Read The Gunpowder Plot Page 45

  Braddocks, near Saffron Walden, Essex, ref 1

  Brahe, Tycho, ref 1

  Briant, Father Alexander, ref 1

  Bright, Mrs (of Westminster), ref 1

  Bromley, Sir Henry, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Bromley, Sir Thomas, ref 1

  Brooke, George, ref 1

  Brooksby, Dorothy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Brooksby, Eleanor (née Vaux), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  Brooksby, William, ref 1, ref 2

  Brudenell, Mary (née Tresham), ref 1n

  Brudenell, Thomas, ref 1n

  Brute (mythical figure), ref 1

  Burbage, Richard, ref 1

  Burghley House, Northamptonshire, ref 1

  Burghley, Thomas Cecil, 2nd Baron (later 1st Earl of Exeter): as Lord President of the North, ref 1; welcomes James on accession, ref 2, ref 3; on female recusants, ref 4; and Anne’s attitude to Catholics, ref 5

  Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Burrell, John, ref 1

  Burrows, Frances, ref 1

  Bushell, Sir Edward, ref 1

  Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of, ref 1

  Bye Plot (1603), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Byrd, Juliana, ref 1

  Byrd, William, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Calvin, Jean, ref 1

  Campion, Father Edmund, S.J., ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Canterbury, Archbishops of see Cranmer, Thomas; Whitgift, John

  Capon, William, ref 1n

  Caraman, Father Philip, S.J., ref 1

  Carey (Garnet’s jailer), ref 1, ref 2

  Carey, Sir Robert, ref 1, ref 2

  Carleton, Dudley, ref 1, ref 2

  Carlisle, 1st Earl of see Hay, James, 1st Baron

  Carmarthen, Thomas Osborne, 1st Marquess of, ref 1

  Casket Letters, ref 1

  Castile, Constable of see Velasco, Juan Fernandez de

  Castro, Fidel, ref 1n

  Catesby family, ref 1

  Catesby, Anne, Lady (née Throckmorton), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Catesby, Catherine (née Leigh; Robert’s wife), ref 1

  Catesby, Mark, ref 1n

  Catesby, Robert (Robin): in Essex conspiracy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6; visits White Webbs, ref 7; background, ref 8, ref 9; qualities, ref 10, ref 11; initiates Gunpowder Plot, ref 12, ref 13, ref 14, ref 15, ref 16, ref 17, ref 18; relations with Francis Tresham, ref 19, ref 20, ref 21; marriage and children, ref 22; religious dedication, ref 23; and practice of assassination, ref 24; and supposed mining of Parliament, ref 25; meets at Mermaid Tavern, ref 26; plans for Princess Elizabeth, ref 27; on need for terrorism, ref 28; London lodgings, ref 29; intelligence on, ref 30; meets Garnet, ref 31; confesses Plan to Tesimond, ref 32; justifies Plot to Garnet, ref 33; Anne Vaux warns Garnet of, ref 34; at Bath meeting, ref 35; recruits new conspirators, ref 36, ref 37; meets Montague, ref 38; and Ben Jonson, ref 39; and Monteagle Letter, ref 40, ref 41; Monteagle writes to, ref 42; Wintour attempts to persuade to call off Plot, ref 43; and Digby, ref 44, ref 45; confers with Percy and Wintour, ref 46; movements before Plot, ref 47; learns of discovery of Plot, ref 48; as suspect, ref 49, ref 50; actions after flight from discovery, ref 51, ref 52; injured in Holbeach gunpowder accident, ref 53; shot and killed at Holbeach, ref 54, ref 55n, ref 56; body decapitated, ref 57, ref 58; Rookwood’s loyalty to, ref 59, ref 60; named at trial of Plotters, ref 61; absolution before Plot, ref 62; and Garnet’s examination and trial, ref 63, ref 64, ref 65, ref 66, ref 67; Anne Vaux reveals movements, ref 68; in Salisbury conspiracy theory, ref 69, ref 70

  Catesby, Robert (the younger), ref 1

  Catesby, Sir William, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1, ref 2

  Catherine Parr, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1

  Catholics: and death of Elizabeth, ref 1; welcome James’s accession, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8; ambitions to restore faith in England, ref 9; proscribed priests protected by women, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12, ref 13, ref 14; and succession to Elizabeth, ref 15, ref 16; James’s view of, ref 17, ref 18, ref 19, ref 20, ref 21, ref 22, ref 23, ref 24, ref 25, ref 26, ref 27, ref 28, ref 29, ref 30, ref 31, ref 32, ref 33; in Essex conspiracy, ref 34; persecutions and conditions under Elizabeth, ref 35; women believers, ref 36, ref 37; promises from James, ref 38, ref 39; internal divisions in England, ref 40, ref 41; and succession to James, ref 42; and Queen Anne, ref 43; 1603 conspiracies against James, ref 44, ref 45, ref 46; and Tassis’ mission to England, ref 47; expectations of liberty of conscience, ref 48, ref 49; numbers in England, ref 50, ref 51; James condemns, ref 52, ref 53; persecuted under James, ref 54, ref 55, ref 56; and tyrannicide, ref 57; and killing of innocent (‘double-effect’), ref 58, ref 59; observance of rituals and ceremonies, ref 60, ref 61; priests’ knowledge of Gunpowder Plot, ref 62; confessional, ref 63; denounce Plot, ref 64; James turns against, ref 65, ref 66; accused of equivocation, ref 67, ref 68, ref 69, ref 70; post-Plot actions and prejudice against, ref 71, ref 72; emancipation (1829), ref 73; responsibility for Gunpowder Plot, ref 74

  Caxton, William, ref 1

  Cecil, Sir Robert see Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of

  Chamberlain, John: on accession of James, ref 1; on James’s view of Catholics, ref 2; on Garnet’s drinking, ref 3; and Garnet’s death sentence, ref 4, ref 5

  Chappel, Percy, ref 1n

  Charles II, King of England, ref 1

  Charles, Prince (later King Charles I): and James’s arrival in England, ref 1; travels to England, ref 2, ref 3; made Duke of York, ref 4n, ref 5; in Plotters’ plans, ref 6; Thomas Percy visits, ref 7; survival, accession and execution, ref 8; marriage, ref 9

  Charles Edward Stuart, Prince (‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’), ref 1

  Chastleton, Oxfordshire, ref 1

  Christian IV, King of Denmark (Anne’s brother), ref 1

  Church Papists, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Clarke, Father William, ref 1

  Clement VIII, Pope, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Clifford, Lady Anne, ref 1

  Clift, Montgomery, ref 1n

  Clink (prison), Southwark, ref 1

  Clitheroe, Margaret, ref 1, ref 2

  Clopton House, near Stratford, ref 1, ref 2

  Cobham, Henry Brooke, 8th Baron, ref 1, ref 2

  Coe, Thomas, ref 1

  Coke, Elizabeth, Lady (formerly Lady Hatton; née Cecil), ref 1

  Coke, Sir Edward: attacks Thomas Wintour’s mission to Spain, ref 1; receives bribes, ref 2; on supposed mining of Parliament, ref 3, ref 4; on choice of Protector for Princess Elizabeth, ref 5; on Garnet and Holyweil pilgrimage, ref 6; on Garnet’s Coughton sermon, ref 7; on illegality of torture, ref 8; and naming of Owen, ref 9; and interrogation of Plotters, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12; at trial of Plotters, ref 13, ref 14, ref 15, ref 16; examines Garnet, ref 17, ref 18, ref 19, ref 20; on equivocation, ref 21, ref 22; and Anne Vaux’s confessions, ref 23; prosecutes at Garnet’s trial, ref 24; on Thomas Percy’s promotion as King’s bodyguard, ref 25; and significance of Gunpowder Plot, ref 26

  Coldham Hall, Suffolk, ref 1n, ref 2

  Commons, House of see Parliament

  Coombe Abbey, near Rugby, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Cornelius, Father John, ref 1

  Cornwallis, Sir Charles, ref 1, ref 2

  Corsini, Filippo, ref 1

  Cotton Garden, Westminster, ref 1

  Coughton Court, Warwickshire: location, ref 1, ref 2; Little John’s hiding places in, ref 3n, ref 4; Digby stays at, ref 5; Feast of All Saints celebrated at, ref 6, ref 7; Garnet at, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10, ref 11

  Courthope, Joan, ref 1

  Cowling, Father Richard, S.J., ref 1

  Craddock, John, ref 1

  Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1

  Cresswell, Father Joseph, S.J., ref 1, ref 2

  Cressy, David, ref 1

mwell, Oliver, ref 1

  Cromwell, Thomas, ref 1

  Dacre, Gregory Fiennes, 10th Baron, ref 1

  Darnley, Henry Stuart, Earl of, ref 1

  Deene Park, Northamptonshire, ref 1n

  Dehaure, Mrs (of Old Palace Yard), ref 1

  Dekker, Thomas, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Derby, Alice, Countess of, ref 1

  Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of, ref 1

  Devil of the Vault, The (poem), ref 1

  Devonshire, Charles Blount, Earl of, ref 1

  Digby, Sir Everard: on Holywell pilgrimage, ref 1; Little John constructs hiding places for, ref 2, ref 3n; Garnet visits at Gayhurst, ref 4; marriage, ref 5, ref 6; qualities, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9; relations with Gerard, ref 10; recruited as Plotter, ref 11, ref 12; at Coughton Court, ref 13, ref 14; Gerard meets at Gayhurst, ref 15; at Dunchurch, ref 16; sends horses to fleeing conspirators, ref 17; Catesby meets after discovery of Plot, ref 18; absent from first list of suspects, ref 19; asks Garnet to excuse rashness, ref 20; on lack of popular support, ref 21; surrenders, ref 22, ref 23, ref 24; imprisonment and interrogation, ref 25; trial, ref 26, ref 27, ref 28, ref 29; executed, ref 30; poetry, ref 31

  Digby, John, ref 1

  Digby, Sir Kenelm, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Digby, Mary, Lady (née Mulshaw): on Holyweil pilgrimage, ref 1, ref 2; marriage, ref 3, ref 4; converted by Gerard, ref 5; visits Harrowden, ref 6; visits Coughton, ref 7, ref 8; and failure of Plot, ref 9; home ransacked, ref 10; and husband’s trial, ref 11; and husband’s execution, ref 12

  Digby, Sir Robert, ref 1

  Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield), ref 1

  Doleman, R., ref 1, ref 2

  Dorset, Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of, ref 1, ref 2

  Douai, ref 1

  double-effect (principle), ref 1 & n, ref 2

  Drayton, Northamptonshire, ref 1

  Dresden: bombed in Second World War, ref 1n

  Dugdale, Sir William, ref 1

  Dunchurch, near Dunsmore Heath, Warwickshire, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Dunfermline, Alexander, 1st Earl of, ref 1

  Dutton, Anthony, ref 1

  Edmondes, Sir Thomas: dislikes Turner, ref 1; and Monteagle Letter, ref 2; letters from Salisbury on Plot, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6; and Grant’s obduracy, ref 7; complains of reproductions of Garnet straw-husk, ref 8; and Catholic reaction to Plot, ref 9

  Edmund, Duke of York (son of Edward III), ref 1

  Edward III, King of England, ref 1

  Edward VI, King of England, ref 1n, ref 2n

  Edwards, Father Francis, S.J.: Guy Fawkes, ref 1

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England: death and succession, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; status as female ruler, ref 4; funeral, ref 5; excommunicated, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9; attitude to Catholics, ref 10; low opinion of women, ref 11; and assassination dangers, ref 12, ref 13; and Arbella Stuart, ref 14; and Lord Thomas Howard (Suffolk), ref 15; Catholic plots against, ref 16

  Elizabeth, Princess (later Queen of Bohemia; James’s daughter): arrival in England, ref 1, ref 2; plotters plan to abduct and proclaim Queen, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9; Protestantism, ref 10; post-Plot safety, ref 11; and Hanoverian dynasty, ref 12; portrait, ref 13

  Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII, ref 1

  Ellesmere, Thomas Egerton, Baron, ref 1

  equivocation: doctrine and practice of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Erasmus, Desiderius, ref 1

  Erskine, Sir Thomas, ref 1

  Essex House, London, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of: in power struggle with Robert Cecil, ref 1; rebellion, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8; interrupts Elizabeth, ref 9n; Barlow on, ref 10

  Exeter, 1st Earl of see Burghley, 2nd Baron

  Exeter: Bonfire Night celebrations, ref 1

  Fawcett, Edward, ref 1

  Fawkes, Anne (Guy’s sister), ref 1n

  Fawkes, Edith (Guy’s mother) see Bainbridge, Edith

  Fawkes, Edward (Guy’s father), ref 1, ref 2

  Fawkes, Elizabeth (Guy’s sister), ref 1n

  Fawkes, Ellen (née Harrington; Guy’s grandmother), ref 1

  Fawkes, Guy (Guido): background and career, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; qualities, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8; mission in Spain, ref 9, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12; supposed marriage, ref 13; adopts name Guido, ref 14; hostility to Scots, ref 15; recruited for Gunpowder Plot, ref 16, ref 17; in London, ref 18; on mining of Parliament, ref 19; and Northumberland’s role, ref 20; in Whynniard’s cellar, ref 21; on quantity of gunpowder, ref 22; returns to Flanders to summon support, ref 23; Salisbury’s intelligence on, ref 24; returns to England, ref 25; distance from other Plotters, ref 26; actions in Plot, ref 27, ref 28, ref 29; on abduction of Princess Elizabeth, ref 30; captured in cellars of Parliament, ref 31, ref 32, ref 33; fortitude, ref 34, ref 35; interrogated, ref 36, ref 37, ref 38; tortured, ref 39, ref 40, ref 41; confessions, ref 42, ref 43, ref 44, ref 45, ref 46, ref 47, ref 48; and decayed powder, ref 49; trial, ref 50, ref 51, ref 52; denies Gerard’s knowledge of Plot, ref 53; conversation in Tower with Robert Wintour, ref 54, ref 55; executed, ref 56, ref 57; and Garnet’s confession, ref 58; in Salisbury conspirancy theory, ref 59; reputation, ref 60

  Fawkes, Thomas (Guy’s supposed son), ref 1

  Featherstonehalgh, Ralph, ref 1

  Feria, Jane, Duchess of (née Dormer), ref 1

  Fermor, Sir George, ref 1

  Ferrers, Henry, ref 1, ref 2

  Finwood, John, ref 1

  Flanders: Spanish armies in, ref 1; Isabella and Albert in, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; English interest in, ref 6, ref 7; Fawkes in, ref 8, ref 9; see also Spanish Netherlands

  Fleming, Sir Thomas, ref 1

  Florio, John, ref 1

  Foreman, Simon, ref 1, ref 2

  Fortun, Agnes, ref 1

  Foster, Dr Richard, ref 1

  Frangipani, Ottavio, ref 1

  Gager, William: Pyramis, ref 1

  Gardiner, S.R., ref 1n, ref 2

  Garnet, Father Henry, S.J.: assures James of Jesuits’ loyalty, ref 1; hopes for toleration, ref 2; and Vaux sisters, ref 3, ref 4; singing, ref 5; background, ref 6; at White Webbs, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9; envied by Appellants, ref 10; on Essex rising, ref 11; and Wintour’s mission to Spain, ref 12; belief in Catholic strength in England, ref 13; on succession to James, ref 14; criticises Bye Plot, ref 15; warned by Aquaviva, ref 16; pleads for restraint, ref 17; travels in England, ref 18; on legitimacy of James, ref 19; on Catesby’s assassination plot, ref 20; and choice of Protector for Princess Elizabeth, ref 21; on plans for Gunpowder Plot, ref 22, ref 23; hears Tesimond’s walking confession of Catesby’s plan, ref 24, ref 25, ref 26, ref 27, ref 28; counsels Catesby against Plot, ref 29; writes to Aquaviva, ref 30; and Baynham mission, ref 31; on Holywell pilgrimage, ref 32, ref 33; and Nicholas Owen, ref 34; visits Gayhurst, ref 35; Anne Vaux confides anxieties to, ref 36, ref 37, ref 38; at Harrowden, ref 39, ref 40; denounced for connivance, ref 41; at Coughton Court, ref 42, ref 43, ref 44, ref 45; sermon from Office of Lauds, ref 46, ref 47n; informed of discovery of Plot, ref 48; goes into hiding, ref 49; implicated in Spanish Treason, ref 50, ref 51; in Bates’s confession, ref 52; and Tresham’s confession, ref 53, ref 54; charged, ref 55; at Hindlip, ref 56, ref 57; captured, ref 58; named as traitor, ref 59; accused of administering Sacrament to Plotters, ref 60; Francis Tresham and, ref 61, ref 62; in Tower, ref 63, ref 64, ref 65; removed to London prison, ref 66; dispute with Puritan, ref 67; examined and interrogated, ref 68, ref 69, ref 70; accused of relations with Anne Vaux and Dorothy Brooksby, ref 71, ref 72, ref 73, ref 74; and equivocation treatise, ref 75, ref 76, ref 77; and relief of tortured ‘inferior’ prisoners, ref 78; conversations and correspondence in Tower monitored, ref 79; drinking, ref 80; suspected torture and confessions, ref 81, ref 82, ref 83; in Anne Vaux’s statement under interrogation, ref 84, ref 85; trial, ref 86; sentenced, ref 87; final letter to Anne Vaux, r
ef 88; execution, ref 89, ref 90; and miraculous straw-husk relic, ref 91; foreknowledge of Plot, ref 92; A Treatise of Christian Renunciation, ref 93

  Garnet, Sister Helen, ref 1

  Garnet, Sister Margaret, ref 1

  Garnet, Father Thomas, ref 1, ref 2

  Gatehouse (prison), London, ref 1

  Gayhurst (house), Buckinghamshire, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Gentlemen Pensioners, ref 1, ref 2

  George I, King of Great Britain, ref 1n, ref 2

  Gerard, Father John, S.J. (historian), ref 1n

  Gerard, Father John, S.J.: Eliza Vaux protects, ref 1, ref 2; on Eliza Vaux, ref 3; at Harrowden, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7; qualities, ref 8, ref 9; envied by Appellants, ref 10; and lawful sovereign, ref 11; and succession to James, ref 12; reveals Bye Plot, ref 13; on James’s persecution of Catholics, ref 14; friendship with Catesby, ref 15; and Gunpowder Plot conspirators, ref 16; instructs Lady Wenman, ref 17; on Holywell pilgrimage, ref 18, ref 19; on Nicholas Owen, ref 20; converts Digbys, ref 21, ref 22; at Gayhurst, ref 23; suffers torture, ref 24; on torture of Fawkes, ref 25; learns of failure of Plot, ref 26; Fawkes names in confession, ref 27; attempts made to prove involved in Plot, ref 28; Bates implicates, ref 29; charged, ref 30; named as traitor, ref 31; Digby denies involvement in Plot, ref 32; on Bates’s execution, ref 33; on Keyes’s execution, ref 34; accused of relations with Lady Mary Percy, ref 35; and accusations of scandal against Garnet, ref 36; on equivocation, ref 37; on torture and death of Little John, ref 38, ref 39; and Garnet’s execution, ref 40; escape to continent, ref 41; Autobiography, ref 42; Narrative, ref 43, ref 44, ref 45, ref 46, ref 47

  Gerard, Sir Thomas, ref 1

  Germain, Marquis de (envoy), ref 1

  Gibbon, Edward, ref 1

  Gibbon, Gideon, ref 1

  Goodman, Godfrey, Bishop of Gloucester: Court of King James I, ref 1

  Gorges, Sir Arthur, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Gowrie, John Ruthven, 3rd Earl of: 1600 conspiracy, ref 1, ref 2

  Grafton Manor, Worcestershire, ref 1

  Grant, Dorothy (née Wintour), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Grant, John: marriage, ref 1, ref 2; joins Gunpowder Plot, ref 3; home, ref 4, ref 5; acquires weaponry, ref 6; at Dunchurch, ref 7; as suspect, ref 8, ref 9; blinded in Holbeach gunpowder accident, ref 10, ref 11; captured, ref 12; in Tower, ref 13; trial, ref 14, ref 15, ref 16; executed, ref 17, ref 18; obduracy, ref 19