Read The Hawk and the Jewel Page 3

  Shani took a deep breath and tried to calm the frantic beating of her heart. She was shivering so violently she could hardly remove her sodden clothes. Her face burned, and shame threatened to choke her when she saw how bare her body had been in the wet bloomers,

  knowing that the captain and many of the crew had seen her nakedness.

  Fearful that the captain would check on her, Shani hurried into the water as soon as she was undressed. She barely stifled a gasp at the change in temperature. Her skin had become so chilled that the water seemed to scald her.

  Some minutes passed before she was able to unclench her jaw against the chattering of her teeth, and lay back in the water. She let her body sink low in the tub and closed her eyes as the water washed over her shoulders.

  This cannot be real,she thought bleakly.Pm going to wake and find that I have fallen asleep while Indira brushed my hair.But even as the thought entered her head, Shani knew it would never be true. She was on this ship, and probably headed to England.

  How many times had she wondered about her homeland and questioned Indira over her past? Indira had always answered as best she could, and Shani had oftentimes dreamed of going to England, but never once had she imagined being sent away from the only family she had ever known. Why would they do it? Indira had assured her many times that her entire family was dead. Who would take care of her in England?

  **Oh, Poppy," tears gathered in her throat, and Shani tried hard to draw breath.

  "Are you all right?" Brandon's deep voice spoke suddenly from the other side of the screen.

  Shani didn't answer.

  "Please answer me, or I'll be forced to come back and check on you."

  "I am well," Shani answered stiffly, horrified at the thought of this strange man invading her privacy.

  Shani heard nothing for some minutes after that, so she started violently when a dry towel was laid over the top of the screen. Joining this were two garments. From her place in the tub, Shani thought they appeared to be her underclothing; in reality, they were a robe and nightgown.

  When a dress was not added to the lot, Shani wondered about the implications of such an action. She forced herself not to think about what might happen this night. Had the captain not called to her to finish and come out, she would have stayed in the water until she was once again chilled to the bone.



  "I do not wish to come out," Shani called, wondering at her boldness.

  "Supper is here, and you need to eat something. Get done now and into the nightgown and robe."

  He did not sound angry with her, but something in his voice propelled her into action. Five minutes later she slipped around the partition and stood very still. She'd dried her hair as best she could, but she knew it hung in a riotous mass around her head.

  "Warmer?" Brandon called the moment he spotted her.

  Shani could only nod. Her hands clutched the front of her robe and were white with strain. At home her gown for sleeping was short, but in front of this man, Shani found herself thankful for this covering.

  "Come," Brandon bid her, "have a seat."

  Shani, afraid of angering him, did as she was told, taking a place at the small dining table that sat against one wall. Brandon immediately placed food before her, and while Shani stared at the strange fare, he sat across from her. Shani's eyes flew to his, and then to his empty place setting.

  "You do not eat," she commented, although she didn't know why.

  "I'll eat later," he told her. "For now I'd like you to eat and listen to what I have to say."

  Shani opened her mouth to say she was not hungry, but her stomach growled as if on cue. Ignoring her utensils, she picked up a strange-looking piece of bread and nibbled on the edge.

  "I'm not sure what you've been told about yourself, so I'd like to clear a few things up for you." Brandon paused to make sure she was listening before going on.

  "First of all, I was not aware of the fact that my coming would be a surprise. Until Ali introduced you as-" Brandon hesitated over the name, having heard it only twice.

  "Shani," she supplied softly, but with great pride. * Brandon nodded. **I guess the first thing I should have told you was your real name."

  Shani's mouth opened, and her eyes widened. Brandon wondered what the next few hours would bring if she didn't even realize her name had been changed.... The thought hung in his mind.

  In the moments that Brandon was silent, Shani searched her own mind for some way of gaining the upper hand. Her chin rose slightly when she felt sure of herself.

  "I do not know for what purpose you have stolen me, but I am sure if you return me to Ahmad Khan, you will be rewarded handsomely." It was a bluff on Shani's part, but she was suddenly terrified of what he might tell her. Surely Poppy would take her back, if only she could make this man believe he wanted her.

  Brandon shook his head slowly, not wanting to crush her, but knowing he could not condone her denial of the situation. His heart turned over with compassion for her, but he also felt some anger at the cowardly way the emir had handled this whole affair.

  "Your name is Sunny Gallagher, and you were born in England," Brandon began softly and continued when he saw curiosity flame in her eyes. "Ali sent word and asked for someone to come for you. Until now they believed you were dead."

  "Who thought I was dead?" Shani whispered, her brow knit with confusion.

  "Your family."

  She shook her head and came out of her chair, searching the room as though she would run. Brandon stood also, keeping himself between her and the door. It was now dark outside, and they were many miles from shore. Were she to escape again, they would never recover her.

  "I'm sorry," Brandon said as he took in her panic. "I didn't know how else to tell you."

  "You lie," Shani whispered, her eyes begging him to admit it.

  "No, Sunny, I don't." His eyes begged her to believe him.

  "I am Shani!" she lashed out in a last defense.

  "No," Brandon's voice became very firm. "Your name is Sunny, and that is how I will address you. I think this has been too much for you," he went on in an unyielding tone. "I want you to go to bed and get some sleep."

  Shani, nearly out of her head with confusion, voiced the first thought that came to mind. "You will not order me to bed as you would a child. I am nearly 15."

  This time it was Brandon's turn to be surprised. All Shani's movements came to a complete halt on seeing his raised brow.

  "It's true that your birthday is near," he said softly as he watched her eyes grow round again. "But you're going to be 14, not 15." Brandon's voice was at its gentlest, but this announcement was still more than Shani could handle.


  Her mind screamed that this man was lying to her, but in her heart she knew the truth; she knew who had done the lying. Ahmad, Indira, Ali, Rashad, all of them-for years they had lived a lie. For years a family she had never known had grieved her death.

  Shani tried to take it all in, tried to make herself understand, but it was too much. Black spots danced before her eyes, and she heard harsh sobs coming from someone's throat. It would be morning before Shani would understand the sobs were her own, and that Brandon had caught her just before she hit the floor.

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  &unny gallagher

  39sunny opened her eyes but did not immediately move. Her temples ached, and her eyes felt gritty when she blinked. It was a relief to let her eyes slide shut again, but as soon as she did, yesterday-all of yesterday -came sharply to mind.

  The faces of Ali and Rashad swam before her mind's eye, and the pain Sunny felt was like a knife in the side.I have a family in England, and rather than tell me the truth, I am drugged and taken away by a stranger.

  Her mind ran through the events of the last weeks. The distance Ahmad had placed between them and the clinging way Indira had acted at the oddest times washed over her with fresh understanding. And Rashad, always kind
to her, had begun to treat her as a rare bird. Calla had not only sewn her clothing, but in ways most subtle told her of England, what she would see and how she must act.

  Sunny had taken all of Calla's words to heart, so no one aboard this English ship-would be offended by her behavior, but never did she imagine she would need such knowledge for other reasons. Sunny suddenly remembered her age. While sleeping, her robe and gown had twisted around her, so she rose slowly from the bed and adjusted the heavy fabric.

  Almost reverently she let her hands slide over her flat breasts and stomach. /am just 13,the words sounded with wonder inside her mind.For so long, lam different, but now, now I am just young, and in this there is no sin.Sunny allowed herself a brief time of joy over this truth, and indeed it was brief. All too soon she remembered that



  this was the only thing she had to be happy about.

  Her eyes cast about the room, little more than a closet. In doing so, she caught sight of her two trunks, which now sat opposite her bed. She approached them with a heavy feeling of grief settling around the region of her heart.

  They plotted against me well*she told herself as she approached the trunks quietly. Kneeling, she lifted the lid of the first one and felt tears sting her eyes. It was filled with clothing similar to the outfit she had worn on board. She'd been so upset by the day's events that she hadn't even stopped to wonder why the captain had night raiment to fit her. Calla must have made her an entire wardrobe.


  The calling of her name brought her to her feet. By the time Brandon opened the door, she had backed up until her legs hit her bunk.

  Brandon stopped as soon as he saw her. The morning light was dim, but not so low that he missed the single tear and the wet trail it left on her cheek.

  "I suppose by now you'd hoped to wake up and find that all of this was a bad dream.**

  His deep, gentle voice was almost her undoing. The tight rein she had on her emotions nearly crumbled in the face of his kindness.

  "When you're ready, I'll send for breakfast." Brandon waited for her nod, shut her door, and left her alone. As soon as he had exited, Sunny began to wonder where he had come from. She followed him to the door, opened it, and found herself on the threshold of his cabin.

  Sunny was surprised at herself. On the tour yesterday, she had completely missed this door and the small room off his cabin. Sunny glanced back to her own room, searching for yet another door. She found none and realized that the only way out was through the captain's cabin.

  Brandon had gone to his desk, but noticed Sunny the moment he was seated. He watched her take in the cabin with new eyes, but couldn't quite tell what she was thinking. His neatly made bed was the last place she looked before turning her direct gaze on him.

  "Are you a eunuch?"

  Brandon's thoughts had wandered far in an attempt to guess her thoughts, but never in his wildest dreams would this question have

  entered his mind. He swiftly reminded himself where she had spent the last 12 years of her life and tried to answer calmly.

  "No, I'm not."

  "Then I cannot sleep in this room with you."

  "You don't sleep in this room," Brandon replied, hoping she would be reasonable. "You sleep in your own room."

  "But there is no lock on this door, no way to stop your passage to my bed."

  Brandon could see that he would have to grow accustomed to her bluntness. "Sunny," Brandon's voice was very gentle, "you have nothing to fear from me."

  "I do not know you. I cannot take your words as truth." Sunny began to wonder if there was anyone left on this earth whom she could trust.

  They were both silent a moment while Brandon debated what to say next, but Sunny was the first to speak.

  "I need another room." She tried to sound authoritative, as if she would not take no for an answer.

  "That is out of the question." Brandon's voice, although kind, was unyielding. "You are under my care for the space of this voyage, and I will see you back to England safely."

  "And who will have my care when we-" Sunny didn't finish the question, completely forgetting for the moment about her sleeping arrangements. Brandon, in all fairness, knew it was time to tell her everything.

  "Why don't you get dressed and have some breakfast? While you eat, I'll explain how you've come to be here."

  Remembering that they had not settled the sleeping arrangements, Sunny hesitated. She was suspicious of this captain, kind though he was, and wondered if breakfast was just a distraction on his part.

  Of course,she told herself,had he intended to harm me, he might have done so by now.Without further word Sunny turned and entered her room, shutting the door firmly behind in order to dress for the day.

  Having watched her face, Brandon felt vaguely dissatisfied with how little her eyes gave way to her thoughts.



  Sunny was quite hungry by the time she had struggled into her dress. What had seemed like such fun the day before was a lot of work today. She couldn't remember everything she was supposed to put on, so she left most of her undergarments off, but that didn't solve her newest problem. The dress she had picked out buttoned down the back. Sunny bent her arms until they ached but still could not reach all the buttons.

  Nearly 45 minutes had slipped away, and Brandon, not wanting to rush her, hesitated outside her door. He'd heard a tremendous rustling and shuffling for a long time, and then silence. If he didn't know belter, he would have guessed she was no longer in her room.

  "Sunny, are you ready?"

  The angry brunette didn't answer.

  "May I come in?" Brandon called to her, and when she again remained silent, he opened the door a shade and peeked around the corner.

  The small room was a disaster. The trunks were empty. The bunk and floor were strewn with dresses, shoes, and feminine apparel of every type. Sunny's face was flushed, and she looked ready to kill. Brandon had to arrest the amused smile that threatened.

  "My dress is not ready," Sunny stated tightly.

  "Does it button in the back?" Brandon, the brother of one sister, easily deduced the cause of this hurricane.

  The clenching of Sunny's jaw was all the answer he received, and with a move of his hand, Brandon motioned for her to join him in the main cabin.

  She stood with rigid posture as he fastened the five small buttons that she could not have possibly reached, also taking note of her bare back, and wondering how he was going to explain feminine attire to her. Not wanting to deal with it at the moment, he immediately, and with all the aplomb of a servant seating the queen, seated Sunny at the table. He heard her small sigh, and with quiet efficiency he uncovered the bowls of food on the table so she could eat.

  She did eat-with her hands. Brandon, well aware of Eastern customs, had suspected she would do so, but had also decided to let Sunny's family tackle this problem. It wasn't that she spilled food all over herself and the cabin; in feet, she was very neat. Using pieces of bread to scoop or soak up her entire meal, however, would make her a humorous oddity in London.

  What Sunny's host didn't realize was how proud she was of herself. Calla had talked as she'd fitted and measured Sunny, and the young girl had learned some interesting facts about life in England. Never once had Calla mentioned the use of a spoon or fork, but Sunny did know that napkins were used instead of finger bowls.

  When Sunny had her fill, she loftily used her napkin to wipe her mouth and hands, even though she didn't feel at all clean when she was done. She also realized, as she laid her napkin down and folded her hands in her lap, how bland the food had seemed. Too hungry to notice earlier, Sunny now felt a vague dissatisfaction over what certainly must be English food.

  "Did you have enough?" Brandon asked her suddenly.

  "Thank you" was all Sunny replied, reminding herself just in 'time that to comment on the food would be disrespectful.

  Brandon opened his mouth to begin his st
ory, but Sunny had begun to think of England.

  "Did my mother and father send you here?"

  ttNot exactly," Brandon answered carefully, not caring for the direction this conversation was heading. He had wanted to start the story by telling her how much she was missed, and about the joy all who had known her had been given to know she was alive and returning to them.

  His hesitancy made Sunny so sure that something was wrong, she stood.UI do not know you." Her small hands were balled into fists at her sides, so great was her frustration. "I do not know if your words are truth."

  "Sunny, please sit back down." Brandon saw her panic and kept his voice even. "You have nothing to fear from me."

  "But how can I know this?"

  "Because in a way I'm like family," he assured her gently. "Your brother is married to my sister."

  Sunny was instantly captivated, and with trancelike movements sat down and stared at Brandon.

  "I have a brother?"


  "WHEN you were 15 months old, your parents decided to take a trip. They left England on a ship headed for various parts of the world. You were with them," Brandon began quietly.

  "Off the coast of Darhabar there was a storm. They were close enough to port that the ship's captain thought they could drop the longboats and go to shore for safety. But the storm was unpredictable, and as the boat carrying you and your parents was rowed toward shore, a huge wave hit. Your parents lost track of each other in this wall of water, and when your father could see again, you and your mother had been washed overboard.

  "In the storm your lather could do nothing but pray. So as soon as the waters stilled he began his search. For days he combed the waters and ports in search of some sign of you. When he visited Ahmad Khan's palace, he was shown to a private chamber where they had prepared your mother's body. Your father was so grief-stricken, that when they said they had not seen you, he didn't suspect a thing. You were so small; it wasn't at all hard to believe you'd been lost to the sea,