Read The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get Page 27

Our property in Chicago wasn't that big, so we had the holding facility down a few blocks. We converted an unused storefront to meet our needs, because keeping warlocks in a place we could call home was a rather stupid idea. Malphas was sure to know where we were, but keeping his minions that close was a recipe for disaster.

  “You guys up for hoofing it?” I asked, facing my growing entourage. Nate and Rian had been joined by Rick, Elan, Kyle, Liam and Joseph. “Do we really need this many people for a trip down the street?”

  “Yes!” everyone answered except Rian. He was smiling, trying not to laugh.

  “Fine, but I’m walking, so you either follow or find alternate transportation,” I turned around and started heading down the street.

  Before too long, mere seconds, I was surrounded on all sides by guys. The berserkers took the lead, while Nate and Rian stayed at my sides. I glanced over my shoulder, and sure enough Rick, Elan and Joseph were behind me, scanning the area.

  “If Vinnie puts his final touches on his new magic detecting device, will I be able to travel with less fanfare in the future?” I understood their reasoning, but I didn’t agree it was necessary.

  “Judging by what I’ve seen recently, even though I’m not a main part of your posse, I believe the answer is no. I don't think any president or other royalty gets as much protection as you do. I mean, you have three kings walking around with you trying to protect you, when in reality you could probably beat the crap out of all of us,” Rian said.

  Admitting that made me like him just a little bit. It usually took guys weeks to figure out that fact. Rian hadn’t even seen me in training.

  “That ain't no joke,” Rick said. “We used to kid about me letting her win, but these days, well at least up until two months ago, she trained like nobody's business and now it’s rare that she lets me win. I’m supposed to be her dang protector and she doesn't let me do any protecting.”

  “If you want to be a bodyguard, you could always carry my purse around.”  I suggested. “Frannie liked to make hers do that the few times they showed up to escort her around. I could pretend to like shopping for a day and we can hit Fifth Avenue.”

  “You are a very cruel woman, Avery Clavens,” he replied. I could tell he was pouting just a little, but he knew the possibilities of me going shopping were below zero.

  “Hey, Liam, how and where has your girlfriend been?” I asked. “I expected her to be around since hers was the last voice I heard before blacking out. Is she waiting to make a grand entrance at some point?”

  “My fiancé, has been fine. Her sisters called her away last week and she hasn't been on a plane where we can communicate, but you know how she is,” he answered.

  My jaw slacked a little, but after seeing Eva pregnant with their second child in my dream, I didn’t doubt the two of them would move quickly. It was a testament to how much could happen in two months.

  “It seems once the marriage bug hits, it bites hard. Congratulations. What about you, Kyle, you find a lucky lady yet?” I inquired. If one brother was moving forward in married life, I expected the second to follow.

  “Not really. I mean there’s this girl I’ve been hanging out with a lot while I waited for you to wake up, but we don't have any labels on the relationship,” he replied.

  “Her name doesn't happen to be Rachel, does it?” It was time to put the future to the test.

  He glanced back at me. “Why would you ask that? She wasn't even on our radar until after you went into sleepy land.”

  “Just curious. For some reason Kyle and Rachel sounds really good together. I bet she’s shy and that’s why you haven't been able to tie her down yet. Give it a little time and I’m sure you’ll be walking down the aisle too.”

  He stopped in his step and turned. “Explain.”

  “I’m just messing around. I guess only Nate heard this story. That will teach you guys to take too long getting ready before battle. My coma was a daytrip to a future. No word yet on if it was a real one or just some place for me to hang out, but in it you were with a shy girl named Rachel. Gorgeous, blonde and leggy would be my descriptive words for her.”

  “Wow, you just described her to a T,” Liam said. “What else can you tell us about this other world?”

  “Not much, and we’re on a deadline, so let's walk and talk,” I said, starting us moving again. “Most of my time was spent hanging out with my three unborn kids. I don't want to say much more than that, in case it ruins something for you guys. There was a party going on that day and all you guys were there. It was pretty cool. For some reason though, none of you got any better looking.”

  “Of course not. You can’t mess with perfection,” Rick said.

  We arrived at the store and everyone quieted down. I knew there were at least five powerless warlocks inside, but I wasn’t sure if they’d managed to catch more while I was away, and whether they were able to get Mak or someone to strip their powers.

  “So, I know Nate and Avery are taking the girl. Anyone want dibs on the others?” Joseph asked.

  “I’m good with taking any of them,” Kyle said, and the rest of the guys agreed.

  “Good, I got the leader then,” Joseph said and took off.

  “The rest of us can play rock, paper, scissors for the remainder,” Rick stated.

  “Someone lead me where I need to go, so we can get this over with,” I said, starting to walk towards the cells.

  “Right this way.” Nate grabbed my hand and took me to the back of the holding area.

  It was nice and private back there, which I considered a good thing. Hopefully no one would hear Ettie screaming when I started smacking her around.

  Nate unlocked the door and held it open for me. I entered the room and saw Ettie lounging on the provided cot. It wasn’t made for comfort, and I couldn’t remember seeing one of the warlocks I’d interrogated actually using theirs.

  “It took you guys long enough. I expected the torture crew ages ago,” she snarled.

  “Nice to see you too, Ettie. I think you have some explaining to do,” I told her, taking a position leaning against the wall across from the bed. Nate joined me and Rian hung out by the door.

  Ettie's eyes flicked over to Rian. “He's new. You tiring of all your other boy toys?”

  “Sorry, but I only have one boy that could be considered a toy, and since we’ve been together for eons, I doubt I’ll tire anytime soon. So, how about we get this interview over with. Was your ex-boyfriend right about you having a cauldron in the basement back in Montana or is this soulless you a newer addition?”

  “I’ve been this way for a few decades now, so I wouldn't call it new,” she replied, oddly agreeing to answer the question.

  I looked at Nate and I shrugged. “We didn't have Liam back then and Vinnie inventing a device to help us was a pipe dream. It teaches me not to make friends, though. Back to you, Ettie, tell me everything you know.” She was nice enough to answer the first question; I saw no harm in asking something more complex.

  “When I found out it was you at the think tank, I couldn't believe my luck. I called it in and my orders were to befriend you. That was easy enough with your gullibility. When you left, I was supposed to follow and I did watch you from afar in New York for a while, but I was afraid you’d get suspicious, so I decided to take you up on that job offer in Chicago.

  “I figured getting in close with your friend Jimmy, might be a good way to get in your inner circle. You only thought I was human, so that made that a little difficult. Plus, it didn't take long for you to turn on your magnetic pulse and start collecting uniques. I could never be sure what each of their abilities was, so just showing up out of the blue would be a bad thing.

  “When I found out you were coming here, I immediately called in reinforcements, so we could try to take you. I didn't really expect you to bring a full military army with you, though. Not only that, but you’re even stronger than you were back in Montana. Don't worry, there are still surprises in store for you.?

  “And those surprises are?” I asked. I didn't think she had quite followed my directive to tell me everything she knew, and most of what she’d said I could’ve figured out on my own.

  “Make him leave,” she said, nodding her head towards Rian.

  “Why? He’s just observing. He hasn't even spoken,” I replied.

  “What is he, some kind of incubus or something? I really don't want to answer your questions, but something about him is making it hard for me not to comply,” she answered.

  I looked over at Rian and his face was glowing with the brightest smile in the world. “One of your womanizer skills?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I did mention it wasn't my fault, right? So far you’re the only woman I’ve ever met who is totally immune from that part of my abilities. It’s why I like hanging around with you so much. Having women throw themselves at you does eventually get boring.”

  I laughed. “Maybe it won't be so bad having you around. Would you like to ask her the question?”

  “Ettie, dear, could you be a doll and tell us what surprises are in store for our queen?” he said in a saccharine sweet voice. Seriously, girls swooned for that? It made me feel a little nauseous.

  I focused on Ettie and saw her start to turn red as she held her breathe. “We don't have all day, Ettie. I have plans that I need to see to.”

  She continued to fight talking by holding her breath. Rian moved closer to the cot. “Darling girl, you know you’d feel better if you told Rian exactly what was being planned. Holding your breath can’t be that much fun.”

  “Wedding,” she hissed slash wheezed, and then passed out. Rian reached up to check her pulse and shook his head.

  “I don't know if she had some kind of self-destruct thing going on or if someone pulled the plug on her, but I don't think you’re going to get anymore answers.” He stood up and returned to his place by the door.

  “So what, they’re planning an attack during the wedding?” I asked. “How would they even know when it was rescheduled to? I just announced that today.”

  “I can’t answer that, but they would be really dumb to try to interrupt a wedding that’s being guarded by at least one hundred soldiers,” Nate said.

  “Again, need I point out, they aren't rocket scientists.” I looked down at Ettie's body and added, “Even if they may play one on TV.”

  “You ready to get out of here?” Rian asked.

  “Were we able to get the press conference I wanted?” I inquired.

  “Yup, Charlie is going to meet us there. It’s in thirty minutes at the house, like you wanted,” Nate informed me.

  “I better go get ready then. I want to change and put on my people-friendly face,” I said, heading towards the door.

  “Is that face really different than your current one?” Rian wondered out loud.

  “Surprisingly it is,” Nate answered for me. “The current one is her ‘watch out I’m on a rampage looking for small children to eat’ face. The other one is so much nicer.”

  I just groaned. Evidently, I was fixing to marrying a comedian. I’d have to nicely remind him not to quit his day job.


  Hey, he might actually be good for something