Read The Haunting of Reindeer Manor Page 17

Inside the room, oblivious to the electronics now monitoring her, Amy put on her favorite nightgown. She sat down on the bed as Jessie held out her hand. “I know the pain of feeling you’re all alone in a situation. Would you like me to remain with you?”

  Amy smiled at her. “No, I’m all right now. I just need to rest. Stay if you wish, but I am rather tired.”

  Jessie looked at her with sympathy. “All right then, I shall return in awhile.”

  Mary and Jessie were about to leave the room, when Mary overheard a conversation through the door. “—She’s been after me to leave my wife, but that’s not going to happen.”

  Outside, the men were in a deep conversation. Fletcher was shaking his head. “Dr. Anderson, this will not end happily; take it from a man who knows family drama.”

  “I knew that after the first time. However, as soon as I feel the right time has come, I’ll get rid of her. She’s a good person and knows her way around the bedroom, but honestly, if she thinks I’m going to give up my lifestyle for her, she’s crazy. Secretaries like her are a dime a dozen; when one wears out, you replace it with a newer, younger model. Besides, her distractions led my manuscript to wane in the later investigations. That alone is reason to cut ties.”

  Fletcher shook his head. “That’s cold, a man of your stature engaging in such poor judgment.”

  “Hey, I’m not her keeper. She knew what she was doing; she’s no angel here. Besides, if this house is as bad as its reputation, perhaps it will take care of her for me.”

  Fletcher looked at him with disgust. “When this project is over, I’m informing the dean of your affair.”

  “Fine, it’s your career. Do what you will, but don’t put me down as a reference. You screw me and I’ll make sure your name is stripped from any documentation!” Anderson stormed down the stairway in anger.

  Fletcher followed, lighting a cigarette on his way down. He was not concerned with Anderson’s threat. His good name and background were not dependent on his approval.

  Inside the room, Mary held her tears back. She could not allow the others to know what she had heard. She had to be strong for herself, because that’s all she had.

  A few moments later, Mary and Jessie made their way downstairs. They found Anderson glued to his monitors and Fletcher standing off to the side, smoking. He watched the women descend the staircase; the light from the flashlights illuminated their eyes.

  Upstairs, Amy crawled into bed and then turned the flashlight off. Instantly, she knew she was not alone. Near the foot of her bed, right next to her feet, she could hear breathing. It was so faint that she had to strain to hear it. “I know you’re there.”

  The sound of slow, steady breathing continued.

  She lay there, listening for any response. There was none. “Are you the one from the room at the end?”

  No response.

  A few moments later, she asked, “Is there something you want from me?”

  No response.

  She reached over and gently turned on the flashlight. The room appeared empty, but she knew better. “If you are seeking help, show me what you need and I shall provide it.”

  The breathing became heavier, more labored. Now it seemed to move, crawling across the bed. She could feel the covers around her legs tighten. She sat up and felt she was nose to nose with the entity, as if it was staring her down.

  “Can you give me a sign?”

  She felt the room temperature drop; the room became as cold as ice. Goosebumps ran up and down her body. Suddenly she felt a cold hand touch her leg. She jerked it away instinctively. “Be nice, please. I mean you no harm. I’m going to turn out the light and go to sleep. Please respect my wishes.” As she reached for the flashlight, it was thrown across the room. The lamp shattered, plunging the room into darkness. Her heart raced, fearing the anger that surrounded her. “You don’t want to be seen. I understand, but can you tell me why you’re with me?”

  In her head a voice said, You have come to me.

  “Yes, but I am not like the others. I seek to help. I want you to find peace.”

  The breathing grew rapid, like a wild beast. She felt hands pushing down on her shoulders, forcing her against the mattress. She was so tempted to scream, but at that very moment, the bedroom door opened and light penetrated the room. Instantly the sensation was gone.

  Fletcher and Jessie walked in the room. Jessie whispered to him, “As impolite as it might sound, you were not planning on sleeping in the bed with us?”

  Great, he thought. A bed made for seven and I am the one on the floor. “Well, I suppose not.”

  “Good.” Jessie was not heartless. She took several layers of blankets and made a bed for Fletcher. Though she was not about to share a bed with him, she was not going to force him into discomfort. Amy lay there, listening to them. She watched as the two readied themselves for bed.

  Moments later, the lights were out, and they were asleep. Amy knew the entity was still in the room. She wondered when it would make its presence known again.

  Day 2