Read The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get Page 33

The other side of the bed was empty when I finally woke up in the morning. That was probably a good thing, with that whole silly superstition about the groom seeing the bride before her wedding. I didn’t believe in it, but I found myself wanting to do everything I could to make the day perfect.

  I figured Nate stood all creepy-like over the bed for a while that morning watching me just to prove it wrong. I knew he liked to do that, and the superstition wouldn’t keep him from being his creepy self.

  “Did not,” I heard him say telepathically from somewhere in the house. He didn’t like it when I started calling him creepy. He thought the word should be reserved for my brother.

  Whatever, I’d still be avoiding him as much as possible before the wedding. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was just after nine. I wasn’t expecting it to be that late, and I was surprised Frannie hadn't been trying to drag me out of bed. We did have less than eight hours to make me pretty after all, and I imagined we needed every single one of those hours.

  If it was left to me, I would’ve showered and threw on my wedding dress, but since I didn't even know where they’d put the dress, I didn't have a lot of choices other than waiting for assistance. Chances were I’d need some help getting into the blasted dress anyway.

  I decided to go ahead and take a shower. I imagined that was somewhere on the day's itinerary. As I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, I heard noises coming from the other side of the shower curtain. I couldn’t tell exactly what was going on, but it was disturbing hearing someone out there.

  “Nate, what have I said about trying to use my bathroom while I’m occupying it?” I said, not bothering to verify that he was the perpetrator. I didn’t know anyone else who’d try to sneak a peek of me in the shower.

  “Sorry, Peaches, it’s just me. I’m setting up my beauty station. How much longer do you think you’ll be?” Frannie asked.

  “Two more seconds,” I said, ringing out the extra water from my hair, and then turning off the water. “Since you’re in here now, do you think you can hand me my towel?”

  I wasn’t comfortable being naked around other people. I knew in my past lives it wasn't usually an issue, but I was in control of my body, and nudity didn't settle well with me.

  “Sure, no problem,” she said, handing me the towel. “I have a robe you can put on after you dry off, so you won't mess anything up by trying to lift a shirt over your hair.”

  “You’re always thinking ahead, Frannie,” I said as I quickly dried my hair and body. “Ready for the robe now.”

  She handed it to me and I put it on, then moved the shower curtain back, so I could get a glimpse of what she’d planned for me. Looking at the piles of cosmetic products and things I could only assume had to do with hair, I saw the horrific scene I was expecting. I knew I wasn’t as gorgeous as she was, but I didn’t think pouring vats of product on me would make a lot of difference.

  “Is it all really necessary?” I asked, stepping out of the tub.

  “Of course, you want to look your best, don't you?” she asked, like that amount of stuff was normal.

  “Don't you have some decorating to finish up or supervise? I don't think we have to do this all right now, do we?” Maybe if I put her off for a few hours, she wouldn't be able to use everything on me.

  “Nope, that was all taken care of last night into this morning. I put some Brownies on the task and they’re great at handling all the last minute details I asked of them,” she replied, directing me to sit on a little chair she’d brought in.

  “Mom isn't going to be too happy if you’re using brownies she planned to serve at the wedding,” I said jokingly, knowing the Brownies she was referring to were a race of Faie.

  “Good one, you crazy person. Now sit still here, while I start with your mani-pedi,” she said as she shook a bottle of dark purple fingernail polish.

  “I don't really think my nails are in any kind of shape to be painted,” I told her. They’d had a chance to grow while I was asleep and breaking them was impossible, but I wasn’t used to having them prettied up.

  “Don't worry, just sit back and let Frannie take control,” she said as she started torturing my fingers.

  It wasn’t my idea of fun on any level. I could only hope Nate was being similarly tortured somehow. Feeling him lounging in the living room watching television, made me think he was having way too easy of a day.

  An hour went by and Frannie finished the polishing. Thank God I wasn’t actually paying money for her services. Even knowing the person torturing me, I hated having someone playing with my hands and feet.

  “Next, I was thinking we could give you a few highlights,” she suggested. I wasn’t sure if she was just testing my limits, but her face looked sincere.

  “Absolutely not. I don't want to change my hair color,” I screeched. I loved my brown hair and I didn't want to take the chance that whatever she did would change it green or something.

  “Fine, how about if we wax your legs. You’re just a tad hairy after the two months in a coma,” she said.

  I figured my dress would cover that and hadn’t felt like taking care of the problem with a razor blade. Being a glutton for punishment, I allowed her to do her worst.

  “Do you mind warming this jar up just a smidgen?” she asked, handing me a jar of wax. I concentrated on warm thoughts, and then handed it back to her. “Perfect.”

  She proceeded with the hair removal process. When she was done, my skin was slightly irritated, but she took out a balm or something that immediately took the red away from my skin and soothed away the irritation.

  “It’s made of a blend of botanicals from Faiery,” she explained.

  I’d heard stories from her about her home. It was on a different plane than we lived on and most of the Faie stayed there. There were certain things in our plane that somewhat weakened them, and they didn't like the feeling.

  I was honored to receive visits from the queens of both the dark and light courts they had there. Of course, they came on different weekends, because they didn't tend to get along very well. Frannie was from the dark court, and was very close friends with the queen. When I asked her why she stayed in the human world, she told me humans were so much more fun to watch than predictable Faie. Not having met many myself, I had to take her word for it.

  It was still early and I was starting to get hungry, so I called a halt to the festivities until I could get some food. Frannie took out a chatterbox and asked for a platter of fresh fruit to be brought up. I was hoping for a little something more, but didn't seem to get a choice in the matter.

  While I started munching on my berries, melons and grapes, Frannie turned her attention towards my hair. She put a couple of different products in it, and then brushed and blow-dried it out. From there, she pulled and scrunched it up the way she wanted it. I didn't know exactly how long it took her, but I imagined I was stuck there for close to two hours.

  “Okay, that looks great, now it’s time for the makeup,” she said, opening her many items. I did my best to keep still, for fear she’d stab something in my eye.

  She finally finished up, and I thought that was the end, but she took out a bottle of lotion and started rubbing it into my hands and arms.

  “What are you doing now?” I asked, getting a whiff of the pleasant aroma coming from the lotion. I couldn’t quite place the different scents.

  “It’s just a tradition in my culture to wear this lotion on your wedding day. It’s made up of the most beautiful flowers in Faiery. They’re known for their ability to protect the wearer from danger. It helps keep women from marrying men they aren’t meant to be with. For today's purpose, though, I’ve heard we may have wedding crashers, and I want to make sure I do my part to keep you safe,” she said.

  It was probably one of the nicest things she’d ever done for me. I knew she couldn’t fight in the battles, because she wasn't made for it, but the fact that she found her own way to try to help made me swell with pride.
  I was so happy at that moment, I did the unthinkable and wrapped my arms around her for a hug. “Thank you for being there for me, even before I knew who I really was,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Avery, it’s been my honor and pleasure to be your friend. Now, stop trying to be sentimental, because I spent a good amount of time on that makeup and I don't want to see it ruined,” she said, breaking free of our hug.

  “We still have a couple more hours before we have to be downstairs, what are we going to do in that time?” I asked, starting to think we began the process way too early.

  “I’m going to go get your dress and bring it to you. Then, you’re going to put it on and spend a full hour staring in the mirror to see the regal queen I’ve turned you into,” she said, getting up.

  While she was away, I avoided the mirrors, preferring to wait until the dress was on for the full effect. I put on my strapless bra and some cute lacy underwear, and then put the robe back on and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Frannie to return.

  She came back with two garment bags. I guessed the second one was her dress. She laid the bigger of the two down across my bed.

  “We aired it out, but I put it back in the bag to carry it around. You can take yours and put it on in either the bathroom or the walk-in closet. I’ll take the option you don't choose,” she said, heading towards the bathroom.

  “I guess I’ll take the closet,” I said, seeing that was what she wanted and started moving myself in that direction.

  “Good choice,” she said as she closed the bathroom door.

  I quickly took the robe off and stepped into the dress. When I had everything zipped and buttoned, which I miraculously accomplished myself, I headed back out to the bedroom to wait for Frannie. I was too afraid to sit down and cause wrinkles, so I stood in the middle of the room and twirled around a little.

  “Look at you,” Frannie said, whistling from the bathroom door. She was in a beautiful knee-high purple dress, which matched my fingernail polish. I was starting to get the feeling the color theme of the wedding included purple. Since it happened to be my favorite color, I had no problem with the choice.

  “I think I’m finally ready to look in the mirror,” I told her.

  She led me back into the bathroom, where a full-length mirror hung on the back of the door. The scene that met my eyes was unbelievable. I looked like a Faiery princess myself. She’d styled my hair in loose ringlets with a gorgeous tiara atop my head.

  The makeup job wasn't anywhere near as bad as I’d feared. I could still tell it was me, but it was a softer me than anyone was used to seeing. Everything put together with the magnificent dress, had me gawking at the mirror.

  “I know, I do work miracles,” Frannie said with a little laugh to indicate she was joking. “My royal friend, you’re going to knock their socks off.”

  We stayed upstairs for a little while longer, just catching up a little on things that had transpired in her life since I’d been away. It turned to mostly talk about Adina and how wonderful it was to have children. Even though we couldn’t die, having a legacy was still important to us.

  After an hour had passed, my dad knocked on the door and entered without waiting for us to say the coast was clear. We were standing in the middle of the room, and he stopped and smiled when he saw me.

  “You look as picturesque as ever, princess,” he said, taking everything in before walking over to sneak a quick kiss. “Everyone is gathered outside, so we better head down.”

  “Let's go, Daddy-o,” I said, and we journeyed down to make our grand entrance.