Read The Guardians of the Forest: Book One Page 1


  Book One



  The Guardians of the Forest

  By Kelly Napoli

  Copyright 2013 Kelly Napoli

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  Chapter 1: An Unwelcome Visitor

  Chapter 2: Magical Protection

  Chapter 3: Friend

  Chapter 4: Unhappy

  Chapter 5: Apologies

  Chapter 6: Aftermath

  Chapter 7: Story

  Chapter 8: Temper

  Chapter 9: Fire

  Chapter 10: Lesson

  Chapter 11: Explore

  Chapter 12: Intruder

  Chapter 13: Truth

  Chapter 14: Enlighten

  Chapter 15: Overwhelmed

  Chapter 16: Durga

  Chapter 17: Drained

  Chapter 18: Mercy

  Chapter 19: Trapped

  Chapter 20: Disappointment

  Chapter 21: Madness

  Chapter 22: Elegant

  Chapter 23: Dinner

  Chapter 24: Weak

  Chapter 25: Heavenly

  Chapter 26: Favors

  Chapter 27: Unexpected

  Chapter 28: Hope

  Chapter 29: Faded

  Chapter 30: Answers

  Chapter 31: Control


  In a world—a world far unlike our own—there is a legend. A legend heard through the whispers of the wind and the murmurs of the rivers. A legend that is hushed by many lips out of fear and repeated by many more out of awe. A legend powerful enough to dominate the world.

  The legend of the guardians.

  It begins with a world run by a great power: magic. A magic that is complex, twisted again and again by emotions and intentions; however, this magnificent power does not start out this way. It is created pure, created in a place more revered than the heavens.

  There is a forest in this world. Not just a common forest, but one that stretches for miles, dominating almost half of the world. This is the birthplace for the magic. The magic it produces is powerful and not stained yet with sins; light, unclouded by the abuses that are all too common.

  Back at the dawn of time a young man encountered the forest. Magic was being created at rapid, unpredictable rates—there was no one to tame it. Well, a man by the name of Aaron Pervel took control, collecting massive amounts of magic for himself, soon becoming the most powerful person in the world. He was right for the title, too. One couldn’t find a more reasonable or kind-spirited man anywhere else.

  Now, as with any great power there is greed equal to it. Outsiders wanted the forest for themselves, without any good intentions for the use of its power. They stole some of the forest’s magic and used it disgracefully, darkly, the only thing fueling their passions was a lust for true domination.

  Aaron did not like that at all. He used his power to protect the forest from those who had the desire to misuse it. He guarded the forest with his life.

  His descendants were blessed with the same power and skill as their ancestor was. They, too, protected the forest. They soon became known as the guardians.

  During a period of peace from the dark intruders that came from the surrounding kingdoms, a whole-hearted guardian named Earthaphoria was protecting the forest. She was well known for her love and compassion.

  A certain outsider decided to reveal himself and attack the forest, with a single purpose: its destruction. By this time, most wanted the forest gone. Some feared its power; others feared it for the guardians. The man who was attacking was powerful, having used magic in the darkest of ways. His most dangerous factor was his despise for the forest, accompanied with a talent and skill that made him practically unstoppable. His name was Gandador.

  Earthaphoria had a daughter named Kiethara. When the young guardian was three, Gandador attacked Earthaphoria.

  A huge battle erupted. Magic was used in ways the forest had never seen. Both warriors fought until they were tired and hurt way past their limits, yet Gandador still had one wise move up his sleeve.

  He disappeared. Earthaphoria, thinking he had given up, turned her back to check on her young child. At that moment Gandador reappeared and attacked her.

  Earthaphoria had finally met her match.

  Now, the guardian’s life was so entwined with the forest that you had to destroy the guardian first in order to eliminate the forest completely. Gandador still had one last person to kill: tiny, defenseless Kiethara.

  At the same moment of Earthaphoria’s death, however, the Spirit of Aaron Pervel awakened. Gandador knew he was no match for the sheer power of Aaron, so he fled in fear.

  Aaron did not disappear. Instead, he stayed so he could train Kiethara. With no parent to teach her how to use her power, Aaron was forced to do so. And so he did.

  Kiethara’s story did not spread far, but to those it did reach they were plagued with doubt. Most thought she would fail. There was only a girl to protect the massive forest; what hope could possibly remain? Aaron was only a spirit. Everyone figured all was lost for the legendary forest.

  But it wasn’t.