Read The Hawk and the Jewel Page 29

  Sunny had drifted off before Chelsea could get out the door, and Chelsea was glad to return to her own bed. She herself was more weary than she had ever been in her life, and with Rand's arms around her, she felt sleep coming swiftly to claim her. Rand's whispered words, telling her he thought she was wonderful, sent her into slumber with a smile on her face.


  brandon and sunny rode in companionable silence on the ridge between Ravenscroft and Bracken. They had been to visit the ruins of Hawkings Crest. Hawkings Crest, as Brandon explained, had been the home of his early ancestors, a mighty fortress built in the mid-1400's.

  Brandon told Sunny that he actually had a document from King Henry VIII, commanding Bracken of Hawkings Crest to marry a daughter from a neighboring castle. Knowing this made the name of Brandon's home all the more special.

  As they rode, they talked of many things, and Sunny's heart was nearly singing with how well they were getting along. After more than an hour with nothing but gentle words between them, Sunny found herself confiding in Brandon about the goings-on at Ravenscroft.

  She was able to tell him that Rand had come on the scene after the wedding, and in a few weeks' time had dismissed Phipps, the stable hand, and given word to the staff that they were all on notice. Rand, not willing to take any chances, had even told Aunt Lucy's staff. It had taken some days to calm ruffled feathers.

  After feeling secure for many days, Sunny was once again growing uncomfortable. Convinced that it had nothing to do with Ravenscroft or the people there, Sunny admitted she would move back to Willows' End without delay if she could uncover evidence that she truly was in danger.

  "I don't understand you," Brandon said after she'd told all,


  thinking this uneasiness was the perfect reason to move back to Willows' End.

  "Well, I think all of this has something to do with me, not the house or even the staff. I don't know why, but if I go back to Willows* End, I'll always feel as if I've left a job undone."

  **In the light of your safety, I think that's a small price to pay." Brandon's voice had become very formal.

  Sunny sighed. They were sitting beneath a huge willow. Their horses were tethered nearby, and they were leaning back against the tree, their shoulders just touching.

  "You're going to get angry, aren't you, Brandon?"

  "Not if you go back to Willows' End."

  Again Sunny sighed. "It's gotten so that I can't tell you anything anymore, Brandon. What's happened to us? You disapprove of everything I do."

  "No, I don't." He spoke softly, regretting the way he had made her feel. "But what youVe told me is very alarming, and I can't stand the thought of your being hurt. Why don't you live with Heather and Foster for a time, or Mother? That would give you a nice break, just until Rand and I can make sure all is well."

  "I won't do that because Ravenscroft is my home, and I don't know that I'm in any serious danger," Sunny told him calmly. "Whatever is going on, I want to see it through."

  Now it was Brandon's turn to sigh. He had to stop treating her like a child. She had trusted him with this confidence, and he must now trust her decision, as well as God's care of her. It went against his own judgment, but he had begun to wonder if he could even trust his own reasoning where Sunny was concerned.

  Brandon turned away from his thoughts and glanced over to find Sunny, her face near his own, studying him intently. His look seemed to tell her he would not argue, and the pleasure Brandon saw on her face made him act without thinking. With a move so gentle that Sunny never felt threatened, Brandon brushed her lips with his own.

  He was a fool to think that one kiss would be enough and a moment later his lips had claimed hers again, this time with a good deal more insistency. Brandon raised his head seconds later to find Sunny's face frozen in shock. Regret knifed through him so deeply that a look of near-revulsion crossed his face.

  "Why did you do that?" Sunny's voice was stiff, having misinterpreted his look.



  Brandon came awkwardly to his feet. "I'm sorry, Sunny. It won't happen again.**

  The ride back to Ravenscroft was made in silent agony, and Sunny was never so glad to see her own room. Without a care for the dust on her clothing or boots, she lay across her bed and cried herself into exhaustion.

  Three hours later, Sunny sat with a cold cloth on her eyes as Christie brushed her hair. Not wanting to deal with Aunt Lucy's questions at supper, she was trying to erase the signs of her tears.

  There was a knock on the door just as Sunny was being buttoned into a fresh day dress. Wilson entered and informed Sunny she had a visitor; she assumed it was Brandon.

  **I don't really care to see anyone, Wilson. Thank whoever it is and tell him another time.**

  Wilson hesitated.

  **Is there some problem, Wilson?" Sunny had a headache, and her voice was a bit sharp.

  "No, my lady,** Wilson's said apologetically. **But it's Lord Miles, my lady, and I know he is most anxious to see you.**

  Sunny's eyes slid closed. "Thank you, Wilson; of course I'll see him. Tell him I'll be right down.**

  The door shut, and Christie spoke softly. "You don't like Wilson, do you, my lady?"

  Sunny*s head turned sharply at her impertinence, and Christie looked swiftly at the floor. "I'm sorry, my lady. It won't happen again.**

  Sunny was sorry she felt so ill-tempered. "It's all right, Christie. Why did you ask that?**

  The personal maid shrugged and looked hesitant.

  "Go on. You can tell me,** Sunny urged.

  "I don't care for him any more than you do. I saw him peeking into your jewel box one day. He told me he was fixing the latch, but I pack your jewel box for you every time you travel, and I've never seen it broken.**

  Sunny trembled just a little. She thanked Christie and dismissed her, needing a few moments to be alone. Rand had been so sure of

  Wilson. Dare she approach the man? Her thoughts were such a muddle that for the moment she forgot about her guest. With measured tread she moved to the jewel box, took it from the dresser, and placed it in the large drawer in the bottom of her desk. It was never out of place when she was home, and she hoped such an action would not draw attention to her newfound knowledge.

  As she finally went down to meet Miles, she remembered that Rand was on a trip. Just before opening the door to the salon, Sunny prayed and made an instant decision not to say anything to anyone until Rand returned.

  Miles Gallagher was tanned and gorgeous, and Sunny could only stare at him where he stood near the mantel.

  "Have I grown another head?"

  Sunny laughed. "No, you just look so wonderful and older and-** Sunny faltered for more words.

  Miles smiled and the two met in the middle of the room and shared a great hug. Sunny held his hand as she led him to the davenport. When they were seated, she repeated herself.

  "I've missed you, and you look just wonderful.**

  It was Miles' turn to chuckle. "I missed you too, but if I can be very honest, you look a bit drained.**

  Sunny looked indignant. "Of all the nerve, Miles Gallagher, telling a lady she doesn't look well!"

  Miles only stared at her, and Sunny's bluster and fuss seeped from her.

  "I have a headache,** she admitted.

  "You don't normally get headaches, if I recall. Are you coming down with something?**

  Of all the things they could have discussed-Miles* sailing, Holly's wedding, or Sunny's move-Sunny found herself unburdening to Miles about Brandon. Miles listened attentively, catching more than Sunny was saying, but not giving anything away. He had, on his last voyage, met someone himself, and knew very well the signs of love.

  Sunny was sharing things about Brandon that Miles did not recognize. Brandon was the kind of uncle whose level head and wisdom had always impressed him. This Brandon was a man acting without


  thought, letting his fears destroy his judgm
ent-this Brandon was a man in love. Brandon had allowed his regard for Sunny's safety to come between him and the woman he loved.

  It was not surprising that Sunny couldn't see any of this. Her head and heart were equally as confused, and she was hurting as much as Miles suspected Brandon was.

  Miles stayed for several hours, and he and Sunny talked about everything under the sun. Sunny was thrilled to know of Miles' new love and from his description, thought she sounded like a wonderful woman. Miles planned to visit Jordan and Holly soon, and Sunny found herself wishing she could join him.

  When Miles finally took his leave, Sunny's headache remained, but she felt much better. Aunt Lucy did not come down from her room until just before dinner, and after eating, Sunny was feeling almost like herself.

  Since she knew the next few days before Rand came home were going to be spent in watchful silence, Sunny decided to go to bed early. Unfortunately Brandon's presence was announced just as Sunny told Aunt Lucy she was going to take a walk in the garden.

  "Well, you go ahead, dear. The night air will do you good; it will help you sleep. Ill keep Brandon company until you return."

  Feeling very much a coward, Sunny thanked her gratefully and fled. The lights of the parlor allowed Sunny to see exactly when Brandon came in and sat opposite his aunt.

  Before she began to move among the flowers, she stood watching him for a moment, asking herself why she did not want to think about the reason he must have come back or the kiss he had given her that afternoon.

  brandon's foot tapped softy on the rug, but Aunt Lucy didn't notice. She was telling Brandon about the chapter she had written that day, a lengthy subject detailing her days in America. Brandon wondered if her excited chatter would ever stop.

  He glanced toward the French doors that opened at the far end of the parlor. One stood open, allowing the night air to cool the room, but not allowing himtosee past the darkness where he knew Sunny to be.

  With an effort he forced his attention back to Aunt Lucy and hoped he was nodding in all the right places. He had decided that afternoon that nothing Sunny or he could say to each other would make him more miserable than he was now. He knew he had to see her. It had been an effort to wait until that night, and all the way over he had prayed she would speak to him.

  It had been most discouraging to have Aunt Lucy say that she was in the garden. Brandon had reluctantly taken a chair. He told himself he was not going to wait much longer. Only five minutes to be exact, and then he was going to excuse himself and go out to find her.

  As it was, the scream, short and muffled, came only moments after Brandon made his resolve. Without one word to the still-talking Lucy, he was out of his chair and bolting for the open door.



  Sunny had done very little walking once she passed over the threshold into the garden. The giant shrubs were a comfort to her, and she loved to gaze at their silhouettes in the moonlight. She did stroll some, but when the attack came, she was standing completely still, gazing at the stars and praying.

  Sunny heard the shuffle of feet just a moment too late. A hand was clamped firmly over her mouth and she was borne to the ground. She began to struggle in earnest as the tearing of cloth came to her ears, and all at once the night air touched her legs, back, and shoulders.

  Sunny fought with everything that was in her, trying desperately to free her mouth, but there seemed to be hands all over her.

  "Where is it?" a voice demanded.

  "I can't find it," another answered.

  When Sunny felt hands moving on her legs she bit the hand over her mouth. She was able to get out one desperate yell before she was stifled again.

  As quickly as the attackers had come, they were gone. Sunny lay where they left her, every part of her trembling in fear and shock. Even when she heard more footsteps, she could not make herself move. Someone was there now, calling her name and touching her shoulder. Sunny scrambled back away from the hand asfastas she could move.

  "Don't touch me," she sobbed, and then she saw a crowd and heard Brandon telling someone to bring a blanket. It was in his hands before she could blink. He spoke softly as he approached.

  "You're going to get cold if we don't cover you. Let me put the blanket around you and then we'll go in and send for Chelsea. You'd like to see Chelsea wouldn't you?"

  "I don't want anyone to touch me.'*

  "I won't, but we need to keep you warm."

  She triedtomove away when he came closer, but she was trembling so much she was out of strength. She flinched and shrunk away from him as best she could, but he kept his word, and she felt only the blanket as it surrounded her.

  "I'm going to lift you now,** he was saying as he carefully covered her.

  "No Brandon, no. Please-** Sunny begged him but he ignored her and lifted her in his arms.

  Sunny told herself to fight, but the feel of him and the smell of his coat made her sob. Her tears approached hysterics as she dung to him. Brandon cradled her tenderly against his chest all the way upstairs to her bedroom.

  "Where are you putting me?" Sunny cried suddenly when she felt the mattress beneath her.

  "Your own bed. It's the best place for you right now." He tried to reason with her, but she was struggling to keep him near. "Sunny, what is it?"

  "Don't leave me," she cried, clutching at him frantically. "I know you're angry, Brandon, but please don't leave me until Chelsea comes. Please, Brandon. I know we've had words, but I need you here."

  "Shhh," he hushed her gently and stayed close enough so she could touch him. She was trembling violently, and her trembling, along with her words, made him feel as if someone had thrust a knife into his side.

  "I won't go," he told her softly and pressed a kiss on her brow, his hand covering the trembling one that dung to his shirt. **I won't ever leave if you don't want me to. Chelsea has been sent for and so has the doctor."

  Brandon kept up a steady flow of talk, but Sunny heard little of it. Some of the shock was lessened and her mind, terrorized as it was, was trying to work through the attack. She remembered that the men had immediately ripped her clothing and searched her. And their voices, their accents, were so familiar. Thirteen years ago...

  Sunny's mind stopped there. What she was thinking was just too impossible for words. Could she really trust her own ears when she had been so terrified? Before she could work it through, she heard Chelsea's voice. She thought she might be able to hold her tears even with seeing her, but then Rand's face came into view. He had been in London on business, and Sunny had forced herself not to yearn for someone who couldn't be there. The sight of him standing at the foot of her bed as Chdsea's arms surrounded her was more than she could take. Blackness came crowding in.



  "Actually, I'm quite pleased that she slept through the entire examination," the doctor told Brandon and Rand. "There are scratches on her, as though she was searched by someone with long fingernails," he said thoughtfully, "but other than the area around her mouth, she's not even bruised."

  Rand was so weak with relief that he couldn't even stand. Brandon saw the doctor to the door and rejoined his brother-in-law. Neither one spoke for a few moments and when Chelsea came in the door, Brandon rose in alarm.

  "Who's with Sunny?"

  "Tildy," Chelsea told him calmly and watched as he slumped back down.

  "This is all my fault," Rand spoke raggedly.

  "No, Rand," Chelsea began, but her husband shook his head.

  Just after the doctor had come, Rand had called the entire staff to search the grounds for the intruders, but they had found nothing. Brandon sent two groomsmen to the village to summon the constable.

  When all were gathered, Tildy stepped forth to tell Rand that Wilson, Tina, and Sunny's long-time maid, Christie, were all missing.

  Rand's heart, already in agony over the night's events, plummeted. He'd been so sure about Wilson, and when he had found out that Tina had be
en a maid at Heather's, he had reassured Sunny on that end too. Christie was a mystery to everyone.

  Now Rand sat fingering Sunny's ruined dress. It had been slashed repeatedly. What had they been searching for? He began to pray.

  "I've been formulating some plans," Brandon stated, breaking into Rand's thoughts. "When Sunny wakes up, I don't want you to say anything to her. I'm leaving for London tonight-"

  Brandon went on to outline his plan in a soft voice, Rand's and Chelsea's heads bent close to his own.

  "She won't like it," Chelsea said when he was through.

  "But it's the best thing to do," Rand interjected. "I wish I'd thought of it." Rand praised God that Brandon was stepping in.

  rtl realize Sunny won't be too happy, but I'm not about to have her sit around here and wait for the next attack," Brandon said as he stood. "I'll be back in two days, possibly less. Tell Sunny I'll explain everything later."

  Brandon took his leave, and Rand and Chelsea went upstairs. Chelsea climbed into bed next to Sunny, who never stirred, and Rand made himself comfortable on the daybed by the window, his gun beneath his pillow. Surprisingly, all slept through the night. The turmoil didn't begin again until Brandon returned.



  ttl won't GO," sunny told brandon, only to be ignored.

  "Chelsea, get someone in here to pack Sunny's trunk. We're leaving in one hour."

  Sunny gritted her teeth in frustration when Chelsea moved to do as he bade. She turned from the door to find Brandon studying her.

  "I tried asking you, Sunny, but you wouldn't budge." Brandon's voice was soft, but Sunny caught the underlying hint of steel. "Youareleaving Ravenscroft today. I know you're not feeling at your best, and I wish you liked the idea more, but even if you hate me forever, I'm going to see you safely away from here."