Read The Hacker Who Becomes a Mafia-Consultant in the Caribbean After a Diamond Coup in Bangkok Page 8

at these escapades nowadays. Quietly, we approached the boat. It was easy to board, there was a swim ladder so it was just to sneak up. Then a splash of water is heard next to the boat. The guard sitting and smoking on the deck travels and leans over the rail. In the water he sees Boy. The guard lifts the gun and says

  "What are you doing here, boy? Get away from here!"

  Meanwhile I sneaked on the deck, silent like an Indian. Next to the chair where the guard was sitting there was a bottle. I grabbed the bottle and took two steps to the guard and dropped the bottle in the back of him as hard as I could. With a gurgling he tumbled over the rails and into the water and disappeared.

  I helped Valerie and Boy on board.

  "You are my hero," says Valerie, giving me both kisses and hugs. Boy smiled on the boat and came back and talked about the fact that there was a figure on board.

  "Here you have a gun," said Boy. "There's a guy sleeping in a bunk down here."

  I held the gun hard and we sneaked down to the quay, gently opening the door. But not carefully. I did not see anyone in the bunk and suddenly hit the door against me so I lost both the breath and the gun. He kicked at me and hit the side so that it felt like a lot of ribs went off. Then he rushed past me and on the deck and screamed for the guard. No guess seemed of course, and then he gasped full lungs to land to attract attention.

  Meanwhile I had grabbed the gun and crawled up the stairs to the deck. When the Asians saw me, he threw himself to death on the rails in the water and swam in full speed against land. A party to a country heard and of course saw both the man who threw himself into the water and, of course, of course. Now it was in a hurry to get from there.

  "Valerie, take my gun and shoot if you have to. Boy, pick up the anchor as fast as you can!"

  I myself rushed into the wheelhouse to try and get the engine running. Luxurious motor boats also look like a regular motorboat in the wheelhouse. As I watched, I saw that we were driving fast to land. The tide was not on our side this time. I heard shots from land and I heard a couple of "bumps" indicating that the boat was hit. The dinghy was on his way from land to the boat and the distance shrunk rapidly.

  I find the self-start the engines start with a whistle, but the helm is so that we steer towards land and straight towards the dinghy. I see one of them climbing his bloody shoulder. At the last moment, I manage to steer clear towards the ocean. But the dinghy is msinking and Orientales swim around in the water. In no time, we're out of a gun and I turn off the gas and look around. Boy rays like a sun in the moonlight and Valerie comes with a smoking gun and says

  "I had at least two yellowies!"

  "Did you shoot any human?" I said shocked.

  "Yes, yes, they first shot. And there were at least two of those who were very bloody."

  The violence was stepped up. We had drowned or shot many people today. Without knowing who and why. One might say that there was war between us and the others.

  "Boy, you can take over and control for a while. Stay far from land and steer out between the islands to the east."

  The silhouette of Dominica seemed clear in the moonlight so there would probably not be a problem.

  I wanted to take a closer look at the boat to see what it was for people who chased us. I found some interesting things, including my computer and my credit cards and a number of other passports. Exhibited on people from Bangkok. Bangkok is located in Thailand, largely on the other side of the globe. There were also some papers that showed that they had some kind of contact with the gemstone industry in Bangkok.

  I shared Valerie with my discoveries and the reaction was both unexpected and violent

  "Hurray, hurray!" She shouted, "then that's the truth! There's a treasure. There's a treasure ..."

  If you do not tell me what you know, I will go to the nearest port and surrender to the nearest police. May I stole boats must be small potatoes compared to what happens if Thai or Mexican get hold of me."

  "Keep in mind that we killed innocent people."

  "Hm, of course. But tell me what you know or I'll whip it out of you."

  "Yes, thank you, would you please do that?"

  9. Black Rocks

  North of Dominica is Guadeloupe, a French island. The French people have been so fancy that they claim that the islands of, for example, the Caribbean are part of France. That is, they are not French possessions, not part of the French Commonwealth (if there is such a thing) but part of France. This applies to the same laws, social benefits, etc. as in France.

  During the night we had gently tough into the port of Pointe-a-Pitre, the capital of the French island of Guadeloupe. Pointe-a-Pitre was a town with French style and modern buildings, and the cars here were small Peugeot and Citroën, just like in France. On the right side before the entrance, the tourist hotel was situated, including a twelve-storey hotel with a large satellite dish on the roof. Slept well during the night we had done and now we walked around the square in the sunshine. The square shop was lively, round matrons invited fruit and root vegetables of varying appearance that I did not recognize at all. Live chickens were also for sale of course.

  Here I also discovered that my English was no longer working. All people spoke French on this island, and French was not my strong side. If I were to sell computers in the French Caribbean, maybe I would take some evening classes in French before I went here next time, I thought. None of us actually did French. To resupply in the square went well. Valerie acted as a native, even though she could not speak French, and spun and talked and we got together various food and vegetables.

  "What you seem nervous," says Valerie, taking each cup of French coffee on a sidewalk.

  The fact was that I had always looked around to see if I was persecuted by Mexicans or Thai or someone else.

  "This is my nerve," I said annoyed, "it's not every day I'm pushing people in the water and stealing boats. Certainly we're on a French island and nobody can suspect we're heading right here. You never know, it's too close to Dominica and Antigua and St. Kitts. We have to plan what we're going to do now. "

  "Easy, my dear Ham," Valerie claims, "we will go and dig up the treasure."

  "How then, if I can ask?"

  "We get a few spades and go there and dig. Now we know where the treasure is."

  It began to resemble some sort of pirate novel from the 18th century when a pirate named Morgan raided among the islands. Indeed, in West India's brutal history, there is a time when a large part of the population lived on pirate wars. There were plenty of ships at the time sailing between Europe and South America, sometimes with gold loads. The pirates could sometimes have an English captain's letter so that they captured French and Spanish ships. Soon you got a shipwreck on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe. It is said that there was somewhere in these hooks as he was shipwrecked.

  "But we have to equip some kind of expedition," I feel desperate. I felt like I was in an impossible situation that I did not master and could not pull me out.

  "It's not just us who are looking," I said. "And the boat is not spring, it can be felt by the gang from Bangkok. The first thing we have to do is take us to St. Kitts and get rid of the boat in any way."

  "Here's what we do," says Valerie, "we take the boat to a place I know, where we can change the boat a little, paint it and give it a new name. It would be a shame on such a nice boat about it was destroyed. "

  "First of all, I'm going to get a rubber boat, and we can not swim out to the boat, it would seem awful. You saw what people looked at us when we swam in. There's a ship's shop over there. Let's go there and see What they have. "

  Oh yes. Certainly there were inflatables. And actually my credit card worked here. It was just taking it under your arm, which was not so easy with an inflated rubber boat, launch it and paddle out to our boat. Emeralda, it was actually called. It seemed like it was owned by any diamond king. Home harbour was Nassau, Bahamas, like many other convenience-flagged boats both here and in the rest of the world.

>   Even though I was nervously searching for fuzzy types that persecuted us, I could not find any traces for them. If so, the first "peaceful" since I arrived in the Caribbean. But Valerie and I paddled to our boat and there was always a joyous boy who helped us aboard. Except that there was a stolen boat where we are quite well-stocked with food and drink and rubber boat. The sun was high in the sky and we started our journey towards the next destination.

  It was a wonderful journey. We rounded Guadeloupe and passed Antigua far on the right hand. I did not want to show me near that island considering what had happened there a few days ago. Soon we had Nevis in the field of vision. Nevis always has a cloud on the top of the island. That is, you never see the top of the mountain because there is always a cloud there. We continue on to the north, and while the trip is a little bumpy in the rising wind, we are comfortable. I have little trouble controlling because I have Valerie sitting in my knee every now and then. I had put on some clothes like protection against the sun, but Valerie and Boy were used to it.

  We were going to the northeastern part of the island, Valerie claimed, to a place called Golden Lemon. There we could go landing and even hide the boat, she claimed. As usual, south-eastern wind, however, blew slightly healthier than usual. In good march speed, 10 to 12 knots, we approached the target when dusk began to fall. Or rather, the sun fell suddenly