Read The Hacker Who Becomes a Mafia-Consultant in the Caribbean After a Diamond Coup in Bangkok Page 11

would like. In itself, the statement is accurate but the absence of additional decimals makes it most likely only approximate. We have a good map and can determine the small hill that is our theoretical goal. The hill is three hundred meters from the beach at Mosquito Bay. And in fact the insects are troublesome here, I have previously not noticed any insects on this island at all. But here the flies are troublesome.

  "On this hill, nobody has been buried for the last hundred years," I stuck. "We must organize the search in any way." We start by wandering around in small indefinite circles to get some idea of the surroundings. We can not see that someone has been there for the most recent years. Opposite us, we see Neighbour Nevis with its eternal clouds at the top. Outside the beach there are burns that make it likely that it would be difficult to come by boat here. Far out is a small island, it may just be a cut.

  When the darkness surprise us, we have not come closer to the riddle's solution. We have picked up a tent, heat a jar of ham and white beans, just like in the wild west, I think. I have definitely got a little sleep lately, so I fall asleep as a stock and sleep almost dreamlessly until the next morning.

  I get the binoculars and check the surroundings but see nothing suspicious. But despite that, I'm not completely satisfied, I feel nervous and feel observant. I walk away to a higher hill a bit away and once again review the surroundings through the strong binoculars. And now I see that the tourists we saw on the highway still keep us under surveillance. In other words they are not tourists. It is probably one of the other companies chasing the lost treasure.

  I share the happy news with the others in my company. Boy then points out that at sea there is a big white motor cruiser he saw several times yesterday and once today. Is it that both companies pursuing the treasure now changed tactics and keep us under surveillance until we have done the rough job? It does not look better.

  "We can not defend ourselves against them," Valerie points out with sad voice. "We have to find something else."

  Boy suggests that we sneak on the gang on land and shoot them at dawn. Valerie wishes a submarine to lower the engine cruiser. Eventually, we agree that the only straight is divergent maneuvers. We start moving our business one mile west as if we were looking for a wrong place. Maybe we did, who knows.

  We continued with that tactic for two days and had searched a large part of the coast. Third night we did the next move in our plan. During the night we left tents and equipment and in the black tropical night we quietly led our horses to the west in the shelter of dense low forests that adorned the slopes of the southern part of the island.

  Our goal was the hotel at Banana Bay. There are no roads without the tourists shipping there and from there by boat. I do not see banana crops here, but Banana Bay has to be fun for tourists from North America and Europe. We had of course not booked a room in advance but we managed to get two small rooms, one for me and one that Valerie and Boy had to share. It was two o'clock at night but with the help of my credit card both we and the horses got over their heads.

  Imagine what money can do. We had a vague explanation that we were out on a ride and got lost when we were surprised by the darkness. And because the hotel had its own horses for its guests, it was no problem to get our ridden animals well cared for.

  Glad in the hole, just crawl down between clean sheets and wait for the dawn. Long before dawn, I feel surrounded by soft arms and even softer barks. At least one breast with two soft breasts.

  "Uumm, Valerie ..." I mumble in the dark. I begin to wake up with the cries, the body has apparently begun to react before I wake up because I feel ready, very ready. I smacked a tall narrow female body with a small round tail and little round beautiful breasts and long hair. I was stunned to notice that there was something that did not match. This woman body I did not recognize again and I solidified to what the foreign body of women knew of course.

  I tried to think intensively, but did not succeed. I reached the lamp where I thought it was but was mildly hindered by long, soft, female limbs.

  "You have come in the wrong bed", I tried to say.

  "No, then, sign Jones," replies the female body with unmistakable Spanish accent.

  The one of my limbs that just been so ready relaxes very quickly. However, I tried to speed up my mind to try to understand what really happened.

  "Take it easy, sign Jones", I'm kindly requested, but definitely. "I have a proposal that you can not say no."

  "Do not be too sure," I try.

  "That's the way," continues my female companion. "We have taken care of your native friends. Nothing will happen if you cooperate with us."

  "And who are you?". I try to win time to think.

  "We are the rightful owners of what you are looking for," she explains. "It was our boat that lost somewhere in this area and we're just trying to find out what's ours"

  "Why not help the local authorities?" I try.

  "Treasure problem", answers the Spanish beauty. "If we let go of a fortune with the help of the authorities, it would immediately be confiscated and we would be required for treasure. You would only know what inventiveness the local authorities would get up if they knew what's on the island."

  I do not doubt this. I did not really think of it at all when I volunteered more or less in the treasure hunt. Talk about double treasureation, here the authorities would require treasure on the lost treasure.

  "I want to know if my companions are undamaged," I say.

  "No problem, call room 232 and talk to them."

  I spoke to Valerie on the phone and she confirmed that there were a few Mexican gorillas in the room but that they were otherwise unharmed.

  "Okay, what do you want me to do?" I have to try to keep my good in bad games until I could figure out how I would do.

  "Dress up and follow", I'm ordered.

  "Can I turn on the light?" I ask fromt.

  "Sure, goodbye!"

  I lit the candle quickly pulled on my kisses. Suddenly I had become shy. My dames fellowship had slipped into her long, colorful dress. As I assumed, the woman was the same as previously locked us in at the hotel in Antigua.

  It all felt unreal, it seemed to be very civilized and I have to think twice to convince myself that my comrades were kidnapped by the Mexican mafia. Not because I knew if they were Mexicans and neither were they from the mafia, but that was how it felt.

  "From now on, I will not turn away from you," Maria announced. "Call me Maria," she had said, and although it was not her real name at all, it was good.

  "We're going to take us off on an expedition," she said smoothly.

  14. Booby Island

  "We have your company as a hostage and we expect you to cooperate with us. Can we trust you are not trying stupidly but try to help find what we are looking for?"

  I am now in a meeting room in the ground floor at Banana Bay Hotel. The clock is no more than six in the morning and the speaker is wearing a dark suit, white shirt and tie. The jacket hangs on the back of the chair and the speaker is sitting on the short side of the meeting table and seems to be chairman of the congregation. In addition to Maria there are three more people, all in white shirt, tie and with the jackets on the back of the chair.

  It could be the board of a company. In fact, maybe it is. I feel at home in the environment, it's not the first time I attend a board meeting, at home in Scotland, it looks the same in the boardroom of the company I'm a partner in. I have also been rapporteur in several boardrooms as a consultant at data investments. In other words, I'm not a deaf nervous but feeling like on the streets of mothers.

  "My first problem is," I say, "that I constantly have to have information that the hostage is good. Otherwise, I'm as curious as everyone else to find the so-called treasure."

  "No problem," says the chairman, "you will talk to your friends every day". The chairman is gray-haired, in his sixties, speaks perfect English with American accents. He has no resemblance to any kind of mafia boss. How happy I want the company to look like
villains, they look like ordinary businessmen.

  "My other problem," I continue, "is that I'm missing out on a number of business, I'm actually here to sell computer systems.

  "You get regular consultancy fees, one thousand dollars a day treasure-free"

  "You mean American dollars, not Caribbean?"


  "Plus part of the profit, of course?" It is well reasonable with the payroll, right? "Five percent of the value of the treasure?" Trying to work out, I think.

  "One percent", the chairman offers.

  "My third problem,"I continue, "is my own safety. How can I be sure I'm from this adventure of life in my life? I do not have a clue about who you are. If you are a Mafia boss from In the United States, I may come to the feet of a cement lump somewhere at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. "

  I was actually concerned about my own safety. It might be unwise to address the topic, but because the atmosphere in the conference room was completely business, I felt in the atmosphere that it would be possible to discuss my security in a commercial manner. But what did I really choose? My knowledge of the treasure was equal to zero, except for a position I received from a foamy paper. The deal I was going into did not seem as harmless as a regular consultancy task.

  Who really betrayed me if I cooperated with this company. Valerie did not really tell me what it was about. Perhaps these gentlemen were the rightful owners and the Thai were the bad