Read The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get Page 29

After the reporters left, we made our way into the house. I was a little sleepy from the busy day I’d had, but I needed to stay awake for a little while to make sure all the plans were in place for the wedding. In the living room, I relaxed with Nate, Rick, the berserkers, Joseph, Elan and Rian.

  Everyone else who’d been on guard for the impromptu press conference had gone about their own business. I knew Vinnie was scrambling to get things done before our trip home, so I didn’t ponder why I hadn’t seen him lurking.

  “Do you think broadcasting the wedding would be a good idea?” I asked. “It may be good for human relations, and if a warlock or two show up, we can prove that we aren't just making all of this up. I’m sure there are people out there who still think that. Two months without me around couldn’t have changed that much.”

  “I’m pretty sure no one will believe you’re the one who thought of that idea, but we can do anything you want. It’s your wedding day after all,” Nate replied.

  “Or at least one of them,” Rick added.

  “I think it would be cool,” Kyle said. “We don't have as much of a problem with the opposition as we did before, but it doesn't hurt to make the royal couple seem more accessible to the public. I’m sure the uniques who can’t be there for the big day would appreciate it.”

  “Good, that’s decided. Can someone make some calls to see what we can have happen on such short notice? Did anyone get in touch with Frannie and Mom? I want to make sure they’ve had a chance to throw something together. I’m pretty sure Frannie is going to kill me, but she was warned from the beginning she’d get short notice,” I said.

  “Oh yeah, about that,” Rick said, taking out a phone. “You may want to call Frannie back. She’s called about twenty times since we called and told her the news.”

  “Is that all,” I said, grabbing the phone. Mine was probably around somewhere, but calling from someone else’s was a good plan. “That seems low for her in a situation like this.”

  I hit the speed dial number for her, prepared for her wrath. I almost requested some cotton balls for my ears, but didn’t think I had time.

  “Avery Belle Clavens, this better be you returning my calls,” Frannie answered the phone, verifying she wasn’t in a good mood.

  “No I’m happy to hear you’re finally awake?” I asked. “Don’t you want to hear all about what happened while I was asleep?”

  “You listen here, little missy, you’re lucky I can’t teleport like you, because I would totally be there smacking you. What’s the meaning of the phone call I received this afternoon telling me to prepare for a wedding tomorrow?” she asked.

  “It means Nate and I are getting married tomorrow. I’m not waiting another day to get it done. If I thought I could have gotten away with doing it today, I would have,” I replied.

  “You know you’re extremely lucky that I love you. Your mom already has your cake baked and is working on the reception food. She and Miranda have been crazy in the kitchen for hours now. Luckily all the guys who’d normally be in their way are with you. You really should give those guys raises. I don't think they’ve left that house in the last two months.”

  “I’ll talk that over with Nate. So, do you think you can have everything together by tomorrow?”

  “The jets are working overtime to make sure everyone is brought in. This is going to be an amazing event, even with the short notice. I have everyone working and brought in some Faie who are amazing with their magical decorating skills. By the time we’re all done, the backyard will look like an oasis good enough for a princess wedding. Your dress is airing out and will be ready for you the second you arrive. When will that be, exactly?” she asked, taking a breath.

  I was kind of hoping with the short notice that she wouldn't have an opportunity to go all crazy. I should’ve known she’d call in magical assistance. A normal mortal would’ve picked up a cake and a few bouquets of flowers and called it good.

  “I’ll be there tonight, just as soon as I know everything is wrapped up here. What’s all this about flying people in? I thought it was going to be a relatively small event, and I can only think of a few people who wouldn’t already be there. I just decided we were going to see if we can find a network that would like to broadcast it, so people who aren't there can watch it too.”

  “Well, while you’ve been out, there’s been a ton of support coming in from the unique community and I think some would be upset if they weren't allowed to be here in person. Granted we can only really bring in people already here in the U.S., but there are a couple foreign leaders who should arrive just in time, if you have the wedding late afternoon to early evening,” she said.

  “Just how many people are we talking?” I asked.

  “Less than a thousand,” she replied innocently, like using the word less made the thousand part sound better.

  “Are we talking nine hundred ninety-nine or fifty? Because both of those are less than a thousand.”

  I could hear Rick start laughing, and I turned my death glare to him. As usual, that didn't help matters.

  “Total confirmed so far is eight hundred thirty-seven, but don't worry. I’ve worked miracles and made sure there was seating for everyone. That number doesn't only include uniques. Steve of course will be there and so will the President and his family. We invited a few other key members of Congress who have stuck by our side, too.” she answered.

  I started taking deep breaths and tried to cleanse my mind. It wasn't working very well, though. I should’ve just shown up the next day and said let's have a wedding right this second. It was turning into a madhouse, and I wasn’t even there to witness it.

  “How in the world is this even possible, Frannie?” I asked. “You’ve only had a few hours to put this together. That’s nowhere near long enough to contact over eight hundred people.”

  “Most of them have been on standby since your last planned wedding date. I announced on Facebook the wedding was on for tomorrow and calls have been pouring in,” she replied.

  “How do you know the people RSVPing are people we actually want at the event? You’re not allowing just anyone to show up, are you?”

  “They’re the ones on the list from before, so of course they’re the ones we want.”

  “What list are you talking about? The original wedding was planned as a small intimate gathering,” I said, wondering if Frannie had been painting or something that caused fumes to addle her brain, because she was making no sense at all.

  “That’s what you thought, but we actually were going to surprise you with all the support from your followers. This time it isn't as big of a secret, but you’ll still need to act amazed as you walk down the aisle,” she said.

  My mind was having problems following all her logic. I supposed I should’ve expected something over the top when I put Frannie in charge of things. I just thought she might abide by my wishes for once, since it was supposed to be my special day.

  “Well, it sounds like you have everything under control. I should be there in a couple of hours to help supervise,” I said, knowing there was no hope for me to actually get any supervising done with her. “Try not to overwork yourself. Last time we saw each other, you were still pretty early on in your pregnancy.”

  She laughed. “Cats are only pregnant a couple months, Peaches. Adina graced us with her presence a couple weeks ago. She can’t wait to meet her Auntie Avery.”

  “You’re joking, right? I missed her birth? I’m so sorry. I can’t believe that isn't one of the first things I was informed of when I woke up.”

  I scowled at every man in the room with me. I seriously couldn’t believe no one told me I was an aunt.

  “Don't worry. Things went smoothly and you had a lot more to worry about than us. You were gone for quite a while, and we all missed you horribly. You hurry up and wrap things up there and get home, so I can give you a big hug,” she said, and then hung up before I could say anything else.

  I ended the call from my end and ha
nded the phone back to Rick. “So, Frannie has already had her baby. Was anyone going to mention that tidbit of information to me? That could’ve softened the news about the warlocks having Ettie, when that made a difference to me.”

  “In the scheme of things, it didn't seem as important as taking care of the other stuff you’ve done today. She hasn't been here since she had the baby, so none of us have actually been introduced to the little one,” Nate told me. He tried to pet my hair a little to get me to calm down, but I had more to be upset about.

  “And did anyone know about this surprise guest list for the wedding?” I asked.

  “This is the first I’m hearing about it. I know you have a lot of fans on Facebook, but I didn't think she was announcing it to the world and inviting everyone. Sorry, my little butterfly, I know you wanted this to be a small affair. If you want, we can still run away to Vegas and elope,” he said.

  “You know we’d be shot, repeatedly, for even thinking about that. It’ll be fine. The day is about you and me. I’ll do my best to ignore everyone else,” I stated. “Now, does anyone have a chatterbox? I need you to get Vinnie and the jinn ready to go. Is there anyone other than them and our group here who is going to be zapped back with us?”

  “I think everyone else can take the jet back. I know Jimmy was planning to attend along with a lot of the other leaders. Rick, why don't you give them a call and let them know we’re leaving,” Nate instructed as he took out his chatterbox and told Vinnie to grab the jinn and any projects he wanted to take back to New York and get a move on it.

  In five minutes, he appeared with a big plastic container of what I was guessing was his latest experiment. I was glad he maintained a portable lab.

  “I’m really close. I may be able to finish it tonight, so we can install it around the house for the wedding tomorrow,” he said, putting the container down on the ground.

  “Great. I’m not exactly sure what 'it' is, but I know you wouldn't be wasting your time on anything that wasn't important,” I told him. “Is everyone ready to go then?”

  We didn't really need to pack anything. I had my shoebox that I took with me everywhere, but other than that, we had clothes in all of our houses. I’d managed to tie the shoebox to my movements, so it didn’t even need to be in the same room when I teleported.

  A round of readies commenced and it was time to get down to business. Since I’d had to travel with the bodyguards, I was used to moving that many people, and it didn't cause me any more strain than just moving myself.

  I took out a knife and sliced one of my fingers. “Home is where the heart is and where we want to be; with this blood I offer, take us there for all to see.” The second the blood from my wound hit the ground, we were swept away. 



  Babies are falling from the skies