Read The Haunted Chest Page 4

  “Morning Newt--” Jessica said in a gaspy tone after opening her eyes from a sleep.

  It was in the morning, and after speeding their way back throughout their evening, three hours in heading back to Transtevator, both took a sleep and cured the tension both had acquired after coming back from New York City. Newton still had a mask of annoyance--the one which he carried with him from New York City after being told by Mama Lina to quit work until of that month.

  In the morning, Newton tilted his neck and glanced at Jessica who was still under the sheet and enjoying that sentimental feeling of not wanting to get out of the bed in the morning. Newton met Jessica’s glance--which was no happy glance at all, but since the two were obligated to do such things as in waking each other. I guess Newton kind of neglected his, he stood right next to the closet doors when he heard Jessica speak. The doors of the closet still open when he decided to turn around and look at Jessica. Newton’s eyes were wide and heavy; having not slept the eight hour normal sleep. But having to meet up with Mama Lina, Newton was half way pleased.

  Newton at least had the chance to know just how loyal and faithful Jessica was to him, and this he heard from someone who neither knew both. Mama Lina, who had no relations whatsoever with the two. But Mama Lina managed to see their love...the die hard love that Jessica and Newton shared. And this unlike other things Mama Lina talked about was far the perfect topic to begin a conversation.

  He fastened his glance at Jessica, Newton swallowed through his throat, a bob which sounded when he swallowed, but rather chose to ignore that. he cleaned his throat, his eyes still wide with guilt when he stared at Jessica.

  Slowly, he turned around without sounding a word.

  He wore his old pair of jeans and a pair of socks. And not yet wore his shirt when he decided to hold the handles of the doors of the closet again, he swung the doors back closed before he thought of turning around to face Jessica, again.

  He saw it in her eyes as he walked towards the bed. In his glance--and as well judging from how his heart spoke, that Jessica was not that excited. She should be. Newton argued in his thought as he stared at Jessica. After rubbing the truth to Newton’s face, that she was as innocent as a saint after quitting her bad habits. Why? Newton couldn’t seem to understand why Jessica’s face looked cold, her looks that of disappointment, and her body which shook a little when she met Newton’s glance. Up close. Newton looked into Jessica’s eyes. Still silent. And as well remembering that he had a phrase to respond to. The one which Jessica said a minute ago right after getting out of bed. But newton was until then searching for a perfect response. He held Jessica’s hands as he pushed himself on top of the bed. He stroked Jessica’s palms and stared into her eyes with a slight glance.

  A romance breeze which came rushing in the room, and touched Newton’s bare chest. Newton took a deep steady breath and released it slowly, he tempered his voice and then decided to say something after a couple minutes of nothing but silence in the room.

  “I’m sorry, Jessie, please, will you find it in your heart to forgive me?” Newton’s voice sounded with ripples as he spoke. The upper muscles on his chest twisted and folded as he stared into Jessica’s eyes. Unable to keep up with Jessica’s wide and wet glance, he ducked his head and only begun to face his laps.

  “Why do you say that, Newt?” Jessica said-- She got up and rolled partial of the sheet away. In her night white gown, she sat right next to Newton and held tight both Newton’s hands. And Newton had just realized that Jessica was not going to accept it that he had been begging for forgiveness. Not that she did not like him doing that, but the fact that Newton was lost in a sorrowful gesture when he met her glance.

  “Because I thought the worst of you, Jessie--” Newton said in a thick tone upon lifting his head and shifted back his glance at Jessica.

  “I like that single tiny fact that I’m married to a man who is jealous. Your jealousy proves to me just how much you love me, Newt.” Jessica continued after cleaning Newton’s face with her hand. “Please do not form that gesture in front of me again. You don’t look good when you cry. Here let me wipe away your tears...what evil did you do anyway? Being jealous? That proves to me just how much you care...and now that we know a lot...better not try to loose your trust in me. I love you and that’s all that counts, and what should keep this house and our lives in it intact and not shaken by external forces. I trust you, Newt, you should as well learn to trust me...I believe it is difficult for many of the men out there to trust their wives. You always place forward your jealousy above all things that should keep this family breathing: like trust, patience when trying to handle certain aspects. And I believe that you are faithful towards me...I’m too, but you never seem to see that. On second thought...I should have taken you to see a fortune teller earlier.”

  Newton chuckled as he held tight Jessica’s hand. And a glance he sent deep into Jessica’s eyes--seeing pass Jessica’s outer beauty and seeing her inner perfections, Jessica’s inner person. Newton twisted his mouth into a smile and thanked in his heart…the Lord to had given him such a wonderful bride despite his past unpleasing fraud life-- Newton stroked Jessica’s hands even more as he stared into her eyes, and gentle pleasing thoughts which whirled in his mind. But still kept Jessica in his glance. “I love you, Jessie.”

  “And I love you too, Newt--” Jessica whispered back.

  Newton wrapped his hands around Jessica’s face after a seconds kiss, a smooch. Newton kept Jessica close to his necked chest and could feel the warmth from Jessica’s body. The warmth of love, perfection, care and tenderness and more. Guess Newton couldn’t be getting that if he hadn’t chosen Jessica.

  Newton slowly unwrapped his hands from Jessica’s cheeks, and quickly rubbed his face.

  And walked back at the closet--slowly opening the doors to get from there a shirt. And quickly wore it while he faced himself on the mirror which stood glued to the wooden closet, right between the two doors--he buttoned his shirt.

  A gentle touch which made Newton shrug, Jessica was behind Newton and slid her hands across Newton’s chest. Newton turned around and could see Jessica up close, who covered her face with a smile which sure amused him a lot.

  “I will button the shirt for you, my love.” Jessica said, her head then ducked down and glanced on the buttons below Newton’s neck.

  Newton twisted his mouth into a smile when he received gentle touches from Jessica. Touches which continuously brushed his chest and stomach, he stood firm and made sure that he didn’t shake again to Jessica’s touch.

  Jessica shifted and buttoned Newton’s sleeves when she decided to glance again up at Newton, her smile was fixed on her lips-- Jessica tempered her voice and asked a question which Newton was sure to receive, sooner or later. But it was great that Jessica had asked early.

  “Darling, where are you heading to?”

  “Work--” Newton responded in a faint tone.

  “But, darling, the fortune...Mama Lina...she mentioned something concerning your life. That it will be in danger if you decide to go back to least for a month.” Jessica said upon dropping her smile, and kept in her glance only Newton.

  “I remember everything, Jessie, and I do remember her mentioning that demons will oppress us...but do you believe in such? No right? Do demons even exist? I trust non of that...the fact that she was fortunate enough to read our past, our emotions, doesn’t mean she could just come around brainwashing us with silly ideas of demons existing. I’m right now 27 years old...until date, I have never felt the presence of ghosts or demons, nor even seen any. If ghost were real, I would like to meet that of my parents. But where are they?” Newton begun to touch Jessica’s face and slid his hands back and forth on Jessica’s cheeks. “Demons don’t exist.”

  “But the fortune teller said that a month of no work will be the only way to twist our fate which is soon to land harsh on our family.” Jessica opposed.

  “Jessica, a month is quite a long time fo
r a man leaving in this century to only stay home in slumber. And doing nothing. In this new era money is all that matters. And that can sustain us being alive and health today--even a refugee coming to live in the Transtevator Refugee campus has to bribe his/her way in-- What do you expect if I just stay home relaxing, lazing around. Yes you will feel happy having to spend days with me. But what will we eat after giggling and blushing all day? You see why I insist to tell you that the fortune teller is nothing but a joke to her career...if that even is a career.” Newton slid his hands down Jessica’s face and then rested them on Jessica’s shoulder.

  “We can survive on the money we have saved in the bank. How about that, Newton?”

  “That money has taken us a year of saving...and we just squander it in a month? Listen, Jessie...what do you think I could have done if the fortune teller said that in order to make our relationship to be in one peace...that we separate for a you know what I could have done?”

  “Refuse just like now.”

  “Wrong guess...I could have buried her in that same trash cane she calls her house.”

  “But this is different, Newt.”

  “There is only a slight know I love money and yes I love you more, but how will our relationship be without money? It would be nothing right? I knew that would be your response. Right now, I’m only in need of your blessings...bless me for the first time, Jessie, so that I reach the harbour in time and not get fired by Lordwell.”

  Jessica stared at Newton and wore a wry smile. Slowly she dropped her glance and reached for the other sleeve she had not yet buttoned. Newton puffed out loud. And Jessica could hear that-- Jessica lifted her head and stared at Newton. She asked him why he had puffed, and Newton opened his mouth to a surprise of Jessica.

  “I did not get permission from Lordwell King; my boss.” Newton said.

  “What do you mean you did not get permission, Newt?” Jessica stared at him with a glance of surprise.

  “Not like I chose not to...the thing is that I did ask for permission, but he denied me a day off...the ship was taking off to the south port of Transtevator, but I just couldn’t turn you down.”

  “Oh! You did all that for me?”

  “I did. And I would do much more than that?”

  “Oh!” Jessica fixed her mouth with a tight smile as she reached for Newton’s nose, and brushed the tip of Newton’s nose with her finger.

  “But the thing here is that I asked Raymond to cover for me.”

  “Raymond?” Jessica chuckled and walked back on the bed. Leaving Newton with bewilderment thoughts that seemed to had no solution. Newton glanced at Jessica and lifted his shoulders the minute he caught again her glance.

  “What is wrong with Raymond, Jessie?”

  “He is clumsy, that’s what--” Jessica snapped, and stretched in length on the bed.

  Clumsy? Not that Newton did not know of that. Even before he had escaped from the ship-- Newton was reminded by Raymond himself. And Newton then realized just how not safe he was. Let’s hope Raymond did not blow up my cover. Newton thought as he stood firm right next to the closet, he shook his head and glanced back at the mirror behind him. A gentle smile which he forced on his lips before he could look back at Jessica.

  He begun to walk towards the bed again. And again had the same thought spinning in his mind. Clumsy? Let me not think of that right now...I have to get to work in time...the first step I have to take in order to impress Lordwell King. Newton walked to the table which only held a lamp, his and Jessica’s phones, a land phone, and a bunch of keys which Newton reached for second after grabbing his phone. He took a deep steady breath and released it slowly before he spoke to Jessica one last time and before he had walked through the bedroom door, “see you later, Jessie.”

  Newton glanced at his front. As he stared at his car when outside of the house-- He twisted his mouth as he proceeded forward. He opened his eyes wide and scanned the neighborhood for any sign of the old couple. Newton shifted his glance towards the old couple’s creepy house were he met Mr Boxer’s glance. He quickly walked into his car--inserted the car keys and drove off.

  At least, he had escaped a morning torment.

  But Newton wasn’t easily going to escape this one. He drove pass Mr and Mrs Boxer’s house, his thoughts kept on scampering. Until then, thinking of Mama Lina; the fortune teller. What did she expect? That I run back home and quit the job which has been paying me, which has been giving me all the financial support which has sustained my and Jessica’s needs. Sustaining my day to day normal diet and as well helps me settle most of my bills. That lady is definitely some kind of a lunatic bastard. And considering the house which he and Jessica had found Mama Lina living in...what more could be thought of. Not even lower class civilians can dare to stare in such a house.

  Newton griped on the steering wheel the moment he felt a sharp stab of pain on his skull. And then remembered of just how bad he had fallen on the stairs at Mama Lina’s house.

  “Damn!” Newton hit the steering wheel hard the minute again he felt the same irritating stab. “Focus, Newton.” Newton said to himself, he puffed between his teeth and focused more on fastening his glance on the road ahead. This was after his thoughts tried to get a lot of his concentration. Until then he had gripped on the steering wheel, and hoped that it could adjust his anger after he received pain of an internal injury on the back of his head.

  Ahead, Newton could then see the harbour, and only looked forward to sneak back on the ship without Lordwell King noticing him.

  It was obvious that the ship had just returned ’cause it had sailed to the south port of Transtevator. And Newton’s instincts told him that the ship was definitely back--and that everyone (his workmates) was still aboard and had not gone back to their homes. His instincts told him right.

  A perfect opportunity to sneak back on the ship without Lordwell King Knowing that he wasn’t present the entire night of yesterday.

  Newton stopped at the end of the trail-- A trail where cars had to stop. From there, Newton begun to walk on foot and climbed the path made of wood. It was like walking on the red carpet...only that he was surrounded by boats on his left and ships on his right.

  Newton never had a way with words, and he knew that as well, like he knew of his love for money. Newton was tense as he walked forward...and hoped that Lordwell King and the rest were sleeping. He knew that captain Boston was probably still awake...and Newton already had a way planned to convince the captain to not tell on him. But for now, Newton had to worry about Lordwell King’s presence on the ship.

  At the end of the path, he found the ship still and the ladder already dropped out, he stared up at the ship and swallowed through his throat. I believe everyone is awake. His plan being futile of jumping from the planks he was standing on, but since the stairs were already prepared. It was not normal of him sneaking up. Hence, he climbed the stairs of the ladder instead. He lifted a leg after another and his hands dropped down as he climbed. His mouth clamped tight and only waited for what was about to hit him.

  He took a deep breath, and walked forward. His eyes had narrowed as he met no one on deck...only the tables and some party residues, strewn on the floor, he jumped stuff as he walked forward.

  “Let me check the Enmate Fortarge Room,” Newton said to himself. “I just can’t be certain that Lordwell knows of my absence.”

  Newton slid both his hands in his pockets...and begun to walk down towards the rooms which the ship had. He glanced at the first room to his right until he remembered. Enmate Fortarge Room. And then walked towards that destination.

  At his destination, he stopped by the door and pulled out his hands from his pockets, his glance fastened on the door on his front, the door which seemed a foot away. He lifted his hands, and gripped both of his hands on the handle and gently begun to push open the door. Oh! Thank goodness. His heart beat hard as he opened the door, his heart which returned to its normal pound-rate the minute he s
aw his fellow workmates sleeping on their beds.

  “It sure is a narrow escape--” Newton said in a low tone and walked towards his bed space where he placed himself and lain in length for minutes, and waited for an alarm to the awake of all on the ship.

  Newton placed his arms below his head and begun to stare at the bed which was on top of his--he stared at the bed until his glance begun to fade.

  Until an alarm sounded in the room which woke everyone in the room. Everyone rubbed their faces after a short night sleep. And Newton’s glance was back to normal the moment he heard the loud alarm. Then glanced at everyone who had woke up and walked out of the room.

  And from the upper bed he had been staring at earlier, Raymond jumped down, he as well rubbed his face and swung his glance to see who had slept below his bed and met Newton’s glance.

  Raymond twisted his mouth into a smile as he spoke. “Newton! What’s up bro? I had been looking for you the entire night...where had you been?”

  Newton’s mind twisted with surprise, he lifted up his head with shock until he hit the plank above-- “What did you say?”

  “You heard me, bro. Where were you?”

  “But I told you to cover for me yesterday--” Newton’s face was heavy with anguish.

  “Oh! Don’t mind me, Newton, I was sleep talking...what was that you said again?” Raymond continued. “I covered your back, don’t worry, bro.”

  Newton puffed out loud as he stared again at Raymond. “You sure caught me--”

  “I sure did!” Raymond chuckled and walked away.

  He sure did. Newton thought as he watched Raymond walk through the door just like the rest of his workmates. Like always when came from a trip, held a party on the ship, or some voyage; either short or long. The workers spent their night on the ship, and in the morning--they all were to head back to there respective homes. Newton had a smile on his lips, but unlike others, Newton wasn’t going to take a bath, he had just arrived from home. And only him and Raymond knew about that until...

  “Newton, the boss asks for your presence on deck.” One of his workmates walked in to the Enmate Fortarge Room and approached Newton.

  “What for? Is there any work he wants me to do?” Newton lifted both his eyebrows as he glanced a his workmate.

  “Not really--”

  “OK then, I will be up on deck in a minute.” Newton said.

  His workmate walked out of the room and left Newton with a blunt of thought. Unable to figure out what it was that Lordwell King needed him for. Newton got out of bed and glanced around the room. Only him and some empty beds. Newton, after a minute of trying to figure out what it was that Lordwell King called him for opened the door to an exit and walked back up. He stared at the rest who had stood in groups and chatted on deck.

  And at least, all not willing to clean all the strewn stuff on deck. Newton stared at the wooden floor, still the way he had seen the surrounding a while ago.

  And there came Lordwell King-- who wore an exquisite white suit. In his hand, as usual, he carried a golden stick, kind of a walking stick but Lordwell King used it as an addition to his attire. A walking stick which hardly touched the ground. Lordwell King walked forward and glanced at everyone.

  “May I have everyone’s attention!” Lordwell King said, he kept one hand in his pocket while the other gripped on the golden stick.

  Everyone turned around and glanced at Lordwell King.

  “Congratulations men! For that wonderful party you presented yesterday. All thanks to you. The party went smooth and magnificent. I was complimented for the great service each one of you had provided the guests, when indeed all those praises should have gone to you all. I thank you for the great job you did...for the job well done.” Lordwell King said in a voice of steel. He shifted his glance to look at all who stood on deck.

  Applause when Lordwell King finished with the first sermon.

  “To show just how grateful I’m to have you as my employees...I will allow you all to have a two days leave, starting now, today...I know that your wives must be waiting for your arrivals right now.” Lordwell King announced.

  “But, boss, we can go home after we finish with the work today. The pending work. Let us clean the ship and we will gladly accept tomorrow’s day off, “ one of Newton’s workmates said.

  “I insist that you all go and take a rest--”

  “But, boss, what about the ship’s tidiness? You always emphasize on that from time to time. What is up with you, boss?” Another worker spoke against.

  “Don’t you worry, I have everything under control--” Lordwell King said.

  “The last time you said that you had things under control was in January. And minutes we came back, we found the fuel tank leaking.”

  “Yes, Jack, I know that you worry a lot about me. That is why I’m also trying to act as a caring boss for once. I need you all to leave. And don’t worry about who will clean the ship ’cause I already have someone in mind.”

  “Who, boss?”

  “Newton! newton will clean the and tomorrow...the rest can see? I have everything under control...with Newton here...there will be no leaking of fuel tanks this time.”

  “OK. Boss, we will be on our way.”

  Newton’s eyes darkened with disbelief as he stared at Lordwell King. And slowly Newton swung his glance towards Raymond who shrugged at the moment upon receiving Newton’s sharp glance, and walked away behind the rest.

  Newton glanced again at Lordwell King.

  “But, sir-- Why me?” Newton looked tense as he met Lordwell King’s glance.

  “Do you mind explaining why you had chosen to go against my orders? You had left the ship without my concern...I asked... No. No. No. I gave you an order not to leave the ship, and told you that you were required to attend to the guests on the ship. And yet you chose not to obey any of what I said!” Lordwell King glared at Newton--sparks coming out of his mouth, and rushed to Newton’s face. Lordwell King continued after a seconds of clearing his throat. “I thought you were among your friend, working, and attending to the guests, just as the rest did. But no! You chose to disobey me! You should thank me for not firing you, ’cause am annoyed right have disappointed me Newton...I came to know that you were not on the ship when Raymond approached me and asked me where you were.”

  “Damn!” Newton paused. Did I just say that out loud? He stared at Lordwell King and swallowed through his throat.

  “What did you just say!?” Lordwell King asked, he fixed his face with rage. Which Newton could see clearly. Newton had never seen Lordwell King this upset. Both had quarrels here and there, but he had never talked back at Lordwell King. Newton swallowed through his throat again and again as he stared into Lordwell King’s burning eyes. Please, I hope I don’t get fired. Newton stood still--his mouth clamped tight and his arms which he had dropped by that time he had spoken without thinking of the consequence of what could happen to him by uttering the word a minute ago. Newton’s hands continuously brushed his jeans. Not only did his cheeks burn, but his heart had twisted with shame to had said that to Lordwell King.

  Lordwell King removed his hand from his pocket, his eyes were wide and only stared at one person at front of him-- Newton Shetani who had at that time become mute. And did not even move a muscle. And gently, Lordwell King lifted his hand and rested it upon Newton’s shoulder, and made Newton shake to the feeling that he was doomed and that there was no way he was getting out of the mess he had just put himself into. Lordwell King shaped his chin into a square as he stared at Newton, a clench of muscle which appeared in Newton’s glance-- Which had formed on Lordwell King’s jaws before Lordwell King begun to speak. “Repeat what you just said earlier, Newton, rub it to my face!” The warm air come out of Lordwell King’s mouth kept hitting Newton’s face as Lordwell King spoke in rage.

  “Sir--” Newton opened his mouth, and kept his glance fastened at Lordwell King. But words just couldn’t come ou
t of his mouth.

  “come on! Say that again.”

  “Damn...” Newton’s voice rattled like the wind over a clenching window pane. And for seconds, Newton stopped to swallowed yet again through his drying throat. “But I did not mean to say that to you, sir, I respect you. I couldn’t say that to you.”

  “You did--”

  “Please, sir, I’m sorry. Please don’t fire me...I have a wife to take care of...four kids who as well depend on the paycheck I get from this job...if you fire me, how will I care for my family? Who will provide for the kids? Or pay the bills?” Newton said. Ling about having kids, but his eyes were wet and showed a ninety percent sincerity to Lordwell King.

  Lordwell King slowly lifted up his hand from Newton’s shoulder, and walked two steps away. He gripped on his golden stick, and gave Newton his back.

  Newton had no idea of what Lordwell King had in plan for him. Newton stood silent and glanced at Lordwell King who at that moment kept his hand gripped on his golden stick. Newton took a deep breath which he kept inside him for seconds count-- And tried hard to temper his breath rate which did rise before, he fastened his glance at Lordwell King until he puffed out gently--the warm air which escaped between his teeth, until his lungs had been empty again, and needed another refill.

  He ducked his head and then faced his arms which had folded below his waist, he had never thought that he would dare say that at Lordwell King. Not evening in his widest dreams would he fantasize on that. Newton knew that there was no better punishment than to be fired fired. Newton stood silent and stared at Lordwell King as thoughts surged in his mind. But I wasn’t expecting that word could reach Lordwell King, I meant to say that at Raymond. And once again, Raymond ditched me. Jessica was right when she said Raymond is clumsy. He really is clumsy. I should have thought about that before trusting him to watch my back.

  He lifted his head and glanced again at Lordwell King. Newton’s eyes had become wide with a quarter of expectations that Lordwell King would take that word to had not been an offense.

  In his glance, Newton could see Lordwell King turn around--slowly, and a gentle loosening of his grip on the golden stick.

  “Sir--” Newton opened his mouth, but got caught by a sudden stab of memory. He quickly stopped and gnashed his teeth, a muscle appeared on his forehead.

  “Don’t you worry, Newton, I won’t fire you...not today...not ever, but I believe that there is still something I would like you to do for me.” Lordwell King said.

  “Punishment?” Newton unfolded his hands and glanced back at Lordwell King. Newton’s voice sounding surprised when he asked Lordwell King. Unable to believe that Lordwell King would just let him go just like that, after speaking to Lordwell King that way.

  “Don’t count your birds before they hatch, Newton--” Lordwell King said.

  What does that suppose to mean? What birds? Newton stared at Lordwell King up-close and newton’s face got hit by every hot air that came out of Lordwell King’s mouth as Lordwell King spoke.

  “I have three ships on this harbour...and six boats. I want you to clean them all, but first clean this one...and go for the boats.” Lordwell King announced.


  “I don’t know what is up with you, kid, you say that you can’t afford loosing this job. And I say fine! A simple punishment would do, for responding to me in such, and you say but!? What do you want, kid?” Lordwell King asked as he fixed his glance upon Newton.

  “What, sir?”

  “Yes, tell me, kid, anything--and I will be glad to accept your request. Tell me anything and I will do as you ask.”

  “Really?” Newton rose one eyebrow in mute supplication as he stared at Lordwell King. “anything?”

  “You are wasting my time!”

  Newton narrowed his glance as he stared at Lordwell king. It’s quite a relief that I’m right now talking to Lordwell King after what I said a while ago. Newton thought, “I only need your forgiveness, sir,” Newton snapped.


  “Yes, sir, it was stupid of me to had said that.”

  “Count yourself lucky, Newton, I forgive you.” Lordwell King said. His words rushed in Newton’s ears, and forced a smile on his lips.

  Newton wasn’t able to believe just what Lordwell King had just said. He has forgiven me? Newton lifted up his hand and cupped his mouth, this calls for celebration. Thoughts that exchanged in his mind as he stared at Lordwell King. But a few second later, his thoughts begun to camper frantically upon getting Lordwell King’s terms of forgiveness.

  “But the punishment still stand Newton. Clear the ship first and go to the other side of this harbour and clean my six boats, after that you can finish cleaning the remaining two ships. And fix what needs to be fixed.”

  “But--” Newton’s voice tattered. His hands slowly begun to slip off his mouth upon hearing that Lordwell King was not letting go of him just soon.

  “What did you expect, Newton, that I would forgive you so easily? I will after you finish what I ask of you. You only have two days to finish the and tomorrow...if you fail to meet up to my request... No. No. No. Command. I will not be able to meet up to your request, Newton, that means you will no longer work for me nor my partners...and that will force you to leave Transtevator ’cause it happens that every employer in these parts is my friend. You offend me, you offend my friends. Get it!” Lordwell King had sent sent a penetrating glare at Newton who stood mute and unable to snap any thought which could comfort him at that moment. But he continued to swallow through his throat as he got each and every word which Lordwell King had to throw on him. Lordwell King continued after a minute of silence, but stared at Newton. “Get to Work!”

  I have no other options than to do as the man says, but cleaning three ships and six boats in two days is practically impossible. Newton’s thoughts whirled in his mind, his eyes were wide and about to stream, he turned around and rubbed his face, to get rid of the tears which had streamed a second ago. And for seconds kept his eyes wide so that he couldn’t cry.

  This is the only alternative I have left. I know it isn’t possible...but maybe if I show some effort into trying to clean at least half of what Lordwell expects of me, I can buy myself freedom from the rich men’s wrath...this is the least I wanted right now. Being threatened that I will be jobless. Damn! Damn! Damn! I hate it that I found myself into this mess. Newton lifted up his hands and pressed them on his face. And gently slid his hands down as he rubbed his face which was at that moment tensed with the uncontrollable shaking he had to bear when he heard just how low Lordwell King was willing to stoop in order to insure him poverty if not abide to Lordwell King’s desires. Newton rubbed his face and turned around to face Lordwell King who at the time waited for Newton’s concern in the punishment he had prepared for him. “I will do as you ask of me, sir.” Newton said and twisted his mouth into a wry smile--rage and anger shooting up in his throat, but chose to bear the punishment he was forced to do.

  “You can start working now, Newton, leave no stone unoverturned. Make sure the ships and boats are in perfect shape to be hired again--you can spend your night here if you want to, that I do not mind, but I want to see the work done. Alright?”

  “OK--” Newton responded.

  Newton’s head was heavy with rage, anger and disappointment, he walked away from Lordwell King with his head ducked down and his right hand fixed into a fist. He folded his hand hard as rage raise in his throat.. Meters away from Lordwell King, Newton stopped and glanced at the boats at the other side, he shifted his glance to face the big ships at the same roll in which the ship he he stood on. Newton clenched his hands as only one word came into his mind. Raymond! Newton bit his mouth tight as he thought of how Raymond had betrayed his trust. Newton moved to the supporting upper bars of the ship and griped on one.

  Rage was all that he felt, he glanced back and could see Lordwell King ling on a king sized chair, and basking in the sun. And right at the corner o
f Lordwell King’s eyes, Newton could see that he was being looked at-- Newton shifted his glance and walked at the other side of the deck were he picked a mop and a bucket which he filled with water and mixed that with soap.

  He slid the bucket ahead, and moped from the last corners of the deck, he moved forward while he had gripped hard on the moping stick. His face kept twisted with anger as he slid the mop back and forth on the ship’s floor.

  After minutes, the sun was heating real bad on the ship, and irritatingly on Newton’s forehead as he moped. He glanced at Lordwell King who had then wore black sunglasses and faced up as he lain on the chair.

  Were did he get the sunglasses? I wonder. Newton lifted his shoulders and proceeded with the punishment.

  Before he could complete to take care of the deck, he decided to go down and clean the rooms there quickly before it was too late. Time was ticking, and it was then passed lunch. Newton at the moment was not feeling the need to take lunch, he had a lot of pending work. And hardly had Newton finished cleaning one ship.

  He climbed down the stairs of the ship, he carried with him the mop and a refilled bucket of water and soap. And switched from room to room. Newton puffed out loud the moment he realized that all the rooms down there were clean, he begun to run back up-- And towards the control room where he gave a quick dust.

  “I’m only remaining with the upper base now.” Newton said to himself in a gaspy tone. His voice which muffled with stress as he begun to walk back up. He clamped his mouth tight. His head ducked down as he pushed forward, with the mop and bucket in his hands. Sweat slid down from the upper of his head which was covered with curled hair. It slid down his cheeks and forehead as he reached back up and he could feel the intensity of the afternoon scotching sun.

  He placed his bucket on the floor and balanced on the mop stick as every little bit of energy he had begun to fade--his body had slowly begun to give out.

  “Hey, kid, what’s up? Are you feeling alright?” Lordwell King stretched his glance towards Newton, penetrating it through his black sunglasses and the hot air surrounding the afternoon.

  Newton tilted and glanced at Lordwell King. Before answering, he tempered his voice and swallowed through his throat. Still unable to understand Lordwell King’s actions. Yes--Newton was to blame, this was a product of his own doing and there was no way he could justify his mistakes. There was no way that Lordwell King could have bought any of his reasons for screaming ‘Damn!’ Newton’s reasons were lame, Newton had shouted that after hearings from Lordwell King that Raymond had told on his absence. But Newton knew that Lordwell King would never accept that as an excuse. But who could clean three ships and six boats in two days? Not even the entire crew.

  “I’m perfectly fine, sir, all is well.” Newton responded after he had stretched upright and until then held on to the mop stick.

  “For some second, I thought you were dying.” Lordwell King said and chuckled as he turned back to the way he had been ling a couple of minutes ago.

  Newton stood upright and did not want to show any least signs of weakness or stress to Lordwell King. He felt that he was wrong to had shouted that way at Lordwell King’s face, but the punishment was just way too much...I have no other option. Newton thought, he walked to the other side of the ship and picked a bunch of paper on the floor and walked forward to arrange the tables at the far end of the ship’s deck. I rather not start taking the tables to the storeroom. I would just waste more of my time. I better arrange them and sort them later, tomorrow when I have enough time. Newton sighed and cleaned the floor below the tables.

  “How is your wife?” Lordwell King removed the sunglasses off his face and glanced at Newton.

  “What?” Newton lifted an eyebrow after he had turned around to face Lordwell King.

  “I’m saying your is she?” Lordwell King asked.

  Newton tilted his neck and received Lordwell King’s glance. “She’s fine.”

  “That’s great.” Lordwell King paused for a couple of seconds, then continued. “I hear she is quite famous.”

  “I’m aware of that, sir, we better not talk about that right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m at work. I have a lot of boats to clean remember?”

  Lordwell King stood up from the chair and begun to walk towards Newton, his face fixed with a smile...a smile of mockery as he decided to open his mouth again. “I’m the boss here...I will excuse you for the minutes I have made you stop working. Just answer my question, kid, what harm can it make?”

  “Nothing--” Newton snapped. Still holding on to the mop stick, he took a deep breath.

  “Good. Now will you tell me, kid, what career is she famous in?” Lordwell King’s voice sounded with sarcasm as he stared at Newton, his mouth which was slowly twisting into a smile the moment Newton decided to look away.

  “I would rather not discuss that right now, sir.” Newton responded and pressed the mop on the floor and begun to mop gently and then gave Lordwell King his back.

  Now aloof of a couple of meters away and Newton heard Lordwell King again insist in making a mockery of Newton’s relationship with Jessica Holland.

  “I’m a fan of hers!” Lordwell King shouted and walked back at his chair.

  Newton stood still and silent, considering the words which Lordwell King just said. Anger slowly rose in Newton’s throat, Newton tilted his neck and faced Lordwell King again who had at the moment flopped himself back on the chair with his sunglasses back on his face, his sunglasses positioned to glance at the sun above. Newton clenched his hands as troubled thoughts surged in his mind.

  Newton quickly slid the mop on the floor...and hoped that he could just get out of Lordwell King’s sight. I hate to be reminded over and over of my wife’s past misconducts, but there is nothing I can do to Lordwell King--he is the boss--I just have to bear all the insults coming from his mouth, and at least learn to ignore each one of them.

  Newton gently loosened just how tight he had bit his teeth, he begun to walk towards Lordwell King. Newton walked front, and jostled his way through the hot air of anguish and pain wanting to hit Lordwell King, but decided not to, considering that his job was already on a verge of collapse.

  “Sir, I’m done.” Newton said in a low tone with a bucket in his hand and the mop stick which he pressed on the floor and leaned on--balancing on the mop stick, and his glace had fastened on Lordwell King, he waited for Lordwell King’s response.

  “Good.” Lordwell King snapped.

  “I will now go and work on the boats on the other side.” Newton said, and slowly begun to walk away.

  “Introduce me to your wife someday, Newton.” Lordwell King said.

  Newton tilted his neck and faced again Lordwell King who was until then staring at the sun behind his sunglasses. Newton swallowed through his throat and opened his mouth to a sharp painful response. “I’ll” and gnashed his teeth as he walked away.

  Newton was running out of time, the sun was gently loosening its heat and Newton knew one thing--and that was that he had less time to clean a parade of boats and to head back to clean the remaining two ship at this side. This was hard labor, but by then, Newton felt that he deserved that for having spoken to Lordwell King that way.

  Outside the ship-- Newton stood on the plank-made-path...with his mop and bucket still with him. He gripped on both handles as he puffed to a view of six large boats floating on the other side of the wooden path.

  He took a deep steady breath and headed toward the boat which stood at the far end of the parade. Jumping on it and balancing as the waters shook...making the boat shake to his landing, he balanced while holding firmly to the mop stick and bucket of water.

  Newton glanced at a boats as thoughts whirled in his mind. And tried to figure out how he was to clean the boat. It was large but not as large as the ship for him to use a mop stick. He had already made up his mind and tossed the mop at the far end of the boat, the mop stick which entered half
way into a control room.

  “There we have it--” Newton said in a soft tone as he stared at a small cloth which he rushed for and grabbed. “This can do.”

  The sun was still ahead, and Newton wasn’t going to overcome the heat. He lifted up his head and glanced at the sun with a fading glance which he held for a couple of seconds, and quickly dropped.

  It’s hot. Newton’s thoughts snapped. He begun to remove his shirt--his skin was red with the heat he had to endure until then.

  Without a shirt on-- Newton rushed towards the bucket of water with a cloth in his hand. He pressed the cloth in the bucket, soaked it, washed and gently squeezed. He bent down and begun to mop, planting both his knees on the wooden floor of the boat as he crawled towards every corner of the boat.

  Time was ticking, and still, Newton had not yet finished cleaning the boat, he stood up and glanced at the sun above--which had seemed to be fading. Newton took at the end of the floor a piece of dry cloth and walked towards the control room of the boat. His motive; dusting the internal of the room.

  But to his surprise, he saw a fishing stick at the corner of the control room.

  “That’s Lordwell King’s lucky fishing stick,” his mouth twisted into a smile and he decided to walk forward towards the fishing stick, he lifted the fishing stick up--and stared at it at a count of dozen seconds until he made up his mind to give it a shot.

  “Maybe this could be my lucky day.” Newton said to himself as he rubbed the handle of the fishing stick. Newton was aware of the dangers he was to put himself into. That was Lordwell King’s lucky fishing stick, and if caught by Lordwell King, definitely Newton could be fired this time, and no lies of having children will this time around buy him freedom from being fired.

  But Newton’s ego was way much stronger than the fear of Lordwell King. Newton’s thoughts continuously surged in his mind considering the fact that Lordwell King would get upset if found him holding it.

  Newton stood silent, and thought about the lucky fishing stick which until then he had gripped on, and considered the fact that he was already in trouble.

  Oh! Get a hold of yourself Newton. Newton’s thoughts continued to surge in his mind as he stared at the hook which hang at the end of the fishing line attached to the fishing stick. I just can’t resist its charms.

  Newton shook his head as mixed feelings surged in his mind. I will quickly taste it and see if this thing really is lucky, he had made up his mind...and then walked towards the exit of the room, carrying with him the fishing stick.

  It was in the afternoons, and Newton was certain that he could have a catch. He walked towards the drawer at the end of the control room, and opened a bowl were Lordwell King keeps the worms he uses to catch fish. And he walked out of the room. He glanced at the water surrounding and shaking the boat.

  At the end of the boat’s floor, right at the edges--Newton sat down and prepared for a catch. He took a deep breath before he could throw the line into the water, and released his breath slowly.

  His legs were hanging and nearly brushing the waters as he sat at the edge of the boat. For seconds--he waited to have a catch with Lordwell King’s lucky fishing stick, but all his effort didn’t bring him good. Patience was fading and Newton had a lot of boats to attend to, he concluded that the lucky fishing stick, it being of luck was nothing but a myth--something which Newton had never saw its wonders, but only heard of it luckiness from his workmates. What truth could that hold? This is simply useless. Let me get back to work.

  He stood on his two feet, and decided to pull the line back up, but found that the hook got stuck.

  “Damn!” Newton exclaimed.

  He placed the fishing stick on the boat’s floor, and then tried to figure out what it was that he had to do. Newton swung his glance around and tried to see if there was by chance that Lordwell King saw any of his doings. Newton’s glance returned with an immediate snap when he heard something hit the water. In his glance, he saw the fishing stick beginning to sink slowly into the water.

  Newton could feel fear crawl in his veins, which made him pulse pound even more, and shiver to the view of something awful, disturbing, and job risking. He clamped his mouth tight and swung his glance at the control room. Quickly, he ran for the room and begun to prepare himself for a dive into the water--he dressed himself in a tight black sea divers costume. Newton knew that if he tried to go down without the suit, he wasn’t going to make it down the sea’s floor. It was quite deep, and he was certain that the fishing stick was only going to stop sinking when it met the bed of the sea. And the fishing stick; it being designed of metal.

  Newton wore a mask and placed behind his back an oxygen tank. And in a count of a couple of minutes, he dived in the sea and begun to follow down the hook.

  Although his vision was quite faint-- He could glance through the transparent plastic glasses. He saw the fishing stick sink. Newton followed it until the fishing stick met its landing, right at the bottom of the sea. Newton glanced up and could see shadows of the floating boats. He rushed towards the fishing stick. He picked the fishing stick first, until he met something worth glancing at again...meters apart.

  Bubbles came out of his mouth as he pushed himself forward. It’s a treasure chest!