Guardians Series #1: Twenty-Four Hours Page 3

The carnival was noisy and crowded, smells of hot dogs, elephant ears, corn dogs, both the washed and unwashed examples of humanity, all these smells blended, wafting over the crowded vicinity. The new, rank scent hung in the humid air, clinging to everything and everyone in sight. To the left, there were carnival barkers, bellowing out their games, daring anyone in earshot to step right up and try their luck. Although luck had nothing to do with these rigged games, the huge stuffed animals being the irresistible enticement for the children and girlfriends alike. To the right, fattening foods of every kind were to be had, every nutritionist’s nightmare.

  And through it all, through every side show, through every ride, Michael held Michaelia’s hand, letting go only the times when she needed it. He even once kissed two scraped knuckles she banged against the gate. Prince Charming had nothing on him, this was the fairytale of her dreams. Turning the corner of the water guns booth, her laugh at his joke dying as she heard familiar voices … Tracie and Sheryl … calling her name. She stiffened, the voices cutting through her, thinking her wonderful day was about to be spoiled. There they were, tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, dressed in their finest low-cut, high-rise fashions. As they approached, she fully expected Michael to drop her hand like a hot potato, but he held on … even tighter.

  “Why Mickey … who’s this you got visiting? A cousin?” Tracie had this shrill, high-pitched voice and anyone who was in earshot turned to look.

  Michaelia tensed at the pet nickname Tracie and Sheryl had for her. But she was used to it; it was better than most names she’d been called by the popular ones in high school. She looked at the ground, not really knowing what to say. But Michael knew, he knew all too well and spoke up.

  “I’m Michaelia’s boyfriend. In the military, so only in town for the day. I’m Michael and you are?”

  Tracie looked visibly shaken from what Michael said. She turned to Sheryl, both trying to keep their surprised looks under control. “Tracie and this is Sheryl. Didn’t Mickey tell you all about us? We’re besties at work. Seems Mickey has been holding out on us.” Tracie’s sarcastic voice died out as Sheryl gave her a look, leaning in to whisper in Tracie’s ear.

  “Michaelia and I don’t have much time to talk about trivial matters. We don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like. So, the time is spent with just us. I’m sure you can understand as I see you are engaged. Quality time with your fiancé is to be cherished, true?”

  Michaelia looked up at Michael, that special feeling growing. To have someone who actually defended her. Not even her parents defended her. They never even bothered to lie to her and tell her she was pretty. Not her pragmatic, unemotional parents.

  Tracie put up her hand, the enormous rock on her hand sparkling in the sunlight. “Well yes, I guess I can. Have you two tried the elephant ears booth? I’m certain Mickey would love to have her fingers on an order or three. Good stuff, huh Mickey?”

  Michaelia noticed Sheryl lowering the zipper on her hoodie. She sidled up to Michael, giving him a show while twirling a strand of hair. She stared down at her dusty shoes, knowing exactly what Sheryl was up to, knowing that no man could resist her ample assets accentuated with a tiny waist. “So only in town for a day, huh? I’m sure we could find a party to go to. Tracie’s fiancé is in a band.”

  Michael stepped back, pulling Michaelia back with him so her back was against his chest. Placing his arms around her, he responded to Sheryl. “If MICHAELIA wants, but we normally like to hang out together. What do you think babe?” He knew all about these types of females; wild animals had nothing on these two; these two would hunt down their prey, pick it apart, leave the bones for the carrion if allowed to. Superficial, fake, cruel excuses for human beings.

  “A quiet night at home sounds wonderful.” Michaelia leaned back into his embrace, the feeling of his arms around her giving a sense of security she’d never had in her life.

  Michael kissed Michaelia’s cheek, showing both of these women that he was taken. “I think we were just on our way to the popping balloons booth; I promised I win Michaelia a stuffed animal to add to her collection. I bring her one from everywhere I’m stationed.” Michael turned to Michaelia. “Babe, food or want to watch me and my superb hand-eye coordination?” He wanted there to be no question; Michaelia was his, he had eyes only for her. The pity he had felt melted away; he could now see the golden truth, the goddess within her, the beauty that no one had bothered to look for. And looking at her two supposed “friends”; all he could see was nastiness, ugly disguised in a pretty shell. A sense of possessiveness came over him and he held her closer.

  Michaelia finally found her voice. “I’d like to get that stuffed animal if you don’t mind. Not really hungry right now.” She beamed up at him, their eyes caught and a warmth she’d never felt before flowed through her body.

  Michael started to lead them down toward the games. “It was a pleasure meeting you two. If we have time, I’ll have Michaelia tell me all about you.” He knew he shouldn’t, he knew the Elders would frown upon his ungentlemanly demeanor, but it felt good to leave those two in the dust, the hot, humid, smelly dust.

  And that was it, they walked off leaving Tracie and Sheryl standing there with their mouths agape.